Closed Think twice...

[Kelmar Hedos]

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

Think twice...

Postby Amelia Cross on December 29th, 2012, 9:52 pm

One couldn’t say Amelia was disappointed in hearing what he did for a living, but she hopped it would be something more interesting, being a snoop for merchants wasn’t exactly what she would call fun or interesting, it’s the same as being a thief in her eyes, stealing information. Then again, her reading of tea leafs was considered the same thing by many, nothing but stealing information that people wished to hide. ”so you snoop around for information, that merchants use? A spy?” she didn’t want an answer; she just wanted to see his reaction to her statement, to know has she gotten it right or not.

The moment she heard Kelmar’s question, she felt a bit of interest in the man return to her mind ’so that’s it…all about the black sun, from the start’ she thought to herself with a small disappointment in herself for not seeing it sooner, she had noticed the Sun was of his interest, but until this moment she didn’t assume it could have been the primary object of his interest in her. A childish frown, more of a joke than the real thing placed itself on her face as she began speaking ”oh that’s boring, I’m sure you could have thought of something better” the uplifting tone in her voice made it clear she was fooling around ”But if you want to know, it’s a family thing...and just so you know, those people like their fortunes told” she chuckled, finishing her sentence with her index finger placed against her lips indicating that as a secret.

Now Amelia was left with a question to ask Kelmar, there weren’t a lot of things she could ask him as she still hadn’t found anything that interesting in him. She knew he had some interest in the Black sun, but really, what man living in Ravok didn’t? Being part of it gave you advantages and knowing people on the inside opened a lot of doors, so it still didn’t give her anything she could really work with. So far, he didn’t stand out with anything. Sure Amelia could just play around, ask things related to family, hobbies and what not. But all of it would matter only in the long run and above all, she had been loosing her interest in this chat. Her boredom was quite well visible in her more passive body language and eyes as she wondered for a question.

” turn...." she started, still not sure what to ask him as she looked around. Nothing, asking those common date question was a waist she knew it, so she decided to push the topic of The Sun further. "What is that you want from me, that has something to do with the Sun?" after all, the only two reasons why she was here was curiosity of his intentions and her desire to charm him. By now the second had faded, at least for now, so she was left with curiosity. The sooner she found out the detail, the sooner she'd be gone back to the plaza and earning money. "Don't lie love" she added as her passive tone seemed to regain it's initial flame.
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Think twice...

Postby Kelmar Hedos on January 1st, 2013, 11:42 pm

"Precisely," Kelmar answered, not shying away from the fact. Her reaction was a bit underwhelming, but he was grateful that she wasn't making a big deal out of it. This could easily have gone south, with he running off to share with someone somewhere, and rumors beginning to circulate. Even worse, she could have run to her Black Sun contact and whispered something. He douubted it would amount to much, but if theyput tabs on him then it would not be good. "It is a profession that you need to be quite shameless to commit to."

Boring eh? He facial expression was making it clear that she was speaking in jest, but the reaction itself suggested that she found the subject distasteful, or at least hard to talk about. Her next words only confirmed this, that this was secret and she did not want to spill anything that might hurt her family. If the connection really was familial - and he had no reason to suspect otherwise - then why wasn't she involved? She was certainly of age, and if her family had trained her she could easily have been a member of their order by now. What it said was that not only was there some sort of family division that kept them from training her, but it also said that she did not want such a life for herself. She was a fortuneteller by choice, when she could have been a follower of Rhysol. All this information from a single answer. Theories mostly, but founded.

"You're not being very concise. You think me untrustworthy," he stated. "Just because I sell secrets doesn't mean I lack integrity. Information that no one wants or has interest in will not fetch a price, and though I have no doubt that people will be interested in this there is no way for it to hurt your family. You know, if this gets out, you may suddenly receive an invitation or be approached by someone who wants to use your connection for their own means." Pot calling the kettle black.

Ah, her question got right to the heart of things, and would probably uncover the whole reason he was here. She didn't need to encourage him to tell the truth, he had no intention on going back on that little pact they sort of made outside. "I think it unfair that I have been so open to you, yet you have remained so closed to me. This deal we have made was mutual Amelia, and though I am taking advantage of it I am at least being honest and detailed with my answers. Just keep that in mind when I ask my next question." A slight pause. "I want to know someone in the Black Sun because it will give me someone to report to, and someone to pass me requests if they want information. I'm quite good at this believe it or not."

She was losing interest. Her sudden heartfelt speech was faked, too abrupt to be genuine. He knew what his next question should be, as he had no intention of letting a lovely and useful woman like this slip through his fingers. "When and where can I find you again?" he asked, eyes glued to hers but melting a little, a chip in the wall.
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Think twice...

Postby Amelia Cross on January 3rd, 2013, 10:46 pm


Kelmar wasn’t easy to read. Amelia had to trust her own intuition in this talk and that was far from perfect. She rarely trusted impulses and liked to make sure of everything before acting, now she had to talk of things she didn’t wish to speak of and had nothing to help her figure out the right answer. Speaking the truth when it came to her heritage, parents and everything in between made her uncomfortable and she couldn’t hide it now ”I don’t trust a man who holds no passion, I don’t trust a man who thinks he can buy my knowledge and I most definitely don’t trust someone who I see for the second time” her voice was calm and cold, she was trying to only hide her nervousness. ”it has nothing to do with your…job if I may say” feeling obligated to add it in, as Amelia really didn’t worry about that, a spy or not, she had more primal reasons for distrust. ”Above all, a woman should keep her secrets, you men wouldn’t handle the information we keep locked in our pretty heads” finishing with a light smirk as her attention was drawn from the canal to Kelmar.

”Your questions are too broad for me to slip into detail, so don’t complain about my answers, after all, I don’t lie I just keep something out” she said, shortly before he had spoken the answer to Amelia’s actual question. She wouldn’t say she was surprised, but she was expecting a tad bit different answer. Above all else, she couldn’t see her father wishing to deal with that sort of thing as he was a manipulator himself; he’d have more use of a masculine man that could do a dirty job. Kelmar by no means was of that type ”my father has no interest in such offers” she said without thinking. Soon enough her mind was screaming at herself for saying such a thing, but visually she tried passing it off casually, as she had no inner conflicts about her words. ”Then again, he had probably made that out on his own anyway, my father being in the sun and all....” and with that thought she finally calmed down and relaxed completely. She was playing with a skilled man but unless he figured out the right questions, her answers could still be brief enough to keep his knowledge limited.

A slight shock in her soul as her playmate gave his question ”true, lie, true or an attempt to charm…” she wondered to herself. His eyes that she found quite soft for a change, hinted that it could be true desire to see her for her and not information, but he was a snoop of information…a manipulator most likely. A manipulator like that should have no trouble faking any emotion. ”I can be found at the Temple, Plaza, in this tavern at evenings when I feel like singing, occasional guest at The Pit and the wild if your not afraid of the forests…yea, those are probably the most common places to find me” she said with a cattish smile that seemed to stretch from one ear to the other ”but it’s not the answer you wished for, now was that….the problem is you asked the wrong question”

She knew what he wanted. She could just get up, now that she knew he was all business, but something deep in her gut, really deep in her gut...made her want to stay. However, if she wanted to stay a question was in order”what parts of me do you like most?” suddenly came her question. The first question she didn’t think on as it was just the first one to pop in her head. Only after saying it she realized it was quite silly, but then again, it would be fun to see what parts he’ll chose…body, persona or believes he had no clue about? She just prayed he won’t say something cheesy enough to have her regret asking.

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Think twice...

Postby Kelmar Hedos on January 7th, 2013, 10:01 am

Every one was a pointy nail hammered in. Truth, that's what it was. No passion, buying knowledge, it was true. Though the second time thing wasn't as important, it too was true and provided a disadvantaged point to be bargaining from. He was rushing things, he was hurrying too quickly towards his goal. A fatal mistake has she been more wary or secretive. As it was, she clearly didn't want to talk about it anymore, and Kelmar decided to drop it for fear that he would drive her off, a little seed of worry. For all his cold calculations however, he couldn't resist a final responding quip. "Chances are I can handle anything you tell me better than you could handle some of the things I could tell you," he replied. "Gender is irrelevant, it is the mind itself that determines strength and will." Then he realized it was partially in jest. Blast.

"I never accused you of lying," he disclaimed. "I simply expressed distaste that you are being so hidden and hazy with your answers while I am remaining honest and conforming to the spirit of our agreement. You are technically not breaking our pact the same way that a man who shoved a victim who can't swim into the lake technically didn't kill him. If you can't uphold the spirit your own agreements, then you're in no position to make them in the first place." That was the point to Kelmar, she had made this bloody rule and so by the void she should be obeying it too. "But no matter. I will play this weighted game, though believe me I'm not looking forward to doing this again."

Her slip of the tongue was made with the utmost confidence and without any reaction. It was information he had already guessed, only confirmed when she made her mistake, but much more noticeable was her lack of reaction. Either she was good enough to suppress it and hope he wouldn't notice (which was folly) or simply didn't notice it herself (which was stupid). He suspected the former, Amelia didn't seem a woman to let slip such a crucial piece of information and not notice. In the meantime, he tried to think of how the father being in the Sun figured into his previous assessment to her history. If the father, the head of the house, was in the Sun then the only person who could undercut his authority and avoid having his children trained as agents would be his wife, their mother. None of the children would be able to, so it had to be her. A mother to father division? Must be hard, but at least now he had a complete theory, potential information that he could throw as a blindsider. That would have to wait though.

The slight shock was evident on Amelia's face, though that was the intention. If he could renew her interest, then he had a bit more time. Though he had no idea that she had seen through him, he figured that he had a bit more leeway and would try for more. He listened as she listed the places she frequented, then cocked his head as he waited for information that never came. When the cat-like grin spread across her face, he felt a soft one tugging at his own. "Maybe I did," he replied, a grin threatening to break through for some reason. "Although, I did also ask when you would be there. Trying to cheat me out of finding you again, are you?"

Controlling as Kelmar was, he expected and knew that he would be throwing some surprises at Amelia. What he hadn't expected was her to throw a surprise at him. Being emotionally dead more or less, it never occurred to him to throw out a cheesy answer for the sake of trying to be funny. He took the question at face value and was thinking of an honest answer. True, his main reason for coming to her again was to find her connection to the Black Sun, which he had, but something else was keeping him here, something he couldn't put his finger on. What did he... like? About her?

He could simply say her body, after all she was aesthetically quite pleasing and though he didn't think about such things he could appreciate the effort she put into looking nice. That wouldn't be honest though, since she asked what he liked most. He thought a bit longer, thinking about their interaction and what made it unique throughout all his others, and then realizing what was different. Whereas most people just gave him what he want or let it slip, she was resisting. She made him work for his information, actually try. He hadn't been given a challenge like this for as long as he could remember. Indeed, he gave more ground and put more effort into his words and demeanor in her presence than anyone else's - for Rhysol's sake he'd brought her to dinner at the Sliver! That was it, she was a challenge that he wanted to overcome, and that's what kept him here.

After a long pause while he thought, Kelmar's black pupils returned to Amelia's eyes, mirror images of his own. "I like your spirit," he answered, pausing a tick before elaborating. "When I speak with people, it is usually all business. Either I have something that they want and I give it to them for information, or they're a blubbering idiot and let it slip as soon as I start asking questions. Not much challenge, see. But you on the other hand, you've fought back. Back when you first offered to read my fortune, I had no intention of going this far as I had no knowledge of who you really were. You had plans for me, even as I didn't have plans at all. Then, even as I found a link and followed through, you still resisted, you still tried to bring me into your palm. It almost worked." Kelmar had intended it as a lie to win her over, but once the words were out of his mouth he realized they were true.

"Now look at where we are," he continued. "I've taken you to a table in the Silver Sliver for dinner. That's a few steps above just asking questions. I'm not expecting you to be impressed - it's just a tavern, no matter how good - but understand how... different this is for me. I've compromised more and offered more than I ever have before, all for information that everyone else has handed to me on a silver platter. So I suppose it's your stubborn insistence and will that keeps me here." That was probably a bit more in-depth than she had thought to get, but it was the truth. Now to see how she reacted.

Things were tapering down from the head-to-head conversation earlier, now was a good time to offer a truce to enjoy themselves. Well, for her to enjoy herself. "Alright," he said, thinking of what to say. Then it was obvious. "What would you like to eat?"
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Kelmar Hedos
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Think twice...

Postby Amelia Cross on January 7th, 2013, 10:33 pm


Amelia wasn’t interested in an argument whit Kelmar, over silly things like her not being honest enough or her misunderstanding him. Probably because she knew, she’d lose sooner or later. A few moments from now she will think of the perfect remark for all of this, but now she was too lost into her own head or more precisely her own feelings. For the short time being with this man she had been changing her attitude and thoughts regarding him more than the winds change their direction at a storm. For a woman like her, who adjusted her feelings to fit her partner, this was unusual. Amelia was used to having things run her way, but he made them go in circles and she wasn’t even sure who was winning.

”maybe” Amelia giggled lightly at his statement, she wasn’t exactly cheating, but just keeping the information out ”Well, for the sake of keeping this interesting…I’ll be at the hearth of this city, in 12 days from now…early morning” ”wonder what you’ll do with that info” she could have probably listed a closer date, but Amelia rarely knew where she’d be in a bell or two, so she would be guessing her own location. Now the Temple, that was different, she’d be going with her father and had little to no choice in that. Above all, she wanted to see her father’s reaction to a man like Kelmar approach her, if he won’t leave for his usual jobs leaving her alone like he did so often. Above all, it would give her a chance to set her own thoughts straight, regarding her goals of him and did she actually have any. At first she wished to seduce him, but now, a blank page. She wanted to win, but wasn't even sure what game she was playing and was it even her's.

The pause that occurred seemed unnatural; she couldn’t see someone thinking over a question as simple as the one she had asked. Then again, he was quite different than the men that would say she had a good body or maybe threw out the cheesy lines of charming. He was calculating, Amelia was willing to put her life at state that he was analyzing Amelia in ways nobody had. She was more than sure that Kelmar was figuring out what to say in order to make her pleased, make her stay and possibly offer him help and the link he really wished to have. After all, he knew Amelia had the link with the Sun. She had just made it clear that she will be at the temple and he can meet her there. But that was it; he had the knowledge but not the actual gain. He wasn’t even sure if Amelia would offer him help of any sorts. In his position, it seemed right that he’d be filling her ears with honey, but that was just her thoughts, as she had just met Kelmar and knew little to nothing about him.

”my spirit?” Amelia couldn’t help but question, not sure if she had heard it right. True, she was hopping he wouldn’t be cheesy or vulgar. But saying her spirit was the thing he liked in her most, was slightly unexpected. ”don’t get that a lot” she said out loud by accident, as much to not even notice herself speak. Letting it wave past like the soft cool breeze that hit her skin.

”I’m not hungry…” she simple stated to his question. She knew he’d complain about it, and she knew it was rude as this was, well, a date. But she really couldn’t see food in her eyes now, she just wanted a drink ”but I’d like some tea…I have a weakness for lemon tea and ginger” ”and candy” fixing herself before her well-mannered part of the brain began complaining too much.

At this point, she wasn’t sure, should she or should she not ask him a question. For her, it seemed like the game hadn’t ended, considering his question wasn’t exactly what usually came off this game. Then again, silence wasn’t what she enjoyed with strangers. ”Kelmar, what you say we end the game? I’d like to hear you speak…free…casual without me having to interview you” she began with a small pause "or we can just call it a day and leave it as it is, splitting pats and seeing if fate wants us to meet"

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Think twice...

Postby Kelmar Hedos on January 10th, 2013, 2:09 am

She shared her location with a giggle, something Kelmar had not expected. Had he said something funny, amusingly naive or unaware? Most likely. Social interaction was not his forte by any means, something he kept fresh in his mind when he tried to think, most of his experience coming from watching others. It was like trying to swim after only watching other people do it: in theory it worked, but in practice it was too easy to miss something and sink. Kelmar was trying hard to float.

At least the information he understood. "The Temple on the eighteenth?" he asked to confirm, though he already knew the answer. She was visiting the temple, yet she turned down an opportunity to be in the Black Sun. Perhaps just a routine thing she did every now and again, just since it was Rhysol's city and all. Even so, something abut the event sparked his curiosity, there had to be a reason for the specific date so far away. "You don't strike me as very religious," Kelmar commented, interested in her reaction. Maybe it would shed some light on why.

The mildly surprised reaction on Amelia's face and in her voice seemed to indicate that he had chosen an answer that few would think of. What that meant in the current situation and how he could play that were unknowns to him, so instead of trying to work it further he let it drop. "You asked," Kelmar pointed out, "and I answered. Besides, you probably don't get that a lot because I'm not like most of the men you've met. Most of your male company probably doesn't pay as close attention as I do, not to your words and face at least." She knew damn well what he was implying, he didn't need to have emotions to infer that.

This was not going so well. He had offered a ceasefire, but she was declining his offer for a meal. Did that mean she was not interested in a ceasefire? She didn't seem particularly interested in continuing at all really, was she just growing tired of it all? Though her next words made Kelmar think that her reply was more genuine than he was making it out to be. "This place isn't likely to sell tea," he told her, though he wasn't going to let that stop him. "Do you know of a place that does? If so, I could take you there for a quick cup, or maybe just a snack if you're hungry for something else." If he could restore a bit of her interest, then perhaps he could earn her attention for a while longer.

"Is that your question?" he asked when she suggested to end the game. It might be perceived as a joke, but really it was just to buy time to think. He already had enough from her for this time and he didn't want to push his luck, but without the game to structure their conversation he had no idea how to interact with Amelia. He could try to lie and fumble his way through a regular conversation, but he doubted that he would be able to hold her interest for long. He could just end it now, but he still wanted to stay, for the longer he spent here the more familiar he got with Amelia's reactions and, more importantly, the more familiar she got with himself. After a moment of thinking, Kelmar decided to be honest - she already knew he was more or less emotionless, may as well play a straight story.

"Thing is, I don't have much to say," he told her truthfully. "This really is different for me, I don't usually speak casually. Without a solid reason for me to say something, I can't really think of anything to say. If you want to part ways now then I won't argue with you, we do that a little too much, though if you would like to stick around for just half a bell longer I did mean it when I offered to take you somewhere for a quick fix of tea. The decision is yours." His voice was genuine yet straight and a bit flat, lacking the intonations of a emotional socialite. He only hoped that whatever she picked would please her, that was something he needed to do more of if he wanted her to introduce him to her father.
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Kelmar Hedos
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Think twice...

Postby Amelia Cross on January 10th, 2013, 10:59 pm


To the statement of her not being overly religious, Amelia would usually explain her believes, but in Ravok it was a tad bit different. Here there was just Rhysol and a few deities that were tolerated, not exactly accepted. This limited her speaking of her own believes and so, she pressed her index finger against her lips, once again indicating it as a bit of a secret ”next time” if he will remember to come to the temple, if she found him trustworthy. He didn’t seem to lie. He spoke a bit more than Amelia, but trust…trust of your religion in Ravok was different. It could make or break you here.

But she didn’t respond to the statement of the ‘other men’ she meets. She has no shame in flirting and Kelmar probably picked it up from her slightly awkward, first attempts to seduce him. The flirting made it clear the attention she gains from men is more physical. However, she didn’t like being said that in the face. It made her feel cheap and like a hooker. For a short, barely noticeable moment she looked a bit offended, but shock it off deciding to let it pass completely. As if she didn’t hear it, like it didn’t hurt her.

”I don’t think it would be polite of us to have sat here chatting, and leave, Jeb won’t be glad” she said with a small chuckle. Not realizing that the fact she mentioned the bartenders name, made it clear she was if not a common visitor than at least familiar. ”a glass of vine will do””after all, I need to calm my nerves” casually slipping bout of her hands to the center of the table, unlike last time this was actually natural, while she was looking around the canal again. It felt like for the most part of this ‘date’ she had been paying attention to the canal not the man in front of her. But it was so easy to analyze the canal, it was impossible to see through the snoop. For a moment he seemed to be truthful and even interested in her. The other he was nothing but a calculating bastard that wanted her father, the sun.

A part of her still wanting to stay and enjoy the company, a part wanting to flee and then the one that was in control, just looking at the canal. The water was calm, not even a ripple in the glass like surface. The light of Syna reflected on the water making it look like ice, cold and empty. It was told that there was no bottom to the lake of Ravok. Often she wanted to jump in and test the fable. ”How is it, to live a year round in a city that doesn’t change” Amelia questioned, deciding not to speak of Kelmar’s inability to speak casually. ”how is it to live in a place that doesn’t know wild flowers sticking out between the rocks in the pavement, not witness snow and ice that children play with…” by the tone in her voice, it sounded like she was speaking to herself more than Kelmar. She seemed lost in thoughts. The city frightened her, but her father wished for her to live here…Ravok was to once be her home, no flowers between rocks…no snow.

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Think twice...

Postby Kelmar Hedos on January 13th, 2013, 3:21 pm

Another secret? She had so many, and seemed too wary to share them easily. Of course, when it came to religion, there was only so many things it could mean. He'd learnt in his studies as a youth about the lesser gods, beings like Rhaus and Laviku and Syna, as well as the heathen god Sylir, and knew that very few of them were allowed to be worshipped in Ravok. He cared little for any of them save Rhysol, but he knew there were those who cared a great deal, and they were not very forthcoming about their fervor. "Best not speak of it here then, nor in the temple for that matter," he replied. He was dying to know obviously, but Amelia was of no use to him within an Ebonstryfe prison.

"You should know by now that I'm not the best when it comes to being polite. But sure, I'll go get some wine. Be back in a bit." Leaving Amelia to her thoughts, Kelmar rose and walked over to the counter, rapping his knuckles on the wood to get the bartender's attention. He'd been putting her to the screws, probably surprising her in many ways, she probably needed a moment to collect herself. The sooner she was confident in herself, the sooner he could start building up her confidence in him. "Excuse me sir," he called, old habits showing through again.

"Jeb," said a gruff-looking man who stepped up to meet the agent. His whitening hair did nothing to soften his severe appearance, and Kelmar had no doubt this man could take care of any trouble that happened at his bar.

"Jeb," Kelmar repeated. "Could I have some wine and a couple glasses? For me and the lady over there." He gestured towards Amelia, who was staring at the canal. "Something light, simple. We won't be staying much longer."

Wordlessly, the bartender went into the back of the tavern, returning with a pitcher and a couple small drinking glasses. Inside was a translucent liquid that smelled lightly of alcohol, the wine he'd ordered. Setting them down in front of his patron, Jeb stood back, crossing his arms. "Two silver mizas," he said, "and bring the tableware back when they're done.

Just as silently as they were fetched, Kelmar pulled two silver mizas out of his pocket and placed them on the bar with a thud, sliding them across towards the bartender as he picked up the glasses and pitched, carrying them back over to their table by the canal. Amelia was still looking into the dark waters, which were growing darker as the sun's light slowly began to recede from Ravok. What she was thinking about Kelmar could only guess, but if it made her comfortable and more capable of handling him then he wasn't about to disturb her. He set down the glasses on each side of the table and began pouring from the pitcher, into Amelia's glass first of course. "Wine," was all he said, there was nothing else to say.

After pouring for himself as well, he sat back down in his chair and looked to the canal that had enraptured Amelia so. It was nothing special, the same kind of canal as those that were everywhere else in Ravok, leading down beneath the city and eventually down to the lake-bed. Though it'd been a while since Kelmar traveled on one, sticking to the pathways and bridges mostly, trusting only himself to get him where he needed to be. When his targets got on boats were the only time that he risked it, and even so he didn't like telling a ravosalaman to 'follow that boat' as it raised far more questions than Kelmar liked answering. Maybe he'd buy one of his own sometime.

As soon as Amelia was speaking, Kelmar was listening, and it was certainly interesting enough to be worth listening to. The things she spoke of were things that he had only read about, things like wildflowers snow and ice. It never snowed in Ravok, Rhysol kept his city safe from uncomfortable weather, and the lake was protected from freezing over by that same power. No wildflowers either, since most of the city was built on man-made platforms the only plants that could grow were those on specially assigned plots of land. Wasn't even any random rocks sticking up from the ground with the concise planning that went into some of the newer parts of the city. Since he knew nothing else, he couldn't really tell.

"It is life for me," Kelmar answered, just then noticing the self-absorbed state Amelia seemed to be in. "It's all I've ever known. Though from the sound of it, you know a good deal more. Care to share what's on your mind?"

Expense :
-2sm for pitcher of common wine.
Last edited by Kelmar Hedos on January 19th, 2013, 7:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Think twice...

Postby Amelia Cross on January 18th, 2013, 12:08 pm


Amelia smiled as Kelmar poured the wine into her glass. She picked it up into her fingers and carefully looked at the color of the wine. It seemed to be hinting a cool tone of purple that didn’t exactly give complete trust in the liquid; then again it could be the light that’s playing tricks on her eyes. Bringing the glass closer to herself her swirled it around the slightest bit ”probably fresh, but cloudy” she thought while observing the tinted liquid. She was far from having brilliant taste in wine, but she has picked up a thing or two from overly formal events with her old man. Now she was sure, Jeb had some decent wine in his place and it forced out a chuckle as she inhaled the sweet smell of flowers that broke through the disgusting smell of alcohol. ”Thank you” she finally said, not exactly sure if it was needed in this moment.

”well, you know I travel...” which has been made clear by most everything Amelia did. Sometimes she felt like she stuck out in Ravok like a sore thumb, her time spent in Syliras and the wild really showed. ”As for you, I’m not sure should I be jealous or feel sorry for you” Amelia said with her voice hinting off the slightest bit of sadness ”I love Ravok, it’s so safe and peaceful here…the beauty of this city can’t really be put to words and the magical nights” the words drifted off into something like a nostalgic whisper before she spoke again ”But it doesn’t change…the wild is filled with beautiful flowers and animals…every moment is a small thrill and the snow….as much as I hate it, I miss it in Ravok” swirling the glass in her hand slowly ”above all, I can’t swim…Ravok often feels like a trap” she confessed with a small laugh.

Finally she decided to stop speaking, just now she realized how much she has been speaking. For a moment she wondered, maybe she has said even too much. There aren’t a lot of places that are relatively close to Ravok that have snow… Then again she hadn’t been to a lot of places, limiting her knowledge of other cities with just folk tales and things her mother has told her. ”but let’s not get into that, I might get emotional” she was attempting to act a bit overwhelmed, but had no success as her sarcasm and smile was hard to hide.

She brought her glass more towards Kelmar, smiling cattishly as she spoke ”for our proper meeting” ”may it not be our last” she said before finally taking a sip of her wine.

Amelia Cross
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Think twice...

Postby Kelmar Hedos on January 20th, 2013, 1:19 pm

Kelmar didn't know a thing about wine despite his upbringing. His family had fallen from good grace before he was old enough for his parents to consider letting him have some, and after that he couldn't afford it at all. In fact, the only alcohol he'd ever consumed was cheap ale at taverns when the situation demanded he act normal. So as Amelia inspected the liquid, Kelmar watched with interest as she swirled it and sniffed it. He had no idea as to the quality of the wine, he just asked for something simple from Jeb, but as his companion set down her glass and thanked him he assumed it was decent enough to satisfy her.

"Yes, I do," he replied. Though where to? He'd like to know, as that could give him another advantage that he could use. For the moment, he listened to her speak of sentiment and towards the city, something about safe and peacefulness. He supposed, though it could be plenty dangerous for those who were not careful - or more importantly, weren't from around here. He still wasn't sure whether Amelia was a citizen or not, and if the latter she could legally be taken in as a slave, something Kelmar had to avoid if he were to coax more information out of her. That said, he doubt her father would stand for anyone enslaving his child, so that probably kept her safe from being permanently enslaved, but not everyone knew and someone could easily come along and just take her, thinking her a simple outsider. Not exactly safe, no.

Sarcasm was always an iffy point for Kelmar as the emotionless man couldn't easily tell the difference between a genuine and false statement. The barely suppressed smile helped though, the lack of solemnity suggesting that she was, in fact, not genuine about her statement. He decided to briefly voice his thoughts on Ravok's 'safety' for outsiders. "Do you have citizenship papers?" he asked. "If not, then you will find it much less safe here in Ravok then you make it out to be. You should look to stay permanently and apply." It was a gentle push, but a push nonetheless, the end result hopefully her staying where he could keep tabs on her if need be.

It had been years since Kelmar had seen the motion, yet he rose his glass in response like he was trained to. Whether it was mere habit or ingrained instinct he did not know, but what he did know was that he was soon clinging glasses with a smiling Amelia. "For an... interesting conversation," he toasted in reply. He took a brief sip too, the alcoholic flavor running over his lips and tongue. The glass was set down quickly though, Kelmar was not one to let even mild intoxication get the better of him.
Will be gone for a couple days, grades need lifting
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