Spring 06th, 507 AV
Adnaj had, thus far, found Zeltiva to be a captivating city. Back at Sahova, research meant slow, quiet and isolated study. On the bustling streets of the Old Quarter, however, the excitement was palpable. Research, here, seemed to be exciting and newsworthy. There was a certain enthusiasm, within the University culture, for sharing data and making one's academic achievements known. Adnaj enjoyed this attitude. He respected this approach to intellectual pursuit.
As he explored the campus, he took special interest in the Infirmary. With great amusement he watched the nervous medical students scurrying from one class to another. For one singular moment he came across some twisted humor in the short amount of time in which living creatures had to cram all of this pathology and physiology into their living brain tissue. Hardly a cynic and certainly lacking any malice, the thought passed quickly. Adnaj moved onward to enjoy the beauty across the rest of the campus.
Determined as he was to eventually make it onto the faculty of Zeltiva University, he was momentarily content to witness this dedication toward the intricacies of anything other than horrific weaponry. Still, there was one big problem.
What next? Here stood a stranger in a large city. Adnaj had no connections and didn't even know the layout of Zeltiva. The biggest hurdle, of course, would be the obvious fact that he was a Nuit. His thin, pale and quickly balding body was within the last few months of its usefulness and this was apparent. There was no way to hide the fact that he was a Nuit. He knew that no one was going to be in too much of a hurry to help such an individual. The first step to opening his health clinic would be to secure a living space from which to operate. He had enough food to last a few weeks (until he could start making some kind of living as a rudimentary healer.) He only lacked the security and the warmth of a roof over his head.
After getting a feel for the aesthetics of the city, it was time to rest. He checked himself into the World's End Grotto and unpacked his things. He would rest up and then head down to the docks in order to ferret out some interesting news and potential work.