Night Watchman

Volens seeks work, and finds a local merchant who needs help.

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Known as the Celestial Seat, Nyka is a religious city in Northern Sylira. Ruled by four demigods and traversed by a large crevice, the monk-city is both mystical and dangerous. [Lore]

Night Watchman

Postby Volens on November 13th, 2012, 5:20 pm

Date: 73 Fall, 512 AV
Now with temporary citizenship. Volens went to seek work. He didn’t have many skills that employers would find useful- and he preferred to keep his reimancy secret for as long as possible. He did have some decent skills with his Longsword, and was pretty good with his dagger and fists. It was the fourth day in the market, and Herring Square was bustling with activity. Volens walked the Market, looking at the stalls, and the merchants. Most were to busy with their wares to be bothered by a young kid looking for work. He graciously took a ration of fried fish, and continued his search well into the day. The fisherman had left, and their places were promptly filled with more merchants, buskers, and beggers. He still had very few leads, when a man caught his eye.
He was a dour, stern man. He was scouring the crowd, and quietly talking with a couple other men. Volens cautiously walked up to the man, and said, “I’m looking for work.”
The man looked down at Volens and said, “Do you even know what I do?”
“Well,” replied Volens with a little more confidence, “ It looks like you’re guarding that merchant over there.” Volens pointed in the direction of the merchant.
The man smacked Volens’ hand down, “well don’t point, you fool.” the man looked over Volens again, “What skills you got, boy.”
Volens stood up straighter, and answered, “I’m pretty good with my long sword, and I’m handy with my dagger, and my fists.”
The man stared at Volens, then motioned one of his men to attack. Volens sidestepped the strike of a well concealed dagger. The second strike caught Volens’ cloak. Volens reached for his sword, but the third strike caught him on the hand. The dour man motioned for his guard to stop, as several monks were quickly converging on the fight.
“Youre green, boy. But you show some potential.” The man thought for a moment then stuck out his hand, “Im Zachery Nils.”
Volens nervously shook the mans hand, and replied, “I’m Volens.”
Zachery nodded, then said “Follow me, we need to go talk to your new employer.”
The pair made their way through the market to a plump local merchant. He was furiously bartering with a couple. Volens and Zachery waited patiently, and the couple soon moved off, with some moderately price clothes. The merchant quickly addressed his mercenary captain, “ Yes, Zach? What is it?” the merchant patted his head with an ornate cloth.
“this man is looking for work.”
The merchant quickly lost interest as another customer walked up to the booth, “Yes, yes. Tell him his duties.” The merchant shooed them away.
The merchant had a small store, and home in the Flax district. The small band of personal guards were to watch his shop, and home. It was a small slave trade, and pawn shop. The only reason he even had the guard was do to paranoia, and fear. He paid pretty well, for very little work. Though, the night watchman, warned that there were shadows that prowled the streets at night. And, being the new guy, that’s the shift Volens pulled.
Posts: 87
Words: 25586
Joined roleplay: November 8th, 2012, 5:16 pm
Location: Nyka
Race: Human
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