Closed A Bath And A Stranger

Seleucus meets Haeli in rather...interesting circumstances.

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

A Bath And A Stranger

Postby Seleucus on December 29th, 2012, 7:47 pm

28th of Winter

The humidity was thick, even in winter. A soft crush of scents; warm mud, mineral water, and lush undergrowth wormed their way into his nose. This is what the Myrian Jungle must be like, isn't it?, thought Seleucus. Since first arriving there Seleucus had spent almost the entirety of each and every day in the Bharani Library and despite his fervor-ed passion for the place it was nice to see more of the shining city again. This time Seleucus had decided to venture into some of the more wild groves of Lhavit, and had happened on news of Kinell Hotsprings. He had overheard a few artists and debaters in the Basilica discussing it's therapeutic value and natural beauty. As he mulled it over he had finally settled on coming here. Ethaefal or not, everyone could use a nice relaxing bath to soothe the muscles every once in a while.

Dusk was settling as Seleucus arrived on the edge of the water. In order to avoid a crowd he had come during the dusk rest hours, and was pleasantly greeted by a seemingly empty pool of steaming water. The spring was silent except for the occasional cry of song pure sweet song from some bird and the soft crash of falling water. It's waters were stained a strange assortment of paint like colours, the skies had been strange of late, tinted odd hues since this morning and dusk was exceptionally vibrant today. Seleucus removed his boot and noticed a tiny blue lizard skittered into the mud from it's hiding place near his foot. Walking to a mossy rock on the water's edge he finished disrobing except for his small-clothes. With the rest of his clothes laying neatly folded he considered a moment I wouldn't have thought twice if Leth was sailing above. Well, whether sculpted by gods or not this is my body til I die or else the ends of time The small-clothes came off. For a moment the young man stood, hands on hips, skinny enough to count each rib. Suddenly, in a rare moment of release, he jumped headlong into the steamy pool. His head bobbed up and a softly restrained sigh came out. This is absolutely wonderful.

Several chimes later he decided to swim the length of the hot spring. When tossed into an ocean, a person did one of two things; avoid water like the plague, or learn to swim well enough not to drown. Logic dictated that Seleucus did the latter, and so in that vein he learned to swim. Nothing good, just enough not to drown. In this warm water it seemed one of the best choices he had ever made. After several minutes of doing awkward laps around the edge of the springs. He settled down on a shallow edge. By Leth's sweet light this soothes the muscles.
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A Bath And A Stranger

Postby Haeli on December 30th, 2012, 2:22 am

The hunting cries of the wolves echoed across the peak as one pack converged on whatever their prey was. Seleucus could hear the cries growing closer as large animals called to one another seemingly driving prey in one direction or the next. He could somewhat hear the frustration in the animals voices because the directions kept changing. Whatever they wanted or were trying to do wasn't working as easily as the wolves perhaps thought it should.

Haeli was a testament to that.

She was breathing hard, digging her feet into the soil as fast as her paws would allow her. The witch climbed, darted trees, jumped boulders, back tracked through frozen streams, and did everything in her power to evade the wolf pack that was converging on her. Odds are they wouldn't eat her, but she wanted to avoid the confrontation as long as she could. Her job, currently, was to study them not to interact with them and change any of their behaviors. And to do that she had to get close. As a human, they mostly ignored her or thought about hunting her at least until they got close and the Caiyha mark made itself known. As a wolf they wanted to greet her, introduce her to the pack, and beat the tar out of her until some sort of pecking order could be established.

She just didn't want the brawl, not right now, and probably not in the near future. The Witch knew how to back down, avoid violence, and do what she had to in order to survive. But she didn't want to be PART of them, not yet. She just wanted to KNOW them instead. Sometimes though, like in the Gyvaka, there was a thin line and nothing, absolutely nothing, was separate.

Haeli panted, drawing in deep breaths into the black furred wolf form she wore. Her lungs were big and powerful, but she'd been climbing all day, practicing her evasion, and keeping out of the wolf's direct trail. Now though, she found herself close to the hot springs and almost out of energy. Switching tactics, she skirted up the mountain, avoiding the trail that lead to the springs and instead cut across the woods.

She burst out of them in a black furred fury and with one large leap was airborne and then splashing down into the springs. When she came up, sputtering, her body was already transforming back into her humanity, gathering everything about her that was HER and reforming it into its normal shape. The Witch crouched down low in the water, paddling furiously to keep herself upright treading, and held her arms out like she was stroking the water.

Haeli was gasping, dragging in big lungfuls of air as the pack hit the edge of the springs, circled around it, and growled out over the water. Their prey was gone, untouchable out in the water, and the wolves whined with frustration. They touched each others noses, circled the springs and eventually melted back into the night.

Haeli sagged with relief, then reached out and then started swimming towards the nearest rim, hoping to find a relatively safe seat among the rock shelf and reeds where she could catch her breath.

It was then and there she noticed that she was not alone. The observation caused her to do a double take, then apologize profusely. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you were here and I didn't mean to bother you. I was just avoiding a confrontation with the wolves in the area." Haeli said, as if she hadn't just been a wolf or changed to a girl in front of him.
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A Bath And A Stranger

Postby Seleucus on December 30th, 2012, 3:32 am

Seleucus heard eerie howls rising in the distance. Not too distant though. Well I'm only a short trudge from civilization, nothing bad can come of it. Relaxing back into the water he decided to just enjoy the sounds of the wild. Unfortunately the comfort didn't last long. The howling got closer and closer, he even thought he heard a rustling in the brush. For a chime there was an unease in his heart, and then there was only wolf. A black streak burst into the fading sunlight and landed in the steaming water with a great SPLASHHH! Seleucus shoved himself back with enough force to end up halfway on the bank behind.

A black wolf's head emerged from the water, in the stead of some fearsome beast. It was wet and panting heavily, not anything to be terrified of. Seleucus eased himself back in to the soothing water. Some poor terrified wolf isn't anything to be afraid of. Despite old wife's tales it won't eat me all on it's own. The beast paddled over to a reed grove on the side of the water, pulling itself partially from the steaming pool. Selucus' heart settled. A bath companion, hmmm? I wasn't expecting a wolf, but at least uncomfortable silence or boring chatter need not be an issue. Chatter might have been more appreciated after what happened next. As the creature regained it's breath it began to change. Fur melted away, hair grew, a muzzle became a mouth, and paws were replaced by hands. Sitting in the wolf's place was a woman! She shook out her sopping her dirty blond hair and suddenly froze. She has caught notice of me.

Abruptly the woman began to apologize profusely. Well this isn't what I expected, thought Seleucus. “Oh it is fine, fine. I didn't expect to be bathmates with a wolf, but a skinchanger isn't that much more suprising.” He had no qualms with magic nor gnosis, whatever she had used. Nor did she seem some strange goddess in disguise though pretty and wild both she was. And if she is apologizing for the nudity, it doesn't bother me. As long as she is not uncomfortable with a man sharing her space, especially one so ungainly as me at this bell. Mortals had long since ceased to be a matter of offense or modesty to Seleucus. He was more concerned about his shape at this time of day offending her, though something about the directness of her gaze suggested that wouldn't be a problem. “Mightn't I ask what someone such as your self is doing out and about in the woods, and as a wolf no less? You no doubt were making those howls a few chimes ago?” He surveyed his surroundings. “One is no problem but I would like to be warned before I soak with more wolf-women.” One vanity he afforded himself, and that was some amount of composure. He didn't care to lose it again within a single bell.
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A Bath And A Stranger

Postby Haeli on January 12th, 2013, 11:49 pm

The witch smiled, meeting the young man's gaze and nodding. "I'm sorry to surprise you. Were you bathing here? Most people just swim because the water helps their muscles." Haeli offered helpfully, looking for any signs of soap or other bathing implements. Humans. They were an odd bunch. Did he literally mean taking a bath to cleanse his body or did he mean he was just soaking as in a bath? Haeli tilted her head, suddenly concerned, knowing the soap would be bad for the water, perhaps even poisoning the fish here.

He asked her another question while her head was lost in thought and she bobbed awkwardly, smiling at him, as she stroked the water with her hands, staying afloat. It took her a moment to realize what he asked, and a moment more to gather her thoughts. "I was studying the wolves. Trying to get near them, not to be of them, but to just observe them. They do not seem open to new members of their pack without conflict and I was not feeling the need for conflict. So I left. They followed. It seems they do not like water. For that I am grateful. And it adds to my knowledge of them. Where I am from there are no wolves. There are only jaguars and crocodiles, things that can bite you and poison you and even things that can squeeze you to death. But I think I 'have learned that wolves alone are in danger. Their strength is in their pack. I will make friends with them. It will just take more time." She said softly, being honest with him in her explanation.

And then she tilted her head and asked a question of her own. "Are you really bathing in here? You know that soap is very bad for things in the water. It is good for the water to be dirty and not parted from its dirt by the power of soap." She said, laughter in her eyes as she swam closer. Haeli had no concept that nudity was bad and no conscious idea of personal space. Instead she invaded his curiously, studying him and finding the human harmless enough looking.

"I'm Haeli. May I know your name?" She said politely.
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A Bath And A Stranger

Postby Seleucus on January 18th, 2013, 12:31 am

Seleucus was slightly taken aback with the straightforward gaze the lady used on him. There was something in her eyes, not feral, but just raw. Raw in the way the woods were raw, or mountain wind was raw, or the rawness of fresh turned earth. Deep and natural as a river and as piercing as Syna's rays. She queried as to his bathing habits and he released a sigh of deep relaxation. “Yes, I came here for a nice relaxing dip. I have been rather busy lately and this was just the trick." He stretched out appreciatively. “Do you frequent here often?”

As the woman launched in to a ramble about wolves Seleucus' face began to take on an inquisitive look. From what he could tell this woman was very smart, if rather odd. She had a meandering but rather curious air to her, and her searching gaze was more one of study than any coyness. The shape-shifter mentioned something of a different home. Naturally intrigued he raised an eye brow, “Not from around here? You seemed so familiar with the woods though. I also am from a different place, Denval, I am sure you've heard of it?”

She asked again about his bathing habits. Seleucus chuckled faintly, awfully concerned about my doings, though for what seem rather purist reasons. “Oh don't worry about the wildlife.I was just here for a dip.” His narrow face crinkled into a crooked smile. “And I will keep what you said in mind, I won't ever bring any soap around here.” The woman swam closer, breaking through the steaming reflective water. Her nudity didn't concern him, though her closely scrutinizing stares were slightly, to put it frankly, different. The woman told him her name, Haeli, a very nice name. Simple but pretty.

“I myself am Seleucus.” said he, “And it is a pleasure to meet you, Haeli. I apologize for any suprise made by my being here.” Seleucus felt no need to bow or offer any additional greeting, they were quite informal already. Seleucus noticed the dimming light and glanced at the horizon, the last of Syna's brilliant glow was fading behind the saw-tooth shapes of the mountains. Changing chime comes soon.

“Well I hope not to alarm you, but it seems I will return your favor.” His blue eyes shimmering with mirth. “Nor am I quite what I seem.” The change came. The feeling that preceded it was indescribable to most mortals, Seleucus likened it being washed in liquid moonlight, though most people couldn't comprehend what that felt like. A sourceless glow, silver-white, began to envelope the scrawny young man. Veil upon veil of light, like Leth's own embrace, begin to enshroud and obscure him. Soon the man was swaddled in a cocoon of light. Then the light faded, pulled inward, soaking into the newly turned Ethaefal's gleaming skin. The whole process lasted barely a fraction of a chime. As the last of the glow was subsumed the horned creature shook out his lengthened and damp white hair. “Not quite what I seem.”
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