Closed A Midnight Stroll

Being back in her domain, definitely a blessing.

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

A Midnight Stroll

Postby Blizzard on December 28th, 2012, 12:11 am

Winter 20th, 512AV
The cool air of winter hitting her flaring nostrils as she took relaxing and deep breaths. She was home, she was back in her domain. However, from what she had heard by eavesdropping, it hadn't been very peaceful around here at all. Stores had been broken into, merchandise had been stolen as well as money, and she had even heard that dead dogs were placed on the front of Frostfawn's entrance. Avanthal wasn't like it should be, peaceful and quiet. Nevertheless, she could definitely handle her own and she was back to claim her territory animal wise.

Before that, however, she wanted to try and enjoy it for a bit. Blizzard was in her snow leopard form and despite it being midnight, there were still a few people out. Blizzard had gained several looks of awe and some of fear for some were not used to a big cat walking the streets. Blizzard examined the stores as she walked by, staring into the familiar styled homes and businesses. The snow on the ground felt extremely pleasing to her paws and she occasionally would flex her claws to completely feel the cold ice particles in between her furred toes.

There was a plus to it being midnight, and no one being out and about. That was of course, the fact that no one was out. It was just peaceful and serene, only the moon and occasional torches lighting the way along with the glowing city of course, figuratively. Blizzard turned her white and black speckled head in all directions, observing her surroundings. Her ears were relaxed and looking for interesting sounds but for the most part she only picked up on her paws making slow contact with the ground.

A slow and suppressed grunt escaped which sounded like a low and content growl for the most part. Her blue eyes were closed as she yawned, still tired by wary with curiosity and pleasure. Luckily, she already had a spot in one of the patches with trees picked out to spend the night, or rather rest of the morning. She had her stuff slung up on a branch and it was in one of her previous territory places inside the city. She had ran across no trouble so far in the area and it was all ready for her to scale the tree and sleep.
Last edited by Blizzard on January 7th, 2013, 5:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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A Midnight Stroll

Postby Silver Frostfawn on December 28th, 2012, 4:32 am

It was an especially cool night, Silver had ventured out of Frostfawn hold and into the city to get some fresh air. Avanthal always looked more beautiful at night, in her opinion. She made a few stops along the way, into various shops that were still open, though most were closed. It had to be nearing midnight, Silver had figured. Though she had no way of telling time other then looking at the moon.

After wandering around for a few moments, Silver took a seat on a bench directly underneath the nearest light post. She stretched, pointing her eyes to the sky. With a stoke of inspiration, Silver pulled out her sketchpad and charcoal pencils. It would have been a much better sight to paint, unfortunately she had forgotten her brushes and paint at home, so pencils would have to suffice.

She began painting the Avanthal skyline, beautiful icy mountains in the distance, the tall buildings in the foreground. After a half hour, full of erasing and redrawing she had finally gotten the sketch the way she had invisioned it. Silver was on the verge of drawing the stars and midnight sky, when she heard a low, growl-like sound.

Silver's eyes darted down to the source of the sound, and she let out a gasp. It wasn't loud, but she feared it would be loud enough. A snow leopard? Or an albino cheetah? Instantly afraid, Silver started to pack up her supplies, moving as slowly as possible. She knew she shouldn't be afraid. She was a member of the Frostfawn hold, animal experts, but she had never faced an animal with the actual capability to kill her before. Her breath quickened, and her fingers fumbled with her pencils.

The creature however didn't pursue her. It didn't pounce and attack like she had anticipated, instead, it yawned, and made it's way slowly, and softly to a tree. It took all she had, but Silver took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. She pulled her pencils back out, and sat back down. She could do this, she could communicate to it if need be. She was a Frostfawn. This is what she was made to do, right? Hopefully.

With another deep breath, Silver put her pencil to the sketchpad, and began to drawn. Starting with the face, putting as much detail as possible in the muzzle. And slowly, her heartbeat softened in her chest, and she felt normal again. Safe.

OOCBy the way, your time stamp is in Fall, but it is Winter 512, just to let you know :)
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A Midnight Stroll

Postby Blizzard on December 29th, 2012, 1:02 am

OOCThank you for letting me know! Still gotta get in the swing of it being Winter xP
Blizzard noticed she was being drawn by an observative Vantha. The inner debate came inside her mind after a while as her tail elegantly and softly wrapped around one of the tree's branches. Should she stay where she was and just rest up for her benefit? Or should she let the nervous Vantha know she wasn't something to be afraid of, lest she try something of course? Blizzard thought and thought for a good five chimes then sighed.

The Kelvic lifted her head then leaped down from the tree once more. The Vantha were not like the races beyond these walls. The Vantha were nice and decent people for the most part, so it was apparent this girl, well woman, was no threat. She landed beautifully in the snow, her white fur flexing as she moved gracefully and elegantly towards the Vantha.

She hoped she caused no fear to the Vantha and Blizzard eventually stopped a good fifteen feet away from her to give her a sense of security the best she could. Blizzard cared for the Vantha almost to the extent she did for Avanthal itself. Blizzard crouched down in front of the woman, laying down. Her ears flicked, deciphering her surroundings. It was apparent she was relaxed for she blinked slowly and even laid her head down onto the snow. If anything, the people of Avanthal needed a reassurance of things, not fright. Blizzard swished her tail back and forth wearily, looking up at the girl through sky blue eyes.

The girl had been sketching her, Blizzard could pick that out from where she had been up in the tree. Perhaps she drew animals? Maybe she was one of those from Frostfawn that studied animals or gathered information? If that was the case, the woman probably needed reassurance with the dogs that had been found. Or at least a comforting hand. Blizzard raised her head, turned it sideways, then let out a soft grunt that sounded somewhat like a dog as she put it back in the chilly snow.
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A Midnight Stroll

Postby Silver Frostfawn on December 29th, 2012, 7:07 pm

In the midst of her sketch Silver was starting to feel quite calm, almost excited. She couldn't wait to tell her mother and father the image that she had seen, and how graceful and beautiful the leopard was. A smile spread across her lips as she started shading in the spots running down the creatures back.

When she glanced back up to view where each spot was, Silvers heartbeat started to race again, her eyes switching from the deep blue of enjoyment, to the fire orange of fear. The white feline had jumped down from its perch on the tree, and was moving towards her. Silver begun to panic, but her reasoning skills were also at work. It wasn't moving quickly enough to be predatory, and she would not have been the first to be attacked if it were this far into Avanthal.

The creature stopped a good five yards in front of her, and Silver took a deep breath in. The leopard then stretched, and proceed to lie down. It seemed to be almost relaxing. Silver let the smile play back on her lips as she moved closer. Her inner Frostfawn was taking full control of her body at this point. Silver was not one to face danger, even in the slightest.

As Silver neared the leopard, slowly, with no sudden movements it put its head on the ground with a grunt. It brought back memories of the dogs that had been put on the front door of Frostfawn hold. Silvers smile faded, and her eyes began to get glassy. Surely it wasn't on purpose, the creature making that sound, but it hurt none the less.

Silver knelt down in front of the feline, now only a yard away at max, and stared at its head, avoiding its eyes for fear of a miscommunication. She did not want to become an aggressor. Her eyes were now glassy, and she looked down after a moment. It seemed so quiet in the city at that moment, a moment for mourning Silver told herself.

"You are beautiful, you know." Silver started, moving her eyes back up to meet the leopards gaze. "I couldn't believe it at first, that a creature that is so strong could be so gentle. I just wish everyone could be that way." Silver let the single tear that had been pulling at her eyelashes fall over.

But I suppose that would be a perfect world, would it not?
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A Midnight Stroll

Postby Blizzard on December 30th, 2012, 1:51 am


Blizzard let out a sigh of relief as the Vantha smiled at her, thankful that she didn't run the other way. After all, it was just one part of Blizzard trying to protect those whom were mostly happy and joyful about life. They seemed innocent and Blizzard liked that there was at least some in this world that at least portrayed that feeling. Even if it couldn't be herself. There was too many people, too many evil people, in this world. If she could at least soothe those that were especially hurt by a few dead animals, she would as best she could.

The Vantha neared her and when Blizzard let out the grunt, the Vantha's facial features had changed; changed to a much more hurt look than anything. Blizzard had meant not one bad intention letting out the noise. Perhaps it had scared her? It was just a noise most had made by moving from a slumber or when they were tired in which Blizzard was. She had been traveling straight around a good sixty days, and she had stretched her hunger to the max several times on her journey, she was exhausted. But before she arrived, she managed to snag a very large deer south of Avanthal. It was sheer luck, but nevertheless, she needed sleep. So close to home however, she continued on.

When the Vantha crouched down in front of her, it was apparent she was still slightly nervous. She would not make a fool of herself much like the show animals she had seen for entertainment. After all, she still had pride. Nevertheless, she would try and counteract the feelings in which the Vantha slightly showed for she avoided all eye contact, and if she was in some other city she probably would have accepted it as a thread and treated it as one as well. But she was in Avanthal with good people for the most part and some were frightened. Blizzard assumed this girl was one of those frightened.

Blizzard's sky blue eyes were turned upside down as she rolled over on her back, stomach in the air as well as feet. In this position, she looked like an over sized cat chilling around. She had her front paws tucked inwards towards her broad chest. She turned slightly, causing her back to turn into an arch shape. This position didn't last long for she flexed her paws, unsheathing her long and sharp claws for a split second, then gently and easily flipped back over on her stomach. During that entire time, she never once gave the impression that she was aggressive towards this Vantha.

The words of the Vantha echoed through her sensitive ears; strong yet gentle and beautiful. Then a small wet bead, glistening in the light, trickled down the woman's face. The tear left a small trail on her face that was wet. Blizzard got up and nudged the girl on the cheek with her broad forehead then put a paw on the back of the woman's left shoulder and put her head on the same shoulder giving her version of a hug in this form. It wasn't a normal position for Blizzard in this form, but she supposed it was at least something for the woman. If something as strong as Blizzard with her capabilities could at least show its soft side every once and a while, perhaps that would be at least something for this woman.

Blizzard soon let go, then scaled the tree again softly and quietly, grabbing the pack in her jaws, then jumped down the tree again. Blizzard knew that nudity was allowed in Avanthal, but she would quickly shift and get dressed for her own sake. Blizzard shifted, exchanging her white and black spotted fur for bare skin. The sight left was a taller young girl with blonde hair, cropped to her lower chest. However, the sky blue eyes remained and the elongated canines of her snow leopard form slightly remained in a smaller, whiter version.

Soon the cold was beginning to get to her and she got her clothing on quickly, for fear of having frostbite again as well as hypothermia. Only then and carefully then did she look at the Vantha and cautiously approach her with a warm and friendly smile, her shining eyes darting from her surroundings to the Vantha's everchanging eyes. "Thank you... for the compliments." Blizzard smiled again, flashing her elongated teeth "You are as well." Coming to the next part of the woman's statement, Blizzard spoke but chose her words carefully, taking pauses to thing next "It's a very... terrible world we live in, that's for certain. I have taken great... strides to pull my part, being of course, a hunter. Nonetheless, I am only one person, animal, rather."
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A Midnight Stroll

Postby Silver Frostfawn on December 30th, 2012, 5:18 am

The large cat in front of her rolled over on its back, stretching and playing it seemed like. Silver felt the tug to put a hand on the felines stomach, like she had with her kitten when it was younger and still playful. She thought the best of it however, and left it to roll back over on it's own accord.

As the tear rolled down her cheek, Silver noticed a spark of intelligence in the leopards eyes. It inched closer to her, and the nervousness came back. Though for what reason she could not tell. The creature had been nothing but friendly towards her. She supposed no one really gets over a predatory creature being so close. The leopard put one of it's large paws on her shoulder, and leaned its cheek against her own. Silver couldn't help but to shrink back at first. But after she realized that it was just a gesture of friendship, she leaned back into the embrace.

Silver let out a small giggle.
"I never thought I would get a hug from a predatory cat" Silver shook her head, and the beast leaned back, and started to walk away. Suprisingly, Silver felt a pang of sadness. She found herself not wanting the leopard to leave. It seemed comforting even while the rest of the world could be so cruel. The cat leapt into the tree she had come from and grabbed what seemed to be a backpack?

Standing back up, Silver began to ponder what a snow leopard could possibly be doing with a backpack. She didn't have to think about it long though, because when the feline dropped back down from the tree, her white fur started shrinking, turning into white skin. Her whole body shaping into a beautiful young girl, about the same age as her.

After the initial shock of realizing the leopard she was talking to was actually a Kelvic, came the embarrassment. She quickly wiped her eyes and looked towards the ground. It would seem silly to be crying over a few dogs to anyone other then a member of the Frostfawn clan Silver thought. This girl also had apprently been to more of the world then Silver herself. Probably seen worse things, especially if as she said she was a hunter.

"Thank you. If there was some way for me to change the world, I haven't found it yet. I've never in my life even left the walls of Avanthal except to go to and from Frostfawn hold." Silver found herself jealous of this girl, they appeared to be the same age, but her eyes held so much more wisdom then Silvers own. It made her want to do something with her life, other then paint meaningless pictures, that would never truly be worth anything.

Without more then a few seconds passing, Silver closed the distance between the two girls, and stuck out her hand.
"I'm Silver. Of the Frostfawn clan."
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A Midnight Stroll

Postby Blizzard on December 30th, 2012, 5:08 pm

"I'm beginning to lose hope for humanity." Blizzard swallowed hard then shook her head "I went south, towards Alvadas and Lhavit. I wished I would've stayed home, to say the least. Not that the cities weren't... unique and great but rather some strange folk outside of these gates."

What she spoke was true for she did wish she would've stayed home. The urge for traveling had exposed her to elements outside of the usual, most definitely, for Avanthal. Illusions, bar fights, murderers, it was all too awful. In the ratio from bad to good experiences, the bad outweighed it for the most part.

Needless to say, those experiences had hardened her into whom she had become. It had given her a want to try and keep her home from turning into that. But with the events that had been occurring, was there truly anything she could do? Yes, there was. This event right now was a perfect example. Blizzard had done bad, but that didn't mean she couldn't still do good.

And this girl was from the Frostfawn Hold, which meant she was one that had probably taken the event of the dogs to heart. Probably why she had shed a tear, even. This woman seemed brave, especially for even being able to handle a snow leopard, a large predator, even come close enough to her to give her a hug. If that meant she could handle things of the measure, what was the condition of other members of the Frostfawn hold?

The girl outstretched her hand and Blizzard shook it with a warm smile "Wonderful to meet you, Silver. I'm Blizzard, or Blitz. Whichever you prefer, " Blizzard smiled sympathetically "My condolences for what has happened to your Hold." Blizzard then changed the subject back to what she had said previously "Not that I won't travel again, but now I know exactly where to avoid when alone, lest I risk the factor of being sold as a slave."
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A Midnight Stroll

Postby Silver Frostfawn on December 30th, 2012, 5:58 pm

Silver listened to the girl, taking in all the information of the outside world she could get. Having never been outside of Avanthal, she knew nothing about the rest of the land. She had heard stories that there were places were snow never touched the ground. Oh what a horror that would be! From the words that this new woman spoke however, it was a place that Silver didn't want to venture in to.

"The peace in Avanthal is slowly fading. While it hurts me, and my hold to see these poor creatures slaughtered without a way to fight, it is even worse for the rest of the city. If you've been gone, I suppose coming back to this is the least that you expected." Silver shook her head. She supposed it wasn't safe anywhere.

Being sold as a slave..

The words rang in Silvers ears. This girl standing in front of her, capable of shifting into a leopard double her size could be captured and taken as a slave. Silver shivered, and not from the cold. What did that mean for her? With the lack of security in Avanthal as of late, it wouldn't be far fetched to think that she could be captured and sold. It was unlikely at the present, but even still, she had no defenses.

Silver absent-mindedly flicked her charcoal pencil, still in her hand, back and forth.
"I admire you courage, Blizzard. It is something I would never be able to bring myself to do, travel the world that is. Especially with no one there with me." Silver looked down at her hands. Then back up to meet the Kelvic in the eyes. "But I suppose that is what separates a warrior from an artist, is it not?" Silver smiled at the girl, and then a spark of inspiration hit her again.

Imagine all of the wonderful sights there would be to see, and to paint traveling the world. Something more then the icy mountains, and the cold waters of Avanthal.

OOCBtw, I have no clue where we are going with this thread... x)
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A Midnight Stroll

Postby Blizzard on January 1st, 2013, 9:03 pm

OOCSorry for the late reply! New Years stuff! And I don't know where it's going myself. xD I was hoping more people would join in by now. :/

"Least of what I expected? Psh, I would've never thought in a million years anything could get past the Icewatch like this!" What she spoke was true for she had never thought that anything as minor as this could get passed them. However, it was just more proof that nothing was impenetrable. More proof that with just a well thought out plan and the right conditions could go just as planned for some for a good bit amount of time. Blizzard didn't realize this until now, which seriously hit her.

The fact that someone was destroying her home, however, made her blood boil. To the very point she found herself looking at the ground and fantasizing about how she could bring them down. Different scenarios, different people, different attacks, different tactics, the same result. A painful, well deserved death. Or in some images extremely hurt criminals laying there until someone found them. Of course, these images came with the slowly fading blood lust that had somewhat become controlled in peaceful situations. These thoughts made it flare up again, but she had learnt to control it better; make it back down.

Make it back down until it's time of course. Then let it loose and they regret ever doing it...

Then Silver spoke. More compliments, more discarded information to what she already knew. Maybe in a different order and pool of words. From what she said, it was apparent the Vantha hadn't traveled before. That what she said about staying in her hold was true as well as the part of never leaving Avanthal. Blizzard loved Avanthal but she did leave the city to exchange some time for a meal when her stomach called for it. The main reason she left was because of boredom.

"No, not courage. More or less, stupidity. I was looking for soemthing more and I got a nice taste of it. Never did I realize the dangers. Bad things could've happened. Things that could've killed me or tortured me and I never took it into consideration. Nevertheless, there are some truly beautiful things out there. The Unforgiving has beautiful mountains with some deadly accessories to go with it. Alvadas has some beautiful illusions sometimes, other times they're not so... pleasant."

Then came her next statement or question rather. "No, not right." A warm smile plagued her lips "It is what separates those who think from those who act without thinking. An artist can be a warrior just as much as a warrior can be an artist. Courage can be found most in those that have a death wish or don't think," she chuckled with a smirk "I've got a death wish."
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A Midnight Stroll

Postby Silver Frostfawn on January 1st, 2013, 9:48 pm

She was right, the Iceguard were one of the most elite guilds in the land, and the fact that people could slip through so easily, and then have such trouble locating and punishing the criminals? It was astonishing. Throughout her years growing up, Silver can remember seeing the Iceguard in action from time to time, it wasn't pleasant for the offender to say the least.

Silver listened to Blizzard carefully, she could almost feel the slight pull of hope, that in the grand scheme of things Silver could mean something to help. It didn't last long though, because she didn't agree. An artist could never contribute the same amount as a warrior. However Silver most definitely did not have a death wish. She knew the words were meant to be comforting, and to a certain extent they were. But really, it just made Silver feel worse about her situation. She was of age now. That means that soon she would be finding a bond mate, and she would be expected to take care of herself and her new family.

She thought of her mother and father. Her father was a skilled hunter, he could take a deer out with a bow from one hundred feet away, her mother took the animal skins and fashioned them into coats and other clothes to keep everyone comfortable. These things were essential. All she could do was draw a pretty picture. Silver looked up at the Kelvic and smiled, a mournful smile.

"I appreciate your words Blizzard, truly. But I don't have a death wish. I'd be scared to wield a sword, I can't knit a scarf, I'm not a leader. If Avanthal went to war, I would have to sit on the sidelines, painting the pictures for the history textbook." Silver tried to keep the self-pity out of her voice. She hated it when others talked bad about themselves, but she couldn't seem to help it. "There is a part of me, a part that wants to pick up a sword, travel the world, and save it from evil." A giggle escaped her lips. "But if I ask my self honestly, I'd never have the courage to do that. It just isn't me."

It wasn't really something that Blizzard was interested in Silver was sure, in fact, she had no clue why she spilled her guts that way to a complete stranger. Maybe it was exaustion clouding her ability to think clearly, or perhaps the stress of the last few weeks warranted someone to vent to. "But enough of my pity party, aren't you a bit chilly?" Silver reached without thinking to the mark of Morwen on her right shoulder, sliding her hand smoothly over the new gnosis. She had received it not long ago and still remembered how frigid Avanthal was without it.

"Come on then, lets go get something to drink"
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