He allowed the Endal to lead him on through the dark corridor, though he didn't really have a say in the matter. If there was one was to invigorate the young hunter about something, Addy had found it. A grab to the thigh, unintentional or otherwise brought forth a welcome moan and a grin which was likely missed in the shadowy conditions. This could be a different kind of exciting, he supposed. Not good. Just different. Yet this was their, no, her choice. Just like that, they stopped. She'd clearly hit her toe on something, her hand releasing his and grasping for her foot. "Why don't you watch where you're petching go..." A loud thud cut him off, as he squinted and looked down, trying to figure out what happened. An impressive show of swearing left Niro chuckling as he bent over to offer his hand. Whoa. Bad call. When she didn't take his hand, that was the moment he realized just how messed up he was. A small bend turned into a gentle lean, which turned into a dangerous sway. "Shhhhyke." Niro dropped to the ground just as he heard the woman insist they hurry. With closed eyes, he crawled over so he could push a shoulder against the wall for support. There we go. He began to crawl along the ground, giving chase after the drunken, uneven pitter pattering of the glorious Endal who led him after phantom screams. "Eyes on the prize!!" He yelled, the exclamation echoing down the corridor after her, though he wasn't sure which one of them that was for. When he caught up to who he assumed was Aidara, he made use of her legs to pull himself, sliding a hand up her rear and back to rest on her shoulder as he leaned forward to peer over and see what she was talking about. "Slow down. You're running to f-" Smack. Smack. Smack. It shouldn't have been surprising that he was met with that, but the slaps annoyed him to no end. The were certainly lighter than he was used to. She leaned forward, and that meant he did as well. And when she took off to see the crying woman, Niro did not, crashing back to the ground. "...Thanks. I'll just stay here." What was this all about, again? Oh well. "At least there's a light to crawl towards," he muttered, again sliding along the ground in chase. Addy's words echoed through the cave, and suddenly everything felt like they were underwater. Niro had to blink a few times as he was sure he saw a rather large purple fish swim by. "Aidara!" He yelled, continuing vigilantly towards his goal. "Aidara!" Finally reaching her again, he once again pulled himself up, face to face with her as she spoke. He simply nodded in response. There was something he'd wanted to say, but it was gone now, washed away with the aquatic creatures floating around him. "...'kay." He squinted, leaning closer to her, their face maybe an inch apart. "What are we doing again?" There we had it. These two were perfect for the job. |