Open Absorbing the New Scene

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

Absorbing the New Scene

Postby Kenept on November 15th, 2012, 11:03 pm

Kenept Oraji
68th Fall 512 AV
Streets of Lhavit

Kenept was back on the street. The first thing he had done upon entering the city was find the inn. He was in need of somewhere to stay while he sorted things out, and for right now the inn would have to do. He was unsure whether or not he would be staying here far into the future. Things hadn't really gone his way over the past season, as many things had happened that were out of the ordinary for him. And he didn't really have a plan. But as for now, it was time to learn a little more about the city in which he was residing.

There was a slight breeze in the city, causing Kenept's cloak to flutter behind him as he walked. It was slightly colder here than it had been at home, causing Kenept to fasten his cloak around himself to avoid the chill. Many people walked by as Kenept walked around The Zintia. The expressions and tones of these people told him that they either did not know Kenept was an outsider, or they just did not care, or perhaps they did know and care, but maybe they just weren't the questioning type. Whatever it was, Kenept was completely fine with it. He wanted to get a good basis of where he was before he became side-tracked on the logistics of people.

Before long, Kenept had found himself sitting on a bench in a courtyard. He pulled the collar of his cloak closer to his face as the breeze blew across the courtyard, blowing Kenept's shoulder-length black hair across his face. Facing the northeast, he was presented with a wonderful view of the two peaks the innkeeper had called The Sartu, and The Tenten. The Sartu, to the north, stood taller than any other peak around, and had, from what Kenept could tell, many beautiful buildings on it. The Tenten, off to the east, was shorter, but was just as beautiful. This city was fascinating to Kenept. But at the same time it made him nervous. What would he do here? He had no plan, and no friends. He was here, alone, trying to make something of himself in a new world.

Maybe it would be better for him to talk to someone. Then at least he could get a good idea of where to start, or things that were happening in Lhavit. He knew very little of this city, and finding a native may be quite helpful to him in a time like this. After all, his brother would do the same. He wouldn't just sit around for forever and do nothing. No, he would take the first day and get situated, and then venture out into the new world after that. And that was just what Kenept was planning on doing. Unless, of course, somehow venturing had found Kenept before he was quite ready for it.
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Absorbing the New Scene

Postby Alses on November 16th, 2012, 12:42 pm

There really was no putting it off any longer. All its advantages aside, Lhavit was a mountain city – close to Syna and warmed by the celestial skyglass, yes, but the winds skirling in from the rest of the Unforgiving were bitingly cold already, and set to only get worse as Winter closed in. The first frost had recently gripped Lhavit in a sparkling glove, painting an intricate tracework across every leaf and windowpane. The gentle heat of the skyglass, fortunately, had been enough to melt it off the pathways, but she'd been warned, wryly, that even that wouldn't be able to stand up to the snows that were sure to arrive later in the season as they hurtled inexolerably towards full Winter.

A creature of the sun and summer, infinitely more at home in a burning desert than a snowfield of any sort, Alses very definitely favoured the heat rather than the cold – although, admittedly, there was something very beautiful in the clear crispness of the air, the smell of woodsmoke on the breeze and the perfect powder-blue bowl of the sky overhead. That she could cope with; it was instead the freezing rains and hail and sleet and most crucially the skies darkening at the fifteenth bell – or even earlier, in the hammer of winter - she hated.

Even with layer upon layer of her clothes on, the wind still went right through her whenever a gust managed to navigate the curling spirals of Lhavit's streets or, more often, when she travelled from one peak to another across the open bridges, fully exposed to the elements that were rapidly turning against her.

The Azure Market, that oddly semi-secret labyrinth of blue-washed buildings and interesting shops, was the place to go for any local, essential needs, true, but for exotics and some of the more unusual goods, nothing could beat the emporia that lined the broad squares, courtyards and boulevards of Zintia peak, the monumental procession of plazas and avenues that led grandly up to the Koten Temple's spectacular frontage. Thus it was that a fine, if rather wintry morning saw Alses browsing leisurely along the lines of upscale boutiques, moving from clothier to furrier with an unconscious and perfect grace, acknowledging the rippling wave of respectful bows that preceded her with the gentle ease of long, long practice. Occasionally, she would stop and investigate a shop more thoroughly, running her fingers through the luxuriant fabrics, perhaps sliding her arms into a particularly enticing garment, before frowning at some imperfection and moving on. She had time, all the time in the world, after all.

Alses delighted not only in her own reprieve from the endless round of study and instruction at the Dusk Tower, but also in the crowds that were merrily out and about on the gleaming streets, a constant thrum of easy laughter and chatter rising gently from the milling citizens. People watching was a delight, even if she was more often than not the one being watched. To an outsider, to anyone not used to the celestial city, the scene would appear almost impossibly perfect – the vibrantly colourful awnings and canopies of the shops blazing in the clear sunshine, the wickerwork baskets proudly on display at the food stalls, all full of fresh produce from the farms by the Amaranthine River and the city's own gardens – glossy red apples, scrumptiously sweet pears from the pleached orchards in the Turov Gardens, and the last of the bobbled autumn raspberries, to name but a few. The bakeries, too, had been busy with all the flour from the wheat harvest – every morning - at present, at least - the entire Zintia was filled with all the scents of freshly-baking bread, pastries and other such delights which were, in short order, displaying their temptations to the passer-by, liberally garnished with sugar and chocolate and all sorts of other delightful treats.

Everywhere, there was order and bustle, shopkeepers chatting with one another in the lulls of custom, people clinking glasses of hot wine together over roaring braziers to keep out the encroaching chill, and children playing with the millions of glowing leaves that the winds were tearing free in waves from the ranks of fadeong trees planted all along Lhavit's main streets.

A singular figure in one of the many branching courtyards, seated contemplatively on one of the many ornately-scrolled benches that Lhavit provided for its weary citizens, caught her eye – whether that was due to something unusual in his aura she'd near-subconsciously picked up on or simply something to do with his posture, head turning to track one person after another, and then staring out at the many-splendoured view spread before him, she couldn't tell. Regardless, she'd seen that look before, in other newcomers, the wide-eyed wonder tinged with a bit of disbelief that still sometimes came over her.

Beautiful, isn't it?” she observed quietly as she drew closer. “Watching Lhavit never gets tiresome, you know.
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Absorbing the New Scene

Postby Kenept on November 17th, 2012, 3:28 am

Kenept Oraji
68th Fall 512 AV
Streets of Lhavit

Idle chatter filled the streets of the Zintia. Naturally, Kenept had been listening to the citizens of Lhavit and their conversations. Perhaps this way he would find out about things going on, or news around the city. He had done so when he was a kid; listened to people's conversations; it was this way that he had found out about much of the going-ons in the city. And it was this way that he would learn more about the city in which he found himself a stranger to. Or at least, that was his initial plan.

Listening to the conversation on the street was getting him nowhere. There was nothing to be heard from the idle talk at this time. Perhaps it was due to the high volume of shops in the area. It was often hard to gain information in the Market, other than good deals on merchandise, or the latest fashion that was in season. Never the less, it was often in the Market area that one could learn more about a culture than the going-ons in the city. People always showed who they were by what they bought, or how they bartered with those around them.

It was a soft voice that broke Kenept away from his eavesdropping sense. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched a figure break out of the crowd and make her way over to him. An Ethaefal. A remarkably beautiful one at that; with her red hair, and gold horns, and her flawless complexion. It was expected for her to have a soft, soothing voice. Kenept had seen his share of Ethaefal in Alvadas. He had watched them come and go as they visited the city, and once or twice he had talked with one, but never for a long time, as they were usually busy when he had the chance.

As she spoke, Kenept sat up straight. He smiled, thinking about the landscape before him. "It really is." He replied, his voice was cool, and collected. Looking into the golden eyes of the woman before him, he stood, slowly, showing his respect to her. "I'm new here. Came from Alvadas. I'm... still getting accustomed to the beauty in the city." He wasn't sure what made him talk like he did. The words just flowed out of his mouth, as if it were effortless to speak.
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Absorbing the New Scene

Postby Alses on November 19th, 2012, 8:50 am

You needn’t stand on our account,” Alses said gently, as she noticed the movement, the bunching of muscles beneath fabric, but without any real hope of being obeyed. She nodded out towards the ethereal, almost unreal splendour of the city spread out before them, a thousand minarets and spires stabbing the sky and just as many domes leaping to fire in the sun’s rays. Her skin sparkled like fire-opals with every touch of light and her crown-of-horns was almost too bright to look at in the morning sun that gilded Lhavit.

Magnificently indifferent to it, she continued: “Trust me, you never entirely get used to it. Every time you think you’ve seen it all, Lhavit comes back to you with a beautiful surprise. Personally, we think it’s because of the skyglass, changing as it does with the seasons and the sun.” She paused, contemplative, and then added, very much as an afterthought, “And the moon, of course. No two days are ever quite the same.

Mind you, Alvadas, Alvadas…city of illusions, no? I’m quite sure it has its fair share and more of beauty. Although…in all fairness, illusions could be horrible too, I suppose.” Her eyes roamed Kenept’s face, then shifted, became distant, as though she were somehow looking through him. Regardless, it only lasted a moment or two, a mere flicker of inattention, before her eyes snapped back to fully focus once more on him.

Do you happen to have a name we can use? You will forgive us, but it’s not particularly productive to be considering you simply as ‘the newcomer’. After all, Lhavit has so very many of them, and all in search of knowledge, or a better life, or both.” A smile and a deprecating wave of one hand. “Do you know your way around the city yet? Or are you still fresh from the Gates and don’t know the Zintia from the Sharai?
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Absorbing the New Scene

Postby Kenept on November 19th, 2012, 8:16 pm

Kenept Oraji
68th Fall 512 AV
Streets of Lhavit

It was true that the skyglass was quite remarkable. Or at least Kenept had thought so in the short amount of time that he had been in Lhavit. He hadn't been here long, but this skyglass had soon caught his eye. Everything here seemed to be made of it, the shops, homes, temples off in the distance, even the bridges that connected the five peaks of Lhavit. It all gave of this intriguing glow that lit up the city. It was all a truly magnificent structure that gave this city a lot of character, and caught the eye of many travelers.

To Kenept, this girl was as unique as the city she resided in.The way she spoke, the way she looked, it was all foreign to Kenept. She spoke both as a singular person, and as multiple people. She had used words like 'I' and 'me', but at the same time using words like 'us' and 'we'. It was a way of talking that Kenept had never heard. Although, it had reminded him of one person in particular. The mage who had introduced him to Reimancy. He had also had a unique way of talking. But his was different than Alses. He said a lot of things backwards, which Kenept had gotten used to. And he supposed that if he spent enough time with Alses that he would soon get used to the way she spoke as well.

"Alvadas, yes," Kenept replied. It had indeed been the city of illusions and had its beauty about it, but to Kenept, it was nothing compared to the scene before him. "It was nice, but nothing compared to the beauty this city has to offer. At least, not in my opinion. But that's... in the past." That was all he could say on the matter at home, or all he wanted to say at the time being. Besides, Alses wasn't here to hear about Kenept's past, for now at least. "This is the only part of the city I have seen. I made it from the gate to the inn, and then here. I have no clue of where anything else is located." He wasn't going to ask for a tour of the city, he didn't want to be a bother. If she offered to take him around then he wouldn't refuse, but he didn't want to bother her by asking. It wasn't really his place.

"Sorry, forgive me." He spoke when she was done. "My name is Kenept, Kenept Oraji." He didn't know how people here introduced themselves; people everywhere introduced themselves differently, whether by a gentle kiss on the cheek, or a handshake. Because of his lack of knowledge in the culture, he decided that he would wait to see if Alses made a gesture towards introduction. He smiled, "and I do believe that I was not allowed the pleasure of hearing your name either."
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Absorbing the New Scene

Postby Alses on November 20th, 2012, 11:36 am

Kenept. Kenept Oraji. Oraji.” Alses rolled the name around in her mouth, tasting the syllables. “We have never understood the purpose of a second name, admittedly, but yours does rather sound like it’s local. Lhavitian names tend to be quite unique.” She smiled, lightly. “Perhaps you had an ancestor from here - or at least this region - at some point.

She tipped her head absently skyward as Kenept diffidently asked for her own name. As ever, the celestial language came screaming up her throat, ready to burst forth with the shining cadences of that tongue, only to fall at the final hurdle. Her mouth could no longer shape the words, her vocal chords no longer sing the divine harmonies; the word turned to ash on her tongue.

Alses will do,” she replied, sweeping a short but nonetheless graceful bow towards him as she spoke. “It serves as well as anything. It's a pleasure and an honour to make your acquaintance, Kenept Oraji.” It was the name of a far, bright star in the northern sky, easily visible from Lhavit, the boon companion of the Pole Star. Sometimes close, sometimes distant, but always locked in its orbit.

Perhaps she was being overly cryptic; her race was vanishingly rare, after all - no need to make things more complicated. “My kind can no longer pronounce our proper names,” she explained quietly after a brief pause, addressing herself to the heavens in general. It was a little easier that way. “We hear them up here-” she touched a hand to her temple, just below where a golden horn burst forth, seamlessly, from the skin “-but it turns to ash when it gets to here.” Alses pressed a finger to her lips with a slightly sardonic, wistful smile. “There isn’t a singular word for the slow dance of the sun and the moon together, the bright glory of a sunbeam and the spectacular brilliance and fury of a solar prominence in any language that we know of, save that of the divine, so we had to pick a mundane word instead.

She turned from her idle contemplation of the heavens - the brilliant sunshine not bothering her a jot - and back to Kenept, bringing herself down to Mizahar again.

Our apologies. I tend to drift somewhat, at least during the day.” She gave him a contemplative, weighing look. “Would you care to accompany us for a while? We moonlight - if you’ll excuse the expression - as a courier for the Dusk Tower, over on the Shinyama peak, you see. We have deliveries to make, and we know the city quite well, too. A little company on the journeys, provided you’ve no other demands on your time, would hardly go amiss.” She smiled faintly. “It would at least give you passing familiarity with the city.
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Absorbing the New Scene

Postby Kenept on November 20th, 2012, 6:25 pm

Kenept Oraji
68th Fall 512 AV
Streets of Lhavit

Kenept wondered what a Celestial name would have sounded like. More specifically what Alses celestial name would have sounded like. He could only imagine that it be something beautiful, for to him, it was only natural that a beautiful woman have a beautiful name. And 'Alses' was an attractive enough name; so if she was calling it mundane, then the name that only she could hear must have been extraordinary. How unfortunate that her kind could no longer produce their natural language, it made Kenept feel sorry for her.

"Alses huh?" Kenept repeated with a slight smile, following Alses' lead and looking towards the heavens. He stuck his hands behind his back, holding on in the other, and looked back at the Ethaefal, "Well, Alses, it would indeed be an honor to accompany you on your errands; that is, if you truly don't mind. It will allow me to become familiar with the uh... beauty... that this city has to offer." Kenept smiled slightly at the last part of his sentence. He had meant two things: one being the actuality of being able to become familiar with the city that was to be his home for the next couple weeks, or longer, and the other being that they two of them would have a chance to talk a little more. But Kenept would rather lump the two meanings into one, he found that it made things more... interesting.

It was good that he was going to learn about his new environment, and it was even better that he was going to have someone show him. It meant that he would learn more about the place than he would have on his own. And it would keep him from being bored while doing so. Maybe, just maybe, Alses was into magic of some sort and maybe she would mention something to Kenept about it, whether it was "Oh this is where they teach it..." or something else. Afterall, Kenept and his brother had chose Lhavit because they thought it more open to magic, and they might could find a place to learn more. But nothing would be said until he was sure that he wouldn't be run off again.

In the meantime, Kenept looked at Alses and smiled. "After you," he said, waving one arm in front of him.
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Absorbing the New Scene

Postby Alses on November 22nd, 2012, 10:35 pm

OOCSorry for the delay in posting; I've been at a wedding followed by my better half's birthday. Things should become a little more rapid now though :)

Alses blinked. There had been something in that inflection, that pause...was there perhaps some extra meaning to Kenept's words? Maybe...but then again, maybe not. Alses sighed gently; there was no use letting her mind run round and round in circles, all what-ifs and perchances confusing thought even more than usual. Best, then, to sail on as normal, until further evidence, one way or the other, presented itself. Saved embarrassment all round.

Why thank you.” She decided to ignore it until further evidence, one way or the other, emerged. Gracefully, Alses led the way out of the secluded and half-hidden courtyard, through the arches and back into the main bustle of the Zintia and the grand parade of public spaces that led up to the cyclopean mass of the Koten Temple, the abode of Zintila, Queen of the Stars, her priesthood, and the very heart of Lhavit's government to boot. “Do keep close – the crowds generally do try to give an Ethaefal space, but it quickly closes up once we've passed.

The bustling crowds shifted and parted easily for her – and, by extension, Kenept - in the main, a ripple of bows and gentle shuffling spreading outwards from her progress, something she barely acknowledged, so used to it as she was, bestowing only the occasional brilliant smile as she passed, a bubble of space moving purposefully through the random motion of the shopping masses. She moved in a seemingly haphazard fashion, as though not following any pattern at all and simply strolling in leisurely, sweeping curves across the plazas, drinking in the sights on both sides and yet always effortlessly avoiding the worst of the crowds. “Most of the shops here cater for travellers and adventurers,” she said, gesturing grandly at the eye-catching frontages that hemmed the grand expanse of skyglass in on all sides.

Rather good for the exotic goods that come into the city – like furs, for example; if you see a good furrier's emporium, don't hesitate to sing out – is the Zintia, but it's not so hot on the essentials, if you follow our meaning. You could find health potions and Dao swords by the dozen here, but good luck trying to get, well, a basket, say, or a bolt of cotton. Excellent place for window-shopping, if you don't have the kina to actually make a purchase, or for if you want something a little special, but most of us Lhavitians prefer the more practical, shall we say? habitat of the Azure Market for the everyday necessities of life.

She pointed towards a discreet, half-hidden archway, sandwiched between two buildings that had expanded again and again as their owners had needed more space – and more elaborate facades, sprouting pillars and angled pediments, towers, turrets and subsidiary domes to draw the eye, leaving the small archway which led into the blue-washed labyrinth in shadow, only really noticeable if one knew what to look for. “The entrance is over there. Most of the transients who wash through here don't notice it, but it's a positive treasure-trove if you're wanting to truly immerse yourself in Lhavit – plus they have all the essentials you might require for day-to-day living. I'll show you a few of the other entrances later – it's useful to know how to get to it from several angles, just in case there's a ceremony or parade going on out here on the Surya Plaza that you'd rather miss, for whatever reason.” She delivered it deadpan, but there was a sparkle of mischief in her eyes as she continued up the shallow steps towards the monumental bulk of Koten, anchoring one end of the procession of open squares and plazas that formed the formal centrepiece of Lhavit.

With a sigh, Alses lowered herself gracefully onto the lip of one of the many fountains that flanked the facade, enjoying the chuckling fall of the water at her back as she gazed out at the shimmering colossus. “Koten Temple,” she pronounced grandly. “The abode of our Lady Zintila, Queen of the Stars, home of her Anchorite and the Akka – the Constellations, her priesthood.” Alses' head suddenly snapped round, scanning the crowds for something that had caught the corner of her eye.

There!” discreetly, she pointed at a robed figure in the near distance that glowed softly, like an earthbound star. “See that? That's one of the Akka right there; you can recognize them by the glow of their skin, a blessing from Zintila, they say.” She smiled quietly. “Koten also holds most of the central government of Lhavit – the offices of the Day Lady, Talora, and the Night Lord, Aysel and all the bureaucracy that supports them, the Registry of Wizards, the Land Registry...” she gestured aimlessly towards the ornate entryway, permanently open to all and sundry. “In essence, if you need something from the city itself, Koten Temple should be your first port of call.
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Absorbing the New Scene

Postby Kenept on November 23rd, 2012, 1:01 am

Kenept Oraji
68th Fall 512 AV
Streets of Lhavit

And just like that, Kenept and Alses were moving, at a rather quick pace. Out of the courtyard, and back into the hustle and bustle of the streets of the bazaar. He practically had to run to keep up with the Ethaefal at first, and he was glad that he was keeping up with her. Once they got into the crowds, the people had done exactly as Alses had said they would. People, as if pushed back by a bubble, made room for her, and quickly filled in the gaps behind her as if nothing had happened. To avoid being blocked out by the rest of the Lhavitian, Kenept made sure to stay on Alses heels as she weaved along the path of least resistance, which also allowed him to hear her a little better over the noise of the crowds.

Kenept watched the people as they passed. Those in the shops continued about their business, trading, buying, and just the usual chatter that one would find in a marketplace. He began to notice that there was also the occasional bow in the shops, he figured it was the people's way of saying thank you, but as he also watched those around them, he also noticed the bowing. Everyone that moved out of Alses way also bowed to her, some lower than others, and the occasional person offered a smile. Perhaps this gesture was more than a simple thank you. Perhaps it was a sign of gratitude. Just as Alses had bowed to him when she introduced herself, it was their way of greeting. Kenept felt rude for not having bowed to her when they met.

Kenept smiled as they walked through the Zintia. He could not have asked for a better person to show him around the city. Alses seemed to know everything, from where to find trade goods, to everyday necessities. Places to shop for the better deals, and where to find certain parts of the Markets. Until they had found their way to a fountain near what she had called the 'Koten Temple'.

Kenept allowed himself to follow suit as he lowered himself down next the Alses on the fountain, as he listened about the Lady Zintilla, the Goddess of Stars. Kenept watched as something caught her eye, and she soon pointed out what it was. An 'Akka' as she had called the robed figure, one of Zintilla's priests, whose skin glowed like he had never seen. She continued on, about Koten and the people who held offices here, and then the word that caught his attention, 'Wizards'.

"Wizards...?" Kenept asked when he had the chance. He turned and looked at Alses, "They study... magic here? Openly?" He wasn't sure how to come across the subject. He didn't want her to panic at the mention of it, he had seen enough troublesome from the subject in the recent months. But this was the reason why he was here, to learn, and the sooner he found out where, if anywhere, the better. Maybe Alses could teach him, if she knew the trade, or would be open to joining him in learning. Either way, the subject was now out there and it was too late for Kenept to change the past.
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Absorbing the New Scene

Postby Alses on November 23rd, 2012, 9:38 am

Alses blinked at Kenept's question, then laughed, free and loud. “Syna above, you really are new to the city of stars, aren't you? All of Lhavit is built on magic. Magic of the divine variety, true, but magic nonetheless. The skyglass,” she clarified, pre-empting any confusion on Kenept's part. “Zintila's gift to the people who found her, back when Lhavit was first established. The three Towers-” she pointed out three great edifices that soared high into the sky on more distant peaks, dwarfing the profusion of lesser minarets and spires that clustered all around “-the three finest families in the city; House Dawn, House Dusk, and House Twilight, they're all mages. Poor House Dawn deals in reimancy-” Alses winced at the memories of the djed storm “-House Twilight has the mastery of morphing, and my own House Dusk sits on the lofty pinnacle of auristics. They teach anyone they deem to have the aptitude and fortitude for the arcane arts, although intake has rather dropped off as of late.” She smiled placidly. “It'll pick up again, sooner or later. Dangerous or no, magic is a powerful and beautiful thing, and people are always drawn to that.

A small shrug, head tilted once more to the bright heavens. “We do hope you're not averse to the arcane arts, else you'll really not have a very pleasant time in Lhavit. Quite aside from the three Towers, every member of the Shinya – our guards – is a wizard, of a sort. Personally, we don't consider them professional mages of any shade: they focus almost exclusively on the discipline of projection, I think it's called, but nonetheless it does make them very effective.” She grinned, mirthlessly. “And so very frightening to the opportunistic thieves who think of Lhavit as an easy target. Being hauled ten feet in the air for attempting to steal a coinpurse, or seeing disembodied swords coming at you from three directions at once can be quite terrifying, I'm told.

Her face relaxed back into pensiveness as she continued. “Magic, then, is accepted here; it's a part of almost every Lhavitian's everyday life. Most don't practice it, of course, but they'll perhaps see a Shinya guard save an incautious child with projection, or they'll employ a Dusk Tower aurist in their important business dealings to ensure fair play, they'll buy various arcane philtres to ease life's little problems...practiced responsibly, it's an invaluable tool, and everyone here knows that.” A pause. “All they ask of us in return is that we mages make ourselves known to the city government, through the Registry of Wizards. Eminently sensible arrangement, when it's explained.” She gestured aimlessly, airily. “Wizards, mages, sorcerers, whatever you will, are citizens just like anyone else, and deserving of all the protections that implies – but we are, alas, uniquely poised to do far more damage than your average shopkeeper. Overgiving, you understand. The Registry means that if someone gives in to the Sweet Whispers – the desire to do magic far beyond the bounds of safety and skill - well, the Shinya given the sorrowful task of dealing with it have a better idea of what they're up against. We are given to understand that they try to subdue rather than kill a Registry wizard run amok – but make no mistake, they will kill if they have to.” Alses winced again, remembering the blood-stained auras that still poisoned the Dawn Tower's grounds.

Her voice turned contemplative. “You know, I'm not entirely sure what happens to unregistered wizards. I'm not sure we would like to find out, though.
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Lady Magesmith
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