Solo First Nightwatch

Volens' first night on the job lands him in the hospital

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Known as the Celestial Seat, Nyka is a religious city in Northern Sylira. Ruled by four demigods and traversed by a large crevice, the monk-city is both mystical and dangerous. [Lore]

First Nightwatch

Postby Volens on November 14th, 2012, 10:24 pm

Autumn 74, 512

Zachery had left Volens a letter at the Safe Haven Hostel, requesting that Volens visit the merchant’s house as soon as possible. he sighed, he wasn’t going to get much sleep tonight. But it was his first day, and he wanted to learn as much as possible. And he slowly made his way to the Flaxen District, through the busy streets. Zachery was quietly talking to the merchant in between the numerous customers who made their way through the shop. Zachery excused himself when he spotted Volens, “I’m glad you got my letter.” He extended his hand to Volens.

“I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” Replied Volens taking Zachery’s hand.

Zachery smiled, “I wanted to show you around the compound a bit during the day, and to tell you some of your duties.”

Volens nodded, as Zachery walked around the compound, which took up a small acre. The merchant had a small compound. With his modest house, a small shop with various goods, and a conjoining shack for slaves. The whole place was surrounded by a low stone fence.

“At night you wont need to watch the customers, but your boss is concerned with monsters attacking his store, and slaves.” Zachery added a little force to the word ‘monster’ for dramatic effect.

“I keep hearing things about these monsters. What kind of monsters prowl the streets at night?” asked Volens nervously.

“Well, no one really knows. Except for the monks, and they never say. But some people say they crawl out of the aperture, some say they are the angry souls of those who died during the Valterrian. All anyone knows is that sometimes, people disappear at night.” Answered Zachery quietly.

Volens shuddered violently, he may have bitten off more than he could chew.

Zachery let out a loud, hardy laugh, “Luckily for you, this place has never come under attack. And the monks seem to do a wonderful job patrolling the streets and keeping the big bad monsters aways.”

Volens sighed in relief, “I guess our biggest foe is boredom.”

“Well that, and the occasional thief and runaway,” said Zachery chuckling, “The only reason we are here is because of paranoia.”

Volens nodded, as he looked around. Things were beginning to look up for the wandering mage. Even if this was the most unusual city he had ever been too. After wandering around the compound for an hour, he was ready to take on the shadows of the night. Soon the sun was setting on the beautiful city, and Volens was prepared for his first night watch. The customers began to disperse, and the merchant retreated to the safety of his house- escorted by one of his guards. Zachery was going to accompany Volens through his first night shift, to ensure that Volens became acclimated to the job.

The night was quiet as usual, and Volens quickly grew bored as he settled into a pattern. Zachery was able to get a couple cups of lightly roasted coffee. The coffee was slightly sweet, and unlike anything he had ever drank. Volens graciously thanked Zachery, and continued his rounds.

Occasionally a group of monks would walk by, giving Volens a dirty look. But since he technically wasn’t on the streets they let him be. And sometimes he would see a shadow out of the corner of his eye, and then a monk or two chasing after it. Maybe there was something to this monster business after all.

The hours slowly drifted by, one by one. Nothing had prepared Volens for the mind numbing boredom. And even less had prepared him for what happened next. Near the gate, a small shadow caught his’ eye. It leaped, and Volens barely had time to jump out of the way. The creature’s vicious fangs clamped into Volens right arm, but that was better than the neck. He screamed in pain.

The sharp fangs almost stunned Volens, but he recovered, and struck the creature with his left hand, but that of course was ineffective. Slowly regaining his wits, he reached for his dagger and plunged it into the creatures flank. The creature shrieked in pain, and ran off into the night, just before Zachery reached it.

“Volens!” screamed Zachery in shock, he saw the wound and couldn’t utter a sound. He took his cloak and wrapped it around the vicious bleeding gash. “We have to get you to the infirmary!” he said breathlessly. Volens nodded faintly, and the pair made their way through the Flaxen District, to the Great Infirmary in the Celestial District over the bridge of the Beginning. Luckily they were able to avoid the monks on the way. They barged into the main lobby, and were set upon by two pristine nurses who quickly guided Volens to the surgery rooms under ground. A clean doctor swiftly walked into the room.

The surgeon admired the wound, then spoke slowly, “Ah, you’re a lucky young man. The wound- while apparently messy, and devastating- missed anything major. The surgeon began to work, slowly. Admiring every aspect of the wound, and his own work. “Such powerful, and clean cuts. What did this?”

Volens shook his head, he truly had no idea, “I’m not sure, I didn’t get a good look at it.”

The surgeon began to stitch the wound, “That’s a shame. I would have loved to study this creature.” The room grew quiet, except for the sound of medical tools clicking together. The whole ordeal took several hours, and was more painful than the original wound. But he would be able to keep his arm, and it wasn’t likely to get infected. By the time he was let out of the hospital it was morning, and the adrenaline was wearing off, causing even more pain, and a stiffness in his arm. He slowly made his way back to the Safe Haven Hostel, and rented his room through the rest of Autumn and Winter. Then he collapsed on his bed.
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Joined roleplay: November 8th, 2012, 5:16 pm
Location: Nyka
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