Dex was lounging on top of his favorite bookcase, allowing him free view of the front of the store and the doorway. Getting to the library had been fine that morning, but the weather promised that it would become much colder outside soon. Dex knew that his ferret body felt like slowing down for the winter, but he couldn't pull himself to do it. Having a human body let him have all sorts of interesting things during the winter months. However, a human body also did not have any fur. Therefore, being human was more of a hindrance then anything else for winter, unless he found a way to grow human fur really quickly. He had seen a few people out and about on the streets sporting odd fur suddenly appearing over them, but he had no idea how they had done it yet. Worse yet, when the librarians came inside and lit the fire heater in the corner of the library, they literally shed their fur all off in one big bundle. This would require further investigation, but much later. A small scent wafted up to him, mixed with the smoke. His eyes lit up and his ears perked up quickly. A rat was trying to get warm at the fire. Mine! He rolled over onto his little feet and scurried to the end of the bookcase, looking down at the fireplace. Hmm, his eyesight was still weaker then his human eyes, but they could catch movement more then nothing else. The smoke was moving the scent around enough to displace where the rat was. There! It was scurrying away from the librarian that just came out of the doorway. It's tiny claws scrabbled against the hard wood floor. Dex tensed his legs, and tried to follow the movement with his eyes, but relied on his ears to keep up with it. He sprang off the bookcase, launching his front legs to land onto the floor just a few inches to the side of the rat, his mouth wide open. His momentum carried him forward, letting him snap his jaws shut on the back of the startled rat's neck, snapping it's tiny little spine. Some of the blood leaked into his mouth, bringing the regular savory taste onto his tongue. Mmm, a little smokey flavored. Tasty. He picked it up in his mouth and dragged it off to the far back corner, where he finished it off within a few minutes, nibbling through it. Oh how yummy. He licked his lips, wiping the blood off his furry muzzle. That hit the spot, very well. As he hobbled back towards the front of the room, he moved up to the front of the room, flashing into human form, wearing his dark blue librarian over robes. He walked into the back rooms, where some of the akalak librarians were busy scratching feathers onto funny flat stuff. He walked over and looked down over the top of the akalaks shoulder's, watching them scratch funny black lines over the flat stuff. After just a few minutes, the akalaks growled at him lightly, giving off a sense of anger to his presence. Feeling rebuked, he backed up and stood in a corner, before hearing a chuckle from the eldest of the librarians that was there, who was sitting at a desk. |