Quest Anything the Light Touches (Nashira)

... What about that Shadowy Place?

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The vast mountain range of Kalea is home of secret valleys, dead-end canyons, and passes that lead to places long forgotten or yet to be discovered.

Anything the Light Touches (Nashira)

Postby Fallacy on August 9th, 2012, 2:52 am

42 Summer 512 AV


OOCThis was months in the making. Sorry for taking so long to get it up. Enjoy!

There is a reason why The Unforgiving is called The Unforgiving. It’s not the nature of the place, or the harsh environment in which people are forced to trot to get from Point A to Point B. Well, some would say that, but this wilderness if anything reconciles human nature. The great peaks show the ups and downs of emotion, the everlasting dance of confusing trees sprout upon the side of a cliff. The sun and moon show both the good and the bad, the light and the dark side of human intent, and the four seasons reflect upon themselves the manner of constant, swirling change. It was in this environment that our adventurer finds herself in today.

Syna shone magnificently today. Her rays pierced through the multitude of trees, hitting the rocky and uneven floor Nashira was traveling about. Though her climb was utterly exhausting, it felt as if when a beam of light touched her that her energy was restored and she felt that she could go just a little further. It was upon that borrowed time that she climbed high into the mountains, getting closer and closer to the shining Syna. Never before had she been so close to the sun, never before has the rays of light shone brighter than today, and never before has the light given her this much attention. It seemed to follow her today, peeking through the trees and looking when the forest obscured Synas view of the Eth. The sun was watching and somehow Nashira knew it.

What was it watching for? One might ask that question. Was she just glad to have a follower so close, or was there something else? Something darker is at hand… Anywhere the Light touches Syna can see, and it is often said that she sees too much even being able to see past Illusion itself.

It wasn’t long before the Eth came upon a small opening. No trees were present and Syna’s rays were abundant. Her light falling upon the land, warming it, nurturing it, unnatural patches of grass sprouted from the dirt, and it was here that Nashira felt the closest to Syna since her fall. Taking time, she rushed into the sunlight, basking it, feeling it’s all too gentle warmth and smooth touch. A joy would fill her as the light cascaded upon her skin, almost swallowing her into the rays itself, but just as quickly as light can bring joy it can also reveal places of darkness. For sharing in Synas glory, hidden away and carved into the very earth itself, was an opening.

ImageThe opening itself stood alone, and was quite tall. Synas light fell upon it, but didn’t make much leeway into the cave itself. The beams of light were quickly absorbed by the darkness which ruled there. If the seasons represented the change of human state, what did this cave mean? Was it the thoughts that one refuses to bring up, or was it homage to those ignorant to the suns beams and powers? There are many ways to view a cave. Everything being exactly as it seems, or it meaning nothing at all. There was no reason to overthink this, right?

As warm and delightful as Syna’s light was, the cave had an allure of its own, and from within there could be heard an echo. Some words or maybe a stone falling into a pond. Who knows what that echo is; only that the echo did, in fact, exist.

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Anything the Light Touches (Nashira)

Postby Nashira on August 9th, 2012, 5:58 pm

Pearlescent horns sparkled with the first rays of opulence; golden colored threads interweaving through coarse strands of auburn and flaxen material. Curled rams rested against bristle; bedding tickling split hooves and twisted knots of alabaster fur. Molten amber eyes coalesced into smoldering pools. Flecked with vibrant shades of orange and red captured behind blackened band to contain treacherous mote. Fissures ran through obsidian shield, crackling as material split towards the core. Bolts of lightning crawling towards crowned rampart as the floodgates opened. Liquid red pouring into snowy field; formulating the first of blood rivers, which coursed against narrowed round. They pulsed; rocking against the surface, fighting uphill battle as illuminated coals churned. Bubbling as twisted tendrils of grey smoky vapors, rose from central spiral. Swirled alongside pot of scalding substance; the coupling of blackened soot stained coals and magma. Kindling crashed onto iron beds; cool as sweet summer breeze. Simmering pot twisted as gaze lifted a little higher, taking note of uneven terrain. Pock marked skin of simpering flesh gone grey with overgrown proximity to funeral pyre. Ashen skin against which Syna's candle flickered uneasily as it was cast into shadow. Convulsing as its stomach, agitated, forced mouth to part in question. Grim toothed opening leading away into body writhing in agony.

Nashira's right hand extended towards the mouth of the cave. She was surprised she hadn't noticed it before. But with the lay of the land, and the way it furled into fissures, cavernous mouths growing over lower lip like bulbous nose of human face, it seemed suddenly less startling. With fingers splayed, the Ethaefal took tentative step forward. Her strides measured, cautious as prickling ears continued to pick up on voices off in the distance. Or what she thought were voices. Considering she had seen naught another being for several days, she supposed it more likely that the calls were from a beast, or perhaps bird, taken to mimicking the speech of less base creatures. Sparkling iridescent flesh of pink and gold hues neared, finally drawing across the upper lip of earthen cavity. Instantly, as hand could as ice trailed up the length of her arm, fingers furled. Nails biting into jagged bed; gripping as though it were for life itself. Elongated petals ground against rising and falling peaks, flitting uneasily as beds of mica flaked away. Falling to the ground by her feet as easily as fluffy white powder from a branch too weak to continue carrying.

"Hello?" Nashira called into the darkness, her pupils beginning to dilate as they swept aside the chance of basking in Syna's glory. As they considered taking in a world cast eternally in night's dark blanket. The Ethaefal had paused a moment, ears straining, so as to better hear. But nothing came to them. Shrugging as though with naught a care, the woman continued to step forward. Losing herself behind the cave's teeth. Her hand dragging away from mouth grown slick by tongue's lick. A whet of crackling lips as anticipation rose. The expectancy for a new meal; otherworldly dinner crossing Caiyha's mind as the hypnotist continued to near her center. Eyes continually straining to adjust to the dark, to see what lay ahead as boiled leather soles scraped against undulating rock formation. The occasional salivary gland which spewed transparent beads; markers of a being's lust. Trickling rivers of crystal clear tears which trickled between toes, wiggling with unease.

The Ethaefal's heart began to pick up the pace, drumming out rhythmic tune by which she could walk as her breath caught in her throat. Hands reaching out to either side of her form, so as to seek balance, if not something to support her figure. Guide her lithe physique into whatever lay beyond. "Hello?" she called again, this time, expecting even less of an answer than the time before.
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Anything the Light Touches (Nashira)

Postby Fallacy on August 30th, 2012, 6:16 pm

The Ethaefal was curious, but who wouldn’t be when such a great mystery lay before them. A cave etched into the very mountainside itself. Who knows what wonders could lie in wait in there, what mysteries, what darkness. Though it could be inhabited by some animal that could be left up for debate as what Nashira will find in the darkness of the dwelling might not be entirely human. No, they were people lost in the darkness, forever entranced by the horrors of the Valterrian. Horrors you say? Yes, and anyone savvy enough to know the events of that faithful day might agree.

Her first few steps into the cave were careful. Pebbles were kicked from under her feet, clacking as they made their way down and further inside the cave. It was a warning both to watch where you step and to know just how deep this cave descends. Another step, another step out of Synas Kingdom and into a whole new world of shadows, another step and there would be quite the slant making Nashira brace and catch herself least she fall face first into the cave, another step and she would find a whole new world stretching before her: one of cool rock, darkness, and ever clear water. This was the time to turn back for the light of Syna could still be seen breaking through the opposing shadows, and calling to the fallen child.

If she ventured on, she would find that the cave has invited her to a whole new world. Darkness became the new light in Nashira’s day, and she would have to carefully make her way through the cave. Her ears straining to follow the faint sound, the noise being her only guide in this shadowy new place. Rocks under her feet were unfaithful and shifted, turning as if uncomfortable under her weight. Still more were kicked from their place from her boot, the small pebbles clacking down and down and down as if showing her the path, and where the path ends.

Avoiding jagged rocks that came from both the ceiling and the floor of cave became easier as eyes were adjusting to their new environment. Slowly she would move with more grace, more confidence, stopping once in a while to track the noise. Yet, it still seemed further in. How far could an echo go? Was she in a game of hide and seek? Driven by curiosity onwards she would go, braving the shadows of the cave until eventually she ran into something cool feeling. A wall, yes, the dark blockade extending floor to ceiling, but it was not of stone. Further investigation of it, I don’t know, rapping, tapping, or perhaps punching or kicking the structure would produce a low and hollow noise that rang throughout the cave. It was then that the mysterious voices heard would stop and the ethaefal would be able to, for the first time, feel eyes on her. The effect was enough to make her shiver.

”What manner of thing is this?” A voice coming from above would ask. Its words were raspy, sounding almost choked, and the way it asked sounded almost of pure amusement.

”Do you think its tasty?” Another voice chimed in, different, but with the same raspy and unclear accent. Some laughs could be heard beyond the mysterious wall.

”What are you?” The first voice asked again, this time the question directed at the Ethaefal traveler. ”What do you want? Don’t you know its dangerous out there?” it asked sounding ‘concerned’, but it was hard to tell by the way it talked alone.

”What are you doing?” The second one chimed in speaking to the first, ”You don’t be friendly with mutated things.” he said. There would be a couple clanks on the wall itself. Vibrations of sound echoing throughout the place, this time the noise wouldn’t be caused by Nashira.

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Anything the Light Touches (Nashira)

Postby Nashira on August 31st, 2012, 5:29 pm

Nashira would pause, looking up towards the source of the sound. Her body hanging rigid in the cave's gullet. Palms pressed firmly against its ends as though by having her nails dig into hardened crevice, she could force the undulating flow of it away. Widen that which had grown narrow. The ends grew stiff, points chipping alongside rock which rattled against subtle flick. Molten amber pools coursing silently alongside smoldering coals, their inner flame beginning to snuff as the air grew increasingly dense. Thick with breath's reverberations, and the thin veil which served to obscure each form from another's view. The inky obscurity which hung in between, behind whose curtain rested a sense of tension too thick to be carved by blade's end. As ears prickled alongside hairs beginning to stand on end, the Ethaefal was beginning to hear each sound cast by cave and the living alike. The occasional drip from moistened holster; plopping against the surface. Transparent droplets exploding into thousands of tiny pieces as they broke against jagged surface. Pebbles crackling against stone as bodies shifted, or earth's mouth loosened enough to release. Sending echoes cascading down the world's length as breath caught, and heart thundered.

"An Ethaefal, one of Syna's fallen," Nashira responded, her voice sounding unnaturally dry. As though the goddess herself had supped on every last salivary bead. Leaving her child parched. The tone was raspy, little more than a whisper. Scarcely heard above the drip. Forcing the woman to swallow harshly, leaving her throat to follow in feeling's wake. "The world can be a dangerous place," she continued, as she proceeded to lick her lips. Whetting the dried fissures. The splits which trickled down pale pink petals. Forcing them to shrink, and sometimes, simply furl. Another moment, and her tongue had retracted, falling against the crenellations of pearl orbs. "But sometimes, it can be quite nice. Especially when the sun is shining. Offering us its heat, its vibrance." The Ethaefal paused as she pulled her left hand off the cave wall, and allowed it to fall to her side. It settled uneasily as the clanking sounded. A sound which seemed far off, and slightly frightening, if only because she had not been its cause.

"Why do you not wish to speak to me?" Nashira asked. "And why is it you keep referring to this form as mutated?" she went on. "Is it not beautiful, in its own way, as is everything else in this world?" The woman fell silent for a moment, allowing her words to hang upon tendrils of air. Hover in the space which rested between them. "What are you all exactly, to see the world in this way? Why is it that you hide in shadow, fearing the light of the realm? Has something forced you to lose whatever could be glimpsed, whatever could be caught, if only you allowed your skin and your very eyes to bathe?"
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Anything the Light Touches (Nashira)

Postby Fallacy on September 26th, 2012, 5:57 am

”Mutated?” the other sounded surprised.

”Yes, mutated. Just look at it.” the companion responded and took a breath to go on, but was cut off by Nashira. Silence between the two remained until she was done talking. They were both intrigued and interested that it could speak, and nonetheless understand them! Though what came next was laughter, yes, they were laughing at her, ”Mutant,” the companion started, ”you come from the outside?” it asked through laughing at her, ”The sun hasn’t come out for quite some time. It isn’t safe. Wild Djed rages through the land. Enough should be evident by those horns you have on your head. See? She has been altered like the rest of the land!” it laughed some more, ”her brains been idled.”

”No one, but ourselves have forced us in here. Its imperative for our survival.” the other began to explain, ”Darkness has befallen the land, something much worse lies outside the haven that we built here. Do you not know that the gods themselves are fighting? It is their wrath that we are hiding from.” he said, ”Such troubles have been with us for far too long.”

”You question why we are in here when we are wondering about the same thing.” the companion said, ”What in the world are you doing outside? You know its dangerous?” he asked again, but perhaps it was a simple statement.

”If you want to be safe you come in here. Here is safe. Safer than any place out there.” the voice reassured her of the truth of his words, ”Does the thing, Ethaefal, whatever that is, seek sanctuary?” the other asked.

"What are you doing offering that thing sanctuary?" a voice asked sharply, the companion did not agree with this. "Who knows what it could be." he said. Their conversation once again fell inwards to themselves instead of addressing the eth.

OOCSorry for the short post. I have a plan, just not sure how to pace it haha.

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Anything the Light Touches (Nashira)

Postby Nashira on September 27th, 2012, 1:50 am

A puzzled expression crossed Nashira's features. Her pale pink lips turning into a relatively straight line, as her brow furrowed. "Of course. Isn't it obvious we're all not of this cave, for surely, we would have run into each other before?" she inquired, before pausing a moment. Wondering what on earth the strange voices were talking about. "And if we both were, how would I know of the world outside while the lot of you do not?" she went on. "For the sun rises every morning, and sets every night, making way for the moon. Unless of course, it is storming out or something." The Ethaefal licked her parched lips a moment, whetting them as she considered her next series of words and explanations. "If only you ventured a step outside the cave's mouth you could see that for yourselves. That, and how this 'wild djed' doesn't exist." Her eyelids had grown heavy, forcing her to blink several times as she did her best to fight off wave after wave of confusion. "The gods no longer war. That battle ended years ago... unless you count their occasional skirmish, and of course, the tension that still lingers between the factions."

Again, Nashira fell silent as she listened. "But it is safe outside," her hypnotic djed urged, as an uneasy feeling settled in the pit of her stomach. She was beginning to get the notion that they were all severally ill, just plain crazy, or haven't been out since the Valterrain. "As long as you know your way, and don't try anything stupid... and the sun shines. It kisses, and I bask in Syna's radiance." She sighed. "It is not any safer in here than it is out there. Everything has its perils. Won't you come see? Won't you come out and look? It's so beautiful outside. Bright, sunny, and the view from the side of this mountain is somewhat breathtaking." Nashira smiled weakly at the thought of it. The way the terrain rolled, and the mica which lined the rocks shimmered as golden beams infiltrated their pores.

Leave your hiding place. The magic insisted. Come out.

It's ok.

Nashira felt as though she were their mother. Trying to coax them into meeting a stranger, or perhaps into eating their least favorite vegetable. "There is no need to fret. I have no intention of staying here long, especially when it doesn't seem as though I'm well received, and entirely welcome. All the same," she wore on, "it would be nice to look upon all your faces. To put a body to your voices. Won't you come? Step into the light? The world outside? The world that has continued to change, so that it is nothing you have ever seen before. A world and a place that is long forgotten to the likes of you."

Nashira fell silent a moment. "You have all been down here quite some time, haven't you? Several years?"

It wasn't much of a question really. For she was almost certain she already knew the answer.

OOCIt's quite alright, and sorry this is rubbish.
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Anything the Light Touches (Nashira)

Postby Fallacy on September 27th, 2012, 9:02 pm

Nashira would get the feeling that they were both looking at each other when she started talking again. When she was finished the companion piped up, ”Its dangerous outside.”

”Yes, its much safer in here than it is out there.” there would be a nod, unseen, but it would happen anyways, ”Here we have sanctuary and safety from the outside world, isn’t that what anyone would want?” he asked sounding confused, ”We are perfectly happy here. The outside world isn’t what it used to be, and even if the gods have stopped fighting, which I doubt happened, there was another storm seasons ago!” he exclaimed, the Djed storm of 512 supporting and further cementing their belief that the gods where still, in fact, warring. ”Only a fool could deny that!”

Then came more silence, and muffled and hushed talk. They seemed to be discussing something. Perhaps they were considering her offer. The Djed filled words and thoughts that filled their minds nulled their arguments and overrode their fears. They had come to a decision. ”Your words are strange and foreign, like the horns on your head, woman. Though they are filled with love and compassion for the world…” there was a slight hesitation, ”If the world is really that great, then we would like to see for ourselves. But!” the objective was a statement all itself as the other let his words hang in the air, ”If you are ticking us, do not expect to be well received.”

After that more silence greeted her, with the occasional break in the unheard melody being a knocking of sorts. Then, from the wall of metal she was in front of a crack started to appear. It grew more and more, a faint light like that of a torch shining out it, the wall was opening up like giant doors. Then two figures moved out, leaving the great gates open as the faced the strange horned woman.

”I am Arven.” the voice she would recognize was the man who had offered her sanctuary from the outside world, ”and my companion is Raen” he introduced the two of them. Arven wore fine clothes of purple silk. It glistened a little and looked still as rich as the first day it was woven. Out of the two it was apparent that Arven was indeed richer, or at least held a higher status than his friend. Raen on the other hand was the one who had called Arven crazy when he had offered her sanctuary. He wore more common clothes. Dried leather and cotton adorned his figure as he crossed his arms looking at the woman.

”I still do not like this idea, Arven. Just look at her horns!” he exclaimed eyeing them, ”And she talks in strange and weird ways. She isn’t to be trusted.” he said, yet despite his words he was still out there. Was it out of respect for Arvens decision or was it out of his own unspoken curiosity?

”Please,” Arven held his hands out in a grand gesture, ”Please show us once more the wonders of this new world you claimed to have been formed.” he said, ”Perhaps she is right. We have been in here for far too long.”

All Raen did was laugh. He still did not know about this idea, but Arven was open-minded enough. Thanks to hypnotism?

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Anything the Light Touches (Nashira)

Postby Nashira on September 28th, 2012, 12:29 am

"That was one true storm for many year's worth of time," Nashira interjected before falling silent once more. Listening to what each stranger had to say. Looking for a shard of realism, when there was none to be had.

It seemed an eternity before they decided to relent to her way of thinking, at least, in margin, for they were willing to follow her. To venture out. Nashira nodded her head in understanding to the gravity of the task she had undertaken. The knowledge that if the world outside was filled with darkness and gloom, as it was during torrential downpour, then she may have to face the cave creature's wrath.

Come out. Leave your hiding place. Now, the magic insisted as the stone gateway parted. Revealing two men. Arven, donned in silken attire, and the less aesthetically pleasing Raen. She supposed that may have been the god's trick; having him match unpleasant and untrusting demeanor. But she could not be absolutely certain, leaving her to smile pleasantly as she nodded her head, and said, "hello, to each of you."

For a moment Nashira fell silent as she licked her lips, and then reached for each of their hands. Doing her best to weave all of their fingers together, so that she was locked in the middle of an anthropomorphic chain. She squeezed their hands lightly, offering whatever moral support she could as the smoldering coals of her irises continued to overcome the molten amber. As webs trickled from their edges, and over her skin, onto each of their bodies. Where it entwined, enraptured, and pulled. Lending her word a greater weight than it would have normally.

"Come." See the world. See what you have been missing, her hypnotic djed insisted as she filled each of their hearts with a sense of longing. Then emptiness, with a need to be filled. A sense of adventure. Her skin sparkling against the faint light with each of her steps. Graceful, measured, so as not to trip as the darkness began to consume. As they all moved away from their enshrouded sanctuary.

As their bodies glided over the uneven terrain, Nashira did her best to fill their minds with a certain image. One of the last things she had seen before venturing inside their home: the sun hanging against a clear blue sky. Its golden rays caressing the terrain which lay below. Causing mica lined stones of varying gray to shimmer in its light, as the beams danced across the surface.

It wasn't until then that she did her best to fill each man with a sense of calm, and that her mind spoke to them once more. Come, right this way, it said in silent whisper as Nashira held their hands a little tighter, and tugged a little more forcefully. But not enough so to seem too far forward, or so she hoped.

"The mouth shouldn't be much farther now," the Ethaefal whispered as they rounded a slope in the tunnel. Their shoes scraping against the rock as they moved. The edge of her sword clicking against the side of her leg as the folds of her dress swirled about her ankles.

"Not much farther at all."
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Anything the Light Touches (Nashira)

Postby Fallacy on November 6th, 2012, 10:55 am

Both nodded politely when Nashira greeted them. She seemed happy that they were willing to follow her. A little too happy if you asked Raen, but he has been suspicious from the start, no? Of course he was going to think the worst of her, this weird creature who looked human but bore horns in front of them. By gods! She even glittered a little in the sunlight. Unnatural that was, but wait. There was light to be glit off of? This light wasn’t torchlight, no, it was something which they had both seen long ago, far far too long ago. It was a different a light, a warm life-giving light. This light… could it be Synas?

The two followed the Ethaefal. They stayed close to each other in the darkness, as if it were the very shadows which they were afraid of. Outside their sanctuary, outside their safe heaven they felt vulnerable, undefended, unsure. For the better part of forever all they have known were the walls which kept them tucked safely away from the world, awaiting lights return to the world. Awaiting the return of the light in the shadows of a cave… Was it a foolish venture?

Though as they followed the girls magic worked wonders on their souls, easing them, filling them with a longing, comfort, and images which they haven’t seen in such a long time. It was quite refreshing, and only hastened the pace at which they followed her. When she called that the mouth wouldn’t be too far off now, the two of them, Arven first and then, after quite some debate or perhaps it was because he didn’t want to be left in the dark alone by that girl, Raen followed rushing past the Ethaefal. Light, light, light, they could see the light coming flooding their vision from the mouth of the cave.

The darkness of the cave the nooks and jagged rocks did not slow the couples pace they went by unimpeded rushing into the light, out of the cave. When Nashira would join them she would see why. In the darkness of the cave it was hard to see, but Arven and Raen were not exactly alive. In the sunlight she could see clearly just how incorporeal they were. The light was distorted around them by their soulmist, but never did a ghost look so happy, so defined, so radiant and joyous. It was exactly how they remembered it, or perhaps it was exactly the image which Nashira placed in their heads?

They did a little dance, and laughed, even Raen made a joke or two. Though soon enough they both grew very serious, ”Ethaefal thing.” Raen began,

”Ethaefal,” Arven cut in, giving a sharp look to Raen, ”Strange as you are, you did not lie. Synas light has returned to this world.” he said, giving her a smile, ”Seeing it again, seeing my goddess there in the sky,” a single hand came and reached up as if grasping for the sun herself, ”it’s simply more than I can bear.” he stated. ”I thought we were guarding the only light left.” he said trailing off.

”What about the others?” Raen asked.

”Oh yes, Ethaefal,” he continued, trying to get to his point, ”you must convince the others that our goddesses light has returned.” he said, looking over the mountain side, ”That her temple is just buried in a cave, and that it is not everlasting darkness for which we thought it.” he nodded, ”Everyone in the temple has only stayed because they were waiting for the light.” he said, ”For the light to return once more. Indeed it has,” he said, ”and so our souls can rest.” he smiled at her, ”Thanks to you.”

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Anything the Light Touches (Nashira)

Postby Nashira on November 6th, 2012, 11:21 pm

Nashira released their hands as soon as they had reached the mouth of the cave, and Syna's light had once again begun to kiss her flesh. Sending it into a radiation of endless sparkles as the ghost's forms danced and rejoiced. Spoke to her, allowing her to remain only in silence until they were finished, and puzzlement overcame her features. Her brow furrowed as she was thrown deeply into her own thoughts. "Others?" the Ethaefal whispered. "Temple?" her words halted a moment. "To Syna?"

"You've stayed all this time, even in death, too afraid to come out to see this for yourselves? Unable to move on because you believed that you alone, held the final ray?" Nashira whispered. "Why?"

The Ethaefal's amber colored eyes smoldered, although not in threat. It was near pleasant, welcoming even. "Who put this notion in your head? That an endless darkness had befallen the land?" She paused a moment as she swallowed the clump of saliva that had gathered in her throat. "I should like to meet him, should he still live."
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