Massacre circled back around, pulling back the string on his bow once more as he took aim. The Jamoura was hanging onto the trunk with its feet and one arm as it turned its torso to face the flying Zith. It looked like it was about to jump, and that would be a bad thing. There was no telling how far the creature could jump, and Massacre wasn't about to find out. He let his arrow fly and didn't even bother to watch where it went as he turned and fled. The arrow zipped past Jorn missing him, and the Jamoura leaped at the fleeing Zith grabbing him by the leg. Massacre let out a surprised cry and struggled briefly to keep himself aloft, but the weight of the Jamoura was too much, and soon enough both crashed into the ground. Jorn let go of Massacre's leg as they both skidded across the forest floor and both quickly jumped to their feet as soon as they stopped moving. Massacre was faster than the large ape, who was feeling the sedative effects of the first arrow, but Jorn wasn't long behind the Zith in rising. Massacre had no intention of getting into the brawl with the large Jamoura. Instead of fighting he turned and ran, followed by an agry growl and the thunder of Jorn's heavy steps behind him. The Zith drew another arrow, nocking it and making ready to fire, but he continued to run. He needed to get far enough ahead that he could turn and shoot without being barreled into, but he didn't know if he could outrun a Jamoura or not. Taking to the air was too dangers, he might just be grabbed again, so Massacre pumped his legs as quickly as he could. Jorn thundered after the Zith and it was all Massacre could do to keep ahead. He was going to have to risk it. Massacre waited until he reached the other side of one of the Spire's large trees then stopped, spun around, and let fire his bow without even aiming. He got lucky. Jorn ran right around the tree after Massacre and took an arrow right in the shoulder. The Jamoura let out a wail of rage and pain, stopping long enough for Massacre to turn back around and keep running. As soon as he put enough distance between himself and the ape Massacre took to the skies again. He headed back for the branch he had previously perched on, a new plan already forming in his head. |