She smiled, still leading him on a tour.
"We have twenty three horses here right now plus the various boarders and those keeping animals here for a short time during their stay at Riverfall. Five of those are still foals on their mothers. I just sold three foals, one to pay for the roof cistern on the bath, the other two to pay for forge stone and various supplies for the forge we're building. There's also a resident cat, owl, a stray Ivaski who's very old, a fennec fox, and occasionally a bear. There's probably more I don't know about, but it changes on a daily basis." She said gently as she lead him through the courtyard and up the steps into the clinic.
There was a lot to see within. The double doors lead into an examination room with a supply room off to one side and a surgery off to the other. There was a philtering lab and Kavala's office in each corner which flanked a reception and waiting room. He could see how she was trying to juggle a great deal of things in one space - healing, herbalism, medicine, and philtering... and it seemed to be working. And though she didn't show him the private quarters upstairs, she did point out the stairs that lead upwards and told him that was where she lived. They also visited the kennels in the basement which consisted of a series of comfortable waiting and recovery areas for whatever animals were being treated - of which there were several. Two dogs were in, both having been in a rather bad fight. A small lamb was being treated for twisted joints which Kavala thought could be cured by braces until its bones started to harden. There was a feline, a wounded prairie falcon, and a litter of kittens that were severely underweight with no mother. All looked well tended and explained why Kavala looked rather tired.
"You don't remember, do you, where you used to work before?" Kavala asked curiously, wondering if he was a healer attached to a temple or if he'd somehow been working at a place like Riverfall had now.
When he asked his questions, she didn't answer immediately. But rather, she finished the tour until they were past the medicinal garden and vegitables, and back on the Veranda where she could fix him something to eat.
"I've had Sanctuary since coming here, in the Winter of 509. Two seasons. It was a run down factory of some sort and we had to start over. The city gave it to me as a business to run after the rescued me from a slave caravan bound for the Zith. I was in pretty bad shape and probably would have died. The Akalak saved my life and gave me a new start here. That makes me a Nakivak." She paused, knowing he had big gaps in his memory and might or might not understand.
"They are waiting to see if I feel better. If I come out of this okay - sane and whole. There was a lot of abuse with the slavers. Not just rape, but other things. And since its only been two seasons and us Konti are slow to show child, they are waiting to make sure my waist doesn't thicken. Then once its determined I'm fine... one of them will come to collect my debt to them for rescuing me. A child. Basically I'm a broodmare for Riverfall, since the Akalak have no women and are often loosing the children they get on humans at birth, they make other arrangements to make sure they get their sons. Whomever steps forward first I'll have to pay my debt to the city with. But don't get me wrong. I don't mind. It's a small price to pay for being alive. I just wish they'd get it over with so I can stop waiting and wondering who it will be." She said gently. And the way she said it left him no doubt she was in fact fine with it, though a little sad at all the Akalak caution and curiosity.