[Character Sheets] Q&A

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[Character Sheets] Q&A

Postby Xaden on November 25th, 2012, 8:42 pm

Hello I'm having some crazy issues with my CS were the reply box is on top on my CS. I was just wondering if it just my end or is it the coding.

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[Character Sheets] Q&A

Postby Kraken on November 25th, 2012, 10:14 pm

Hi Xaden!

It looks like it was just a small error with the way your tags were closed. Not to worry! I've edited your coding and posted it here for you to use:

Code: Select all
Birthday:Spring 491

[b]Physical Description[/b]

Stands at 5”10 with light brown skin with alethic build with dark brown eyes. He normally tries to keep his head shave for because he doesn’t want to concern himself about insects in his hair when he out in the wilds, but he does have a black goatee on his chin.


Like all good stories Xaden’s begins with family and tragedy. He was born in the holy city of Nyka, but that's only because that was the place with his mother gave birth. His true home that of the road. Never knowing his father Xaden and his mother Nivara traveled the Sylira Region his with her relatives.
They were skilled animators as well as being followers of Rhysol they cared little about the taboo of using the remains of sentient beings and animals to create golems. There was a total five of them that traveled throughout the Sylira Region with an handful of bone golems taking care not mingle with the rest of civilization because of the stigma that is against their lifestyle, only making trips to any of the cities to resupply and trade their Malediction fetishes or wooden carvings made by his grandfather.

Of courses there was time when trading was slight, or when Xaden was just bored. They would go on night time raids on small caravans of traders or random travels and unleash their bone golems upon them for their money as well as parts for new golems.

But all of that change when the djed storm hit. While his family was out to get supples taking the golems with just in case they come across any travelers.  Xeden at their camp which was located in cave because he was sick for foolishly eating poison wild berries, which may have saved his life because out of no were the storm hit that regain. With him being far back in the cave that may have saved his life.

When the storm passed Xaden waited for his family to return to the cave hoping they serve the storm. But they never shown up he waited a couple of days but no one shown up back at camp. Realizing that they may be dead Xaden morn their loss but know he had to go on with his life deciding to see more of Mizahar and its cities.[/center][/frametrans][/framepic]

Now, if you can't get into your CS to edit the error, please repost your CS in a new thread with this coding and I'll delete your old topic. I hope this helps!

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[Character Sheets] Q&A

Postby Levanna on November 27th, 2012, 5:15 pm

I've got a small problem regarding my CS. It's finished, but the Appearance of my CS seems to be hiding behind the Character Concept and History posts. I've tried different browsers only to end with the same result. I fear it may be a glitch in the server?

If you or someone else would like to check it out and perhaps look into what may be going on, I'd totally appreciate it

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[Character Sheets] Q&A

Postby Torchlight on November 27th, 2012, 9:24 pm

Hello Levanna. :)

This problem is commonly caused coding tags being out of order. You can take a look at your coding by clicking "Post Reply", then scrolling down to your first post (the one with the issue), and then clicking the quote option for that post. It will show you the raw BBCode and you can search for the error. Unfortunately, you may be unable to edit your post (with that stuff in the way). We may have to repost it and delete the old one.

I would do this myself, but I'm on my phone at work. I'll be home this evening, and if you're still having the problem then, I'll come to you in PMs and we'll get to reposting your CS with corrected code.
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[Character Sheets] Q&A

Postby Kraken on November 28th, 2012, 1:50 am

Hi Levanna,

You just have a small problem of closing your tags out of order. Unfortunately, I'm unable to reach your first post to edit it for you, which means you'll need to repost your Character Sheet in a new thread.

Here's the coding as it should be for each post:

Code: Select all
[framepic=http://www.wallpapersdb.org/wallpapers/fractals/abstract_water_lily_1280x1024.jpg][frametrans=black,7][center][googlefont=Italianno][size=200][b]Levanna[/b][/size][/googlefont][img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/20294_10151130766767611_1351922802_n.jpg[/img][googlefont=Italianno][size=200]White Moon[/size][/googlefont]
[googlefont=Italianno][size=200]Birth Date: 26th of Winter, 485[/size][/googlefont][/center]

[center][googlefont=Ruluko][color=#FFFFFF][size=125]Born with opalescent pearl blue eyes, coral lips and long hair as sheen and white as the moon, skin as fair as the season she was born in, there came into existence – Levanna "White Moon".[/size][/color]

[box=700,black,white,#e1e6fa]Standing no taller than five foot and five inches, Levanna has a slender and toned figure. Even though she is not heavily endowed like other Konti are, she takes it as a blessing for her agile fighting style with her Sai. She prefers to wear sleeveless silken robes that are slit on each side up to her hips for accurate movement, and a leather belt to keep her Sai criss-crossed at her lower back which also gives emphasis to her curves. To keep her hair away from her face she wears pink seashells at either side of her head and pearls half way down her back acting as a very loose pony-tail.

Like an enchanted race, Konti are born with scales closely resembling tattoo-like markings on their bodies, also with Avalis’ gift of the Gnosis mark.
Levanna has wing-like translucent blue scales on her back that intertwine just below her breasts, returning to her lower back and ending at her hip bones. Atop her left breast lies a lavender and pink Heart-Seer lily Gnosis mark.
****Note: More coming soon.****[/box][/googlefont][/center][/frametrans][/framepic]

Code: Select all

[googlefont=Ruluko][color=#FFFFFF]Born with the Heart-Seer lily, Levanna most of the time is mistakenly marked as “shy” when she is merely observing and sorting the emotions of others around her. Doing this allows her to gain a better understanding to whom she is speaking with. One will notice she is very compassionate and loving as a person, however when battle arises is a completely different matter.
As strong-willed and loyal as she is to her friends and family, Levanna has been titled as “Konti of the Wild” or in a more negative tone - a Berserker. The behavior change in battle has either scared off her own kind or they have respect for her abilities. Whether the respect is out of fear for her capabilities or genuine still lingers mystery.

Musically talented as a singer, Levanna continues to master control over her own emotions in the presence of others through song. A type of therapy one would say is a perfect way not only to manage emotions, but also used to convey them. This ability is either coveted by rulers for war or is used to bring happiness and joy to others. Ironically enough, music is also a distraction to her since emotions are tied with it.

To calm her senses, Levanna has loved the art of mixing and blending herbs together creating her own tea. She loves to relax with a book in hand and tea by her side, enjoying the vast ocean before her. Swimming and exploring her second nature clears her mind and heart of anything unsettling, returning her to her true self; rational, compassionate, loving and ever listening to The Call for her bond-mate.[/color][/googlefont][/frametrans][/framepic]

Code: Select all

[googlefont=Ruluko][color=#FFFFFF]Konti children are raised in the safety of their homeland; this was no exception to Levanna. Her mother taught her all she needed to know to survive, from the Konti way of the Suvai to wife-hood. Before she learned how to use the weaopn, her mother taught her to carve her own from white bone. This quickly became an annual ritual not only to bond with her mother, but also to be sure she can fight properly with the right length of her weaponry. As quickly as this fighting style she grew to love, her mother set her out to find other interests and hobbies to develop. There were some skills she didn’t like doing such as sewing. Her mother always said “To proper wear or be bare” to get her to continue the awful chore. Expected as a young child, Levanna didn’t know how useful the skill will be in the future.

Levanna found her talents through her mother’s harp. Made out of white bone the thing was relatively heavy to a child. Dyed in colours of pastel yellow and pink, she saw intricate designs carved at the base which made it look absolutely beautiful.
One day her mother heard Levanna humming along to something that sounded like a harp. The poor girl was scolded using her mother’s things without permission, but she did make a promise to her. When Levanna grew of age she would then inherit this as an heirloom.

During the adolescent years, Levanna had become very skilled with the Suvai Art. As swift and elegant as her moves increased in experience, so did her gift of the Heart-Seer increase.
In more ways than one.
Her emotions began to amplify and fighting an opponent proved to become a challenge. Most of the time it wasn’t her own emotions at all that were at play, but her opponent’s. Some had figured out a way to distract her with knowledge of her mark.
One day a certain emotion was felt so strongly to the point of blacking out completely and awakening in a pool of blood not her own. Fortunately, the one in question she was rumored to have slain was a Zith, looking for potential slaves near her home. To her some of her people she was a heroine, but to others she was a Wild One – a Berserker. Too many of her kind didn’t understand what the Heart Seer can be capable of. Many wanted to shun her and ban her in fear of what she could do to them, but her mother fought mentally and physically for her child to stay within the waters of home. They eventually made an agreement to let Levanna stay until her adulthood. Lucky for her, she heard the first Call to her Bond-Mate and left to the city of Syliras.[/color][/googlefont][/frametrans][/framepic]

Code: Select all

[center][box=600,black,white,#2244CC][tabset=200][tab=Clothes and Equipment,#333333,white][table2=#333333,#ffffff][color=#80BFFF]Items[/color] | [color=#80BFFF]Colour[/color] |[color=#80BFFF]Description[/color] |[color=#80BFFF]Derivation[/color]
Suvai                     |White|Three-pronged weapon made of white bone that weakens an opponent|SP, equip, from the home land of Konti
Patched, silken robe | Pastel blue        |A simple, sleeveless robe that has been aged with wear|SP, equip
Worn, woolen cloak  | Off-white, grey |Hand made cloak for winter use, it has been through many seasons|SP, equip
Worn shoes            | Suede                |Simple pair of shoes. It's been a long hike |SP, equip[/table2][/tab] [tab=Backpack,#333333,white][b][googlefont=Ruluko][size=150][u]Hygiene[/u][/size][/googlefont][/b]


[googlefont=Ruluko][u][size=150]Food & Cutlery[/size][/u][/googlefont]

[*]1 week of rations
[*]Eating knife[/list]


[*]Flint & Steal
[*]Heirloom: Mother's Harp[/list][/tab][tab=Residence,#333333,white][googlefont=Ruluko][size=150][u]Description[/u][/size][/googlefont]

A dark 20x20 apartment ([i]SP[/i]) without any windows, the only light source in this room is by candle light and the heart fire. The furnishings consist of:
[*]Bedside table
[*]Dining table & chair
Naturally, Levanna strongly dislikes it due to the unnatural state and wishes to someday upgrade to better housing.[/tab][tab=Ledger,#333333,white][table][b]Purchase[/b] | [b]Cost[/b] | [b]Total[/b]
Starting | +100 GM | 100 GM
Income/Expense Name | +/-# GM | # GM
Income/Expense Name | +/- # GM | # GM[/table][/tab][/tabset][/box][/center][/framepic]


-   Herbalist 10(RB)
-   Medicine 8

-   Harp 5
-   Lyrical Poetry 5
-   Singing 7

Art of Suvai 15
Observation 5
Sewing 5[/columns][/color][/size][/googlefont][/box][/spoiler][/center]

[center][box=600,black,white,#2244CC][size=125][googlefont=Ruluko][tabset=100][tab=Languages and Lore,#333333,white]Fluent: Kontinese
Common: Various
Poor: Akalak

Lore of Healing
Lore of Music[/tab] [tab=Gnosis Mark,#333333,white]Heart-Seer Lily
Rank 1[/tab] [tab=Racial Abilites,#333333,white]Water-breathing[/tab][/tabset][/googlefont][/size][/box][/center][/framepic]

Just give me or another Liaison a shout when you've reposted your CS so that we can delete your old thread. I hope that helps!

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[Character Sheets] Q&A

Postby Vaspira on December 21st, 2012, 2:00 am

I have a question, and if this has already been asked and answered please forgive me. But I am in the process of making my first CS, ever, and when I go to use the googlefonts or webfonts I put the size of the text to 200, but it looks like the size is 5. I put the code in exactly as it says except with *[* instead of *{* but it still doesn't work right. I was hoping someone could help me figure this out. :)

This is me using Hypnotism.
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[Character Sheets] Q&A

Postby Kraken on December 22nd, 2012, 1:40 am

Hi Vaspira,

Thanks for your question. Are you using the "size" tag, or the "style" tag? Sometimes with the size tags, the googlefonts or webfonts come out looking very, very small - even if you make it the max of 200. If this is the case for you, I would recommend using the following code:

Code: Select all
[style=font-size:400%][webfont=AngelicWar]TEXT HERE[/webfont][/style]

I hope that helps!

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[Character Sheets] Q&A

Postby Vaspira on December 22nd, 2012, 2:09 am

Thank you! I was using the size tag, as well as not using the size tag and it just wasn't working, and every time I use the center command it seems to mess up the whole code. But anywho I will see if that will make the code be less temperamentally towards me! :) Thanks again.

This is me using Hypnotism.
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Oh, man, I'm not gonna make it through all of this!

Postby Keira Star on December 28th, 2012, 10:49 pm

I just joined an hour ago.... Still extremely confused, way too much reading, when can I just make the character sheet?? Where do you make it, what do I have to know, and is it a checklist I can quickly read through... I am so overwelmed. And I am panicing. and I need help. Before I am scared away from the site and just leave.

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