13th Day of Fall 506 AV Naomi gazed at her books longingly and brought her right thumb to her mouth to gnaw at the nail in frustration. It seemed impossible to understand at this point, the Ancient Tongue. But this was her second assignment. There was no conceivable way she would gain credit for her course if her work continued as such. With the teacher's disappointing lecture still on her mind, she frowned and leaned back in her chair. Glancing to the right, she gazed down the hallways of books in the library, watching other students whisper to each other. Biting her lip, she sighed, returning her gaze to the leather-bound books in front of her. Closing her eyes, she breathed deeply, relaxing her mind and body. After a few moments, large eyes opened to focus on another student. The girl's hair was blond and styled in a bun, skin a light olive. Concentrating, Naomi felt her vision focus on the female, leading the background into a blur as she came into focus. She watched as the girl's aura came into view, dim at first, and then a soft glow of yellow. As her mind steadied on the color, Naomi probed for the girl's emotion...and found it. Happiness. She blinked, immediately cutting the ties from her concentration. The girl had begun laughing, proving her inquiry. Smiling, Naomi brought up her filled waterskin and drank a small gulp, satisfied. At least she had that skill working. The damned language could wait a few chimes. |