[Verified by Torchlight] Silarial Snowsong

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Silarial Snowsong

Postby Silarial on November 21st, 2012, 1:29 pm

Silarial Snowsong


Basic Information
Race: Human, mixed
Birthday: 14th of Winter, 494 AV (18 years old)
Gender: Female
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 110 lbs

Fluent: Vani
Basic: Common
Poor: —-

Physical Description
Unlike the normal Vantha, Silarial's skin is flawlessly fair, smooth like porcelain. Her features are soft and delicate, with a subtle hint of elegance that is often overshadowed both by her carefree attitude and childlike expressions. There is an air of innocence about her, most especially seen in the way she holds herself in front of other people. Her expressive puppy eyes are often found crinkled into a smile. If one is to ask what her best feature was, they would most definitely claim it was her bright, charming smile.

Her hair is of a dark shade of brown, and it falls with gentle curls to the small of her back. Fringes of hair falls over her forehead and reaches just above her eyes. This frames her features quite nicely, giving her a nice, youthful look. Due to some circumstances, however, she now intends to grow them out in the near future.

Character Concept
Silarial is very curious, always wandering around and asking questions about her surroundings. This is often fueled by her deep sense of adventure and mischief, Imagediving in all sorts of situations, both good and bad. People remark her as smart and quick-witted, often able to think her way out of trouble. She is generally sweet and thoughtful as long as she is not being mischievous. Many describe her as generous and compassionate, willing to share what she has to help someone in need. Rarely is she seen sad because of her spontaneous, cheerful, and bubbly personality. She loves the performing arts and often dreams of travelling the world as a dancer. There are times though that she can be stubborn, and she will not stop until she gets what she wants. Silarial is naive and a bit too trusting, and some people take advantage of this particular trait. She is quick to forgive, though she never forgets.

Whenever she sees spiders or other hairy insects, her mind goes blank and she freezes out of fear. She's not bothered by seeing other people's blood, but seeing her own makes her go white as sheet. She hates boredom and stagnation above all and she believes that inactivity will one day drive her mad.

Likes: Performing, Travelling, Learning new things, especially about different cultures, Friendly people
Dislikes: Spiders, Stagnancy, Seeing her own blood

Character History
Unlike most of her kin, Silarial was born far away from Avanthal. Her mother, a newly-freed slave from Sunberth, gave birth to her while on the run from a crime she had not meant to commit. From a young age, Silarial was already traveling from city to city at her mother’s whims. She grew up without a father, and Thalassa was adamant that Silarial should know nothing about him at all. Silarial was physically abused by her mother, and the times when the bruises are not present on her body are far in between.

ImageOn the Winter of 411 AV, mother and child returned to the wintry city of Avanthal. Thalassa’s maltreatment of her daughter worsened as seasons passed by, and soon it had been brought to the attention of Thalassa’s younger foster sister, Areeyah. After Silarial’s close brush with death, it was decided that custody for the young half-Vantha was to be passed to Areeyah. Thalassa was forbidden to see her own daughter ever again.

Growing up was hard on the young Silarial. Because people knew that she was Thalassa’s daughter, she was not exempt from the unkind remarks that people had for the woman. Many believed that she would end up walking the same path as her real mother, but Areeyah would have none of it. She cared for Silarial as if the girl was truly her own daughter. She taught the young girl that family is not limited to those tied by blood, but to those tied to one by heart. The woman was such a good influence to the miserable girl: within seasons, Silarial was smiling and laughing once more. She learned how to conduct herself well around others, and soon earned the acceptance of her mother’s people.

However, everything was not to be well for the young Snowsong. Sometime after her ninth birthday, Silarial decided it was time to make amends with her estranged mother. Instead of the usually sneering Thalassa, however, she witnessed the woman take her own life by hanging. The girl was in shock for a couple of days, and many were worried about her well-being. On the fourth day of her mother’s death, Silarial was responsive at last.

Since then, however, a considerable change in her demeanor was observed. Gone was the shy and reserved little girl that she was before. Silarial had suddenly taken into enjoying pranks and talking with different people. Areeyah was happy that the girl had finally tried making her world bigger, but the circumstances that made her do so was alarming. The woman had not said a word, and until now, no one exactly knows why Silarial reacted as such.

Lately, Silarial has been having dreams of finding her long-lost father. At the advent of Spring 513 AV, Silarial expressed this desire to Areeyah, much to the woman’s consternation. Whether or not the young Vantha could pursue this goal, only time will tell.

Character Upkeep
Family Heirloom: She has a glass ocarina which once belonged to her birth mother. This is safely encased in a leather pouch, and often wrapped around her neck with a string.

Inventory: A backpack which contains a set of toiletries (bone comb, bone brush, razor, soap), food for a week, an eating knife, and a flint & steel.
A waterskin.
A White Hair Bow
1 leather whip.
1 short sword.

Pet: A Talderan Snow Hare named Snowball

Lives in a 20x20 (400 sq feet) Arvinta in the Snowsong Hold. It contains a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and a small table.

Everyday Ensemble:

Dance Ensemble:
  • A fine gypsy skirt. Red and double-layered. It is flower-patterened and adorned with frills.
  • A pair of dancing shoes. Black, with two inch heels.
  • A pair stockings. Made of silk. It’s black and translucent.

Purchase Cost Total Notes
Starting+100gm100gm Startup
Leather whip-1gm99gm Startup
Leather Belt-2sm97gm, 8sm Startup
Fine (Gypsy) skirt-10gm87gm, 8sm Startup
Dancing shoes-15gm72gm, 8sm Startup
Fur cloak-20gm52gm ,8sm Startup
Stockings-4sm52gm, 4sm Startup
Short sword-10gm42gm, 4sm Startup
Seasonal wages & expenses +411 gm 453gm, 4sm For Winter 512
2 Night’s Special, 2 mugs of Hot Chocolate -4gm, 20cm 449gm, 3sm, 80cm Dinner with Inia
Living expenses -135gm 314gm, 3sm, 80cm For Spring 513

Skill Points
Skills Experience Total Proficiency
Acrobatics 1 XP 1 Novice
Acting 2 XP 2 Novice
Busking 10 SP 10 Novice
Dancing 25 SP, 2+2 XP 29 Competent
Hunting 5 SP, 3 XP 8 Novice
Interrogation 1 XP 1 Novice
Leadership 1 XP 1 Novice
Observation 2+5+3+4+5 XP 19 Novice
Persuasion 1+2 XP 3 Novice
Rhetoric 1 XP 1 Novice
Running 1+1+1 XP 3 Novice
Socialization 5 XP 5 Novice
Storytelling 10 RB, 1+1 XP 12 Novice
Singing 10 SP, 1 11 Novice
Teaching 1 XP 1 Novice
Unarmed Combat 1 XP 1 Novice

Lore of animals found around Avanthal (SP)
Lore of innocent pranks(SP)

I’m Not Here to Drink, I’m Here to Dance
Calming a Nervous Musician
Relief at the End of a Performance
Communicating Mid-Dance with a Musician

Disobeying Your Mother to Prove Yourself
Finding a Hunting Companion for the Wastes
Territorial Behavior of a Snow Hare
Assaulted by a Snow Hare
Discovering a Burrow of Orphaned Snow Hares
Accepting the Responsibility of Orphaned Snow Hares

Greeting a Newcomer to Avanthal
Clearing a Path with Ice Reaving
Teaching the Ways of Avanthal
The Wonder of Red Hair

Blaming String for One's Problems
Acquaintance: Inia Skyglow
Inia: Leather Worker at Laria's Furs
Inia: Bit of a Rambler Issues With Blood
The Idea of an Inebriated Inia
The Blossoming of a New and Wonderful Friendship
A Shared Love for the Night Sky
A Strangely Sad Dance

Why Don't I Have a Father?
My Mother Must Be a Witch
The Feeling of Being Unwanted
Areeyah: A Friend of Mother's
Saying No
A New Mother

1 Gnosis Mark from Morwen: Ice Reaving
Received on Coming of Age Ceremony
The singularly marked individual is completely at ease in the cold. The presence of Morwens mark acts as antifreeze that warms the individuals blood and keeps them comfortable even in subzero temperatures. Exposed tissue can still freeze when faced with severe temperatures, but individuals are not at all prone to hypothermia if they are well protected against the weather. They may in fact even feel ‘comfortable’ in colder climates and indeed uncomfortable in warmer climates. At this stage, Ice Reavers can control the temperature of ice, melting it or freezing it in small portions. It is not unheard of for an Ice Reaver to scoop up a pot of snow, tap their gnosis, and have a pot of ice water instead ready for cooking. Ice Reavers at this level have the ability to tell how thick a piece of ice is - such as the surface of a lake - and can determine whether it is safe or not to hold weight. At this level, Ice Reavers can tap their gnoses and shape ice that is already formed as sculptors might - loosening and causing it to shed away until the pattern they want is formed. Ice Reavers at this level cannot create ice nor manipulate large portions of ice. They cannot, for example, thaw portions of a surface of a lake, but they can take the existing ice and reshape it or melt it. They can only change the viscosity of about a standard 10 gallons of water at a time. If conditions are cold and they try to repeat this process over and over again to achieve what a higher level Ice Reaver could, they would find their manipulations refreezing behind them as they worked.

Name: Snowball
Age: 1 season
Size: Thirty four inches or almost 3 feet
Weight: 19 lbs
Characteristics: Aloof, Intelligent, Loyal

Silarial found the orphaned Snowball, a Talderan Snow Hare, in one of her ventures in the northern wastes. Snowball is one of the two hares abandoned by its herd. Silarial decided to adopt her and bring her back home to Avanthal.

Thread List
TimestampThread titleCharactersStatusRemarks
Winter 14, 501 AVPresent for a Lonely ChildSoloGradedInterrogation +1; Observation +4; Rhetoric +1; Running +1; Singing +1
Summer 13, 509 AV Ready Or Not Sera Ongoing

Fall 512 AV
TimestampThread titleCharactersStatusRemarks
Fall 44 The Class of 512 Lixue, Sliver Ongoing
Fall 45Icy InteractionsTryn, SliverOngoing

Winter 512 AV
TimestampThread titleCharactersStatusRemarks
Winter 1Dancer at the DiamondHuzak (Valkyrie)Graded Persuasion +1; Observation +2; Dancing +2; Acrobatics +1; Leadership +1
Winter 10 Inauspicious Beginnings Coren Ongoing
Winter 11You're Going DownSliver, SvasraDone
Winter 15From Across the PondH’veen, SvasraGraded Observation +3; Storytelling +1; Teaching +1
Winter 20 Hey, I Can Touch My Toes! Solo Ongoing
Winter 24Ripped Seams and Chance EncountersIniaGradedActing +2; Dancing +2; Observation +5; Running +1; Socialization +5; Storytelling +1
Winter 34 Snow During Troubled TimesSvasraOngoing
Winter 35 An ethereal jaunt through the wastesMiriaGraded Persuasion +2; Observation +5; Hunting +3; Running +1; Unarmed Combat +1
Winter 38You're Not Alone KaliOngoing
Winter 40 Back to Basics SoloOngoing
Winter 49To Sleep Under Stars and AurorasMiria, SvasraOngoing

Spring 513 AV
TimestampThread titleCharactersStatusRemarks
Spring 3 Sand Man and Miss Frost Yousef Ongoing
Spring 6 A Slippery Situation Yousef, Svasra Ongoing
Spring 13 May I have this dance? Ronan Ongoing
Spring 30 Food and Fisticuffs Sliver, Yousef Ongoing

Summer 513 AV
TimestampThread titleCharactersStatusRemarks
Summer 18 The Dancer, The Fox and The Actress Lucy, Niloc Ongoing

Rain insists to be thanked because codes are annoying. Most of these codes are shamelessly taken from Rain’s CS, heehee.
Last edited by Silarial on March 9th, 2013, 8:17 am, edited 25 times in total.
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Well... that happened.
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Joined roleplay: November 19th, 2012, 6:44 am
Location: Avanthal
Race: Human, Mixed
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