Gin's nightmares get interupted by Ricky
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Herein lies the realm of dreams, where dreamers who are scattered all over the world in the physical can come together in the mysterious world of dreams. Remember, unless one is a Dreamwalker, there is no control over dreams. Ever. Anything can happen, and by threading a dream, you are subject to whomever can walk dreams and the whims of Storytellers.
by Ginchoeri on November 8th, 2012, 9:16 pm
Night of the 42nd of Fall 512 AV She had been running and running, through endless grass, almost as if it were a sea brought to land. Blood spilled from the open wounds in her back. She was running from a black shape in the dark. It was coming after her, never leaving her sight, but never getting close enough to her to hurt her again. It flew above her and behind her and growled and howled in hunger. A Zith, crazed with anger and hunger followed her as she ran.
She had mannaged to get her things in her bag and around her neck. They were slinging around, banging into her front. Her horse form was worn and tired looking and sounding. But she kept on keeping on. She had to survive she had to keep going, but this Sea of Grass kept on going forever. Her mane whipping with her spead. She felt as if the Zith were just playing with her, like it could really catch up to her if it wanted to. But it was just there, hanging over her shoulder as she kept on going. She did not dare slow down.
She saw a river and cursed to herself. Wait, she could not talk... in horse form.. in the real world. She kept on going and with her powerful legs she leaped over the river. The falling motion sending a tingly sensation through her body. She landed on the other side of the river with a huff and kept going. Running around the occasional boulder. She could hear the beating of wings still there. She still had not really figured out where exactly she was, but she felt like something was off.
Suddenly, her hoof slammed down, to find its self going further down then intended. Gin lurched forward and flipped over her large body, landing on her back. She gave a screeching sound so unheard of from horses. Her legs in the air, flailing viciously as she tried to turn herself and get back on her hooves. But all to soon the Zith was over her, and Gin out of fear turned into a human, her body bare of anything but the bags and her bleeding wound. A blood curtling scream could be heard. And Gin could not figure out the source, until she realized it was her own scream. She was a gonner. No one would find her out here. |
Last edited by
Ginchoeri on November 22nd, 2012, 2:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Ginchoeri - Player
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by Ricky Maze on November 9th, 2012, 8:59 pm
When Ricky awoke he was no longer in the same place he was when he went to sleep, instead he laid deep within thick patches of grass tall to where he could see when laying down. Yet the night was still young it seems for it was dark, but for Ricky this place was much different then the Wildlands. When he stood up to see where he was he found the sea, an endless swaying sea of grass as the wind caused the motion of waves. Now this was a different way to feel nostalgic, impressive but very different from the waters of the Sea. The air here had a nice fresh scent to it, not salty like the breeze Zeltiva would receive. As he walked through the waves of grass he felt strange, maybe it was because he should be swimming instead of walking. Yet this was land and not water, so walking was what he was suppose to do.
Amidst all of his enlightened confusion he had he could hear a pounding on the ground, a rolling thunder that he was not familiar with....surely not the same as the storms.
As he traversed up the hill he finally climbed to the top, looking down to find a wounded horse. It was a beautiful white creature with bloodied scratches on it's back, and not to far above loomed its predator: and for the first time Ricky saw a Zith.
When he looked upon the flying creature he could feel the fear within him, knowing that the horse was absolutely terrified. If he stood around to wait though then surely the Zith would have his dinner, and Ricky would rather save a pure innocent horse then watch in horror. He knelt down and felt around for rocks that would be big enough to do damage, if he could gather them and get his aim right then maybe the Zith would go away....that was if he could surprise it though.
Astonishingly the horse transformed into a human! A wounded female was down below shrieking in terror, and if he didn't hurry then she would sure suffer.
As he finally found four decent sized rocks he stood back up, preparing the first throw with his best aim as he arched his arm as far back as he could. He hurled the stone as hard as he could as it flew to the open darkness, missing it's target as it carried on into the night. Cursing under his breath he readied the second stone and arched his arm once more, this time his aim a little lower then the last. When he put all his power in this throw it soared with a small whir. The flying object smashing into the back of the Zith.
He grinned at the small accomplishment he made but knew that his task was far from over, the next stone now being readied for his next throw. He kept a mental note that the lass would probably flee when given the chance, which was what he was going for if he could distract the Zith. For the predator was now furious and ready for revenge. Readying his arm once again, he lauched the next rock after arching his arm. It soared into the sky once more, and he hoped it would land on it's target.

Ricky Maze - "Bottom's up!"
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by Ginchoeri on November 11th, 2012, 3:21 am
Gin's screaming ceased as she noticed the Zith's attention was not on her anymore. This was all wrong, this had to be a dream, a nightmare something. But it was so real, felt so close to what actually happened. She decided to take this opportunity to run. Not knowing what was happening, just knew that something, or someone, had destracted the beast.
She got up and heard it screech in pain as something hit it in the eye. Gin was not about to stay and find out what was stupid enough to aggrivate such a creature. She ran in the opposite direction of where the Zith was looking. Stumbling over herself every once in a while, like she had not used her human form in years.
Her sight line was narrow, black walls coming in on all sides. She slapped herself as she ran, regaining some of her sight. She realized, after slapping herself that her face was wet from tears. Tears of fear, Zith were drawn to fear. That was what it had kept coming after her for. She could not help but fear it though, when she had no strength of her own to fight back.
She kept on going, until she realized, the Zith was not going to go after her anymore. It was going to go after whoever had been trying to save her. She felt horrible, what if that person had a family, loved ones, and no one would tell them about what happened. But wait.. things still were not exactly making sense.
Gin shook her head, she had to figure this out, she ran. She ran and as she did so, she took a wide turn and turned completely around. Gin pelted back, she would hide, see if she could do anything, help her savior, talk with him. Or maybe, she could find a way to make the Zith go away. Things were not really going right anyhow. So why not, why not change what had happened even more. Maybe to something better. Maybe to something, just.. different. She did not know. But she had to find out.
So she did what she could, and made it back to the scene, she dived and hid behind a large boulder. Watching what was happening with amazment in her eyes. |

Ginchoeri - Player
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by Ricky Maze on November 11th, 2012, 9:07 am
Common sense was correct in this case, and when the Zith looked to the girl she fled. It was now up to Ricky to pull out of this alive, even though it was a dream he long forgot about it. To him the dream felt real as the agitating excitement did as well, the Zith was nailed right in the eye with his third stone. Now that the flying creature was pissed it directed it's attention right on him, flying at him with a furious growl. With the last stone in his hand he arched his arm for the one last pitch, preparing for the worst as he would throw the stone with all his might. The rock launched and hurled it's way to the incoming Zith, and smashed right in it's face with a smack. The creature loathed in agony as it lost its ability to fly, hurtling down to where Ricky was as it nearly crashed onto him. Had he not rolled forward he would surely had been injured, but he was now crashing down the hill with the predator rolling behind him.
His mind was spinning in circles as his body acked from the bouncing tumble, but he could not rest now for the beast was upon him. The Zith was limping it's way to Ricky with bare fangs, ready to eat it's new found prey. He had little time to get up and run for the predator was now upon him, he crawled back out of fear as the creature lunged for him. As it dove in for the kill he pulled his leg in, kicking the Zith square in the jaw as it cried in more pain. The predator was now even more angry with her prey, as she was now contending with a sore jaw if not cracked. His breathing had picked up as he continued to crawl back away, keeping an eye on the wild winged creature of the late twilight.
He hit his head and shoulder's on a boulder and groaned in pain, now cornered like a rat in an unknown habitat. Such rotten luck he had now, first chance he gets to save a girl he loses his own life. On the bright side though she would live to see another day, while he would now only suffer for a brief minute. At least he hoped it would be brief, but by judging the look in her one squinted eye she wasn't letting him off that easy. No not at all. He could feel the fear settling in as the cold sweat came around, no longer sure what he would do to fend for himself. This was likely the last fray he'd ever know, he would go down knowing that he fought to the death. Feeling his primal instincts kicking in for survival, the inner bear was ready for a scrap. As the Zith now started to move closer.....

Ricky Maze - "Bottom's up!"
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by Ginchoeri on November 11th, 2012, 10:04 pm
Gin had to do something, but what could she do that would not endanger both of them any further? Did she have any weapons in her bag? Not any real weapons... She stiffled a sigh and thought for a moment. What could she do?
She turned around, looking behind her because she heard something. Something just as wild and dangerous as a Zith. She looked hard into the tall grass and soon figured out what it was. It was a lion, and it was running right in this direction. She froze and waited to be attacked, but it did not happen.
The lion leaped on top of the boulder and then launched its self onto the Zith. Growls and catterwalls from both beasts took form as they fought. Gin took the chance grabbed the mans hand and ran in the direction the lion came from. She did not know, but she had a sneeking feeling that lion could be her dad, but she shook the thought off as soon as she thought it. He was dead. It could not be him.
Dragging the man with her she ran, but soon, without warning she collapsed onto the ground. Gasping for air. She had accidentally not let go until the last moment, but she did not know if he had fallen or not. She tries to scrabble forward and get back up, but she did not even go an inch before withering from the pain. |

Ginchoeri - Player
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by Ricky Maze on November 12th, 2012, 12:57 am
The Zith now lunged in for Ricky as an unexpected roar followed from behind, and miracalously a lion charged in and pounced upon the Zith, astounding Ricky to his greatest surprise as the two now fought. A hand grabbed his and when he looked to see whose arm it belong to he saw the girl, her beautiful eyes full of fear as she urged for them to run. She wasted no time dragging him to his feet, and he ran with her until he heard a thud on the ground. When he looked back he stopped running as to not drag the girl. She was hurt and couldn't make it out on her own, and there was only a matter of time left before one of the predator's finished off the other. Wasting no time in how she might react he went to her side, placing his arms under her as he lifted her up. For a horse she was actually lightweight in human form, but in this situation it was a blessing.
Quickly he made sure he was holding her careful as to not touch her injuries, and he continued on with her in his arms. Though he wouldn't be running as fast it didn't matter, she was hurt and he had to carry her as far awag as he could. When predator's smelled blood they were after it's source, and right now they both were prey in this forsaken sea. He would not stop however until they were at a great distance away, even then he still wish to continue onward. Except he felt he should first examine the girl, so he took the moment to sit her on down. Allowing him and her for a chimes worth to breath.

Ricky Maze - "Bottom's up!"
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by Ginchoeri on November 12th, 2012, 11:07 pm
Gin was surprised by suddenly being picked up, but for some reason she was not fighting it. This man she barely knew, who tried to save her life, when he barely even knew her. It was weird to her. How could someone like him do that, why would he want to risk his own hide to save her's? It just made no sense to her.
She was barely breathing, soft and light, but deep and kind of breathy. Uneven at times. She was sweating like a pig and her body was getting hot. Her mind was starting to get jumbled, yet it seemed everything was clear. She was dying, there was nothing she could do about it. But, this guy, maybe he could save her.
Gin felt him set her on the grass, sitting up. He seemed unperterbed by her naked state as she her body quivered. She looked up at him with her lovely blue eyes as questions started to form in her mind. She opened her mouth as if to speak but nothing came out. She tried and tried, but her lips just would not form the words she needed.
She breathed in. She had to stay calm, she could not let her mind completely scatter, or that would be the complete end of it. She concentrated on the man and started to notice things about him. He looked young, and tanned, like he had been carressed by the suns rays maybe a few moments to long. She noticed his strong shoulders and arms, which had carried her all the way here. She had to thank him at least.
Her honey like voice was marred by the rasp that seemed to take over her voice, "T...Thank you.. for trying.. to save me.. and then.. carrying me.. here." she coughed, blood spilling from out of the corner of her mouth. She breathed harshly as shudders wracked through her. How much longer did she have left? She shivered, starting to feel cold. |

Ginchoeri - Player
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by Ricky Maze on November 12th, 2012, 11:55 pm
Through her gasps and pants for air she did her best to thank him, her deep blue eyes telling him the words that could not. When she attempted to speak he would gently shush her, kneeling down eye level with her as she began to cough. "We're not out of the hills yet lass, you can thank me when yer wounds are tended to." He reassured her as she shivered, by the looks of it she wasn't going to make it; but Ricky wasn't going to give up on her. Oh yes she was indeed beautiful in her naked form, but the situation that was present called for immediate action. There was little time to appreciate her beauty now, he would much rather save it while it still lived. Taking off his vest he brought it around her, letting her arms slip in with ease as the vest covered her entire torso. Though she was just inches short of him she was still not as buff in comparison, his bear like body being more demanding in clothing size. The vest would help keep the heat in her body warm though, and hopefully help her generate warm as well. As he was breathing heavily though with sweat on his brow, he prepared to pick her up once again.
"I can get ya outta here if ye'll have me," He requested humbly as he was ready to make distance, though they were quite far from the predator's he would still feel better being further away. Should she accept then he would carry her about a couple more miles away, but if she refused then he would at least help her however he can. The chill of the wind blew against his body, giving him a chill he shook off only once. His instincts were active now, so any danger that came their way he would gladly face off. He would do everything to keep this woman alive, even if it would kill him at the end of this. |

Ricky Maze - "Bottom's up!"
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by Ginchoeri on November 13th, 2012, 12:46 am
Gin just nodded at the man, graciously accepting his vest though she felt bad about getting blood on it. She had flinched in pain a bit when she moved her arms, because it stretched out the wound just enough to cause a pain that rippled through her body. She had to resist the urge to scream, which, she somehow managed, with relative ease.
"G...Go ahead... Take me... but.. that lion.. i.. think.. he will.. win.. i think.. it was.. my father." She choked out the words, her voice still as raspy as before. She moaned as she tried to breath a little easier. Her mind wandered a bit. What if live through this, what will happen? Will I see this man again? Or, is... there something I am missing here? Something I feel I know, but, just can not completely comprehend? I do not know... my head hurts.
Her thoughts went on wildly like that for a while, while he carried her. She had not even realized he had picked her up already. She thought for a moment and said something kind of, odd for that moment in time most likely. "My nam... name is.. Gin. W...what is.. yours?" |

Ginchoeri - Player
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by Ricky Maze on November 13th, 2012, 2:01 am
When he picked her up once more he did so gently, trying to keep her comfortable in his arm's as he continued onward. Her breathing was heavy as he could feel each breath on his chest, faint and soft like the flower she truly was. She was a very beautiful lady that had become a damsel in distress, and Ricky was gonna play the part of her hero. Though this dream had a much more cynical approach to this story, one that made it feel like there wasn't a happy ever after in the end. What dreams were though? The only dream he could ever recall being happy in was...well ones that took some time to remember. Even when he would remember a dream it would only be a piece of it, something significant in them that only the deeper recesses of his mind kept hidden. She spoke softly once more between her breath's, her voice rasping as she tried to force the words out. He wished for her to focus on saving her breath, but he wouldn't force it against her. She needed to conserve her energy and she was doing enough by allowing him to carry her, so he wouldn't force her to hold her tongue when she desired to speak.
She mentioned that the lion was likely to win, and that it was her father. If that were the case then they were two seperate animals. Meaning he could transform into human as well, and if they both could then that means they were both Kelvic. It was the only explanation he could think of, and the only one that made sense. For that he had to help keep her safe, if her father was truly that lion. He did save Ricky after all so that meant he owed the Kelvic, and he would repay it by keeping her safe. That was what the significance of this dream gave him, it was what he felt deep within. He would shield her from the dangers of this place, until at last she was safe from it's terror. She spoke a little more as he pressed on, this time she gave her name and asked for his. It was the strangest time for it considering their "pleasant" meeting, but one that was taken by force nonetheless. He looked at her blue eyes, a faint smile as her name filled his ear's. "Gin?" He humbly repeated as the name escaped within his whisper, he looked back on ahead before replying. "Ricky. Ya can call me Ricky." He said as he finally came to a slow walk, his breathing was deep now as he was somewhat tired. There was a boulder nearby he could sit her on, as the distance he had covered was one he now felt comfortable with. His mind was racing no more as his excitement had finally died down, his full attention now focused on her.
"Listen Gin," He was humble when he spoke, "I'll do whatever it takes to keep ya safe. Yer gonna live through this aight?" He wanted to make sure she had hope, for if she were to give into despair she may feel the need to give up. He didn't want for that to happen, he wanted her to remain strong. To carry on past this nightmare. |

Ricky Maze - "Bottom's up!"
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