Location [Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

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Considered one of the most mysterious cities in Mizahar, Alvadas is called The City of Illusions. It is the home of Ionu and the notorious Inverted. This city sits on one of the main crossroads through The Region of Kalea.

[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Lliwen Vafara on August 17th, 2012, 5:07 pm

Lliwen's grin was now spread across her entire face, not just in size but every feature reflected the happiness she felt. Grasping the letter tightly as though it may escape from her clutches and this may all be a dream, she gazed at the letter before looking back to Serenity, who's back was now turned towards her cabinet once more.
"Uh... uh... yes please."
Her excitement was now overridden by her shock that all of this was actually happening. Hoping that the receptionist would not turn back to her in the next few seconds, Lliwen squeezed her eyes together and clasped her hands, almost as forcefully as she had the letter before placing it with the rest of her belongings.
'Please let it be a nice house.'
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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Nas on August 21st, 2012, 9:42 am

Nas thought about it for a moment hrm it wouln't be wise to say i am a mage...or it could be but i dont think i have a good body to work for labor or such jobs he decided not to overthink about it smiling under the mask he spoke softly.
"I know a bit of Embalming and i am able to manipulate fire i dont have any preference on my pay or job, but i dont have a very strong body so a job that requires a strong body might be a no for me"
the nuit was a bit amused by his words half truth half lie oh well .
Bold letters i speak Italics i think Pavi.
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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Mirage on August 30th, 2012, 4:22 pm


A folder was removed from the cabinet and a drawer closed. Turning Serenity returned to the desk and sat, opening the folder and ruffling through a few of the multicolored pages. Finally she extracted one, read a few lines and spoke,
"It seems that there is a position open at the Acumen Asylum. They are in search of more educators on nearly every subject. If you are interested I will write your letter of recommendation, and then you may go and inquire about the position to the Headmaster."


If Serenity took notice of the slight hiss she gave no indication of such. Perhaps it was because she lived here, in Alvadas where countless strange things occur, that she did not immediately note a mere speech impediment as unusual. The woman looked Zorias up and down, here eyes holding thought as she waved a hand at the weapon,
"Though I understand your profession, please be more thoughtful and refrain from carrying your weapon about so openly in the streets. Some might get the wrong impression." Absently she thought of the Listeners that patrolled the streets, and of the Silencers who removed possible threads without allowing even a single word of explanation. Steepling her fingers the woman crossed her legs, "Alvadas does not have much need for mercenaries, and as for a runner of sorts the city has its own couriers for that... Do you happen to have any skills with hunting and skinning by chance?"


Serenity smiled and chuckled softly at the girls enthusiasm,
"Yes yes now let me see what we have available." The woman's adept fingers flipped through the folders until she finally pulled out a bright teal colored one and returned to her desk. Opening the folder she removed a couple of sheets, scanning a few lines before speaking, "It seems that Harael has recently finished two new dwellings. The most recent one was crafted simply from Coral Manipulation. The description of the home indicates that it has an odd habbit of shifting from shades of bright red or pink to deep purples and golds." She glanced at the other paper, "The second option is a home done by mix of Choral manipulation and hand crafting. Its a bit smaller than the first one I mentioned, but its surface is decorated with a wide variety of shells imported from Charoda. Its colors range from shades of blue to bright silver." Setting down the paper Serenity smiled at Lliwem, "Both homes are the standard 20x20 found through out Mizahar. They consist of one room with accommodations made for underwater living. Which would you like?"

OOCI will fill you in on the details of the inside of the dwellings after we finish here ^.^


The woman would tap her chin in thought, rocking slowly back in her chair as she looked off in the distance. After a short time she looked back at Nas,
"Have you any sales experience, or perhaps knowledge on any sort of trade?"
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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Lliwen Vafara on August 30th, 2012, 6:35 pm

Lliwen held her chin in thought, her eyes occasionally darting from side to side. Decisions, it was safe to say, were not one of her strong points.
“I think… I’ll go with the first one please! If that’s okay?”
She was oddly proud of herself for making a choice so quickly, it usually took a lot of time, thinking and possibly reading through many scriptures to come to a conclusion she was (almost) comfortable with. While she was on a brave streak for her with her people skills (for her initial excitement had worn off and her awkward shyness was making a comeback) she decided she would ask a few more questions.
“How much would that cost and how much will I get paid for working at the library?”
As the words spilled out into the air, she realised how money obsessed she sounded.
‘Best add in something else.’
“Oh, how and when can I start working at the library? Thank you very much”
Lliwen bowed her head in appreciation, pleased she had remembered her manners- after all, they were very important.
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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Saige on August 30th, 2012, 10:09 pm

"The Acumen Asylum?" Saige had heard of the place before, and had considered taking a class or two there. Then she figured she ought to get a job beforehand should she want to be able to afford it. Now there was a job offer to work there? What an interesting turn of events, she thought.

"I always found the decision to associate a place of learning with the word "asylum" to be a little... dark," she admitted to Serenity. While it was understandable to see a school as a haven of sorts, what was the point of learning about the world if one remained cooped up in a building of pseudo-intellects? After all, one could not be a true intellect if they didn't bother to venture out and make observations for themselves. She dismissed the thought, deciding that she ought to meet the headmaster and teachers first. "No matter. I would love to go see the Asylum for myself, and see if they will have me as an educator there, before I make any decisions. A recommendation would be lovely."
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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Nas on August 31st, 2012, 8:48 am

Nas stoped himself before speaking expierence? he had some expierence in organizing small teams of persons together, but that was it.
He felt a bit melancholic by it his body had always been strong before he became a nuit so few skills were ussefull now.
Speaking up he kept tried to keep himself from bringing memories of his past in his mind "well i dont have expierence in selling wares but i do have some expierence on organizing a group of people to do their job" this was the truth heh ad some expierence perhaps this would help in finding a new job.

Bold letters i speak Italics i think Pavi.
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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Sinoa on December 1st, 2012, 5:06 am

Timestamp: 1st of Winter 512 AV

Sinoa Had missed this building upon entering the city after being so overwhelmed with all the new and fascinating sights to see. He originally thought living in this town would be the best thing that had ever happened to him but after the recent ghost related incident he wasn't quite as ecstatic. Although it was no longer the dream land it once was to him he still liked it more than any other place he had been.

He was to small to open the door by himself so he waited for some one to open the door for him. A man exiting the building allowed for sinoa's opportunity to enter. He walked up to the reception desk and his hight became a problem yet again. He was far too short to see over the reception desk or for anyone to see him.
“Hello...is anyone there?” sinoa asked hoping for a response.
After a while of getting no response he pushed a chair toward the desk and climbed it to get on the the Reception desk.
He saw that no one was around but he saw the service bell and rung it.

(OOC : I know you guys are probably busy with the season change stuff so no rush)
Last edited by Sinoa on December 4th, 2012, 3:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Jilitse on December 1st, 2012, 5:03 pm

Timestamp: 1st of Winter 512 AV

Jilitse had let the last year pass by without actually accomplishing anything. A year wasted for the living, but not exactly a setback for someone who has been counting centuries for a lifetime. Still, it was disappointing to realize that nothing came out of her meeting with Jaeden, Kamalia, and Sasin. It felt like she was alone again, with the firm belief that pulsers were too transient to be dependable when it came to larger matters of the world. They come and go as they please, molded by constantly changing wants and needs. Perhaps they just didn't like being hands-on with things that directly involve the gods?

Jil had no such luck in advancing her craft. Alvadas was busy for the most part, with the unexplained wild djed storm that attacked the city early in the year. It was a good thing that she needed nothing but shelter, and the city had been generous enough to provide safehaven. Jil made a note to remember and thank Ionu for letting her stay in the City of Illusions.

There was something special about the first day of Winter, but with the many years she had spent as a shut-in Sahovan mage, Jil didn't even have the slightest idea that she is supposed to be remembering something important. She forgot where she started the day, a door, a street-corner -- the ever changing landscape always made it hard to remember. She wore most of her usual mage garb, all black and tattered. It was obvious that she gave an effort in fixing how she looked today, her hair wasn't combed but was neatly tucked inside her Benshiran cowl. She decided to head to the Temple of Ionu today, maybe she should actually pay tribute to the deity who owned the city.

Oh, but Ionu had other plans for playful today. Instead of walking to the temple, Jilitse found herself walking into the city, as if she was entering again for the first time. The moment she realized this, she gave a quick glance over her shoulder.

"..." The Nuit reacted to the anomaly with a flat face. Was it a sign that she should depart?

Jilitse sauntered forward with dainty steps, hesitating at first. Meandering usually brought her somewhere interesting. There were a number of Alvads chattering to newcomers, and it didn't take her more than a chime to register the Sanity Center.

Upon entering, the Nuit had to fall in line behind a number of new guests. As her turn came up, she greeted the woman with a gentle smile, "Hi Serenity. My name is Jilitse. I have been around for a while, but a welcome is due.

I am interested in becoming a permanent resident,"
and not some pitiful merchant renting a little box within the Bizaare Bazaar, "in order to establish my own workshop and laboratory."

Serenity asked Jilitse what kind of house she had in mind. It did not bother her the least when the Nuit described the house she wanted. A bungalow house built side-by-side a basic shop with storage. The house itself had four rooms, no kitchen, a bath, and two special rooms: a magical laboratory and a gadgeteer's workshop.

Jil almost shrieked in horror as the human rolled out the estimate cost: 4,500 gm, more or less. Noticing the shock, Serenity offered Jilitse a basic housing package worth 500 gm. A far cry. A far far cry from the abode the Nuit so desired.

4,500 gold miza. Thereabouts. Jil's heart almost broke. Hypothetically anyway. She set off, after saying goodbye, with a firm resolve to save money and buy the house she wanted one day.

OOCI was lost. Please ignore this post. Teehee.

Last edited by Jilitse on December 12th, 2012, 2:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Fallacy on December 3rd, 2012, 10:10 am


oocPlease Timestamp your entry

The bell rang, and when the noise reached Serenity’s ears she turned about her business, shoving drawers of files shut as she rushed across the back room to come to her desk. ”Hello” she greeted, her smile fading to a look of interest, ”How may I help you?’ she looked at the Pycon. ”I can answer any question you have about the city and even help you get started. Do you need a job, a place to stay?’ she asked trying to guess what the little pycon needed.


You got a PM :)

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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Sinoa on December 3rd, 2012, 8:28 pm

"i need both a job and a place too stay if possible, I would like a job that has something to do with music or dancing but will take anything available and I would like a pycon size house to live in...it doesn't have to be fancy fancy or regular type fancy but I like interesting things so I don't want a boring house." sinoa explained
"oh sorry Hi my name is sinoa whats your name!" sinoa said with a smile.
He was very excited for his new job and his new house. He'd never really had his very own house before, everything was shared in the pyve he grew up in.

Occ: I'm kind of colour blind and couldn't see your occ until someone pointed it out.
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