Formerly a nameless paper maker's shop, the Good Book is located on a corner a stone's throw from Towers' Respite. Open only during the daylight hours as the proprietor fears the presence of open flames near his precious books and papers, the store is nonetheless popular with the local students and the many traveling scholars the city of Lhavit plays host to. The reason for this is quite simply that the Good Book offers not elaborate works of art but good, solid value for the kina.
Beyond cheap locally sourced paper and easily affordable notebooks made from it, proprietor Keper Masute's main output are sturdy traveling notebooks and sketchbooks. He does, however, also have an increasing trade in personalized books made to order. The popular traveling books with their wraparound leather flaps and a closure that allows the use of a padlock are also sold in the Azure Market, but at a significant markup.
Upon entering the little shop, a potential customer first notices how airy it is inside the Good Book in spite of it also being utterly cramped; the next is the intense and pervasive smell of the fumes of drying glue. The two outer walls both sport large windows which Masute likes to keep open as much as possible to try and minimize the smell and any effect from said fumes. There is always paper, glue, or leather drying in some place in his store, and only a rainstorm will bring the owner to grudgingly close the wooden shutters. Despite the constant breeze, the smell of paper in the room is all-pervasive, owing to the many sheets in racks of wood darkened and polished through constant use, and countless books in various stages of production at any given time.
A copy of each kind of book Keper has in stock is found on a central table in the room, as well as various writing implements, from chunks of charcoal to a quill; an open invitation for people to find both the book and kind of paper they require. Should a desired combination of paper and book type not be in stock, the industrious bookbinder can usually produce a copy or two in a matter of days. This is mostly due to the fact that he has all the ingredients needed for such books on hand already.
Name: Keper Masute
Race: Human
Birthdate: 472 AV
Birthplace: Lhavit
Occupation: Owner, papermaker, and bookbinder at the Good Book
Skills: Bookbinding - 76, Calligraphy - 32, Leatherworking - 38, Papermaking - 51, Sewing - 40, Singing - 24, Writing - 60
Languages: Common (Fluent), Arumenic (Fluent)
Keper was born in Lhavit; however, his mother came from the far-off desert region of Eyktol. A mere human among a heavily Eypharian population, she decided when she was young to leave and make something of herself elsewhere; and so Keper was raised on tales of hot, sandy lands and exotic many-armed people.
Once upon a time, Keper must have been a tall, strapping man. Various hardships have aged him prematurely, the constant work has bowed his back, but they have failed to mar his smile. The bookbinder is soft-spoken and gentle. He often feels it's not his place to speak unless his work is in some way concerned. In that case however one may feel the love he holds for his craft, a love that is only rivalled by the less passionate but enduring love for his wife. Without her, he'll often say, he'd be lost.
Keper is blissfully unaware that he sings to himself when working. In his tender voice held low, Arumenic words are carried along in a melody somewhere between a lullaby and a dirge. If queried about it however, he will categorically deny having sung.
Beyond cheap locally sourced paper and easily affordable notebooks made from it, proprietor Keper Masute's main output are sturdy traveling notebooks and sketchbooks. He does, however, also have an increasing trade in personalized books made to order. The popular traveling books with their wraparound leather flaps and a closure that allows the use of a padlock are also sold in the Azure Market, but at a significant markup.
Upon entering the little shop, a potential customer first notices how airy it is inside the Good Book in spite of it also being utterly cramped; the next is the intense and pervasive smell of the fumes of drying glue. The two outer walls both sport large windows which Masute likes to keep open as much as possible to try and minimize the smell and any effect from said fumes. There is always paper, glue, or leather drying in some place in his store, and only a rainstorm will bring the owner to grudgingly close the wooden shutters. Despite the constant breeze, the smell of paper in the room is all-pervasive, owing to the many sheets in racks of wood darkened and polished through constant use, and countless books in various stages of production at any given time.
A copy of each kind of book Keper has in stock is found on a central table in the room, as well as various writing implements, from chunks of charcoal to a quill; an open invitation for people to find both the book and kind of paper they require. Should a desired combination of paper and book type not be in stock, the industrious bookbinder can usually produce a copy or two in a matter of days. This is mostly due to the fact that he has all the ingredients needed for such books on hand already.

Keper Masute
Race: Human
Birthdate: 472 AV
Birthplace: Lhavit
Occupation: Owner, papermaker, and bookbinder at the Good Book
Skills: Bookbinding - 76, Calligraphy - 32, Leatherworking - 38, Papermaking - 51, Sewing - 40, Singing - 24, Writing - 60
Languages: Common (Fluent), Arumenic (Fluent)
Keper was born in Lhavit; however, his mother came from the far-off desert region of Eyktol. A mere human among a heavily Eypharian population, she decided when she was young to leave and make something of herself elsewhere; and so Keper was raised on tales of hot, sandy lands and exotic many-armed people.
Once upon a time, Keper must have been a tall, strapping man. Various hardships have aged him prematurely, the constant work has bowed his back, but they have failed to mar his smile. The bookbinder is soft-spoken and gentle. He often feels it's not his place to speak unless his work is in some way concerned. In that case however one may feel the love he holds for his craft, a love that is only rivalled by the less passionate but enduring love for his wife. Without her, he'll often say, he'd be lost.
Keper is blissfully unaware that he sings to himself when working. In his tender voice held low, Arumenic words are carried along in a melody somewhere between a lullaby and a dirge. If queried about it however, he will categorically deny having sung.
Student's notebook (Paperbound with visible stitching): 2 ki
Travelling notebook (Wraparound leather cover with closure): 3 ki
Sturdy folio (Metalshod corners, reinforced spine, inner pocket for loose paper): 7 ki
Sturdy travelling notebook (Wooden cover, inner compartment for writing tools): 8 ki
Personalized books may be ordered provided the necessary materials are reasonably available; components may have to be sourced from artisans. Inquire with your ST for pricing.
Paper & Writing Tools
Charcoal: 5 jk/10 sticks
Ink (Stick): 3 ki/10 sticks
Ink (1 ounce vial): 1 ki for black or 3 ki for coloured
Paper: 4 tk/sheet
Parchment: 2 tk/sheet
Quill: 5 jk
Student's notebook (Paperbound with visible stitching): 2 ki
Travelling notebook (Wraparound leather cover with closure): 3 ki
Sturdy folio (Metalshod corners, reinforced spine, inner pocket for loose paper): 7 ki
Sturdy travelling notebook (Wooden cover, inner compartment for writing tools): 8 ki
Personalized books may be ordered provided the necessary materials are reasonably available; components may have to be sourced from artisans. Inquire with your ST for pricing.
Paper & Writing Tools
Charcoal: 5 jk/10 sticks
Ink (Stick): 3 ki/10 sticks
Ink (1 ounce vial): 1 ki for black or 3 ki for coloured
Paper: 4 tk/sheet
Parchment: 2 tk/sheet
Quill: 5 jk