Time Stamp: 73 Summer, 505 Asha seated herself comfortably near the back of the group of meditators gathered around Lectern of Eyris. She had taken to meditating there several times a season and listening to what those around her debated on. Sometimes the topic was interesting and provocative but on occasion it was uninformed and shallow. On those occasions the speaker went home shamed. Asha settled her bulk as best she could and closed her eyes. Turning her focus inward, she thrust all of her attention into her breath. Deep inhale through her nose and a long exhale through her mouth. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Over and over again she cycled her breath and allowed her mind to empty. Her attention in her breath deepened as each thought slowly slipped away. A birdcall ruffled her concentration but she acknowledged the noise mentally and returned to her breathing. She had always been instructed to never ignore noises but instead acknowledge them and then move on. There was no point in ignoring reality. There was only acceptance. Asha had always had a difficult time emptying her mind but today she found success. Usually her mind raced with questions, thoughts, and decisions as she was assaulted with information from the world around her. Slowing down the deluge was always a monstrous task. Fortunately her mind seemed happy to shed its thoughts and find clarity in emptiness. Emptiness was a special something, it was a strange lack. But she had no time to explore that thought. Oops! A thought. Asha let the inner words and musings slide away as she brought her awareness back into her breath. Inhale in through the nose, exhale out through the mouth. Inhale in through the nose, exhale out through the mouth. It was a cycle. Like the great cycle that Caihya produced in nature, with the help of Kihala and Dira. Inhale in through the nose, exhale out through the mouth. Asha longed for the stillness inside her that many of her brethren spoke of. Why couldn’t she calm the strange flurry of emotion and words when she encountered something new? Others were able to approach situations with a calm head and take their time. But she didn’t seem to be able to; she was just too eager. She wanted to know and she wanted to know NOW. Perhaps if she cultivated stillness and emptiness in her mind she would be able to control herself better. She hoped so anyways. Inhale in through the nose, exhale out through the mouth. Her physical body was still and her eyes closed. Her large hands rested peacefully on her thighs. She appeared the same as the other meditating Jamoura around her but she was unsure if they faced the same difficulty in finding clarity. The breathing calmed her though. It was so gentle and personal. The breath cycled over and over and over endlessly. Well, it wasn’t endless, but at least it appeared so. |