Closed AGAIN? (vespira)

Xi heads into the forest for the first time in winter after his duty in the actual city is over.

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Built high in the massive branches of Taldera's bloodwood forest, The Spires is a city crafted by the peaceful and scholarly Jamoura. Considered a haven for scholars and sages Mizahar-wide, The Spires is a mecca of philosophy and science that draws people from far and wide with its promise of deeper thinking and higher reasoning.

AGAIN? (vespira)

Postby Ximal on December 28th, 2012, 2:00 am

Xi steadied the stick not carving out the last of the hollow between the shaft and the miniature extension. Xi listened to her words about perceiving others actions. Letting her finish her rant Xi responded. "Her actions were idiocy, if my anger is redirected for too long, then it causes bad things to happen, and she almost caused something really bad to happen, ergo she's an idiot, even her friend agreed with me." Sitting quietly he continued to listen to her speak. Her continued rant over her being able to train her body to withstand the cold through constant exposure. It wasn't a stupid thought, continued repetition of any action caused a change. It wasn't a stupid thought that she could condition her body. Still Xi let her continue on with her talking. Xi then heard her speak about her reason to be down her. To kill slavers, a co-in siding agenda, Xi sighed, he wasn't one of the only ones to hate slavers. Her reasoning was different from his , hers was mostly for protecting that which could not protect it'self, Xi's were more personal reasons. So when the question as to why he came down here he sighed and took a slow breath.

"I'm down here because, of the same reason. Though my motivations are more personal. I wont say exactly why but it's my reasoning, and because i'm a guard, i get paid to do this, to prevent slavers and poachers doing this. it's something that many have an issue over apparently. Where i'm from originally, i tried to stop it and the entire city chased me for it. So yes i'm a little more highly strung in tensions than other people but that's a product of my old life."

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AGAIN? (vespira)

Postby Vaspira on December 28th, 2012, 2:32 am


Vaspira stared at Xi examining his facial and body expressions as he talked about his personal agenda with slavers. It obviously went deeper than pure duty alone, this struck her curiosity. She saw in his eyes anger along with deep hidden pain, she started to question him, but closed her mouth before she let it out. She did not want to bring up memories to this man, that he wanted to leave dead. Vaspira heard something in the distance, she put her hair behind her ear to listen carefully, her heightened sense of hearing picking up something or someone approaching. It could be danger or it could be a animal she wasn't sure just yet, it was too far away. She placed her small cold finger on Xi's lips to silence him Shh.. listen.. there is something or someone out there and they are approaching. It could be nothing but it could be danger. Vaspira stood up and handed him his cloak, then she shifted to her Kelvic form.

Vaspira found a tree and climbed it until she was 20 feet above ground, laying on a limb looking down around them waiting for what ever she heard to show its self. She purred happily in anticipation as she waited. Glancing at Xi making sure he was alright, then directing her full attention on what ever may come. Her tail swished from side to side, she was ready to play with danger if that is what was to come out of the bushes. But as she listened closer, it sounded more animal than human, and this saddened Vaspira, she was ready to play wit danger. She leapt head first from the tree, and landed on all fours and sat where Xi was waiting for what ever mammal was about to come towards them. She wanted to tell Xi it was alright, but she was warm and cozy in her Kelvic form, so she just purred trying to let him know that danger did not approach. Hoping he would get the hint of her purring.

Then a Tufted deer was visibly in the bushes, Vaspira's eyes zoomed in on it and it was munching away at some greenery it seemed to have found. She looked up at Xi and pawed his leg to get his attention, then stared off towards the deer to let him know that was all it was. She waited for Xi to make the first move, interested in seeing him display his muscleness anyways she would sit back and watch him take down the deer. It was never a bad idea to get the strengths and weaknesses of others, whether they be friend or foe.


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AGAIN? (vespira)

Postby Ximal on December 29th, 2012, 3:36 am

Converssing with the kelvic woman was good in choice however it was cut short as she next spoke , mentioning something out there. Xi was about to mention that he heard nothing until the rustle of bushes caught his ear, and within moments he'd slipped the bow from his shoulder and ripped an arrow from the quiver, nocked it and half drawn the arrow. Whislt he was doing this though the kelvix woman ad slipped out from under his circle of knowledge, and sight. Damn it, Xi kept the arrow half drawn as he surveyed the surroundings. Nothing, and then Xi heard a thud next to him glancing his eye's over it was the leopard kelvic woman. Xi took a deep breath ans exhaled slowly. Xi didn't bother listening to her he was simply looking around to try and find the source of the rustling. Dropping a little lower he tilted the bow slightly sideways as he lowered himself. Then a deer appeared from the tree line. Taking a slow breath Xi pulled the arrow back to the back of his jaw, Holding for a second he lined up the shot before letting the arrow fly. But hsi shot went wide and veered off of his target embedding the arrow into the deer but straight through it's chest piercing both lungs.

"Damned deer." Xi hurried over and slipped the bow back over his shoulder puling out the hand axe from his belt he slammed the bade into the beasts throat before yanking the arrow out. Wiping the arrow off on the beasts fur he slid it back into his quiver. He didnt really want the animal, nor was he any good with it, so he Squeezed his temples before returning to the log he skimmed off more of the stick again as he fashione the handle out of it. "Do what you want with that deer, i'm not taking it."

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AGAIN? (vespira)

Postby Vaspira on December 29th, 2012, 4:02 am


Vaspira gave him a look in her Kelvic form of astonishment at his weapon skills. He was pretty damn good at that stuff, it really shocked Vaspira. She knew he was brawny and strong, but that did not mean he was strong or talented. Vaspira changed back to her human form, walking over and taking his cloak from him again, giving him a look over her shoulder to not say a word. She walked over to the deer, examining the arrow and axe marks on the deer, then she came back to stand before Ximal.

You are amazing. The kelvic was in utter awe at him, she could not believe his skill. It made her a little jealous, maybe a little frightened, but mostly she was in awe at this man standing before her. Will you teach me how to shoot that one day? Vaspira asked pointing at the bow and arrow. And maybe how to build up these? Vaspira asked poking his arm muscles. I want to become stronger to be able to defend the weak better, to defend those I care and love for, when ever I find people like that. I do not want to be the type of woman to sit back and let someone else do the work. I want to be able to stand beside those people and help do the work. Vaspira sighed and wrapped Xi's cloak around her body, feeling not only the cold outside but also the cold on the inside. Xi was the first actual social interaction she's had since her mother passed. Maybe that is why he thought her weird and a little strange.

You are the first person I have had actual social interaction with since the passing of my mother. So I am sorry if I seem a little awkward. Vaspira did not stare Xi in the eyes for once, she kept her head low, and wrapped the cloak around her finger out of nervousness. She did not like opening up to people, or letting them know things about her. Everything can be turned into a weakness and be used against her. But she felt a little closer to Xi since they have been conversing, and felt he deserved to know the reasons behind her awkwardness.


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AGAIN? (vespira)

Postby Ximal on December 29th, 2012, 4:55 am

Xi chipped off more strands and ribbons of useless wood from the stick before it felt right in his hand. Gripping it he swung it back and forth lightly a few times. It wasn't perfect but it could be used in a massive variety of ways. Then he heard her sa three words he'd never heard aimed at him before. His face raised a little as he looked her straight in the eye. "I'm far from amazing, I'm just about a man. That shot was far too wide, I was trying to put it out of pain easily but i ended up causing it more." Xi rolled the weapon around his shoulders, as he stood up the stick or rather oversized jutte was large enough to be considered a adapted quarter staff. Sliding it in to his belt he glanced at her. She wanted him to teach her? But then again he had barely any skill in his weapon. Still Xi had never turned down an asking for training. "I've no problem with teaching you, and i've no problem in teaching you how to build up your muscle mass. But i'm not exactly an easy teacher. As far as why you want to become stronger, it's a good reason but most become stronger for other reasons, i'm not exactly free from my own reasons. If you lack conviction then you wont get any stronger. My own a matter of keeping everyone including myself safe. "

When She mentioned to him that he was her first proper interaction since her mother had died, a little something shot through Xi's soul...What happened to his parents, were they still alive even ? Did they still know about him , heck were they even looking for him. Xi could almost feel the sadness creeping into his eyes, he want about to let it show. No he was strong enough to deal. Strong enough to live. Exhaling a little shakily he blinked his eyes twice. He was really struggling to contain this. Still he showed little to nothing maybe even the barest inflection of actual meaning but still. "It's unfortunate to hear that, i'm sorry for your loos there. And i'm sure she's happy now. " Xi forced a smile on his face not unsincere but still not quite true.

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AGAIN? (vespira)

Postby Vaspira on December 29th, 2012, 5:10 am


Vaspira was a little shocked that he did not receive a compliment well, she was sure that he was complimented all the time. She recovered from her shock and looked at him with serious eyes. I understand you didn't mean to cause the deer pain, but you shot the deer through the lungs. That would work well on a battlefield. I thought you did a great job, which the only thing I know how to use even a little is my Mother's bladed cloak. But whether you like it or not, you are amazing to me, so I guess you will just have to get used to that. Vaspira smiled at him and punched him in the shoulder friendly like.

Vaspira was almost breathless when he agreed to train her. She didn't expect him to say yes, sure he was too busy to train such a weakling as herself. Thank you so much for accepting to train me! I do not expect you to be easy on me, nor do I want you to be. I wasn't expecting you to say yes! Vaspira grinned out of excitement, she was ready to prove to any that she wasn't weak, and to destroy those who prey on those who are weak.

When she mentioned her mother, Xi seemed to become awkward for a moment. Maybe she shouldn't of mentioned that. Maybe that wasn't the proper thing to say. Was he going to refuse training her now? Did she over step the bounds? Vaspira was driving herself nuts in her head and had to let it out.

Uhm.. Well what I meant was that the only person I have ever known is my mother, I have never known anyone else my whole life, so I am not well versed in socialization. Thank you for you condolences, but we all must die someday, it's the nature of things. Vaspira accepted his forced awkward smile, and returned it with a bright smile of her own. She was worried that in trying to make a friend, that with her awkward behavior she might of scared him off. The smile on her face disappeared at that thought, and was replaced with an emotionless mask once a gain.

Vaspira sighed and punched Xi on the arm playfully. So when do you want to train this big ball of furry dangerousness!? Just a fair warning, I nibble a little! Vaspira laughed and winked at Xi.


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AGAIN? (vespira)

Postby Ximal on December 29th, 2012, 6:20 am

Xi rubbed his forehead lightly across both temples, it'd become more than just a thing it was his way of releasing the stress in his head. As she spoke about what he'd just done working well on a battlefield Xi couldn't help but give her an odd look. But as she mentioned her weapon he simply sighed. "That shot just then veered off course, and i'm lucky it even hit. Now since you've got your own weapon to train with i suggest we go and collect it, it will give me a chance top practice with my new weapon as well. And lastly i'm not amazing, i'm just a normal person." Xi retrieved his cloak and hooked it over his shoulders concealing his backpacks and large axes again. Listening to her thank him for training her wasn't such a big deal , he';d trained a lot of people and been trained himself once, but that was a long time ago in a different life. Still as she went on to offer him thanks for his sentiments over her mother , he still found himself wondering over his own family, he knew his brother was here in the spires but for the life of him he had no idea where. Sighing he massaged his temeples.

"When do we start? We start now. lets go and collect your cloak and if you wish clothes then i'll help train you in the clearing. Just allow me to take off the excess weight, it will slow me down a lot. " Xi's eyes narrowed slightly as a gust of air shot past him, he really needed to get his body moving if he was going to be out of his warm clothing. Especially since he was going up against someone who looked to be pretty fast indeed.

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AGAIN? (vespira)

Postby Vaspira on December 29th, 2012, 6:43 am


Vaspira pouted when he took his cloak, but shrugged it off, she was just happy that she was getting to train. Vaspira pounced up into the air, landing on all fours walking beside Xi as they went back towards the way they came. She trotted up ahead of him, quickly climbing her marked tree and jumping down, landing softly beside him.

Vaspira changed back into her human form and reached into her backpack retrieving her black cotton shirt and black leather pants, donning them, then she put on her red heeled boots. The wind nipped at her less and was more tolerable now that she had some clothes on. She reached into her bag pulling out her mothers bladed cloak, donning that as well. She slung her bag over her shoulder, she would hid it in some nearby bushes in the clearing.

"Okay I am ready when you are Xi. I hope I make you somewhat proud! Vaspira said with a smile, looking up at him with big child like eyes. Don't go easy on me just because I am a girl either. Vaspira said with a little light laugh. Vaspira was ready to work out some of her muscles, to feel the burn, the sweat, and the adrenaline coursing through her veins. She really did hope she made Xi proud, she did not want to be too much of a imbecile. He seemed like such a warrior, where as she was a lowly peasant compared to him.


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AGAIN? (vespira)

Postby Ximal on December 29th, 2012, 6:58 am

Well if nothing else she seemed eager to train as she tore through putting her clothes on and retrieving erh bag, though being honest Xi had never seen a weapon like that cloak so it intrigued him greatly. Still Xi though he'd better show some willing to do some damage, when this was really just an assessment of her skills. He tossed his cloak to the floor before taking off both backpacks, and removing his quiver from his wiast, then his bow, the axes from his back and then he slid off his oxidalipux trench coat, tossing that atop the pile and two handaxes atop that. The cold air bit at the bare skin of his arms but most of them were coated by the steel vambraces he wore just as his legs up to knee high were coated in steel. Tilting his head to the side he drew the new weapon from his side, part sword, part staff, part tonfa, part mace, part spear. But all wood, if this hit it'd leave a stinging sensation and possibly a bruise but not much more. Taking a slow breath he held the jutte in his hand, by the handle.

"I don't take anyone easy because their female, i know of person whose incredibly good at fighting and she's female, gender has nothing to do with skill. When your ready you cna have the first move." A slow breath folowed by aslight shifting of the feet, he was applying his unarmed combat knowledge here but just simply treating the jutte/staff as a an extension of his own arms, purely so he could reachout and touch someone at range.

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AGAIN? (vespira)

Postby Vaspira on December 29th, 2012, 7:12 am


Vaspira stared at the pile of stuff in shock. No wonder you are so muscley, you carry a crap ton of stuff! With that being said Vaspira took a small step back, her hands invisible beneath the long sleeves of her cloak, she stepped quickly to the side throwing an unseen blade at the same time, in one fluid movement. One could barely notice, but Vaspira used her cloak in a type of dance. A dance of hidden blades. The blade skimmed past Xi's shoulder and landed in a tree. But she kept moving in a semicircle, throwing another blade in the same agile fluid motion, missing her mark on purpose of course.


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