- obtain a "conscience". In other words he wants a person/being/creature ect. to act AS his conscience and keep him from causing trouble. This doesn't mean that YOU have to act as his conscience, but he is looking for someone who could give a suggestion as to how he could get one. (Preferably one he can't run away from....or break. The last few haven't lasted very long

- obtain first mark in Caiyha's gnosis (At this stage this is seeming like a bit of a long term goal, but learning more about Caiyha is always helpful.)
- Learn how to care for animals and plants (self explanatory)
- Is currently in Lhavit enjoying the summer
- Svan travels a fair bit, anyone with traveling experience would be useful to Svan.
To hide his dhani nature from anyone, Svan has taken measures to hide his lisp. As such, he will not have any extra "ssss" on his words unless indicated otherwise.