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Jason Alexander; What else can one do when the odds of power are so humorously imbalanced?

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While Sylira is by far the most civilized region of Mizahar, countless surprises and encounters await the traveler in its rural wilderness. Called the Wildlands, Syliran's wilderness is comprised of gradual rolling hills in the south that become deep wilderness in the north. Ruins abound throughout the wildlands, and only the well-marked roads are safe.

two out of a little.

Postby Eridanus on November 1st, 2012, 6:28 am

"Right, I understand the limitations of resources," Eridanus agreed, choosing not to pursue this further. Their points were made on the subject, with differing opinions due to different perspectives. Jason was a human, a short-lived species. They do not have the luxury of time, unlike ethaefals like himself, to pursue everything out there. Hence, their choices were not that of "why not everything?" but of choosing the optimal path.

"Let us imagine that there is an organization that focuses on research and development in order to push the boundaries of known magic. This organization pursues knowledge for knowledge's and passion's sake, rather than for an end-goal like that of Sahova's wish for world domination. The end-goal for this organization would be illumination and enlightenment; understanding the truth and the Truth. Using knowledge to further knowledge. Of course, side effects can vary from the results of these research, but ultimately they must be for the good for the guild, then the masses."

"Then imagine wizards of varying disciplines, collaborating together and sharing knowledge, helping each other in their chosen field of research. Cross-pollination of expertise as well as shared facilities and information."

Grinning as he made eye contact with the mage, "If such an organization exists, and wishes to extend an invitation to you to join because of the proven worthiness of your passion and objectives... what would you do?"
NOTICE: I am currently mostly inactive til August. As such, guild activities are temporarily halted (watch out for major revamps, changes and organizations when I'm back in full force). Any activity with Eri will be rather slow as well, but I am slowly readjusting back to "Mizahar life", so to speak, so do PM me if we have a thread that I left hanging and we'll talk.

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Postby Jason Alexander on November 3rd, 2012, 1:29 pm

Pausing as the words of the Eth confused him until he realized what he was speaking about. The dark hair ‘man’ was speaking of the group of mages he had spoke about a few chimes earlier. Listening fully to his questions and thinking for a moment if the wizard would truly want to work with other magic users. An organization of magi who practice all different forms of magic, each working on different research to push those areas past the common practice of modern mages, would he really want to be part of this?

“Answer me this Master Eridanus. If I were to join a magic group like this, if it exist, what would be required of me? Would I be free to travel the world as I do now? Would I be granted knowledge of magic declines as long as I return the favor? Where would a group like this exist at? I would be interested in such a group, but I do not want to give up my freedoms to pursue my research as I see fit. If that makes sense to you.” Advises the younger of the duo around the fire.

Keeping looking from the Eth to the surrounding around them. Noticing that the Knights and Squires of the company still inhabit the fire circles surrounding them, Jason relaxed once more knowing that it still wasnt time to turn in for the evening. Looking into the fire, watching its flames continue to burn through its life giving wood.
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Postby Eridanus on November 3rd, 2012, 2:09 pm

Eridanus smiled at the man's question. This was an interesting game that they were playing, one that was direct yet indirect. One that revealed information without confirming anything.

"If such a group existed, Mister Alexander, it would require you to contribute; it cannot hope to survive if freeloaders joined simply to leech free knowledge and expertise. View it as an investment, by commiting time and resources to the guild, it pays back many more times in multiplicative and collaborative knowledge and expertise. Does that make sense?"

He thought about the man's question about freedom and chuckled, for he felt that it was a strong issue for himself as well whenever he was asked to commit to anything.

"You are free to travel the world to conduct your research, but if a magic group like this exists, I would expect it to require a minimum contribution of sorts by its members. I would also imagine that it views results more importantly than the process, so even if you spend a year in a different world, there would be no issue so long you feed back that knowledge to the guild."

He began to fiddle with his crayon, attempting to spin it around his fingers though he failed. Yet, he was not embarrassed; there was no reason to hide one's failures as long as one was honest about it and willing to confront it.

"What would your response then be to such a group, Mister Alexander? Or do you have further hypothetical queries?"
NOTICE: I am currently mostly inactive til August. As such, guild activities are temporarily halted (watch out for major revamps, changes and organizations when I'm back in full force). Any activity with Eri will be rather slow as well, but I am slowly readjusting back to "Mizahar life", so to speak, so do PM me if we have a thread that I left hanging and we'll talk.

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Postby Jason Alexander on November 3rd, 2012, 2:37 pm

Nodding at the answers his fellow mage gave to each of his questions to the satisfaction of Jason. They were direct in matter that we were no long speaking in the hypothetical matter. He confirmed that this group did exist within the world and that they were truly a group of researching just to research, or so he said. He would agree to join this group, but he would still have to be cautious. Magi tend to be power-hungry and manipulative but something about this Eridanus, who he had been speaking to for the better part of the evening, said that he wasn’t in the arts of magic to steal from others and gain power. But it never hurt to be cautious in approaching something unknown.

Carefully thinking of the correct words to use in his response the fire mage answered. “I do believe I would be interested in this group you speak of. I believe that my research could be regeared into research into other worlds and the actual art of summoning itself with a side focus of my current research. Or the other way around, I continue my research with a side of focus of other worlds and summoning itself. I with my knowledge in that field as well as my minor knowledge in Reimancy I believe I could give some wisdom into these areas to this group.” Jason advised the moon child to his answer. “As well, I could travel to another world. But without a fellow summoner here on ours I would be stuck there for the rest of my most likely extremely short life.” He added with a chuckle.

Maybe this trip wasn't a complete waste after.
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Postby Eridanus on November 3rd, 2012, 2:50 pm

That was the answer Eridanus was waiting to hear. Of course, Summoning was hard to pull off alone, especially if one had loft goals such as that of Jason's. They would need the assistance of a proper division of magi and support staff, though the idea of a full reverse summoning operation excited the ethaefal of the possibilities.

"In that case, Mister Alexander, I think the time to speak of hypothetical situations has past. This group I that I speak of indeed exists, and it is known as the Order of Transcendence. It is based in Alvadas, though the guild base will most likely be in the Unforgiving though near enough to the city, but out of their jurisdiction."

"As per my assessment of your intent, goals, character and motivations, as the leader of the Order of Transcendence, I, Eridanus, hereby extend a formal invitation to you, Mister Alexander, to join the Guild. If you require further briefing on our guild affairs, I can give you the public spiel we have prepared for external people. If your mind has already been set, I can answer any internal questions you may have on the details of our running after you accept."

"This is a big question that I do not expect members to take lightly; it is fine if you require some time to consider this through. However, consider the invitation to begin from thus: Will you join us?"
NOTICE: I am currently mostly inactive til August. As such, guild activities are temporarily halted (watch out for major revamps, changes and organizations when I'm back in full force). Any activity with Eri will be rather slow as well, but I am slowly readjusting back to "Mizahar life", so to speak, so do PM me if we have a thread that I left hanging and we'll talk.

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Postby Jason Alexander on November 3rd, 2012, 4:31 pm

Even though he didn’t want to admit it, the thought of joining this group and having others to learn from and help on his research excited Jason. As Eridanus spoke confirming the existence of the group, based out of Alvadas a city Jason had been too a few once or twice over the years. Jason could help but smile showing the other his brilliant smile that seemed to glow due to the fire light. By the time he officially offered Jason to join the ranks of the Order, Jason looked like a kid ready to open his presents on his birthday. It has been a long time since something has made Jason this excited nor gave Jason hope that he would actually succeed in this task.

“Very well Master Eridanus, I would like to hear your, what did you call it, public spiel about the Order. As well I do have a few questions of my own. First off, what would my official job be within the Order? Secondly, what all is required of me? Thirdly, how many members are within the ranks of the group? And lastly, do you have a lab or somewhere I could begin my work in a stable in environment once this gods forsaken campaign is over and we get paid? I believe once I hear your answers I will indeed join your ranks.” Asked Jason as the questions popped into his head. Calmly reaching over and getting into his bag. He grabbed his notebook and a quill along with his ink. Preparing to write down the more important information as he waited for the reply of the Eth.
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Postby Eridanus on November 4th, 2012, 1:37 pm

"You wish to hear the public spiel? Very well then."

Taking a moment to compose himself, the ethaefal began to launch into a short, formal speech. Interestingly, it was like a different person, for Eridanus presented a different, stoic image to the public. As the leader and public representative of the Order of Transcendence, it was important to present a reliable and stable image to the public - in lieu of the general distrust of magic and wizards - and that was evident in the method by which he made a speech. A carefully crafted friendly yet serious expression, slow but solid hand gestures, and the hint of a smile that spoke of approachability yet tempered by the somberness of his gaze to show that he could be relied on not to screw up when it came to magic. It was, all and all, an act.

"The Order of Transcendence is first and foremost a guild of magi based on research and dealing in knowledge and information. We aim the expand and stretch the known boundaries of magic, discover and relearn lost magical disciplines, reinvent hybridization of magical disciplines, paramagic and crafting industries, and in the process seek the True Way. As our secondary goals, we seek to reduce the stigma of magic in the eyes of the public through education, empowerment and endowment of positive consequences of our research of the masses, and to become a recognized regulating and endorsement agency of magic, thus making magic accessible and safe for all. We are hopeful that this will usher in a golden age of development, enlightenment and progress and to improve the standard of living and stage of civilization for all."

His confident gaze settled on Jason for several moments as he allowed his message to sink in, before he slumped his shoulders, breaking out of his formal image, his voice returning to a more conversational and informal one.

"It's tiring to maintain a public image," He muttered.

"Now in response to your other questions, Mister Alexander. Your official job within the Order is the same as the rest: to further our guild goals through your own passion in your field of research. How you do it is up to you. Secondly, there are a few things required of you. To contribute to the guild in your own capacity, and to not sabotage the guild's efforts in terms of our literal work, and of our reputation. That should be pretty obvious,k actually. Thirdly, we are just a starting guild and we have few members, though the number may increase upon my return if my interim leader is capable enough. Finally, at my knowledge we do not have one at the moment. However, upon my return I fully intend begin massive construction of our guild base in Kalea, which will definitely involve anything and everything that you may require. There are no plans to build a dedicated summoning facility at the moment, but with your addition into our folds we would have to seriously consider it."
NOTICE: I am currently mostly inactive til August. As such, guild activities are temporarily halted (watch out for major revamps, changes and organizations when I'm back in full force). Any activity with Eri will be rather slow as well, but I am slowly readjusting back to "Mizahar life", so to speak, so do PM me if we have a thread that I left hanging and we'll talk.

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Postby Jason Alexander on November 4th, 2012, 7:54 pm

Smirking slightly at the discomfort his brother in arms displayed, while he gave the speech over the Order and its business, Jason listened to each word that the Eth spoke. The speech that he gave seemed to be meant for the uneducated of the magical arts. Like it was a speech to defend himself and the order from the superstitions of the none magical about magic. Rather than the as a full informative speech to a mages that sought to joining their ranks.

"It's tiring to maintain a public image," Eridanus muttered as he slumped down from his at attention like matter he held giving the speech. “When you work with the dangerous and the unknown that people tend to fear, a good public option is required. But I would say your public image Master Eridanus is top of the line rivaling even the Grandmaster’s himself.” Stated Jason with a small smile at the comment Eri stated. “Even if it is tiring, you are good at it.” The fire mage added.

Smiling the moon mage started back up again answering Jason’s other questions. But these he answered in a more relaxed and open matter. As he answered the questions Jason would nod his head in response. As Eri finally finished the second part of his speech, Jason thought on his words. Looking from the mage to the fire, pondering his choices and the decision that could affect his rest of his life, he finally answered the pale creature.

“I believe I will accept your offer to join the Order. You Ser Eridanus, commander of the Order of Transcendence, have yourself a summoner and a new researcher.” Jason stated as he offered up his hand to shake the Ethaefal.
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Postby Eridanus on November 8th, 2012, 1:11 am

Eridanus grinned as he raised his hand to shake that of the mage's warmly.

"In that case, Mister Alexander, consider yourself as part of our growing family," The moonchild smiled, joy crinkling the sides of his eyes as the full flare of his ethereal beauty shone in his cheer. "Welcome to the Order of Transcendence, my friend, and may we seek further and greater heights together."

NOTICE: I am currently mostly inactive til August. As such, guild activities are temporarily halted (watch out for major revamps, changes and organizations when I'm back in full force). Any activity with Eri will be rather slow as well, but I am slowly readjusting back to "Mizahar life", so to speak, so do PM me if we have a thread that I left hanging and we'll talk.

"You must be one hardcore scholar, Eri." (Laszlo)
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Postby Balderdash on November 20th, 2012, 3:15 pm

Delicious rewards! Happy days and jubilation!

Eridanus :
Skill XP Awarded
Reimancy 2
Auristics 2
Negotiation 1
Teaching 1
Rhetoric 2

Lores: @!%& Sunberth, Reimancy Is Hard, Jason Alexander, Son of Marcus and Bethany Alexander, Born Within the Walls of Syliras, Competent Reimancer, Professor Of Long Titles. Jason’s Life Story, Jason’s Logical Processes, Using Hypotheticals, Jason’s Answer

Items and Consequences: +1 Jason Alexander.

Jason :
Skill XP Awarded
Observation 1
Reimancy 1
Negotiation 1
Storytelling 1

Lores: Trolling A Novice, Eridanus The Horny Ethaefal, Eridanus Chilled With Leth, Eridanus’ Holy Grimoire, The Anvil of Souls, Search At Home First, The Order of Transcendence, Eridanus’ Invitation

Items and Consequences: Your PC is now a member of the Order of Transcendence.

An interesting social thread... Glad to see the Order growing! Keep up the good work, you two. :)

If you have any questions or concerns about this grade, please PM me. A happy you makes a happy Balderdash!

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