Timestamp: 75th of Summer, 512 AV
Time: Noon
Location: (Starts in the Glass Reverie but quickly changes)
Courtyard of the Sky
Time: Noon
Location: (Starts in the Glass Reverie but quickly changes)
Courtyard of the Sky
Kanri had decided to try to make a cat-shaped paperweight. The other day, she had seen a beautiful colored-cat the other day in the Crafts Gallery and, though she had very little idea of how, she thought she she try. After blowing a potato-shaped tube that was to be the body, she tried to pinch off one side and twist it, forming the head. It looked awful. She was not prepared for this type of work in the slightest. She kept remelting the glass the whole morning and, while she learned about how the glass would twist depending on the length of time she waited, she still was no closer to her cat. She wanted to express something about herself, something other than paperweight orders. She wanted to do something for herself for a change. Instead, she just wasted glass. Noon rolled around and her hands slippery and grimy from sweat, grew sore. She sighed and formed a nice, round paperweight with the glass she had been working all morning. Even though it was a little burnt from all her reheatings, set it to cool, and headed out to lunch.
In a certain way, that simple paperweight that failed to become anything else was an accurate representation of herself. And she hated it. She wanted so much more. She wanted to be admired and respected by people and she wanted to see the world and help people... there was just so much she wanted to do. Yet, she was never able to go anywhere. She was scared and lazy. So, she stayed here in her cage. Maybe it was just her heart that was her prison and not Wind Reach itself.
She drifted into the rather empty Courtyard of the Sky with a small roll of fish she had gotten from the Communal Kitchen. She remembered the misadventures at the party, as though it had been yesterday... Was it a month now? Yes, a month already. She stood and tapped an imaginary table, remembering the boy who had kindly given her a green scarf. Then she turned and heard the bang and clatter of a serving tray. But in her mind, the crashing was not all as scary or startling, not as terrifying or threatening, and certainly not tolling her furneral bell. But the boy's smile, while just as radiant and heart warming, faded into the anonymous smile of a stranger. She had begun to forget the mysterious "nice" assassin that day and, every day after, it seemed like less and less of a threat. Time healed all wounds, it seemed. But it also faded the good memories too. And even as the feathers of the city seemed to ruffle into further chaos, Kanri found her inner chaos smoothing over.
"Ah ha! Kanri! Thank goodness I found you!" A boisture voice exclaimed.
She turned. There stood a man with spiky, dark-sunset-red hair filled with little, colored beads on tassles. He had four piercings in each ear with more glass beads and black tattoos of stylized feathers twisted around his arms. She had seen him much more when she was younger and he had been very kind. He was a rash, spicy man but had moments when he was cool and sweet. And she had to love him, to a certain extent. He was her father.
His beautiful bird sat on his left Sontav, a Red-Shouldered Hawk with light brown, dappled wings, yellow-striped gray beak, and keen golden eyes. It sat there duitifully, watching Kanri with only mild interest, but finding more interesting things to watch. Sheja, the hawk, had never particularly taken to Kanri, even if she had never tried to harm Kanri.
"Why did you need to find me?" Kanri asked calmly but suspiciously, wondering why her father was even talking to her. He had not spoken to her since a few months back and that had been in passing. He was a falconer but, as Winter was setting in and he found it harder to leave Wind Reach, he showed off his bird to the Yasi.
"I have a class today and I need you to take Sheja there. You know her basic commands so I am sure you can just show the Yasi a thing or two," he offered.
"Why do I have to? Do it yourself," Kanri answered bluntly.
"But I got in a fight with You-Know-Who and so I need to be at the Pits right now!" he explained anxiously.
Kanri actually didn't know who "You-Know-Who" was at all. She did not know her father well enough. And she wasn't going to do his job for him. "So? Your job comes first. I'm not your Better to tell you what to do. I'm going to do it anyway though; Don't slack off."
"I would do it for you, if I were in your shoes!" he whined. Kanri had read a few books when she was younger, some of them about children in the outside world. If those books her accurate, her father was a strange one.
"You'll notice you aren't me. I want my lunch so I'll see you later," Kanri announced, turning to leave.
He ran to catch up to her and continued, throwing an arm around her shoulder. "C'mon, Kanri! Be nice!" Kanri kept walking, grinning at his teasing tone. "You would be nothing without me. You don't really deserve to be an Avora but thanks to your mother and I, we pulled you up. But you're fairly unskilled at everything and we can point out your flaws to the Valintar if we want. You'll be a Dek within the bell!"
It hurt hearing someone voice her own fears. Worthless. Unskilled. Undeserving. She hated the words that described her too well. Her father noticed the look on her face and shut up.
"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that..." he apologized quickly. He hadn't. He just wanted her to take Sheja to the Yasi. That's what she told herself, anyway, but Kanri wasn't entirely sure.
"I'll take Sheja," Kanri said. Her tone was resentful and almost spitting. She hadn't meant that either. She wasn't so different from her father.
He chuckled. "I'm so sorry. I'll pay you, I promise! Sheja, there you go girl."
The bird hopped over to Kanri's arm at his beckoning. She almost seem to roll her eyes at her master. Do I have to listen to the girl?
"You won't pay me and I don't expect you to. Win your fight and make my troubles worthwhile. That's enough for me," Kanri told him. They had come to a truce.
With a wave, he took off towards the Pits.