by Wrenmae on April 5th, 2012, 8:29 pm
I rather enjoyed this scrap, Fallacy. Ordinarily I don't respond on scrapbooks for fear it will turn an eye perilously close to my rather bare scrap...but this struck a chord with me and I couldn't resist letting you know that.
I feel as though Mizahar sometimes falls into that darker realm of aggressive competition. We compete for friends, for points, for mod attentions, and sometimes for popularity...usually without realizing it. Feelings seem easily hurt on Miza at times and an 'acceptable' response is to write a non name specific passive aggressive rant about the situation on ones scrap. I find that it can be counterproductive because it's a non specific way to rally others into disparaging the unnamed individual who oft times is completely aware of who the scrap is about. What we sometimes forget is that this is a story, a collaborative story. We are ALL important here. The Founders created the world we play in, the Storytellers and Founders create the plots we so enjoy, and the players, the Founders, and the Storytellers all play in the same framework. We're all here to roleplay...I think that's a safe assumption to make. Not all of us stay and sometimes elitism or bruised feelings divide us. It's hard to find a site that doesn't duke it out with drama once in awhile...but it helps to read your words and realize that we can take a step back from all of it and try to frame the situation in other light.
Rather than indulge in anger, it would be easier to simply log out of the chat, take a deep breath, go for a walk, or do something more pleasing while the feeling dissipates. We make decisions when we're angry, sudden and sometimes irrevocable decisions. Without the kind of forethought calm logic offers, how can we be trusted to make the RIGHT choice? Emotions are fickle...they rarely stay for very long and the person who may have accidentally slighted you one day won't have the same emotional resonance a week or so later. Better to keep things light, diplomatic, and friendly. Put on your best face if you're going to communicate in the chat...and if you can't, simply don't. Chat is not mandatory. Scraps are not mandatory. I joined Mizahar because I regretted not doing it several months before...and I wanted to join then because of what an amazing world this is. The Founders have put fantastic amounts of work into it and I am in a perpetual state of amazement with what the players choose to DO in the world. Such grand plots! Such relationships! Such characters! Some fade into history as the real world consumes us, but there's usually always a place to return to when one gets time for it.
I stay because of the friends I've made here. I like a lot of the writers on Mizahar and cannot help but be inspired by their work. It's fantastically fun to plot out something with another player, build a relationship, forge a history...etc. I can't get enough. I may have messed up a relationship with someone I didn't intend to, perhaps even alienated myself from a few others unintentionally...but I stay because I believe that misunderstandings can be re-explained. I am here because I want to write and have found nowhere else as enjoyable as here.
So, I agree with Fallacy. Just be an assertive and positive communicator. There's so much fantastic plots to plan, things to do, stuff to help with. Eliminating OOC drama is a difficult task, but one that I think is completely within our realm of possibility. Most of us are adults, after all, and a fair number of us know how to communicate fairly well. Let's just apply it.
I've let go of my misgivings with others. Really, it was childish. Especially online where words can be so easily just isn't worth it to stay mad...I cut off an entire line of plotting by letting OOC misgivings (especially small ones) gum up the works.
Thanks for this scrap, Fallacy. I've enjoyed what you've had to say and will try to adopt a more positive approach to things.
This PC has the Blight gnosis. As such, you as a player need to be aware of what that consists of. Wrenmae has an invisible aura that amplifies sickness and disease. Wounds may become infected, small sneezes may become coughing, and a slight fever may become more serious. A nuit's body will also break down faster in the presence of the Blight. These effects may not be immediate, but within the few days following your encounter, the symptoms will manifest. Some sooner than others. I cannot control your character, so creativity will be left up to you. Best wishes and stay healthy!
Special shoutout to
Fallon for my new CS