Faith is often a tricky thing, and for the most part boils down through the “eye of the beholder” deal. It can often lead to heated debates and in real life, many wars were, and still are, being fought over faith itself.
I myself, tend to be agnostic for the most part(I’m open to the concept, but I can’t take it on faith anymore, sort of need some proof), with a slight lean towards the Universal Laws of Attraction and Karma.
Such would be a little more difficult in Miz, where gods and goddess’ interact with the mortals on a regular basis. It often makes me wonder how well a character trying to play an Atheist would work out. Constantly denying that gods exist, claiming that ones that suddenly appear before him are nothing more than just “really powerful individuals and not gods” And for the most part, who’s to really deny him that claim? Even if the gods smite him and make the Atheist’s life terrible until it is eventually ended, who would be able to convince him that he is wrong? Again, in the eye of the beholder.
Jaeden doesn’t stick to or follow a particular faith himself zealously. He doesn’t call out a gods name in times of crisis, and only offers a prayer to Caiyha every now and then when hunting. For the most part, he just lives, and tries to live right by his own views and ideals shaped on how he was raised and life experiences. Despite being marked by two gods.
Priskil, in my opinion, is a Goddess who would likely want her followers to work more towards “leading by example” rather than preaching and converting (save for things involving Sagillius, which is sort of personal for considering what happened to Aquiras). She would hope that someone, seeing evils being committed, would step forward to intervene, but wouldn’t want them to go all Richard the Lionheart, and force faith on the “heathans”.
In the end, even her Wiki claims her as a Goddess who demands nothing and is hesitant to ask for help. I believe, again just my opinion, that she doesn’t even truly want war with Saggy, that she’s borderlined total pacifist overall, only pushing when pushed first, and that the struggle with Saggy is more than anything, her fierce desire to see her lover returned to her. But, to do that, she has to likely go into conflict with Sagillius.
Considering such, Priskil could be one of the most accepting of all gods, save for times in the face of total and blatant acts of evil. Hope, after all, can come from just witnessing an act of defending those who can’t defend themselves, and that witness thinking, “Wow, maybe the world hasn’t gone totally to hell yet? Maybe tomorrow can be a better day.”
Of course, this is just the ramblings of one reader’s opinion. Again, Eye of the Beholder.