Closed The Owl's Search [Begun]

Ishgrameer's Introduction to Wind Reach

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

The Owl's Search [Begun]

Postby Ishgrameer Windwalker on November 21st, 2012, 7:03 pm

Timestamp: Fall Day 1, 512

The wind was cold. Higher up it was colder than the land below where people bustled about, and Ishgrameer could even see the person manning the Lookout from his vantage point in the sky. Fall had begun, a whispering prelude for the cold days of Winter that lay in the future.

Ishgrameer had arrived just as he had promised his mother he would upon her deathbed. The thought of that day still fresh in his head. His worldly possessions were all bundled together in his backpack that has clutched tightly in his talons. He enjoyed the wind, and the chill that ran through his feathers. Flight was a marvelous gift.

He landed on a rock that overlooked the Courtyard of the Sky, and watched the comings and goings of people. It was not a market day her surmised due to the lack of people that would have been there otherwise. There he sat for a long length of time, as he observed the comings and goings of people and pets.

Finally he turned and pulling his bundle with him thought out the Darniva Commonrooms. He needed a place to stay while he pursued his new direction in life. He had to find a companion! The wilds would always be his home at heart, but he could not leave the city (though he could for food) until his quest was complete.

The wind was cold, but refreshing. New beginnings are always a wonderful sight. Like the setting sun. Like a loved ones face. The beating of wings, and blowing of the wind was all that filtered through his ears. So he loosed a screech unto the wind, that carried for as far as it saw fit to fly.
Last edited by Ishgrameer Windwalker on November 22nd, 2012, 3:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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The Owl's Search [Begun]

Postby Cin-Cin on November 21st, 2012, 7:33 pm


The beginning of Fall, they were celebrating. Just as they did every first day of the new Season, Try and Cin-Cin were outside on the edge of the volcano. And although Cin-Cin hated jagged edges, this slope they picked wasn't as steep as other parts, it was perfect. Try was swirling above her, mingling with other birds flying by and Cin was sitting on the soft volcanic soil, staring at the sky, watching Try and all the other birds.

There was one bird that caught her eye. Not because it was a beautiful bird, but because it was carrying something in its talons. A backpack actually. What was an owl doing with a backpack. Wait, what was an owl doing outside in the daytime? Straining her eyes, Cin-Cin tried to see if the owl had a mark on it, to define it as a messenger bird or something of that nature. She saw nothing, she would have to investigate.

Pulling out her whistle from her pack she called Try. She didn't want to loose sight of the bird, so she didn't look away and called Try in a hurry. He quickly swooped down and she pointed to her confusion.
"See if the bird is a messenger, if not, get the pack." She knew he would understand, it was almost like they spoke the same language. Try squawked in reply and zoomed off up to the bird.
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The Owl's Search [Begun]

Postby Ishgrameer Windwalker on November 21st, 2012, 7:49 pm

Ishgrameer caught wind of something, or rather a duo of things. He turned his head in order to get a better view. The first was a whistle, but that he attributed to any one of the falconers that inhabited Wind Reach. The second was the thing that truly caught his attention. It was a falcon, and it was barreling towards him. The bird though seemed different in someway, but Ishgrameer wasn't certain how. The bird was definitely not a wild falcon.

Behind the bird, he noticed a woman holding a whistle. The bird was fast approaching and he was in no mood to pick a fight with something that did not deserve it. Plus he had his pack to worry about, and he didn't want to lose any of his valuables. So taking a sudden dive he did his best to avoid the agile falcon, and dived towards the ground beside the woman.
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The Owl's Search [Begun]

Postby Cin-Cin on November 21st, 2012, 8:03 pm


An owl had no reason to have an Inartians pack, only if it was a messanger bird, and Cin-Cin had never heard of a messenger bird carrying items besides a piece of paper. She expected Try to startled the bird, have it drop the pack, and Try catch it and bring it back. For all she knew it was a pack of an injured traveler that the bird found interesting and took. If it actually was an injured traveler they had to find out where he was.

What she wasn't expecting was for the owl to dodge her falcon and dive down and land next to her. She jumped away in surprise, barley catching herself on the side on the volcano. The bird just sat there, looking at her. Try came back down and hovered above Cin-Cin, staring at the bird. Cin looked up at her friend, trying to figure out what he thought of it. All she got from him was wryness and questioning Cin on what she wanted him to do next. Cin-Cin waved him down, and he went and sat on a small bush, glaring at the owl.

Cin stooped down to the owl's level and held out her hand. This method worked with the horses, holding out a hand to they could catch the sent, she wasn't sure how well it worked with birds.
"Who's pack have you got there? Is someone hurt?" She asked the bird quietly, trying to get it to trust her soothing voice and let go of the bag.
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The Owl's Search [Begun]

Postby Ishgrameer Windwalker on November 21st, 2012, 8:12 pm

Ishgrameer understood the woman's words, and cocked his head to the side in order to look at the falcon. It was a rather marvelous bird. He stood for a moment and took in the woman's features into his large round eyes. He decided she was a nice enough person, and decided that it would be better to discuss this in person.

He hopped off of the pack and using his beak and talons opened it up. He pulled out a pair of pants and a shirt. Then he spun his head around to take one last look at the woman. He wondered how she would react. No matter. Then he turned his body around to face the woman.

All at once he transformed. His features changing from owl to human, with some remaining qualities. He usually worn a hood with his previous dealing in his human form, and few had seen his features. He wondered how she would react.

The transformation complete he began to put on the clothes.
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The Owl's Search [Begun]

Postby Cin-Cin on November 21st, 2012, 8:31 pm


Cin-Cin watched as the bird cocked his head to one side, then opened the backpack. "What the..." Cin muttered and watched. The bird pulled out clothes and Cin-Cin realized what he was doing, but couldn't name it, it was on the tip of her tongue. So she was still surprised when he transformed into a naked man.

"Oh! Oh, okay. Uhm." Cin-Cin mumbled, putting out her hand to shield the body and turning her head away. She heard Try squawk an amused squawk. She looked back when the man was fully clothed. "Well I guess that explains why you have the pack," she laughed quietly.

Cin-Cin was friendly, so she did the friendly thing to do. She held out her hand,
"I'm Cin-Cin. Call me Cin. What's your name?" Of course, she had yet to know if the bird/human knew Nari... She probably should have said it in Common. "Uhm, do you know Nari?" She asked once again, in Nari.
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The Owl's Search [Begun]

Postby Ishgrameer Windwalker on November 21st, 2012, 8:49 pm

Fully clothed Ishgrameer noticed the woman's hand extended. He still found it strange humans social issues with nakedness. Strange. But understandable. He leaned over a little in order to meet Cin's height. He took her tiny hand in his, his calluses brushing up against smooth skin. She was a strong woman, despite her small frame, and he admired that. Then he spoke in perfect Nari.

"My Ishgrameer Windwalker. It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance." He said with a strange steadiness as he let go of her hand and stood to his full height (6'8"). "That is a rather marvelous companion you have over there..." he said pointing to the falcon, as he cocked his head in the falcon's direction. "a companion who will do you good. Never bad. I wish i were as fortunate." Ishgrameer sat down beside his pack and looked off beyond the volcano they sat up. He was observing the scenery intently, as if waiting for something.

"What brings you to this spot? This point? Its a good question to ask yourself from time to time. Yes good question. Never forget. Where you are and where you came from." Ishgrameer's eyes were fixed, but his mouth was crooked into a smile.

"Please sit, let us talk. There should always be time to talk. Come and sit." Ishgrameer motioned as he took his cloak out of the backpack and laid it out for Cin to sit on.

"Your splendid companion can come to, i'm sure he and i could exchange such stories."
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The Owl's Search [Begun]

Postby Cin-Cin on November 21st, 2012, 9:05 pm


Cin-Cin had failed to notice just how tall the man was. Not only was he unusually tall, but she was unusually short. It did not make a good pair. She shook his hand and ignored it when Try shouted in protest. 'Shush,' she thought to him, 'hes human too.' She smiled to herself, thinking her thought was funny and Try buried his head in his wing.

"Ish..gremmer?" Cin-Cin repeated, odd name. It matched the odd way he talked. Like he was from somewhere but he also spoke perfect Nari, with no accent. Cin-Cin was confused. Then he talked of Try, how he was a good companion. "Oh, yes. Try. He's my best friend. Aren't you boy?" She called over to him, he squawked in glee. Cin-Cin laughed.

The man then sat down, staring off into space, he seemed to have a lot on his mind.
"We come here at the beginning of each season, to celebrate the season change. This spot isn't too steep. I hate steep places, afraid of falling." She replied to his question of why she was here, but the real question was why was he here? And apparently he wanted to talk and invited her over. She sat down next to him. Try needed no invitation and flew quickly over to the pair, staring intently on the man.

The man spoke so oddly, he was not from here obviously.
"So what brings you to Wind Reach... Or over it? You don't live here do you?" She asked him, wondering why he was carrying a pack over the volcano.
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The Owl's Search [Begun]

Postby Ishgrameer Windwalker on November 21st, 2012, 9:19 pm

"Indeed it is a strange name, ish-gruh-meer. But it is my name. Although i admit it is not as lovely as yours. You are young, but beautiful. You are wise, as is your friend. I am sure he would make for an excellent storyteller, and i would love to hear them one day." he paused his head never turning until the last word was uttered. His large round orange eyes seemed to assess Cin, and he looked intently at her, but not at her figure, but rather looking deeper.

"I am here, for many reasons. To make good on a promise. To find a new home. To find a...companion. I am here, because this is where the path i chose led me. I was on my way to find a place to stay, but i am glad to have been diverted. I am glad to have made your acquaintance." A smile solidly on his face, situated beneath contemplative eyes.

He stared for some time at the sky, before muttering. "Do you live here? Would you like to get food, my treat? How does life treat you?

A smile never fled his face...never. Many things were on his thoughts. Many things. She was nice, kind, and wise.
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The Owl's Search [Begun]

Postby Cin-Cin on November 21st, 2012, 10:17 pm


Cin-Cin blushed at his compliment. She had always loved her name. "Wise? I think not!" She exclaimed then quietly added, "I mean...there is so much more I need to know. So much more to learn... I'm learning about birds you know. Because of Try, really." She looked over at Try, who was sitting quietly in front of the pair, he was starting behind them, but clearly fully aware of their conversation. "There is one really good story, how he found me. It's quite a tale, he would tell it better though, he was awake the entire time, while I was mostly passed out." Cin-Cin laughed, a bad memory, mixed with a good one. But it was true, she was blacked out most the entire time he was saving her. She wished she knew how he did it. It was miraculous.

"What kind of promise?" Cin wondered, "And if you plan to stay you'll have to check in with Kaden, he'll give you a caste and a job... Kind of mandatory for residance, but enough of that. I would love to get a bite to eat! And yes I do live here. I work at the stables." She felt no fear in the midst of this strangeer, Cin-Cin trusted easily. So she got up and started walking down the volcano. Try gave a shout and flew up behind her. "I know a good place"
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