"We're done here. There's nothing more I can do until the system starts functioning and problems arise that need correcting. I'll have to see it all working to finish it and see what needs adjusting." She said, glancing around. It wasn't a large space, but deep in the cold mountain it wouldn't stink in the summer nor would their nightsoil freeze in the winter. And The Sanctuary would be safer. No waste would run from streams into waterways. They would reclaim what they used and move onwards. Kavala sighed, tired, and looked around.
"Now, back to the rooms. I'm going to coat their walls with decorative stone and decide on furniture." Kavala said. She lead Serrif upwards, not sure what role he wanted to play in the decorating. Kavala had more need of reimancy for it. But she'd already decided to randomly pick room colors. She started with Serrifs. Pulling a little velvet bag from her belt, Kavala mixed up the stones inside her bag and pulled out a random gemstone.

She kept it on her palm and studied it. Glancing up at Serrif, she smiled.
"Rainstone. I'll use it for the inspiration for the colorscheme in your room. Whites with blues and greys as highlights and accent colors. I'll coat the walls with this and make the floor a dark deep blue." She added.
"You can help by starting a list of the furnishing s you need and where you want them placed. We'll have to get an inventory to the furniture maker soon, and then send messages to any linen and rugmakers we need. Each room is budgeted so we cant go over budget, but we can do our best to make sure they are comfortable and luxurious." Kavala said, looking thoughtful. She paced the newly made length and width of Serrif's room, not minding his things being there, and started on the floor. She picked out the deepest color of blue in the rainstone and began coating the floor with res. In her mind she worked out a herringbone pattern of stone in various dark medium and light shades of blue and infused the res into that pattern slowly coating the floor with a luminous cheerful deep blue floor. She was on her hands and knees for most of it, spreading res and making adjustments to how she formed her stone pattern. In the early days of the Common's she'd always do a pattern with a template. But now that she was better at laying stone. She laid it down like a stonemason would, forming one brick at a time, interlocking them with each other, and filling the spaces between with sand that acted like grout.
It was a beautiful pattern, deep, dark, and intimate when she was finished. It lead the viewers eye to dance all over the room and to not miss any corner or recessed shelf.
Speaking of which, she went back, before working on the walls and ceilings, and added nooks and crannies to the wall, recessed, where Serrif could store things - little treasures, books, personal artifacts. She also made a walk-in closet so a wardrobe wouldn't be needed, making him wheelbarrow all the sand out. She decided where the bed placement was going to be and recessed where nightstands could go, giving him book nooks on either side of where he slept so he could take and keep his reading books, journals, and other projects right by his bedside.
Then, finally, she took the rainstone in her hand, studied it, and seemed to meditate on its properties, looking deep inside the stone. She did this settled on the floor at the foot of where his bed would be. Breathing deeply she studied every aspect of it, the inclusions, the flecks of blue color, and how the stone looked a little tourmalinated and rutilated. After she'd grown confident in understanding the pattern, Kavala stood up and began around the doorway. She coated res on the walls and then manipulated the design so that clear stone formed beneath her hands, infused with bubbles and bursts of color.
It was difficult work, not that she had to touch every inch. But it was difficult in that she had to concentrate on the stone growing clear, infusing, and being like the sample she had in her hand. The design of the stone caught the light and seemed to glow from within as most quartz did. It refracted light a thousand times bouncing it around inside itself and off its inclusions before releasing it making the walls have a decidedly defuse glow. She coated everything with it, growing more bold on the formation of the patterning as she went. Where the stone met the blue of the floor, the two gems blended so the floor seemed to be pulled up into the walls. The overall effect looked like the blue bursts of color throughout the rainstone had fallen down onto the floor and had puddled there, making water rise up. It was a striking effect and one Kavala was proud of as she moved through Serrifs chamber. The ceiling she left dark, coating it with black quarts tinted with hints of blue and grey. She shot it through with rutilated quartz in a lightening pattern periodically.
It wasn't visible from just standing in Serrif's room. But laying on his bed, with candlelight flickering, one would be able to see the lightening patterns light up as candlelight in the room danced around with Sanctuary's odd inner air currents.
When she was done, Kavala thought the overall effect stunning and hoped it was something Serrif really would enjoy. She sat down on a crate, looked like she could use a rest, and looked expectantly at him.
"Well, what sort of furniture do you have on your list? Decorations too?" She said, raising an eyebrow.