The hunter shuffled deeper into his Strider’s shoulder as they waited for the foreigner to make his way into the crater. He couldn’t deny that the entire situation was making him nervous, and the presence of the horse was comforting.
The little kestrel streaked above, announcing her companions.
The stranger and his own horse emerged, horse tackless. Akaidras snorted and eyed the newcomer cautiously, but managed to behave himself and made no move to threaten.
The man kept his voice softer than before, and each sign he made was clear and concise. The feral man’s attention was quickly claimed.
Strider. The word invoked images of horses and people, riding together as they had done for generations. But it also conjured another word: bond. That word was much harder to nail down, but was accompanied by a strange feeling of warmth, of security and of comfort.
Drykas. That word seared his mind like a branding iron, flooding him with feeling and sounds and visions of tents and people and shouting. There were dogs and horses and a green flag waving in the air. A faint memory of a matching sash around his waist, of a race that had once been his.
Yes, he was a Drykas. That much he was absolutely sure of.
And this man was a Drykas, too. Unbidden, a purr erupted from the hunter’s throat, and he made no attempt to stifle it. He leaned close to Akaidras and tapped gently on his shoulder, bidding him deeper into the crater. The black bay snorted in irritation, but nevertheless slid into a canter. Within moments he was lost in the green fronds of the undergrowth.
The man turned back to the Sama’el and tilted his head, continuing to purr. The bond of blood connected them, forgotten for so long but brought to the surface. Though they may have been different, they were also the same. Any ill will was vanishing.
His purr halted when he let loose a chirp, accompanied by a strange mutation of the sign for come. There was no reason to keep them standing there, and so he chirped once more and took to a trail that led away, towards the center of the crater.