A Sudden Profound Realization

Something is On Volens' mind, her name is Penn

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A Sudden Profound Realization

Postby Volens on November 19th, 2012, 11:51 pm

Volens thought, he had seen much in the world. People were mostly concearned with thmselves, and that thought bothered him. The more he thought, the more it seemed the world was truely in a sad state. "I wish that was the case. But I'm afraid most people don't." He sadly smiled at Penn, trying to hide the sadness he felt.
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A Sudden Profound Realization

Postby Penn Zay on November 20th, 2012, 7:21 am

"Well then, most people must be shallow idiots! Not you of course, but most people!" Penn declared... She didn't really understand the ways of the world! Why wouldn't someone help someone else? Where they afraid of something?
As she tried to reason it out in her head, she realised that she would never be able to comprehend people like that! They were just mean! That was the only rational explanation she could think of!
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A Sudden Profound Realization

Postby Volens on November 20th, 2012, 11:12 am

Volens smile, she was right in a way. If people helped each other the world would be a lot better. Deeds, great and small, could be accomplished and the tide of poverty, ignorance, and danger that plauged the land could be. Held back, and maybe even whipped out. Penn gave him hope, and her company was joyful. "Maybe idiots isn't the right word. I think most people are fearful."

But there were some mean people, some of it was because of ignorance, though there were some truely evil people that walked the world. Then Volens thought of his master, the people who had killed him were ignorant and fearful, "and a lot of people are just ignorant. And judge people by what they are instead of their deeds."

He thought a little more, he had found some one who thought like he did, someone willing to keep their mind open in a world full of mystery, "Penn, I'm going to being going to Zeltiva by boat this winter. Would you travel with. Me?"
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A Sudden Profound Realization

Postby Penn Zay on November 20th, 2012, 1:16 pm

Penn smiled at Volens as he spoke... Everything he said he said seemed much more reasonable than anything she would have thought of! Then she heard him inviting her to go with him to Zeltiva when he went... She thought for a moment, then looked into his eyes.

"I'd love to join!" she said happily as she reached up and stroked his face, not really thinking about what she was doing... But she didn't really care! Volens was a nice man! He was kind, and seemed to be very akin to her.

Then she smiled at him again as she let her hand drop to her side, suddenly unsure of what she was doing...
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A Sudden Profound Realization

Postby Volens on November 20th, 2012, 2:18 pm

Volens smiled, and closed his eyes as Penn touched his face. What an unusual sense touch was. He pick up her hand and smiled at her. “Penn, youre a good person. Im glad you want to travel with me. I fear my travels may be too boring without you.” He let go of her hand, and looked away before sitting on his bed. He looked at her again, then nibbled on some of the left over food trying to fill the silence. He didn’t know what to say to her now.
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A Sudden Profound Realization

Postby Penn Zay on November 20th, 2012, 5:03 pm

Penn smiled at Volens as he sat on his bed, eating quietly, breaking the awkward silence that would have filled the room... But she couldn't help but smile at the man...

"What's Zeltiva like?" she asked softly, just wanting to hear the man's voice again, and just so she could spend more time with him... If she went to her room, she would have to spend more time alone... She had already spent a long time alone! She didn't want to spend anymore...
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A Sudden Profound Realization

Postby Volens on November 20th, 2012, 5:20 pm

Volens looked at Penn, and smiled. Even in the silence he felt content. There was something warm, and caring about her that Volens really enjoyed. He had never been to Zeltiva, though he heard about it in books, and conversation. He knew it was on the shore, and that there was a school there. He remembered something about a canyon that was the only way into and out of the town. “I’m not really sure. Ive never been there myself, and have heard about it in passing. I know there is a University there, and that it’s a major trading and naval power.”

He could tell that Penn didn’t want to leave, but he wasn’t sure what to do about that. He enjoyed her company though. “If you wanted you could stay a bit. Theres plenty of room for us to sit together on the bed. Our day doesn’t have to end until you want to sleep.” He said, trying to keep from blushing.
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A Sudden Profound Realization

Postby Penn Zay on November 20th, 2012, 6:41 pm

"It sounds like a nice place!" Penn smiled as she spoke, then she heard Volens' words and felt slightly confused... It was as though he knew what she was thinking...
"Are you sure?" she asked as she took a few steps closer to Volens, before sitting on the bed... "I can go if you need to rest?" she offered, her eyes glancing around the room...
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A Sudden Profound Realization

Postby Volens on November 20th, 2012, 6:56 pm

Volens smiled as she sat down, he enjoyed spending time with her. “No, that’s fine. I would rather sit with you longer. And I could tell you didn’t want to leave. I know a little bit about body language.” He leaned against the wall, and closed his eyes, glad that Penn had stayed.
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A Sudden Profound Realization

Postby Penn Zay on November 20th, 2012, 8:13 pm

"Am I really that obvious?" Penn asked with a giggle, her head tilted to one side as she watched Volens leaning against the wall, his eyes closed..
He looked so calm and peaceful... A rather beautiful sight! Penn knew that she'd probably never appear that calm! All the distant noises she heard made sure of that...
A constant reminder of the dangers in this world! A reminder of everything that could hurt Volens!
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