“Sure am. And if you're wondering what I am doing in a town such as this, I was bored” she answered, at which Valo could not help but smile. Although he wasn't going to question her as to her presence in Zeltiva, it was lovely to hear such a reason. After all, is there really a better reason? Valo him self was the living breathing embodiment of the fact that even the most basic of reasons are good enough.
"You see right though me, don't you?" he said. "Most people look at the hair and instantly assume I'm Inarta. But I'm a half breed of a sort. My mother is Inarta whilst my father was human. In fact I spent most of my childhood in wind Reach. How about you..." a pause as he scanned his brain. " Forgive me but... did I ask your name?"
for a moment he was terribly embarrassed. It's a common curtsy to ask the name of the person you're conversing with. Especially if the conversation is so very enjoyable. But it must have either escaped his mind completely... or worse still, he forgot the name. How shameful!