Clyde simply listened as Crpyt went on about how he would think of and regard the knights in the future... It was hard to say whether or not he meant what he said, but Clyde would just have to assume he did. With all of his long winded-ness, and speeches, it was a bit distracting to try and puzzle out the actual facts and info, which were speckled within it. Luckily Clyde was getting good at listening and observing, and picking out important details, or he would have lost track of what Crypt was talking about ages ago.
Then it was on to a tale of some random man in Alvadas, who had used a glyphed scroll to spray people with water. A rather silly application of the magic. Certainly not a use he would use it for.
But then he was on to the meat of his question, learning what Crypt thought of glyphing, and what could be done with it. He was interested to hear of it... Every person he had seen to know of glyphing had some odd idea of what it did... And invariably were wrong.
"In some ways you are right in what you know... In others, not so much. But the important thing for you to recall, is what glyphing truly does. Glyphing by itself does nothing. Its use is in how it interacts with other magic and djed. Glyphing does not per say enhance other magic, but it does tend to make it easier to use them, or safer. Glyphing is simply a way to manipulate djed. Now, the other magics done, reimancy, flux, auristics, all use djed to make the end result. Glyphing can be used to make this smoother, and to make sure it keeps within the restraints you put on it."
Clyde took a moment to pause, and let all of the info sink in. Then he brought his hand to the mud by the side of the water, and trailed a long line across it.
"Think of glyphing as a road. This line here is the road. It is direct, it is flat and smooth, and easy to go across. And it makes sure you do not get lost, or go out of bounds. Think of your magic as the horse. Now, we do not deny that a horse on a road goes faster than a horse in the wilds and arrives faster, do we? We do not deny that a horse on a road is less likely to get lost, and go off path, and to take a less than direct route. It is less likely to stumble and mess up. All of these things are true, of a horse on a road. But the road is not doing anything by itself. It is only how it interacts with the horse that matters."
Smiling, now that his metaphor had come to its end, he swept his hand across the line, marking it out.
"Your magic, a specific example of the use of djed, is that horse, traveling the line that was that road. Now, like that road, a glyph does many things, however it all depends on the kind of glyph, and the way it is structured. Like a road, glyphing can speed up magic, by making a more direct route for it, or a lane for it to travel down. Or, it can draw magic to it, by creating a focus, or a specific spot for the magic to be drawn to. allowing magic to be gathered to the spot much easier and cleanly. It makes sure the magic only takes the route you want, and that bits of it don't get lost or wander off on the way in your body."
Clyde smiled up at Crypt, having gone off on what he had thought was his own best way to explain glyphing to him, ignoring the specific questions he had asked and wanted answered, which was such a simplistic way of it. No, he would take his route to explain it, and probably end up explaining it better than if he had followed Crypts route.
"So, that is what glyphing is, and what it does. A pretty wide explanation of it, and its facets. But before we carry on, do you understand? Do you now understand what glyphing is, and what it does? And what it is not?" |