Clyde gave Crypt a bit of a annoyed glare, before erasing what he had drawn in the dirt once more. Really, he was almost as bad as Gallo, with his impatience and rudeness. He would get to the new bits when he got to them, but really it was important to let him do so in his own time. He answered his words with a hint of annoyance in his voice.
"I asked if you have any questions on what I just covered, NOT if you had any new questions. I will get to what I get, when I get to it. Trying to rush me will come to no avail, as I can only cover the information so fast. Otherwise something will be missed. In the future, bear that in mind, and no trying to rush me or interrupting my flow. Otherwise you might miss something important, if I did as your questions ask and skipped all around. You will have time to ask questions at the end, when I have covered everything I have planned to cover."
Clyde took a few moments to smolder, and let his rage calm down before it interrupted... Taking a deep breath and using his mediation routine, of forming in his mind the picture of a single flame, flickering and moving... Closing out all else... All annoyances... It worked well enough for him to continue without throwing a fireball at Crypt.
"Now... The last thing I need to show you, is some of the most commonly used things in glyphing. If you know these commonly used series of glyphs, you can do many different things, either by themselves or combining them to make a new effect. Think of these as the letters of the alphabet, to which you can combine to make many different words. With the sigil being a sentence."
Clyde drew some rather simplistic glyphs. Not something he would use for long term storage as they were to weak and simple, but they would do for now. He made another dot with his thumb, then drew around it a circle encompassing it, and then a small triangle on the edge of the circle.
"Now, these are the three most commonly used blocks of glyphs. This is one of the most common usages of glyphing, which is to make a scroll to seal inside a magic spell, to be released later. However bear in mind this is not something for a new initiate to do with glyphing. Do not try to store magic for use later, until you are reasonably skilled. Anyways, the conjunction of these three blocks of glyphs can be made to create a scroll, or even be used in other more complex uses. This is a simplistic version, however a stronger one would likely use more than one glyph for each of these blocks, besides the block I have already shown you called a focus, which is a single glyph always."
Clyde took a moment to pause here, and look over his simplistic glyphs. It seemed so long ago when he had first learned glyphing, and had started on it... It had not been long after he had learned reimancy, which in and of itself was done at a young age.
"Now, the center dot I drew, represents the focus. You know what it does, if can help to draw magic to a certain point. However, if used in conjunction with other blocks, it can actually store the magic inside of the focus, until it is released, or the glyphs are broken or damaged. The outer circle is a barrier. The most common use for it is to corral a focus, and keep the magic in the focus from getting out. Magic cannot cross a barrier. It has to go around it, or through an opening in the barrier. Which means you can seal a spell inside a focus, and use a barrier to keep it in there. And the small triangle I drew, is called a trigger. It interacts with another part of the sigil, activating it or deactivating it, under set conditions which will be worded next to it. So in the case of a scroll, you would draw the focus, the barrier, and the trigger, and then write out next to the trigger in words what will activate the trigger, and whether it will turn on or off the thing it is attached to."
Clyde took another moment here, and looked at his simplistic glyphing, and then to check to see if Crypt was still following him.
"So, a common usage of a trigger is to attach it to a barrier. When you activate the trigger, it turns off the barrier, and then releases whatever is in the focus, as nothing is now keeping it in. So, do you get all that, all three of these most basic blocks of glyphs? Why don't you try drawing each one. Bearing in mind the barrier is usually many glyphs, not just one big one like I did here. So try each." |