Price List Addition Requests

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This is the first step to starting a lore article. Please hold all conversations about lores here in this forum. No development takes place here ie Article posting. This forum is simply for threads that want to hash out what a lore should or shouldn't include as well as its merits and flaws. One can also gauge interest in new lore here as well. Polls are encouraged.

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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Eleret on December 4th, 2012, 11:18 am

More profession-relevant items: sanding agents for wood and/or metal. Above and beyond plain old sand, that is.

scouring rushes (dried) -- can be used fresh but probably wouldn't be sold that way; moderate grit
sharkskin / dogfish skin -- moderate grit
pumice -- usually powdered for use; fine grit
rottenstone -- decomposed limestone and silica, also powdered, very fine; used for polishing

Thank you!
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Gillar on January 6th, 2013, 4:38 am

Howdy all,

Just a quick update, I am doing some revamping of the price list which includes some added content and reformatting of some sections and once I get that down, the latest addition requests will be included as well. The Tools and Items section is the current one receiving a large-scale modification. I have been breaking it down into multiple categories of particular classifications such as axes, hand tools, pottery, barrels/crates, kits and miscellaneous. Many more categories will be added as I continue this revamping as well as A LARGE number of new items. The Profession-based items will also be incorporated into the various Tools categories.

New categories are also on the way. One in particular, a big one and one that I have been trying to pick away at is, GEMSTONES. Also, I am looking at a MASSIVE expansion on musical instruments along with a revamping of the Animals section. The section on Animals will be expanded with many more examples of mundane animals that span all manner of types; reptiles, rodents, canines, felines, bears, birds, etc. These will include a healthy sprinkling of (still somewhat mundane) unique, somewhat odd animals. This section will also include a little more information on the value of hides, meats and other animal products.

I am also toying with some ideas on adding philtering materials and products.

Hopefully by breaking the price list down into more specific categories, I can help you all find what you are looking for with greater ease.
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Rayage on January 6th, 2013, 11:01 pm

Philtering materials and products would be amazing. Ive been planning on getting Ray into Philtering for some time and I even have a little book of concoctions that Ive dreamed up using just the plants which are available throughout Mizahar. I would love, however, to know the extent to that the materials go. I would like to use some things other than plants and magics, like different kinds of metals and stuff like that. Think like Traditional Alchemy.

Anyways, I slowly have a plan to making Ray into THE Alchemist, and Philtering is on the list of things to do. :)
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Gianne Basete on January 7th, 2013, 2:07 am

Melting Spoon: A spoon used to melt sealing wax in, usually over a candle flame. The wax is then poured onto whatever surface that is being sealed with the wax and signet ring or stamp.
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Kassius Selacs on January 9th, 2013, 7:42 pm

Facepaint and body paint would be super helpful.
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Laioath on January 12th, 2013, 10:56 am

Dolls... I'd like to request a Doll, please
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Eleret on January 12th, 2013, 12:51 pm

Not a request as such, but while you're editing, I noticed two things in the 'Miscellaneous' section which could stand to be fixed:

  • Rope, Silk is mashed together with Sack (Empty)
  • the 'Sewing Kit' description mentions 'fabredles' -- whatever those are. I'm guessing this should be 'fabric' and 'needles'?
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Philomena on January 14th, 2013, 4:25 am

Looking for a price on Zeltivan academic dress for the West Wing, department of literature (though I imagine pricing would be similar for most schools?). Example can be found at this thread:

Basically, talking silk formalwear - a long robe, lots of embroidery, a gown beneath that, silk sash with badge of her school, an Andrewes cap, silk stockings, hood, etc. Not only silk, but likely a mix of something fine like samite and something rich like silk jacquard.

I guessed at 100 gm, from trying to piecemeal it from other clothes. Does that sound right?
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