[West Street] Fashion Disaster (Evalin, Miro)

The alchemist undergoes a transmutation himself. Evalin gets new duds, and Miro pays dearly. An epic plot riddled with twists and turns, mystery and intrigue, while the group struggles in hopes to overcome their toughest obstacle yet… Looking good.

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[West Street] Fashion Disaster (Evalin, Miro)

Postby Evalin on September 14th, 2012, 3:19 am


What greatest trepidation, what grand waste were these times that she spent with the both of them. What point was there to dawdle in clothing and gems when much more was to be had elsewhere? What matter it what ones appearance looked to be when so much more was lost, hidden by misconceptions and deceit brought on by a miss thought identity?

Evalin moved from the pair, heedless of what the boy sought to do until he had moved to stand before her. Halting her progress the girl's eyes narrowed as she watched the workings of magic, yet she did not move even as his res threw itself upon her, wrapping about her thin ankles. The magic worked, Evalin glanced down to see the handiwork done to her. Chains of stone, bonds formed yet unbreakable to this child's body... A nuisance of the highest caliber.

Shifting her legs one at a time Evalin confirmed the situation, and the rage that boiled with her fumed, threatening to boil over. Eva as she stood there the power within her stirred, acting upon its own whim to begin to collect at her finger tips... but then it halted.

Be damned if I have not seen it before... Where has it gone, has it flown form me like the flock in spring? Evalin's hand gripped her staff, the other moving to join it as well, but then her hands relaxed and her fury filled eyes chilled, falling to pits of darkness devoid of any visible emotion at all. A mask of death... Indeed it has... from my shoulders I now let fall that heavy burden I have taken in its place as I reach forth to grasp that soul which has left me.

From the cold gem about her neck the voice spoke, soft as a butterfly's kiss upon her mind, So now the child be gone forever...

Evalin nodded slowly, a simple motion that might go unnoticed to those not observant, Indeed she is...

The res that had been summoned was collected around the child's hands, her shoulders and clung to her hair, yet now it all dissipated, wafting away with the breeze. Bowing her head the girl's eyes were hidden by the long strands of her hair, and then came a voice, soft and apologetic, spoken in the high resonance of a child's tongue, "I... Apologize for my rudeness... I do not know what has become of me, speaking as I have. I hope that... you can forgive me this moment of weakness and childish behavior."


Wretched Aura: As a Wretched One Evalin possesses an unnatural aura about her that causes unease in those who get too close. It can come as a prickle of the hair on the back of the neck, a sense of 'wrongness' about her. How people experience it is different depending on their personality and how they handle the unnatural and unknown. Animals tend to become more agitated, more easily sensing how wrong Evalin is and often avoiding contact with her.
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[West Street] Fashion Disaster (Evalin, Miro)

Postby Miro on September 25th, 2012, 9:46 pm

"As if. Miro, you aren't believing this for a moment, are you? Do not listen, it is obviously a lie. I can see her now, it's all a ruse. There is hate and anger in her eyes. Never has she acted this way before. If ever there was a time to listen to me, it is now!" The wizard only stood still, his back still turned to the Nuit, caught in halfway between her and the store. Miro took his hand and brushed his hair back, causing it to fall to the sides of his face. He continued to look upwards letting out a sigh.

"I don't know that this is like you. Eva, do you really wish to be sorry? In all honesty, it is my mistake, being so rash. I am sorry, it is easy for me to get carried away. If your words are sincere, then perhaps we can carry on? Really, all of this clashing does either of us any good." The kid walked forth, continuing on into the store to continue on with our without the girl. If she was coming, then good, she was capable of being reasonable. Of course if not, Ray would still be leaving with a new set of clothes.

As Miro entered the store he shot his arms out and let out a short yawn. Dealing with all of it had worn him out a bit. Of course using magic and still being bored was never good for morale. This was where things would get fun however. The image Rayage should hold up is important, but so was the fact that he truly would never be whole without tending to his body's needs. He was dead, yet that did not mean his vessel was without needs. A fine set of clothes could not only make him decent to look at, it could make him feel more alive.

The wizard scanned through the different clothing, looking for something that would work well. A simple outfit would be all that was needed. Miro had to keep some of his money for other things, but he would still give Rayage all he needed. The old man looked as if he hadn't looked at his clothing once in the past 100 years. Of course he would need a little help, but the idea of playing dress up with a dead body was the most appealing factor.

Miro started to go a bit wild, pawing through clothes searching for the right articles. A shirt caught his attention as he lifted it, the sleeves falling and dangling. It was maroon and the cotton was quite soft, plus it would cover him well. It fit Ray and without doubt was the best shirt in the store, besides Miro's own of course. There was still more to find, but how simple it was. Pants, shoes, a belt, but perhaps something more as well.

Now the kid would have to start sifting through pants, yet somehow the selection was frustrating. The damn shirt slung over his shoulder did not match up with any of the pants quite right. What he was looking was for a darker leather, something between black and brown, needing to fit him as well. The store had a great selection, making it hard to pick one winner, yet not impossible. Choices were narrowed, down to three pairs.

Each looked to be the correct color, but their sizes were slightly off. Looking closely at the first, it was the perfect size, but ripped. Obviously Miro would never accidentally rip property not his own, so he hid it below other clothes where nobody would see. The last two were between a pair that were too short and some that looked a bit wide for Ray's withered dead body. The larger pair was chosen and slung over the shirt on his shoulder.

What he would need now was a belt, to keep the Nuit from flashing decaying flesh at people. The thought was as amusing as it was horrifying. Belts had some great uses though, with a bit of creativity they could be used in various ways. Grabbing a few wouldn't hurt, but choosing a size too large for a man too small would look silly. Miro walked over to an area where several were hanging, each of their own color and length. He took four longer black belts and one of a dark brown sized for Ray.

Just shoes were left now, but that would not be enough. As he evaluated his chosen clothes he noticed, it felt empty. They were nice clothes, but did not leave an impact. In the back was an array of shoes all lined out. Taking a moment, Miro examined the room in depth. The shop was exceptional, not only in stock, but in display. It was clean and comfortable. Zeltiva had a finer taste, putting more emphasis on subtle beauty than flashy attractions like in Alvadas.

Everything from the floors to displays looked as if they had been scrubbed clean and polished regularly. The walls were light and pale, yet inviting. The clothes looked and felt washed, organization was perfect. The only store that even came close to being this impressive in Alvadas was Divine Legacy. Perhaps it was that Karash was from Zeltiva? Taking a deep breath through his nose was the greatest pleasure. The room smelled so fresh and sweet that even the scent of treated dead bodies was washed away.

As Miro finished enjoying the scent he opened his eyes, finding something that would catch his attention. A black leather jacket on a display. It called out, begging to be taken. It had a sleek appearance, looking as if it would be a snug fit on the undead. As he walked over lifting it from the display and checking it over he noted the crafting. It was sturdy, perhaps a bit heavy, but it was just what was needed.

Though he would have liked to try it on and button it up, it would be too big for the kid. Though Rayage was in a dead body, in its life it had been strong, muscular, bigger than Miro at least. He draped the jacket over both his shoulders, laying slightly higher on one side due to the other articles. All of the clothes were starting to get heavy, but at least he was nearly done. Being so caught up had caused him to stop talking.

Being focused was fine, but he had been ignoring the person he was shopping for. Rayage was in the back already, looking at shoes in his size. As Miro walked towards the man, something seemed a bit off. It was almost as if he seemed relaxed and easy going. "Rayage, I found you these. You can't try them on, so just look them over." Miro took the clothes from his shoulder and held them outwards for the man.

The shoes that the Nuit were looking over were plain and simple, just average leather shoes, some of which in darker colors that would match well. Miro pointed his finger down at a black pair that looked acceptable. "Hey, grab those too." A day like this was always worth the money spent. If all went well, the Nuits may find themselves feeling alive. But at the very least Ray would find clothes from this century, and well, Eva had done plenty already.

With the focus taken of himself, Miro turned his conversation inward, finally ready to address Ender. "I see exactly how she is. But there is no reward in lowering myself to be wary of her. It is not as if I am in danger, and indeed it is her that should be wary. The wisest action I have seen her make was to cower before me and admit fault. I have no patience for people who would act against me with such threats. To say I am unfit my power, unable to control all I am. To nag at me to sit in my place below. Three lifetimes of weakness, three lifetimes of arrogance, three lifetimes too long."

Things would conclude soon, Miro was sure. After shopping was concluded they would most likely part ways, but there was a feeling. All accomplished today would carry on into the days to come. It would be some small victory to see Rayage each day walking in clothes given as a gift. It was only the beginning of the way things would be now on. Evalin and Miro were almost like children to Rayage. It was obvious who the favorite was, and how sweet the praise would be.
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[West Street] Fashion Disaster (Evalin, Miro)

Postby Rayage on October 20th, 2012, 4:51 am

The nuit spent time wandering the store, nothing really catching his eye. Nothing there was really worth his attention. He had seen it all before, but one thing that surprised him about clothes was how it seemed to change and morph over the centuries. Fashion wasn’t what it used to be, no, not at all. Styles changed, even around wizards some robes were considered better than others not because of the quality but because who made them. Or so it used to be. Things have changed now, and he eventually found himself at the shoes. There were many selections. Perhaps one of the many pains of finding a body is outfitting it with new clothes, especially shoes. It was could almost go without saying that once you have a new body then you will have to get new clothes. Look at Evalin, she is the prime example of this problem.

Then he began to think about her predicament a little more and he found it slightly amusing. What in the world possessed her to take a childs body of all things? He supposed its better than being an animal, but a child would never command the respect that the nuit so desired. Surely she knew this, if not, then she quickly learned her folly. He would have to ask her about her choice of body when they are alone. He wanted to know the story behind it as he thought it would be for a good laugh. Hm, not that this kind of shopping made him in a better mood, dear gods, no.

A little while of polite staring at shoes that ‘just might be right’ the boy Miro came up to him. It had seemed that the lad took the liberty of picking out the garments for him. He nuit turned to him and gently accepted the clothes from him, looking them over piece by piece, nodding, examining the materials which each were made out of, ”And this is what you have decided?” he asked, not really willing to turn anything down. If anything he wanted to please the kid, let him know that he ‘cared’ about his decisions and choices. ”So be it.” he said, grabbing the pair of shoes and approaching the clerk, he set the assortment of clothing down on the counter along with the pair of shoes, ”We will be purchasing this, but Im not sure we are done yet” he explained quickly leaving the selected items there and returning to Miro, ”What are you getting yourself?” he asked, eyeing the clothes that the youth was wearing.

"Will Evalin be joining us?' he asked to no one in particular, waiting to see if the girl would show herself.
“Method is more important than strength, when you wish to control your enemies. By dropping golden beads near a snake, a crow once managed to have a passer-by kill the snake for the beads.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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[West Street] Fashion Disaster (Evalin, Miro)

Postby Evalin on November 2nd, 2012, 9:19 pm


Evalin's head remained bowed as Miro walked in the store, her eyes stared at the ground as her mind filled with cold thoughts. Within her soul a passion once burned so bright now sputtered and died, being reduced to dull coals within the ashes of her pent up fury. Straightening slowly her eyes red as fresh spilt blood would look at the now closed door. Eyes filled with an emotion that was beyond hatred and loathing, My... to have been humiliated by a child...

Tsenrika stirred against her mind, Indeed... his cards played by a forceful hand.

Tilting her head the girl touched her familiar sealed in the form of a necklace, Yes... A hand that uses force is one to be watched... Or rather better to sever it completely. Her fingers tightened around her staff, nails digging into the wood, Well played child... You have earned my attention and my loathing. Mark it this day that I shall take from you all that you hold dear and leave you stranded in utter despair...

Turning slowly she made her way into the shop, brushing past other customers and clothing to stand with Rayage and Miro. That man... the great darkness that had overshadowed her light so long ago. How well did he truly know her? He had seen her as an innocent child... As a fully realized nuit after her final lesson. He had seen her in pain, pain caused by he himself. He had seen her trapped within the depths of sorrows born of her own foolish decisions. He had seen her grow. Watch her as she had gained both knowledge and power. He knew of her ambitions, knew of her goals, knew well of who she was even after so many years... yet even so, had he noticed? That look in her eyes. That cold calm, that silent emptiness behind eyes the purest red... had he ever seen her like this? Had he witnessed her when she had come to such a decision before? Certainly he had seen hatred and loathing when she looked upon him, yet what was there now was something... entirely different. Perhaps this was a new side of Evalin he had never seen. So calm, so composed so... Chilled. Like ice, yet even so a feeling that everything around her might burst into flames at any moment. This was the epidimy of what Evalin was, that hard and hidden truth of her being that few knew of, and those that saw quickly perished. Perhaps the look in her eyes was akin to that night with her father as she had watched him burn without shedding a single tear...

"I apologize for keeping you. Rayage I trust your clothing fits well?" The question asked was sincere enough, though those eyes did not change their cold and unfeeling demeanor.


Wretched Aura: As a Wretched One Evalin possesses an unnatural aura about her that causes unease in those who get too close. It can come as a prickle of the hair on the back of the neck, a sense of 'wrongness' about her. How people experience it is different depending on their personality and how they handle the unnatural and unknown. Animals tend to become more agitated, more easily sensing how wrong Evalin is and often avoiding contact with her.
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[West Street] Fashion Disaster (Evalin, Miro)

Postby Miro on November 10th, 2012, 5:07 am

"Ah, no, it is back. I thought you had gotten rid of it Miro! You can't even do that right, can you? Well I am not going to, and it looks like it's staying now. Get to it, go ahead." Ender rang in Miro's ear speaking only scornful words. It was obvious he had wished Evalin gone, but that was opposite what the wizard wanted. The familiar likely already knew this, causing his words to come off as a desperate plea to reconsider.

The boy could hardly blame him. Today had been little more than hassle. Well at least Rayage had been pleasant. Even still, the young Nuit had made the right choice. That meant something, but none of this would ever please the summon. "I will rid us of her, but not now. I am more than happy to sit back and watch for now, wouldn't you agree? So many plans in mind, all that is needed is a bit of patience." To offer a stance that involved being passive would always please Ender however.

Miro quickly clasped his hands behind his back, hiding the familiar from his grin. He would hardly wish for him to see the proof of shallow words, though they were quite true. Without turning, Miro spoke to address the child bodied undead. "Well, I am glad to see you changed your mind. I already have in mind what I want for you, so please, allow me." In front of him was a child's dress, one suited for Evalin. It may be a little small or big, but it fit better than her current clothing. He was not much for choosing dresses, but expected to pay a bit as he checked it over.

It felt of silk, and its coloring was dark and rich. A deep purple tone throughout, having a maroon velvet band that wrapped around it above the waist. It was long, looking as if it would cover everything short of her ankles and arms. Miro began to giggle slightly, pawing at the shoulders of the dress that had a slight poof to them. It was a great find, and it made shopping for Evalin quite easy. To match now he would have to find some shoes in a similar color. Near the back, with the rest of the shoes were slippers.

Miro casually walked back, mostly a being of arrogance by now. His stride was long and slow, as if he had all the time in the world. Rayage was waiting by the counter, and Eva, well, she was somewhere he guessed. With his chin still raised high, the boy scanned through the footwear, slowly declining in size. The baby feet sizes luckily had stock of slippers, and though he was unsure of the size, they stopped growing smaller at a point. He deemed it best to choose the smallest, as he doubted the Nuit choose a freak for a body with massive feet.

After he snatched the purple slippers, he slipped back up to where Rayage stood. A young girl manned the counter. Perhaps daughter or relative of the shop owner, obviously trusted enough to handle the money coming through. Miro placed his goods alongside the clothes already present, beginning dig out coins from his pouch. He still payed little attention to Eva's movements or opinion of the clothes meant for her, caring little to know. He counted out fifteen gold-rimmed Miza, sliding them forward with a coy smile. "Will this be enough for these items?"

To this, the girl smiled back, turning to look over at Rayage for a moment before looking down. She checked over each item before she took the money back and replied. "Y..yeah, that should be fine. Will that be all?" The boy's smile changed now, sensing the slight awkwardness in her voice. Normally he would not look twice at this girl, but having the chance to play with a naive mind was alluring. "Well, actually there is one thing you can do..." And with those words, the wizard began to stream his djed into his hand, emulating the twisted chest feeling of infatuation in his mind.

Miro leaned in, pulling another coin from his purse and sliding it over to the girl. "You can take this tip for me, you know, for your smile being the brightness of my day." Using the eye contact as a medium, he tickled at her aura to implant a simple thought to tease her mind. It took a moment for him to connect with her, and the djed cast seemed weak. "He is cute." And though this technique had often failed him, he would not allow it to happen again. The flaw would be fixed, this time for sure. The girl smiled back yet again, reaching down to receive the coin.

Just as she placed her hand on it, Miro placed his hand on hers. He focused on the quickened beating of his heart, imagining hers doing much the safe. Once again his mind filled with the sweet heart fluttering captivation of love. The boy stared, deep into her eyes, still holding his hand as a link to her emotions. He leaked the accumulated djed he had stored in his hand, willing it to fill her with a loving feeling. This time it was much easier due to the physical contact. As he finished pouring in the emotion, he backed away and raised an eyebrow, noticing her reddened face.

Miro then turned to Rayage, flourishing his arm with a slight bow, presenting him with his gift. He then hung Evalin's dress over his arm and grabbed the slippers. He then walked over to her and smiled politely with his arm held out. "Here you are little lady! Now you can have some clothes that fit you. Well, I hope they fit. Should be better at least." His job was done here, more or less. He felt his hypnotism was even great. Everything was great, because he had a hand in it. "I guess I'm just that good, huh Ender?"

"Keep dreaming Miro, you're still going to get us killed."
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[West Street] Fashion Disaster (Evalin, Miro)

Postby Paragon on December 17th, 2012, 3:57 pm


Skill XP Earned
Philosophy 2
Rhetoric 1
Hypnotism 1
Observation 1

Lore Earned
A Professor's Obligations
"Playing the Game"
Frivolity of Human Life


Skill XP Earned
Intimidation 1
Acting 1
Philosophy 1
Rhetoric 1

Lore Earned
Distracted from Reflection
Frivolity of Human Life
Cowed before a Mortal
"Playing the Game"


Skill XP Earned
Philosophy 1
Rhetoric 1
Leadership 1
Hypnotism 1
Reimancy 2
Investigation 1
Familiary 2
Intimidation 1

Lore Earned
Fashion Police
Arrogance towards the Nuit
Dressing a Nuit

Legend Becomes Reality

Fun thread, Miro scares me sometimes with what he might be capable of. Fun concept, dressing up Nuit! ;) If you have any questions or concerns regarding your grade, please send me a PM and we can work from there.
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