Closed The Owl's Search [Begun]

Ishgrameer's Introduction to Wind Reach

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

The Owl's Search [Begun]

Postby Ishgrameer Windwalker on November 21st, 2012, 10:38 pm

"We are all wise in our own ways." Ishgrameer said as he stood. He picked up his pack, and began walking alongside Cin.

"It has been some time since last i ventured to the city, you'll have to help me find Kaden. I am most curious as to what job i'll get. Most curious. Where is it you would like to go eat? The transformation does birth a hunger in me."

He thought about the promise, and about his mother. He wondered if her grave remained undisturbed. "It was a promise to my mother, before she died. A promise to not be alone. To not stay alone in the wilds. To find a companion."

There was a tone of sorrow that seemed unfitting of his figure in his voice. But it passed. "It is most interesting the way we meet the people who become the most of our lives, it is often the most chance of encounters. Much like our encounter. Strange, but interesting. We are all wise in our own ways, never forget that. And if you'd like i could tell you all i know of the birds of Kalea, some of them are a chatty bunch if you but sit and listen."

"Would you like to ride on my shoulders? We will arrive much faster." A pleasantly curious look sat upon his face.
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The Owl's Search [Begun]

Postby Cin-Cin on November 21st, 2012, 10:53 pm


"Kaden's nice enough, after lunch I'll drop you off there. He's real nice. Get you a job in no time." Cin said, remembering her time she spoke to Kaden and got her job at the Stables. "For lunch we are going to the only place to get food besides your very own home. Speaking of home, what are you going to do for a home?" She asked, if he just came from the woods then he had no home. If only Cin had her business up, he could stay there. Too bad...For both of them.

A promise to his mother? Before she died? How sad.
"My mother died as well, three years ago. I never made a promise to her though, we didn't speak much before she died. Not that we didn't like each other, just didn't stay in touch." She said recalling the relationship she had with her mom. "I'm sorry for your loss."

"Your right, though."
Cin said, "I know I'll be with Try forever and we met by chance as well." She smiled up at her friend. "He protects me, I protect him. And thats why I'll have to decline your offer. Try's a bit...overprotected." She chuckled, "Especially to other birds."

They had reached the town now, and it was only a short ways to the Communal Kitchen where, she hoped, they would have a good meal. She doubt he had any cooking skills, and Cin knew she that she didn't. Well, they could try.
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The Owl's Search [Begun]

Postby Ishgrameer Windwalker on November 21st, 2012, 11:32 pm

"Very well. I imagine i would be the same way if i were him. I suppose he has right to be sceptical of me. But i imagine he once was in my position. I do look forward to a chat between birds some day..." he said, the last directed to Try "but that sounds like a splendid plan. Can't wait to eat. And i am sorry about your mother. It is always a sorrow to lose a loved one, especially those whom we know less of than we wish we did. Like my father."

He delighted in Cin's conversation, it was a welcome change from the silence and solitude of the wilderness. He was hungry. It had been a long flight. The transformation had peaked his appetite as well. His eyes focused forward, he playfully twirled the long strands of his hair. His hands finding each feather that had been woven therein over the years. The last of which, was from his mother.

"We should chat more often, we'll have to stay in touch after i get my job and housing. It would be most refreshing after a long day. I wonder what i will get for a job. I wonder." He said with pure curiosity. "So what brings you here, not here where we are now, but here as in Wind Reach? Or were you born her?"

Ishgrameer stared down at his feet, he had always been curious as to why his feet retained the talon like nails of his animal form. Always curious. This woman was curious, delightfully so. But there was something more curious about her companion. He did yearn for a chat with a fellow avian.

"Perhaps you can help me. Help me fulfill my promise."
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Ishgrameer Windwalker
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The Owl's Search [Begun]

Postby Cin-Cin on November 22nd, 2012, 1:20 am


Cin-Cin was delighted about his offer to be friends. She had never met a bird kelvic before. Sure, there were plenty of Kelvics around and she had heard of the Wind Eagle Kelvic, but had never met one. Birds being her pride and joy, it would only be an honor to be able to talk to one. He could teach her so much. "Oh, absolutely! I would love that. I need to learn everything I can about birds, you would be such a great help!" She grinned up at Ishgrameer. "And I'm sure Try will warm up to you someday." She said, giving Try and sideways glance. He ducked his head and cawed quietly.

"Being a bird of prey, you might get a hunting job...although that usually applies to Endal who are bound to Wind Eagles. Maybe and Avora. What skills do you have? Kaden always finds something for everyone." She wondered what he would get too. Maybe someday her business would be born and he could work there.

"Oh yes, I was born here. Never been anywhere else besides Thunder Bay and a little outside Wind Reach. Someday I want to go to the Ocean, a different one than here. Just to see what its like. Other than that I like it here." The weather was warm, up until Winter. The breeze cool and soothing. She loved her city and almost everything about it. She wouldn't change a thing, actually only one thing and that was already planned out.

"Help you fulfill your promise? I don't know how you would do that. When you say companion, what do you mean exactly? I'm not all that familiar with Kelvics."

They reached the Communal Kitchens then, a big rock building embedded in the volcano. Going inside, Cin-Cin shooed Try away, he knew he wasn't allowed inside, but he didn't like that Cin was going with that bird. So instead he flew above, keeping close. Inside the Common room was filled with people, all eating lunch. They came at a good time, there would be food ready and they wouldn't have to cook it.

Cin-Cin walked up to the serving area and showed herself as a Cheit she got the meal of the day and she gestured to her friend,
"a visitor," she said and the cook gave her a look, then giving Ishgrameer a bowl of soup. Cin-Cin went to sit down.
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The Owl's Search [Begun]

Postby Ishgrameer Windwalker on November 22nd, 2012, 2:05 am

Taking the bowl Ishgrameer smiled at the wafting scent that billowed into his nostrils. It had been ages since he could last remember eating a cooked meal. His life in the wild had been filled with the swallowing of whole animals, for it was much easier to hunt as an owl. Holding the bowl in one hand, Ishgrameer bowed "Thank you. May you live long and prosper" he said to the cook, and then followed Cin to the table.

Sitting down across from Cin, Ishgrameer looked at the contents of the bowl. It smelled so wonderful, and his hunger lept in his stomach for he'd not eaten his whole journey to Wind Reach. So he took the bowl and ate it in a single swift gulp. Noticing that he was not alone like he had been so many times in the wild, he wiped his mouth and put the bowl down but he did not apologize because he had no reason too (at least none he could think of).

"Oh its been a while since such hunger has plagued me. Not since last winter, when the hunting was rough. That was very good. Delicious. Excellent cooking. Better than raw meat. Must learn how to cook like that someday" the last statement left his throat with a mingled tone of seriousness and glee.

"In regards to my quest. I am seeking a companion, someone to serve, someone to be my master and friend and... never mind the last part. I was hoping to find a falconer who would take me, that would be the best of circumstances, but i realize that all leaves do not fall where they wish. I am looking for a bond similar to what you and Try have."

"So what would you like to know, about birds, about life, about me, about the wild? Or shall we save that for another time, perhaps after i get situated. I am curious about what job i'll get"
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Ishgrameer Windwalker
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The Owl's Search [Begun]

Postby Cin-Cin on November 22nd, 2012, 2:43 am


Cin-Cin laughed, "Well I'm glad you like it. That soup is usually for the lowest caste, the Dek. But if you think its good, go for I guess." She never thought it was good, thats why she always got the meal of the day, it was always better than that soup. But Cin just shrugged and continued listening to Ishgrameer.

He went on to speak of his quest, how he was seeking a person to form a similar bond with, like Try and Cin-Cin.
"Although I am a falconer, I already have a bird. I'm sure someone here in Wind Reach would like a new pet bird! I'm the only person you have talked to since you got here, you have plenty of people left." There were many people in Wind Reach and many falconers as well. Maybe not as many as dedicated as Cin-Cin, but defiantly more falconers. He just had to start looking.

"I would love to learn everything about you! Your bird life. How you hunt, how you live in the wild. About other birds, how you communicate. But thats for another time." She said, she could only imagine the knowledge this man carried to delicately in his hands. She couldn't wait until he transferred it to her.
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The Owl's Search [Begun]

Postby Invictus on December 10th, 2012, 8:25 am

Experience Award!

Ishgrameer Windwalker

Skill XP Earned Lore Earned
Flying +1 Fulfilling A Mother's Wishes
Observation +2 A Giant Amongst Inartans
Rhetoric +2 Wind Reach: A Small Initiation
Persuasion +1 Cin-Cin: Acquaintance
Philosophy +1 Try: A Faithful Companion
Not Spock


Skill XP Earned Lore Earned
Falconry +2 A Sense Of Propriety
Observation +2 Picking On The New Guy
Rhetoric +1 Fear of Falling
Persuasion +1 Ishgrameer: Acquaintance
Compassion For A Complete Stranger
Learning About Kelvics: Bonding


I found this to be a simple, yet entertaining meet and greet thread. I think you captured your characters personalities rather well in this, and I found that you each complimented the other well. I hope to see more threads where perhaps your friendship can grow. If you have any comments or questions, do not hesitate to send me a PM my way. Thank you, and enjoy!
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