4th of Winter, 512 “That's really rather-” Inia wiped her sleeve across her face, removing a lump of half-melted snow from her cheek. “Wet. And quite cold.” She looked up at the tree, glaring, as if it was the tree's fault to have dropped snow on her. The girl ran her hands through her hair, wiping them dry. She trudged on, crossing her arms over her chest, more out of habit than necessity. She walked quickly, wanting to bury herself in her work as soon as possible. Despite her employment and pay, work never seemed like work, which suited Inia plainly. She grimaced, her steps quickening again, irritation leading to recklessness. Inia tripped, groaning as her mouth was flooded with slush. She lifted herself, but only slightly. Like as not, it was a strange sight; a girl on all fours at the end of a snow trench. After the prior night's blizzard, Avanthal was covered by a thick layer of snow. Any trip across Avanthal was likely to be an annoyance. Inia spat a mouthful of dirt and icewater onto the packed snow, standing in annoyance. “No, I was wrong. This is wet. This is what wet means. Face down in slush. That's wet.” Inia blinked, pulling snow from her eyelashes, frowning at her hands. A threadwork accident would smart today. She grit her teeth, her palms stinging in the breeze. She tucked her hands into her armpits, continuing carefully onward. The cold didn't bother Inia, nor did the effort in eking a path through fresh snow. The delay caused by pathmaking, however, drew the girl's ire. On another day, she'd probably be seated in Laria's by this hour, running her hands over leather and playing with a needle. The thought brought an appreciative grin to her face, though both were promptly squelched by her bleak surroundings. Though she loved Avanthal and its beautiful snow-covered buildings and trees, winter was too wet for her taste. Inia sighed and kept walking, her eyes on her feet. Tripping would be wet, she'd decided, and she'd prefer not to soak herself. |