Flashback [The Docks] Patience is a Virtue. (Eridanus)

Ricky spends time with Odis, as Eri comes into the scene.

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Center of scholarly knowledge and shipwrighting, Zeltiva is a port city unlike any other in Mizahar. [Lore]

[The Docks] Patience is a Virtue. (Eridanus)

Postby Ricky Maze on November 1st, 2012, 10:49 pm

70th of Spring, 505 AV
Patience is a Virtue

It was a perfect spring day this early morning in the beautiful city of Zeltiva, the home of commerce and knowledge was a melting pot of cultures waiting to come together; should the locals ever to find the desire. It was actually cool considering how late in the season it was, but it was to be expected when the winds could bring in the humidity that clings to the ocean air. Such weather can be a blessing considering storms can easily manifest from such timely weathet. For Ricky, and his ever faithful companion Odis, this was a perfect day to be active and enjoy the air.

Heading to the shore next to the docks, busy with the usual bustle and everyday jobs the sailors do, the dog led with such zany energy Ricky could hardly keep up. It had been over two years now, already it had felt like a lifetime. His father setting out to sea with his fellow mates, only to never return as the following storm proved threatening for any vessel out at sea. Odis was like family to Ricky now, practically a brother, and their time together was more than enough to get Ricky by. He hadn't been talkin to much of anyone for the longest time, as he mainly focused on finding the inspiration to travel. His current obligation has always been the same, fish like no tomorrow so he could earn his living.

Odis ran along the beach like a wild hound, releasing all the boundless energy he's kept cooped up within. Sniffing a worn stick he found lying around, he quickly began to play with it. Teething the stick as if it were a bone, he jumped on his hind legs and threw his head around. Being a maniac of a canine was his best quality, among all the others he had. Ricky couldn't have found a better companion to have in this time of question he has lived in.

Ricky grabbed the stick with a firm grip, playing a rather bull-headed tug of war with the pup. Finally Odis submitted into letting the stick go, only to rambunctiously bark as his master held the stick up. "You want this boy?! Want the stick?!" He cheered to his dog, the wild canine now slightly jumping a bit. Ricky arched his arm and then threw the stick as far as he could, the pup didn't hesitate to react as he immediately shot off in the direction of his throw. The stick spun repeatedly as it flew, slowly descending to the dirt below. Until Odis finally caught the stick in his mouth, returning his attention his master after he made sure it was secure.

He made his way back to Ricky, who was now sitting on the sand, and dropped the stick next to him. Tail wagging frantically and an entertained grin on his mouth. Ricky laughed as he patted Odis, his mind occupied on the future.
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[The Docks] Patience is a Virtue. (Eridanus)

Postby Eridanus on November 2nd, 2012, 4:09 am

Professor Wejerx had sent Eridanus to the Docks on an after class errand. Apparently, the Sailor's Guild had sent an offer to the University for the acquisition of certain magecrafted goods, perhaps to improve the productivity of their ship building.

Unfortunately, their offer was more akin to daylight robbery. Wejerx had been shaking his head, waving his hands about as he ranted about 'sealegs not understanding the value of magic' and all that. In any case, the University would not have approved the required operations due to the massive loss margin, and even if he had wanted to do it as a favor he would have to finance it out of his own pocket.

There was simply no way around it.

However, the University and the Guild were two of the major factions of power in Zeltiva. Though they seem friendly on the surface, tense political dynamics struggle in the background. They could not do anything that could give the Guild possible political ammunition.

On the context of being polite then, Eridanus was sent to the place with a courteous rejection. In fact, if luck was on his side, he might even catch a glimpse of whatever they were developing that might require those commissioned magecrafted tools.

It took several moments of awkward silence as the student conveyed the message mechanically to the clerk in the office. It was ironic in that the clerk did not fully represent the Guild too, he was just someone working there. Like Eridanus, both of them understood the game, yet they knew they were mere pawns in this huge political game between the two factions. The awkwardness of the invisible tension was real.

Leaving the office with his errand done was a huge relief, and a burden of weight was lifted from his shoulders. As he left the docks, he noticed a man playing with his dog on the beach.

So carefree, one who somehow seems free from the machinations of society.

Without meaning to, the vantha stopped, leaning against the outer wall of the building before the Docks as he watched the scene, appreciating the simplicity and purity of the job involved. If he could not forget his troubles, it would at least be refreshing to watch someone capable of enjoying it truly.
NOTICE: I am currently mostly inactive til August. As such, guild activities are temporarily halted (watch out for major revamps, changes and organizations when I'm back in full force). Any activity with Eri will be rather slow as well, but I am slowly readjusting back to "Mizahar life", so to speak, so do PM me if we have a thread that I left hanging and we'll talk.

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[The Docks] Patience is a Virtue. (Eridanus)

Postby Ricky Maze on November 3rd, 2012, 12:58 am

Odis ever so playful jumped on his master, cause Ricky to groan and laugh at the same time as the dog stuck his muzzle near his master's face. The dog's wet nose pressed up with quick sniffs, tickling Ricky with short moist breath's. Ricky, still laughing at the pup, pushed Odis off playfully, grabbing the stick Odis still held onto. Odis gave a low growl, but it was a playful one. Ricky knew this well, as he did so too. They both growled at each other, Odis' being the more intimidating, for a short moment until Odis made the first move. Their tug of war began once more as Ricky held on with a firm grip, Odis would twist and turn his head in several attempts to shake Ricky's iron grip on the stick. Neither were successful in breaking each others hold, but Ricky knew Odis would let it go very soon.

That which he knew was correct, as Odis happen to let go of the stick. Causing Ricky to slightly tumble back as he regained his balance, he stood up quickly and waved the slobbery stick left and right continuously. The dog barking with excitement as he watched the stick, his round eyes grew bigger as he waiting for his master eagerly. He bowed on his front legs, with a wagging tail in the air, and watched with a open mouth. Ricky still waving the still slowed down his motion, watching with a grin as Odis resisted to charge in on Ricky.

He turned around quickly and arched his arm, throwing the stick into a spiral that flew in the direction of a man leaning against the building. Odis wasted no time or thought, running after the stick with tremendous energy. He reached the stick as it crashed in the sand, snagging it with no trouble as he looked to the man; tail still wagging with gleeful energy. 'Oh boy...' Ricky thought to himself as he began to jog over to the dog, whose attention was now fixed on the stranger. When Ricky made it near Odis he called the dog to divert the pups attention, but had to chase the energetic boy down as he took off to the stranger.

Odis came near the stranger with curiosity, but Ricky managed to catch him before he could do any real damage. Though the dog was almost as harmless as he could be there was no doubt some people didn't appreciate a hyper dog drawing near, which is why Ricky had to ensure that this stranger wasn't bothered with such a dog. If he didn't even like dogs that would make the issue even worse should Odis act inappropriate, for Ricky didn't wish for any trouble to come about so he would have to keep the dog in check.

"Odis settle down boy!" He commanded with a friendly grin, hoping the dogs manner or presence didn't disturbing the man. "I'm terribly sorry if he was botherin' ya sir." He apologized with the same friendly expression, in an attempt to make a first greeting a peaceful one.
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[The Docks] Patience is a Virtue. (Eridanus)

Postby Eridanus on November 4th, 2012, 6:56 pm

The magecraft student watched in interest, opting not to say a word until the man approached him. Smiling gently, he shook his head, raising a non-threatening palm as he said, "No problems at all, stranger. I am but enjoying the scene of pure joy derived from the carefree fun of a man and his loyal dog."

There was much trouble in the world, and it heartened him to see such naked joy. Strangely, watching them play brought some joy to his stressed heart as well. Let no one say that students in the University were lazy, for those in the magecraft department were one of the most tired and overworked in the faculty. Or perhaps maybe it was just Wejerx trying to draw the best out of his apprentices.

"Where are my manners," The vantha continued. "I am Eridanus, a student from the University of Zeltiva. I must say that your dog is one rather splendid fellow. Have you two been together long? The chemistry I see between master and pet is rather astounding."
NOTICE: I am currently mostly inactive til August. As such, guild activities are temporarily halted (watch out for major revamps, changes and organizations when I'm back in full force). Any activity with Eri will be rather slow as well, but I am slowly readjusting back to "Mizahar life", so to speak, so do PM me if we have a thread that I left hanging and we'll talk.

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[The Docks] Patience is a Virtue. (Eridanus)

Postby Ricky Maze on November 4th, 2012, 9:18 pm

"Ricky, Ricky Maze." He replied with a nod, Eridanus did have the look of a student about him. Not one of the simple book study type either, from what Ricky could tell Eridanus seem to be the sort to consort with magic. Which wasn't a bad thing to Ricky, where some believe magic shouldn't be tolerated he found it to be rather practical. In fact Ricky thought it better that such art should be preserved, after all not everybody who uses magic is all that bad.

He laughed a bit when Eridanus spoke of the chemistry between Odis, he definitely sounded like a man from the university. "Oh not even a year yet, but will be this coming summer." He looked to the dog, rubbing his head in a loving playful manner. Odis licked his masters wrist when he did this, and when the affection stopped he looked back to Eridanus with curiosity. He leaned slightly to the man with his tail wagging, wondering if Eridanus was going to let him sniff his hand; and possibly show affection of his own.

The dog had been a blessing since Ricky took him in, not financially though, even though they had a difficult start. The hectic time they spent into teaching and learning was long and tedious, but surprisingly this endless bundle of energy made a great house trained friend.

"Ye' want to pet him? He's a real friendly boy." He asked Eridanus polite as can be, Odis resisting the urge to jump on the man. Ricky hoped Odis wouldn't make that jump, that the dog would contain himself should Eridanus pet him.
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[The Docks] Patience is a Virtue. (Eridanus)

Postby Eridanus on November 5th, 2012, 7:57 am

People often associated magic with the scholar. No doubt it was due to the general mysticism of his presence, for in his mortal form his eyes shifted with the spectrum of the colours, while in celestial form his very presence announced a surreal otherworldliness. Combine that with his archaic form of speaking when he was being generally stiffly formal to people he did not know well, and his civil and educated form of mannerism and speech that spoke of academic wisdom, it was easy to associate him with the old scholarly wizard pouring through musty books.

Well, better than to be seen as those young upstart reimancer punks or the stereotypical psychopathic manipulator with no regard for the sanctity of life.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Mister Maze. If I may be so rude as to intrude, what profession do you happen to be in? I see that you are young but I profess to not recalling your face within the University."

Of course, it was entirely likely that Ricky be a student, though probably not in the magic department. Possibly somewhere in navigations or shipbuilding. The University is a large place after all.
NOTICE: I am currently mostly inactive til August. As such, guild activities are temporarily halted (watch out for major revamps, changes and organizations when I'm back in full force). Any activity with Eri will be rather slow as well, but I am slowly readjusting back to "Mizahar life", so to speak, so do PM me if we have a thread that I left hanging and we'll talk.

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[The Docks] Patience is a Virtue. (Eridanus)

Postby Ricky Maze on November 5th, 2012, 9:01 am

"Haha! Rude?!" He laughed again being slightly entertained, all ready Eridanus was getting to be in Ricky's good graces. He found the man to be overly polite which wasn't too bad, and best of all so far he hasn't shown to be the type to flaunt his knowledge. Ricky grinned as he pat Odis, and continued to finish answer Eridanus. "You can ask anythin' ye' like and will find me hardly offended, and please no need to call me "mister" when just Ricky will do."

"I don't belong to any part of the university, just a fisherman and model citizen like any other." He answered with an enthusiastic grin, and guessed what would come next to Eridanus' mind. "Don't have to apologize if that was about to cross yer' mind, it is after all just who I am." He stated in a jolly attempt to loosen Eridanus up, he hoped it would at least lighten the air of formality a little. Though the man was nothing but knowledge and formality, Eridanus was no doubt a curious fellow at heart.

"What 'bout you? If ya don't mind me asking, what do ye' focus on?" A good question to ask for the conversation to flow, especially if Ricky was to get schooled on something he knew little about.
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[The Docks] Patience is a Virtue. (Eridanus)

Postby Eridanus on November 12th, 2012, 2:48 pm

"Well, I build things," Eridanus replied vaguely. Though Zeltiva was an enlightened city when it came to magic, he did not want to easily reveal such information, stemming from centuries of paranoia of understanding the possibility of being hunted. "To create tools to further our civilization, and for progress. I suppose calling me an 'engineer' would be appropriate, Ricky."

Gazing at the sea, he spoke quietly, "How good are you at making a good meal out of fish, Ricky? Out of curiosity?"

He had learned a thing or two about mixing tastes. It was not magic per se, but the abilities are quite similar to that of magic from what he knew. He had always wanted to try it out, but did not have the chance to do so. Perhaps this friendly citizen might provide him with that chance.
NOTICE: I am currently mostly inactive til August. As such, guild activities are temporarily halted (watch out for major revamps, changes and organizations when I'm back in full force). Any activity with Eri will be rather slow as well, but I am slowly readjusting back to "Mizahar life", so to speak, so do PM me if we have a thread that I left hanging and we'll talk.

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[The Docks] Patience is a Virtue. (Eridanus)

Postby Ricky Maze on November 12th, 2012, 9:48 pm

Ricky nodded when Eridanus described what it was he did, a rather interesting thing to do really. Though Ricky wanted to know more about it Eridanus didn't seem to feel like sharing, so he didn't press the topic any further as to avoid tension growth on the subject. Eridanus seemed to be occupied with another interest any way as he stared out to the see, which was then followed by a rather unusual friendly question. Making a good meal out of fish? Strange question to be asked indeed, but one Ricky had no problems with answering.

"Ya mean cookin em? Well I ain't no super cook or grillmaster for that matter, I can make some stew with it though if not fry or simmer the flipper floppers." He answered modestly with a humble attitude, petting Odis as the dog kept his panting. He wondered what brought that question up really, and what idea was "cooking" in Eridanus' head. It must have something to do with a style or technique Eri was capable of teaching, whether it was or not he had Ricky's full attention now.

Ricky had a pretty good instinctive feel about Eri, the air about him just seemed...rather calm and collected. Ricky found that a favorable trait in people, it gave them a sense of patience and a willingness to teach and learn. What ever Eri had planned now Ricky was interested, so interested that he could not really contain himself. "Why? Do ye know some pretty good tricks and tips for cookin' em?"
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[The Docks] Patience is a Virtue. (Eridanus)

Postby Eridanus on November 16th, 2012, 5:32 pm

Eridanus hesitated, then decided to go ahead anyway. "Well, I was thinking of adding certain... ingredients to food that might help it be more flavorful. Or perhaps even others. I just don't really have friends who can cook - or fish - in any case. It would be good to get fresh fish. I know the market sells them, but the fresh ones get snapped up too quickly by eager housewives and my... experiment might be compromised."

Of course, if he wanted to test out methods of food preservation it could possibly work, but that was not on his mind right now. He was beginning to get a craving for fish as he spoke. It was a strange matter, considering Zeltiva was full of fish. A little explanation should be in order. Due to the abundance of fish, he had been eating them on a regular basis until he began to get sick of them. When he began to feel nauseous at the sight and smell of fish, he began to avoid eating them on principle, sometimes even choosing to let himself go hungry and regain the nutrition at night through Leth's moonbeams if there were no better alternatives in the day. This avoidance caused him to slowly forget the taste of fish, and in essence it 'refreshed' his tolerance for seafood.

Grinning as he stared out at the sea, he continued, "What do you say Ricky? Want to try this crazy idea with me?"
NOTICE: I am currently mostly inactive til August. As such, guild activities are temporarily halted (watch out for major revamps, changes and organizations when I'm back in full force). Any activity with Eri will be rather slow as well, but I am slowly readjusting back to "Mizahar life", so to speak, so do PM me if we have a thread that I left hanging and we'll talk.

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