A Sudden Profound Realization

Something is On Volens' mind, her name is Penn

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Known as the Celestial Seat, Nyka is a religious city in Northern Sylira. Ruled by four demigods and traversed by a large crevice, the monk-city is both mystical and dangerous. [Lore]

A Sudden Profound Realization

Postby Volens on November 17th, 2012, 9:51 pm

Volens checked himself, he didn't see any wounds, "No, I think I'm alright. My cloak is a little worse for wear though. Are you wounded at all?" He was concearned, more about Penn's well being than the fact that she could turn into a tiger. But it did cross his mind, and now that they were safe it was almost all he could think about. He decided that his questions could wait until they were back in the Hostel, sharing that meal.

Volens stretched his right arm, it still felt stiff. "Well, I still owe you that meal. And I think I have a few questions for. You, if you don't mind sharing." He peeked around the corner, the road looked clear.
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A Sudden Profound Realization

Postby Penn Zay on November 17th, 2012, 9:56 pm

"I'm fine!" Penn replied, glad that Volens was okay... It was a shame about his cloak though! Then she smiled as he mentioned the meal.
"I have no quarms about questions..." Penn said softly, then grabbed Volens' hand, then pulled him through a series a alleyways, occassionally stopping to sniff the air, and check for any possible dangers... "We're almost there, do you think the door will be locked?" she asked carefully, before loosening her grip on his hand when she was sure there was no danger...
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A Sudden Profound Realization

Postby Volens on November 17th, 2012, 10:27 pm

Volens happily followed Penn, she was much better suited for navigating the dark alleys. Though Volens hadn't given much thought about the doors at the Hostel. It didn't seem like the kind of place that would lock its doors, at night. "I hope they aren't, all my food is in the room." He smiled at his joke, he was exhausted, the adrenaline had fully left his body. They dashed across the bridge, to the Hostel.

He pushed on the door, and it swung silently open. Most of the patrons had already fled to their rooms. The woman behind the counter gave the pair a dirty look, but since Volens had payed for his room for the entire season she didn't say anything to them. He lead Penn up to his room, and motioned for her to sit on the bed, while he took a small wooden chair, he looked over his rations. Some more dried meats, some bread, a large pitcher of water, a little cheese and fruit.

"Please, help yourself." He poured her a glass of water, and took a small peice of bread and cheese.
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A Sudden Profound Realization

Postby Penn Zay on November 17th, 2012, 10:55 pm

Penn smiled slightly, then sat down on the the bed. The bed that Volens had been sleeping in...
Then, knowing it would be rude not to accept anything, she took a small piece of cheese and nibbled at it, before looking up at Volens, knowing that he must have an awful lot of questions...
"How are you?" she asked suddenly, unsure of how he was taking everything... It must feel strange seeing someone turn into an animal in front of you!
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A Sudden Profound Realization

Postby Volens on November 17th, 2012, 11:30 pm

Volens smiled fiently, he needed a moment to think of the best way to ask. He filled the silled the silence by eating his food. "I'm exhausted." Volens smiled some more. How did you ask some one how they can turn into a tiger?

He hadn't ever heard of this ability before, though his understanding or much of the world was rather limited. "You saved my life. Though, I must say, you handled that in the most unusual way..." Volens paused, he was truly greatful that Penn had saved him but he didn't know the best to put the next part, "how did you come across the ability to shape shift like that?"
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A Sudden Profound Realization

Postby Penn Zay on November 17th, 2012, 11:46 pm

Penn thought for a moment... It was rather obvious that Volens didn't know much about different races, and she was glad... At least he wouldn't get any false ideas...
"It's more how I got the ability to become human..." she said cautiously... "I aren't human, like you... I'm an animal with a human form, we are called Kelvic's..." she kept her voice low. "Is there anything in particular you want to know about my race? I'd be happy to tell you!
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A Sudden Profound Realization

Postby Volens on November 18th, 2012, 12:30 am

Volens took a peice of dried meat. A kelvic... He thought that sounded familiar, but where had heard it escaped him. He looked at Penn, her animal side seemed more obvious now that he had seen it once. Then his curious nature bagan to take over. Question, after question came into his head. He took a bite of cheese and meat, then looked at Penn some more. He slowled his thoughts, and furrowed his brow trying to think of the right questions.

"All the questions I have are rather, well, not very good." He thought some more, "I appreciate everything you've done for me. I am in your debt. I haven't heard of kelvics before, I wouldn't know where to begin." He looked down, and drank some water, "Id end up asking the wrong thing anyway."
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A Sudden Profound Realization

Postby Penn Zay on November 18th, 2012, 12:39 am

"Wrong? How can a question be wrong? You aske about things you want to know, so how can any question be wrong?" Penn grinned slightly and tilted her head to one side, gazing at him curiously...
She wanted to stay near him but she didn't know why! Was it because she'd be able to protect him if he was nearby?

She took a quick glance around the room, before grinning at Volens.
"You're rooms nicer than mine!" Penn giggled, then thought of a question she could ask him. "How old do you think I am?" she grinned even wider..
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A Sudden Profound Realization

Postby Volens on November 18th, 2012, 12:52 am

Volens smiled, she was right ofcourse. Volens was just being too shy for his own good again. He looked at her, she seemed to possess the same curiousity that Volens had, but she didn't have any of the shyness, or fear that often plagued him. He nibbled at some fruit while he thought, using it as an excuse for the silence. "You're right, there are no wrong questions..." Then she asked how old she looked, Volens looked into her eyes, they seemed young, but maybe only a little younger than he was. "If I was forced to guess, I would say 15 or 16"
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A Sudden Profound Realization

Postby Penn Zay on November 18th, 2012, 7:19 am

Penn smiled as she heard Volens' guess... It was obvious that he didn't know much about Kelvic's...
"Well, if I was human, that's probably how old I'd be, but as a Kelvic, that's really quite old!" she said kindly. "Truth is I'm two years old, nearly three!"
Penn watched Volens's face to see any reaction... Would he be surprised?
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