Daghul pulled his wings end as the three landed with ease at the bottom of the cliff where they had met, and the Endal climbed down letting Daghul then lean over to help the girl off. Red stood by offering his help in a more subtle way by just standing close just in case Oitera was light headed or anything. Having a little bit more understanding of the girl helped him understand to give her a bit more room when it came to offering his aid in things like climbing down from Daghul, or even flat out help. In the end all seemed to work out, and he hoped that Oitera had found what she was seeking so many hours ago.
The night was setting in and Daghul seemed to be tired, so the Endal wanted to let his friend rest back at home as soon as he could, but first he wanted to bid fair well to Oitera. "well, that was nothing short of a adventure" he said bowing with a friendly smile "thank you for allowing me to accompany you on this fine evening" it was formally said but in a playful way and when he finished he started towards Daghul, but still listening just in case the girl had anything else on her mind before he left.
The night was setting in and Daghul seemed to be tired, so the Endal wanted to let his friend rest back at home as soon as he could, but first he wanted to bid fair well to Oitera. "well, that was nothing short of a adventure" he said bowing with a friendly smile "thank you for allowing me to accompany you on this fine evening" it was formally said but in a playful way and when he finished he started towards Daghul, but still listening just in case the girl had anything else on her mind before he left.