57th of Fall 512 AV
Walking amongst the busy crowd, Grek scanned around for things he may need. He took a few moments to think about what he needed.
- A dog for hunting
- A dagger
- A bow
- Some Arrows
- A quiver
- A coat or cloak
Grek kneeled before a series of cages with dogs of every shape and size. A grey dog looked up at Grek with sad eyes before laying his head back down. "Aww come on that's no attitude to live in." Grek whispered into the cage.
"Can I help you young man?" The merchant said as he threw some feed to a bird. Grek stood up and gave a nod.
"You think you can find me a good dog? A loyal hunting dog, I'm looking to improve my skills as a hunter and thought I might need a little help and a companion," Grek said looking into the cages.
"Stay right there, I think I may have something." The merchant disappeared behind a curtain. A few moments of waiting before the man game back out with a leash behind him. "This is one fine dog, strong, loyal and bright." A dog pushed its way through the curtains, He was a big one, His coat a brownish orange, his snout was black, he was a heavy set dog, not an ounce of fat on him from what he saw. A mastiff, this dog was a mastiff with the best qualities of its breed.
"I'll take him! How much for him? " Grek said excitedly while coming down to pet the dog who wagged It's tail.
"15 gold, add another 3 and ill give ya his dish and a leash." He smiled.Not too bad of a price, Grek pulled out his coin pouch and gave the man his 18 gold mizas before taking his dog and walking to another booth.
"I'll name you Kane." Grek pet him as he walked. Soon they came to a booth with weapons. The man behind the counter looked at grek and his dog and sighed.
"What can I get you sir?" He asked. and with quick haste Grek pointed to everything he needed. A bow, a quiver, arrows, a dagger, but no cloak.
The man then totaled up the amount, and bagged the arrows and bow into the quiver. Not much conversation within this transaction, but atleast he got what he came for.
Now 138 GM out of his pocket he is satisfied with his purchases. A new friend, and equipment to start his journey. (Continued in WildLands)