It was amusing how often Volinir yanked his own chain. One minute he was spitting and snapping, and the next he felt almost as bad as Lixue did. How could he make someone as selfless as her cry? How dare he make her cry! As if it wasn't bad enough, she also thought family was the most important thing. By Viratas, was she seriously azo? In what was starting to become a more common thing than it should, Volinir had done a complete 180. His feature softened, his shoulders drooped, and he tried to hug Lixue again. "Oh, don't say that..." he crooned apologetically, "I was just a little upset. When people said they were going to beat my ass, they usually did. Besides, my family isn't going anywhere. I can always see them again, and I knew I was going to miss them when I took you out of the Cobweb." Volinir wasn't making things up just to make Lixue feel better, either. He made his decision when he took her out of the theater, and he didn't regret it in the least. So his reunion with his family was postponed for a few bells. So what? He had saved a life. She wasn't as important as his family was, but she was more urgent. "Please don't cry, Lixue..." he murmured, attempting to rock her a little, "Family is important, but so are you." |