Mizahar Drugs

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Mizahar Drugs

Postby Thundiirn on November 23rd, 2012, 5:19 am

Hello all!

I have talked to a few people through PM about drugs in Mizahar, and they assure me that they exist. However, looking through the wiki and using the search feature in the forums, I've found little about them, again other than that they exist. Is there anyone about whose character regularly dabbles with drugs, or just someone who knows a bit about them, who could either compile or point me towards a general list of what drugs are available, some idea of what they do, typical dosages, duration of effect, etc?

Or, if there's much more info out there than I thought but it's not already compiled, here's a bit more detail about what I'm looking for. I was hoping to find something rather similar to LSD in real life, specifically in terms of effect and availability. My character wouldn't be a regular user, just one that always jumps at the chance when it appears, so it hopefully wouldn't be a drug that's everywhere like weed is in real life. Otherwise he'd probably become a regular user, which I don't really want. Not really something that causes straight hallucinations (making things "appear" that aren't there, for example talking to a person for five minutes and then realizing they're alone while on it), just something that severely alters reality and produces visual alterations (for example things that are in fact there looking "drippy" or seeing everything as if it were underwater).

If such a thing isn't really present currently in Mizahar, am I allowed to/how would I go about creating it for my character's usage?
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Mizahar Drugs

Postby Torchlight on November 23rd, 2012, 8:31 am

Hi Thundiirn.

Mizahar narcotics do exist, but there hasn't been a lot of development toward them as a game aspect. The one I do know about for sure is a drug called Mirage, and I know there is a shady industry in Ahnatep at least where Mirage is produced and sold. However, I don't know what kind of drug Mirage is, what it's made of, or what the effects are.

Colombina, the Founder who created Ahnatep, may have more information for you.
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Mizahar Drugs

Postby Gossamer on November 23rd, 2012, 2:55 pm

This is my list of knowns so far...

Zoomers from Sahova, mind alerting stuff not readily available.

Windreach has Dreamsmoke. It's a smoked herb that gives hallucinogenic results similar to Opium. This is traded to Riverfall a bit too. Also a place in wind reach called Inclimate Weather has a ton. I believe Phoenix has a list somewhere.

Mura has Silver Lake aka Visionwater. This water gives anyone who drinks it prophetic visions. If they are exposed to it long enough, they often develop psychic gifts as in the whole Konti race.

Riverfall has Damaru which suppresses the dominant nature/side of the Akalak for the duration the drug is taken. Unknown what it does to humans or other races. Its made from sea cucumber.

Syliras has Dreamsmoke and Velispardust is made from the ground up bones of the Velispar, ancient, and is said to make a man more vigorous in bed. It’s doubtful Velispar bones can be found.

Ahnatep has Mirage which is an opiate that resembles heroin’s effects.

Sunberth has Pulp which is kinda like hash. Pulp is an interesting crop that can be burned and inhaled, eaten whole (though that's not suggested as you'll vomit before most of the hallucinogenic toxins absorb into the body), and lastly. The plant can be soaked in warm water, which draws out the toxins in the water from the plant, and making a hallucinogenic drink that tastes, surprisingly, like water. The drug itself is tasteless when extracted from the plant. The effects of such drug is as various as can be. Some merely walk in a daze for half a day with clumsy feet, a heavy slurring ton, and a strong urge for sex. Some find their legs numb and their world colorless, or worse, too colorful. It's not uncommon to see an atypical user on the Pulp Toxin and breaking down from fear of what they experience.
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Mizahar Drugs

Postby Alses on November 23rd, 2012, 10:05 pm

From a chance reading of the wiki - and do correct me if I'm wrong or it's been removed - I believe there's another one, called Core. It can be found in Nyka, and it's mentioned here.
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Mizahar Drugs

Postby Phoenix on November 24th, 2012, 1:23 am

This is the list of drugs that are available in Wind Reach. They haven't spread very far outside of WR because most of the plants used to make the drug grow on the mountain.

Name: Poppers
Effects: Chemical contained within the air sack of most aquatic animals. When tissue is punctured and the chemical reacts with the air, the user inhales the resulting gas and experiences a warm, light headed feeling. A feel good drug.

Name: Winger
Effects: - In the interest of making the drugs easy to conceal and hide, a powder narcotic that can be spread on the fibers of a feather and sniffed (think line of cocaine). Can also be snorted in bullet size out of a hallowed out talon. This drug causes fierce hallucinations as well as a feeling of intense invincibility and usually the side effect of thinking one can fly.

Name: Rez, "R"
Use Can be added any hot drink, like tea, smoked or baked into food.
Effects: An herb mostly used for medicinal purposes. It is intended to help balance the chemicals in ones brain that controls mood and temper, but when used recreationally it acts as a downer, slowing the pulse and inhibiting proper brain functions. Very dangerous when misused, but found to be a popular de-stresser.

Name: Temper
UseCan be smoked or baked into foods.
Effects: Wind Reaches weed. Very popular among the lower castes since it is the more affordable of the drugs. Side effects include paranoia and the inability to sit still for very long.

Name: Apple Sauce
Use Can be smoked, eaten or dissolved in alcohol.
Effects: Like Opium, this is the sap of a small, ugly bush that grows on the side of the mountain, one of very few plants that can withstand the severe weather. It produces what look like miniature apples that are inedible, but the sap from the actual tree can be gathered and used as a narcotic.

Name: Funkus
Use: Can be dried and powdered.
Effects: Small, hallucinogenic mushrooms that grow around the base of the mountain and in the surrounding forest. Can be eaten for extreme hallucinations that consist of either a positive or negative “trip” where ones whole awareness are consumed by this experience.

Name: Warp
Use: Tablet or pill
Effects: After 1-2 hours of ingesting the drug, visual awareness is heightened, sounds become enhanced, emotions and physical sensations are altered. The user’s sense of self and its interaction with people or objects, their concept of reality is generally brought to question. Strange visual stimuli, that may or may not be comforting or frightening overwhelm the user, there is a real risk of irrational fear taking over, paranoia, confusion or panic. Equally, some people have apparently wonderful experiences with none of these symptoms.

Name: The "Pinch" or "Poke"
Effects: Used as a painkiller, when taken in large doses it’s extremely addictive. It causes a sense of euphoria, exhilaration and a sense of well being. It is an expensive drug that almost no one but the most wealthy can afford, mostly Endal. Even after moderate usage, if the drug isn’t continuously taken there are extreme withdrawal effects that usually cause the addict to do almost anything for another hit.

Name: Dreamweaving
Use: Absorbed through the skin
Effects: The natural fumes of Mt. Skyinarta are put to use in the Dreaming Lady, causing the user to experience vivid dreams and visions.

Name: The "Slammer"
Use: Tablet, pill or injected
Effects: Primary used as a muscle relaxer, but study proved it to be too strong and with an odd effect. When taking this herb, the user experiences complete numbness in all of their limbs for a period of 1/half hours while still having full control of their bodies. In this condition the user could push their bodies further and harder without feeling any pain at all. Side effects once the dose wears off the user will gain the feeling of their earlier bruises and illnesses and probably need another dose.

Name: Eagle Eyes
Use: Absorbed through the eye
Effects: This liquid drug puts the ciliary muscles in the eye into overdrive, causing the pupil to dilate and increasing the near and far vision of the user to that of supposedly an eagle. Side effect, the user sometimes experiences sensitivity to light and long term use could result in blindness.

Name: Love Dust
Effects: - A powder narcotic that is ingested through the nose or mouth. This drug causes intense lust to be with another (something similar to what animals feel in mating season.) The users body becomes ultra sensitive and something as simple as a hug could send them into blissful ecstasy. Side effect-way too many one night stands.
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