Grayzdo Briety

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Grayzdo Briety

Postby Grayzdo Briety on May 27th, 2010, 1:26 am

Grayzdo Briety


Basic Information

Race: Human
Birthday & Age : 10th Day of Winter AV 490 (20 years old)
Gender: Male

Physical Description Grayzdo's skin is tan and he has blue eyes and white hair. He stands tall at 6'3. He weighs 175 pounds of mostly muscle. Most women he encounters compliment him and call him handsome. He doesn't portray much emotion and he always has the ability to smile even in some of the darkest of times.

Character Concept Grayzdo is emotionless he plays with people's emotions. He is merciless in combat and will kill anyone. He doesn't like most people and has no respect for anything and has no sense of self discipline and he can be cruel and he dislikes talking. He also dislikes authority figures.

Character History Grayzdo Briety was born in 490 AV to two humans. Decorus and Monty Briety married 5 years before and they raised Grayzdo in a farm on the outskirts of Sunberth. They were hiding from law enforcement for crimes they committed in Zeltiva. Grayzdo was taught by his mother and father how to impersonate people and disguise yourself and his father taught him how to box and do archery. When Grayzdo turned 19 he killed his parents then set out to become a adventurer.

Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)
Shortbow - 11 Skill Points +1
Climbing - 10 Skill Points
Impersonation - 5 Skill Points
Larceny - 5 Skill Points
Disguise - 25 Skill Points(Racial Bonus)
Escape Artist - 10 Skill Points
Teaching - 1
Intimidation - 1
Philosophy - 1
Negotiation - 1

Equipment and Possessions
1 Gray cloak
1 pair of sandals
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week
Father's shortbow
1 large tent (4 person)
large tarp
100 ft of rope
2 torches
fishing tackle & hooks
1 Frostmarch horse named Silver
a full set of tacks
large set of saddlebags
1 set of Flowers
1 Large Quiver(50 Arrows)
Half White Mask


Lore of Disguise
Lore of Short Bow
Lore of Syliran Knighthood (Loren Dyres, basic)
Lore of Being tall... a lot
Lore of Threatening murder in the middle of a crowd
Lore of Being drunk
Lore of Badgering the sober
Lore of Bungling a disguise
Lore of Painting a target on your own face

Ledger :
100 gold rimmed Mizas(Starting)
-1 Gold rimmed miza for purchased of 1 set of flowers
-5 Gold rimmed Mizas Tossed to some beggars
-70 Gold rimmed Mizas Purchased a large quiver and 50 arrows

+25 Gold Mizas Earned for teaching Akiva Korvashi some archery

-30 Gold Mizas for purchasing shield and longsword

Total: 18 mizas 7 Sm

Thread List

The Thieving Vixen
Out and About
The Arrow's path
A breathe of fresh air

Summer of 510 AV
Day Location Description
4 Syrilas' main gate Grayzdo and Kita enter Syrilas
5 The Feather's Shaft Grayzdo meets Akiva Korvashi
6 Bronze wood Grayzdo teaches Akiva Korvashi some archery
7 Syrilas Grayzdo buys 50 Arrows and a large quiver
20 Syrilas Grayzdo tossed some money to some beggars and talked to a Akalak and a Syrilan Knight and Kita revealed she was a thief and the Knight threatened her.
45 Syrilas Grayzdo enters Stormhold castle hoping to see a ghost
Last edited by Grayzdo Briety on November 23rd, 2010, 8:35 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Grayzdo Briety
Novice Disguiser
Posts: 81
Words: 12937
Joined roleplay: May 26th, 2010, 10:30 pm
Race: Human
Character sheet

Grayzdo Briety

Postby Grayzdo Briety on September 27th, 2010, 3:31 am

Fall of 510 AV
Day Location Description
6 The Great Bazaar Grayzdo meets Sasin and Eanor also sees Asheny
20 Courtyard Suffering a hangover from yesterday and drunk from the morning drinks he wondered into the courtyard to bother people.
21 Syrilas Grayzdo leaves Syrilas
71 Sunberth Grayzdo arrrives in Sunberth.
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Grayzdo Briety
Novice Disguiser
Posts: 81
Words: 12937
Joined roleplay: May 26th, 2010, 10:30 pm
Race: Human
Character sheet

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