PM to join Drinks, Music, Mischief and Socializing

Aradia enters the Silver Sliver looking for a job, meeting the people of Ravok.

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

Drinks and Music

Postby Aradia on January 2nd, 2013, 3:44 am

Aradia started off with a whimsical first song, one that reminded her of home. It was an old song that her mother taught her, one that she used to sing to her when she was little. It brought back memories from home, and she poured her heart and soul into the music, making the audience feel the joy that was inside the lyrics. The men obviously enjoyed the song; they were clapping and joining her on stage. Aradia could not help but sing the rest of the song with a big smile. She did not perform her best due to the man making her so nervous, but she did exceptionally well. The men on the stage surrounded her clapping telling her how well she did, she could not help but laugh with them telling them thank you. She glanced over to where Amelia was seated with the .. Noric? Yes Noric was his name. Amelia looked to be pleased with the man, of course who wouldn’t be. Noric also looked to be enjoying Amelia’s company as well. Since they seemed to be getting along and having a good time, Aradia decided to give her audience what they wanted, another song. But this time she was going to give them something a little bit better, that suited the atmosphere more.

Aradia got back on the stage, telling the men who decided to join her, what type of music she wanted them to play. Their eyebrows shot up and their eyes went big at what she was saying, but they nodded their heads in anticipation. Aradia started singing a sexually seductive song on stage, it was easier for her to sing the words and be a tease when she was singing, then it was to actually do the things. The entertainer side of her was completely opposite of her normal self. That was why she never mixed business with pleasure. As she sang the teasing words she walked around the tavern, sitting on tables serenading men, sitting in men’s lap, touching them softly as she walked by, nothing was beyond her when she was in control singing. The men whooped and cat called to her as she danced around the tables to finally come back up to the stage. Aradia sat down and laid back on the stage, arching her back ever so slightly to get in a provocative state, to finish off the last few words of her song.

Once she was finished men started rushing up to the stage, offering to buy her drinks. Who could refuse a few free drinks? So she decided to let one of them buy her a drink, he brought her a mug of Silver Sliver from the bar, and she frowned at the silver liquid, but looked back up to the man and said thank you nervously. The social situation was starting to make her nervous and her purple eyes changed colors, swirling with pink and red. She lowered her eyes to the floor and made her way to the bar. While walking to the bar she over heard a group of men talking about some illegal activities, mentioning a weird name that started with a K. Aradia stopped eavesdropping when they went into details about the illegal activity. This only made Aradia even more nervous, she knew she did not belong in a place like this, but who could resist performing when it is ones passion? Once Aradia stepped off stage she was herself again, and preferred not to be harassed by men. She sat on the bar stool beside Amelia. A man tried to approach the bar, but Jeb told him not to bother the entertainment. The man got the hint and left her alone, only to glance ever so often her way. Making Aradia almost ill with nervousness. She kept her peripheral vision on the man and brought her attention to Amelia.

“Hey, sorry I left you. But you two seem to be enjoying yourselves. I did not mean to seem rude to you earlier. I hope we can still get to know one another, and maybe become friends.” Aradia said giving a warm smile to Amelia. Aradia glanced over to Noric and gave him a shy smile, a light blush coloring her cheeks. "Hey again, Noric. I did not mean to seem rude to you earlier either." Aradia said in a light shy voice. She glanced away from him before she started making a fool out of herself, and looked down at the mug of silver liquid. The Ale’s buzzed had long worn off and she kind of liked the feeling of a slight buzz. She looked back down to the intimidating liquid and shrugged her shoulders, gulping half of the mug down in one swallow.

The liquid fire ran down her throat, burning her insides. Aradia could not help the cry of pain that came out of her mouth as it kept burning her innards. “What the hell is this!? It hurts so badly!” Aradia asked tears streaming down her face. It didn’t help that she was feeling more than just a light buzz from that big gulp either, her head was starting to swim. She felt light and free, jovial, and confidant. Aradia rubbed her throat coughing and gagging repeatedly.“Am I dying?!” Aradia glanced at the other two with tears streaming down her face, her eyes swirling with gray, red, yellow and green. “Help me please!” Aradia said excitedly. She was terrified that someone had slipped something in her drank. She had never drank alcohol before, besides the Ale earlier, so she wasn’t for certain if this was normal or not, all she knows is that she was scared that she was going to die because it burned so badly.

OOCYour post was fine, flowed well Amelia. So if you two haven't noticed.. I am a huge example person. So here is the type of song she is performing below. Note that I am not saying THIS IS HER SINGING, just giving a generalization of what type and style she is singing :)

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Drinks and Music

Postby Acarnatia on January 2nd, 2013, 3:56 am

Trychu walked slowly as dusk settled upon the watery city. He idly watched observed the streets, a mix of dark greys, browns, blacks with occasional streaks of golden sunset light painting the building walls, statues and structures. While beautiful, his day had been largely uneventful, it was now late, and was he as of yet without a place to sleep.
He asked the next passerby where an inn with both decent services and decent prices can be found; the man just pointed him in the direction of the closest inn that wasn't blatantly for the wealthy.
He walked through the flat, large door of the inn into a room filled with loud men, excessive drinking, and overdramatic music. The girl on stage had a lovely voice, to be sure; her choice of song was simply not his preference. He looked around for a moment, getting his bearings; he had spent very little time in bars, and it took him a moment to recognize the counter. The young man walked over to the barkeeper and called to him," Hey, can I get a room here?"
The scarred man glanced at him from a few feet away, then leaned over, supporting himself by his elbows on the counter, still wiping a glass. "Yeah. Standard fare, standard price."
"Alright," he said, shuffling through a pocket in his jacket and placing a few coins on the counter between them. "That's tonight's pay. I think I'll be staying here at the very least a few days. My name is Trychu Gwirionedd."
The man raised his right eyebrow and lowered the right side of his mouth. "That's a mouthful.'
"Yeah, I know," Trychu smiled. "T-rih-ch-ih. Anyways, will you get me meal? Nothing with meat in it, though," he said thoughtfully. The bartender raised his eyebrow again. "I don't eat meat," he explained.
"Yeah, I'll have something in a few minutes. Stay near the bar so you can hear me in this racket," he said, turning away to return to other customers, the cooks, and his dishes.
"Right," Trychu said, turning away as well and observing the scene and listening to the next song-again, not his favorite, though it was admittedly appealing in a manner he preferred to not entertain-until he noticed Amelia just a two empty seats away from him.
"Amelia!" he called over, surprised and pleased, grinning his blatantly honest and happy smile. He walked over and sat down on the seat next to her, then realized she was talking to the man across from her, a tall, rugged, blonde man with short, scratchy facial hair; he looked to be someone he would get along with well. "Ah, am I interrupting?"
Before Amelia had the time to answer, the red-haired singer appeared, who also talked to Amelia and addressed her by name-though, based on her exact words, she seemed to know her about as well as he did. Then she drank.
He stared a bit as she went on about the burning of the alcohol in her throat. He held his hands up, not sure of what to do. He was completely inexperienced with alcohol; he had never even spoke or listened to much about it. The giggles, though seemed indication enough that she wasn't in mortal danger, only drunk on an apparently too-strong-for-her liquor. He said nothing, though; the experienced drinkers knew better than he, so he shall leave it to them. He glanced over at Amelia and the man he thought she called Noric. "Is she just drunk, or is she actually dying?"
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Drinks and Music

Postby Amelia Cross on January 2nd, 2013, 10:16 am


As Noric sat down Amelia began thinking over possible scenarios for the night, she was never the one to be bashful, so it wasn’t a surprise to her, that while she looked in the eyes of the man she couldn’t see herself casually leave, alone. If things went her way, by the end of the night she’d have some fun and still manage to study the strange girl. ”I think I have seen you to, I just can’t really recall from where” she lied, knowing clearly she had seen him right here in the tavern a few times and most probably around the merchants ring. That didn’t matter, what mattered was setting up a scene and so she did. Parting her lips the slightest bit as she didn’t let her burning gaze leave Noric’s, her leg casually slipped between his as she rested it on the bottom of the stool. ”One can find good things everywhere, if you keep your eyes open” Amelia added with her voice running smooth and eyes half closed, creating an inviting look of longing on her face. She did break the contact for a second, just to look over to the mug of alcohol he was pointing to, causing a light chuckle from her ”I prefer tea, I’m here for a good time” she finished while slowly returning her attention to him, not quite following the events on the stage.

However she couldn’t help but glance in the direction of the wolf whistles of half wasted men, if Amelia’s manners were any less than those her father had rooted in, she’d be wide eye starring at the woman who was playing around with the men of the tavern. It looked like Aradia, but it was nothing like the timid girl she met and the girl who fled. Her music was much more like the one Amelia gave to the tavern on those rare nights she was invited to the stage by the performers, as she never stepped there on her own will. Always afraid of the power her gnosis had granted her. However she wasn’t given a chance to finish her thought or even the attempt to fully charm Noric when she heard a familiar voice call her name. She wasn’t used to having her name called up so with wide eyes she looked up to see who had come up, the man was familiar but she had to search a bit through her head until she remembered, the man she read a rushed fortune to, but she didn’t recall his name or had he even gave her one.

”No~” ”and again, you interrupt me…for a shy damsel you really like to talk a lot” she cursed as she saw Aradia come up, once more blushing and having a clear pink in her eyes. Amelia had noticed her eyes turned pink when she was embarrassed, so maybe one question was answered, the color of her eyes changes by mood, so maybe she is from the north. ”Here, in Ol’Rhysols Ravok everyone is my friend” Amelia answered Aradia, finally gaining a chance to open her mouth. She was acting a bit more casual and detached now; for her four was a crowd and she always had problems dividing her attention. So she might have to slow down her desire for a simple flirt to latter on, or maybe just remove that from her to do list for the night.

As Aradia began pleading for help, complaining and crying about the burning in her thought she was lost, for a short moment. She had seen a reaction like this, but only to specific alcohol that she doubted this place had, then again she never checked that so she wasn’t certain. ”not drunk yet, that will take some time…it was just too strong” she said calmly, almost like she didn’t care. Amelia had seen too many good girls turn bad here, get drunk and get alcohol poison, this wasn’t something new. ”Hey, Jeb!” she called to the bartender ”Let Ravok freeze to solid ice, you’ll be buying a drink on your own miza?” the man called with clear mockery in his voice, not even looking up to their direction, as he knew Amelia’s voice well ”Comedian, Your entertainer needs some water, the liquor was too hard on her thought” she said, and only when finished Jeb seemed to react. Turning to their direction, before filling a mug with water and passing it over ”That’s on you girl” he added before turning away once more, Amelia just rolled her eyes as she toke the mug of water and offered it to Aradia ”Come now, drink it all up”

Water was sure to help, at best it will help her get the taste and burning off and leave her with a daze, or just drunk. At worst, she will gulp it down enough to throw it up along with the alcohol, win-win situation either way.

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Drinks and Music

Postby Noric Sidhe on January 2nd, 2013, 3:49 pm

Ara's next song was a complete surprise to him. An apparently shy girl suddenly having the courage to gyrate and thrust her body in every suggestive direction, and even sit on men's laps. He leaned back on the bar as his eyebrows shot sky high. His mouth might have opened into a little 'o', but if asked about it later he'd viciously deny it. He always tried to keep a calm exterior, in control of every situation. But a surprise like this was too much of a surprise to not bat an eye at. Again her voice was good, but the most distracting part was her dancing. If it could be called that. It was more like something else. A sort of something that made the room feel a little hotter. Did someone add logs to the hearth?

Noric ran a hand across the back of his neck, feeling a very thin sheen of perspiration. Well, that's entertainment. It wasn't a surprise when men started offering her drinks. Heck, for about 3 chimes he'd be willing to off her something more than drinks until the shock wore off. He shook his head and turned his full attention back to Amelia. Now this woman knew what she wanted, and wasn't jumping back and forth between emotions. Noric leaned in closer as her finely sculpted leg slipped in the gap between his. "I can find anything, ma'am. It's what I'm best at." A slow smile spread across his lips; the definition of a wolfish grin.

Aradia had returned, seemly back to her original self. He examined her keenly, running a calloused hand over the stubble on his chin and jaws. "There's no need to apologize, I assure you." His smile could have melted a block of ice. "I know all too well about those sudden urges we lowly humans get." With that last bit he'd needed to cross his legs to hide the tightness of his pants, with a sidelong glance at Amelia. If Aradia understood that innuendo, then more power to her. He was almost sure Amelia would. Deep down they seemed to be of the same stock. The less righteous of this equally less than righteous city.

Suddenly, a newcomer joined them. A wiry young man who seemed to know Amelia. All the better, he would offer a distraction for the ladies until his hormones settled. Noric swept a gracious hand toward the women. "By all means, strike up a conversation. An older man like myself is no match for the charm of a dashing youth arriving to sweep these ladies off their stools." He smiled broadly and discreetly recrossed his legs in the other direction.

Noric glanced over to Aradia as she lifted her mug to her lips. It was one of the mugs used for the Silver Sliver ale. Much too powerful for a young woman like her who'd had nary a sip of alcohol in her life. She would learn. And by the look on her face, she did. It was confirmed by her very colorful reaction. He couldn't help but burst into laughter, rocking backward in his stool against the bar then forward again. He slapped his knees and guffawed at the comical performance. "You're fine! Just fine. Have to walk before you can run, girly. That's some powerful stuff you got in that cup of yours. Probably feels like a fire, huh? And it should!" He started laughing again, even harder when he caught a good look at her eyes. "Those Vantha eyeballs of yours don't know how to react!"

Tears were streaming out of his own eyes, but from mirth instead of pain. He wasn't sure when the last time was he'd laughed so hard. Noric covered his mouth with a big hand to muffle it all, but his broad shoulders shook like an earthquake until finally he was too out of breath to barely make a sound. He sat wiping his eyes with a giant smile, gasping for breath and occasionally bursting into further chuckles. "Pheeew, that was a good one. A right bit of fun you are. I'm glad I came to the tavern tonight."

"I'm not!" Jeb quipped from somewhere behind the bar. A few other men and women laughed.
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Drinks and Music

Postby Aradia on January 3rd, 2013, 1:21 am

Noric and Amelia accepted her apologies, which made her feel better about leaving so adruptly. Amelia even called her “friend.” This made Aradia’s face brighten up, her pink eyes instantly turning purple with happiness. Could it be true that she was her friend? Aradia doubted they were really friends after so few moments of interaction, the woman was probably just being nice.

Then she decided to drink the evil silver liquid. The pain was almost too much to bear, she thought she was dying; surely it was going to burn her insides till there was nothing left. Why was everyone being so calm? With the exception of Noric of course, he was roaring with laughter at her. She did not know it was normal for the alcohol to burn her so, she wasn’t used to such things. Amelia’s calm soothing voice offered her a glass of water; she accepted it with a humiliated muffled thank you and sipped on the sweet salvation. The cool water rushed down her throat, quenching the fire inside her petite body. Once she got the burning under control she wiped the tears streaming down her face with her hand, glaring at Noric. Aradia put her hands on her hips and stared him down, her lower lip poking out with a pout.

It isn’t funny; I really thought I was going to die. You never know.. I could have been poisoned! Aradia gave a sweet chuckle, smiling at Noric. His laughter was warm and welcoming, much like his personality.

The man kept laughing, she thought he had gone a touch insane, was her face that funny looking? Then he said something that shocked her “Those Vantha eyeballs of yours don’t know how to react! How did he know? I guess it was a little hard to hide her Vantha heritage; her eyes did have a mind of their own. Aradia could never hide how she was feeling, unless she kept her eyes casted down so an individual could not see them. But still, how did this man know about other races? She was about to ask this question of him but she noticed there was another man that had come up.

She just noticed the man had entered their group, with all the commotion caused by herself she did not have time to really notice her surroundings. He was a small man, easily mistaken for a woman if he did not dress so manly. His golden brown hair traveled the length of his neck, and his brown green eyes were staring at Amelia. Aradia frowned at this, she was going to introduce herself, but it seemed he only had eyes for Amelia. She could not blame the men, she was mysteriously beautiful, almost unworldly beautiful. She could captivate any man she wanted, even women. Aradia grinned at the man and nodded her head at him in greeting. She didn’t want to interrupt his focus on Amelia.

Aradia stood up from her stool, feeling slightly uncomfortable being in-between the two’s focus. If flirting was going to happen between the two, she most definitely did not want to be caught in the middle of it.

When her feet hit the ground her body began to sway, she threw out her arms to steady herself. Hey.. Guys.. There is something wrong with this floor, it keeps moving! Aradia said giggling at the floor. She made her way towards Noric, and placed her hands on his shoulders to steady her body, her head casted down staring into his lap. Uhm.. Sorry.. But the floor is moving and.. It seems I cannot walk that well. She frowned down at his lap, then quickly looked back up to Noric. A light blush bloomed on her cheeks, but she could not help but laugh when she looked up at his shocked face. Her laugh came out soft and light, pure silk filling the tavern.

When she was done laughing she looked up at Noric, her body resting against his knees. She stared him straight in the eyes; those sea green orbs captivated her. She felt like she was staring at the mesmerizing sea, drowning in the depths. She did not blush at her thoughts, must have been the alcohol, it was liquid confidence just like Jeb mentioned earlier. Her purple eyes swirled into a Teal color as she gazed into his eyes. You have pretty eyes.. Aradia said softly, reaching out her hand touching Amelia’s arm softly. Amelia.. Have you seen this man’s eyes. They are gorgeous! Aradia laughed softly, her head swimming with drunkenness.

My head feels like it is flying.. Aradia mumbled resting her head on the stranger, Noric, chest.


OOCOkay there is 4 people posting and I wanted to make the posting order clear for everyone. The order is as follows. ME, Amelia, Noric, Acarnatia. That way this will give everyone a turn to post a reply, and it won't be a jumble, confusing mess. Hahaha. I also would like to note that if you do not post a reply in a few days, your turn will be skipped. I understand you have a real life, buuuuut I am impatient. But when you come back PM one of us and we will wait for you to post a reply. Anyways just wanted to share that information. And Acarnatia please use the code I sent you, your text is killing my poor eyes, lol.
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Drinks and Music

Postby Amelia Cross on January 4th, 2013, 6:54 pm


Amelia leaned herself against the bar counter letting her more arrogant part crawl upon her thoughts.”Ventra…so that’s how those people are called” With her usual slow and even teasing manner she crossed her right leg over the left. Making sure to memorize the small fact about her she had found out. ”Dear, looks like that was much more than you could take” she said with a slight chuckle as she rested her palms over her right knee. The girl was clearly drunk and she was doing a good job amusing Amelia and clearly the rest of the tavern as she saw barmaids and the men laugh quite a lot, not only at her dying routine but now at her unsteady manner of walking. Aradia was clearly over the fun state of being tipsy; it was merely a matter of time before she stops realizing what’s she doing and probably letting the tavern see what she has eaten today.

”Looks like some guy is getting~” but before she managed to finish the thought, she saw how her ‘friend’ landed on Noric. A mere moment of confusion in her emotions, as she was putting her own eye on the blue eyed man. Amelia wasn’t known to be jealous of her playmates, none the less the ones she hadn’t managed to play with properly. But a bit of frustration came over her as she knew the girl didn’t know how to treat a man properly. ”guess that one is out of my list…” with a heavy breath out of her as her black eyes flew shut and the girl was left with thinking over what to do. She wasn’t looking for even a one night stand, she just wanted to have a healthy bit of flirting and that she could get pretty much from any stone wall…but she wanted to stick around the girl a bit longer, but she was beginning to feel unneeded here.

”yea, I saw them…an ocean in his eyes…””a child of Laviku” she said a bit lazily and not daring to mention Laviku in Ravok, or any other god for that matter. Above all she was scared to guess the man being a svefra, in her life spent at Syliras she has met a good amount of them and it would be a lie to say they share anything besides a fit body and blue eyes, what any human could hold. Not to mention, a svefra wouldn’t tie him down even for the healthy amount of fun one could get in Ravok. So in conclusion, she figured she’d have made a fool of herself if spoken out loud.

Finally she awoke from her far away world, with whose help she visited Zeltiva and Syliras. Now she once again devoted her attention to the 3 people she had managed to catch up tonight. She wasn’t sure was there any point in it, but she let a wide smile spread across her face as she wondered what to say, in order to break some of the forming ice of awkwardness thanks to Aradia’s drunk state, her previous customers unawareness and Noric’s…human instincts if one could call it that. However before she got to that she heard a line that amused her to the depth of her hearth ” My head feels like it is flying..” Amelia couldn’t help herself ”not the only thing that’s gonna be flying soon enough” she chuckled, black eyes glistering with playfulness as she looked up at the...couple.

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Drinks and Music

Postby Noric Sidhe on January 5th, 2013, 4:16 am

He nearly lept out of his skin when Aradia ended up half in his lap. The first real shock that registered on his face happened now. His eyes widened and his eyebrows rose clear to the middle of his forehead, while his lips pressed to a thin line. "I think our little lost little bird has had plenty to drink already. And I need some more all the sudden," he said hurriedly, holding his hand out behind him. Jeb fetched and placed his mug in his open hand with a wolfish grin, which was ignored. The powerful liquor was drained in moments, and he cleared his throat loudly against the burn on his throat, placing the empty mug behind him with a loud thunk.

His hands hovered over's Aradia's shoulders as if uncertain of what to do next. Helpless, he looked to Amelia and the young man who'd just arrived then glanced back to the drunken redhead spilling over his lap. Noric didn't really know what to do with her. She surely had no idea what she was doing; it was the liquor taking over her actions and mouth. Any other woman, or man for that matter, he would have no problem just dumping onto the floor to wallow in their drunken stupor. But Aradia was like a lamb in a city of wolves, and he had no idea how to handle this with poise and genteel manners. A sophisticated woman would know a lot better than a petty thief.

His eyes spoke an obvious plea. Help me out here? He could be a pure womanizer, but when I came to delicate situations involving vulnerable and innocent women, he turned unreliable.

OOCAs you girls would say, my creative juices weren't flowing. It gets the job done, though. Albeit very sloppily.
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Drinks and Music

Postby Acarnatia on January 7th, 2013, 2:57 am

Trychu watched, off-balance himself, as the red-haired girl fell sideways between them. He listened to Amelia, the other man and then the girl go back and forth, commenting on each other's lust, on her rapidly increasing drunken stupor, and then each other's eyes. As these things usually did, it happened quickly, unexpectedly, and he fell mentally off-balance in response; what should he do? He continued watching, speechless, as the singer sprawled upon the blonde man. Then he looked to him and Amelia with the same expression he had worn himself so many times, and Trychu, as always, was so empathic as to be akin to a mirror.
He sat there, thinking for a moment, wondering how to help him. Only a few seconds passed before he had his answer, though he knew he was going to be treading on thin ice. He breathed in, smiled a moment as he willed his genuine emotion to match it, and his smile spread into a grin. He slipped off his jacket and scarf, saying, "Ah, well, I was actually here for a room; I just recognized Amelia from a previous time. That being said, I certainly will enjoy company," he said, glancing down at 'Ara' for a moment, before looking back to meet Noric's eyes. "I'm Trychu; Trychu Gwirionedd. It's great to meet you," he said to Noric, almost breaking out into laughter. Then he looked down to Ara. " As it is you, Miss...?" he said, standing and extending his hand to her; first he was going to get her off of him.
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Drinks and Music

Postby Aradia on January 7th, 2013, 3:27 am

Aradia's head was swimming with alcohol, she really shouldn't of drank that silver fire. It made her feel loose and free, yet as if the room was spinning. She supposed this is what it must feel like while on a turbulent sea in a boat. Her stomach was doing flip flops, as she rested her head on Noric's chest with her eyes closed, trying to get control of her body. She did not like this feeling of losing her self-control, this out of body experience. She liked being tipsy, she would not lie to herself about that, but being pass tipsy was not for her.

Aradia slowly lifted her head looking at Amelia. "Ahem.. Why don't you keep him company, as it seems that other fellow has left. He looks to be a touch lonely, aye? I am going to go get some fresh air, I will be back in a little while." Why was she talking like with a weird accent, where did that come from? Aradia shook it off as she pushed herself up from the man. Wow he was stronger than he looked, Aradia could not help but smile at that thought, as she turned around.

The room felt as though it was tilting, making her sit on the man. This was not like her, not like her at all. She did not like this feeling. Then she realized that she was using Noric as a chair, and laughed smoothly at herself, before she attempted to walk again. Then the man that appeared out of no where came up, offering her his hand, introducing himself as Trychu. She looked at him hesitantly, what did he mean he wanted company? Aradia thought to herself, her eyes swirling into a yellow color. She was a kind person, but she did not give her trust to no one in the city, Ravok was full of evil people and she knew it. She wasn't that naive as people may have seen her.

She really did not know what to do in this awkward situation she had found herself in, all she knew was that her stomach was starting to roll, and she needed to get outside. She took a step towards the strange man falling to the floor flat on her face. Ouch how humiliating, that is going to leave a mark for sure. Aradia said to herself swatting off hands of help as she crawled towards the door.

"I am fine, everything is under control! I got this! Come Trychu, you can keep me company as a retch outside!" She did not know why she was yelling, but it seemed the thing to do as she crawled outside of the bar. Letting the strange man follow into the frozen abyss, she made it just outside the door before she started retching helplessly on the ground. She had not ate anything today, so all that was coming out was silver and orange as her poor stomach heaved. On the upside the cold winter air felt so wonderful on her heated skin.
Common Bold
Vani Bold/Italic
Nari Black Color

~*~ Posting Will Be Slow Until I am Done With Finals At College, and of course other RL events that has been keeping me busy! I will reply to any and all threads ASAP. I apologize for the wait! ~*~
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Postby Amelia Cross on January 7th, 2013, 4:22 am


Amelia could see the clear and loud pleads for help that glistered in the eyes of sea that Noric had. She’d have called him a wolf, but now he looked like no more than a confused lamb. He was clearly expecting her to help out, but she wasn’t really sure what to do with the girl. Amelia had to learn most of survival techniques of Ravok the hard way. It was how she turned into who she is, and even before that she was no spirit of kindness despite her upper-class manners. Now Aradia, was nothing but a bird just thrown out of its nest. She didn’t manage to fit in and even the drunk men of Ravok seemed to feel too much guilt to approach her.

Finally, she had managed to get her thoughts in order, or more precisely in the right mood to help her. But just then the girl seemed to lift herself up from Noric’s lap and look, if not ok, than at least somewhat steady, before she sat back down. Finally, the young boy introduced himself and it was a pleasure to know the name of someone you have read a fortune to. However Amelia still refrained from speaking as she felt a small lack of words fitting to the situation that wouldn’t make her appear more filled with venom than she was. However her words weren’t needed as Trychu had earned a quite notable moment of awkwardness with his offer to shake Aradia’s hand. If Amelia would have been in a state like that, she’d be more than just angry to be pulled away. Then again, he was doing well to help poor Noric. And Aradia didn’t seem to mind it as she was crawling through the door ”talk about a fun evening” she chuckled.

Realizing she will be left alone with the blond, as alone one could be in a tavern, hit her only when she heard Aradia shout for Trychu to follow her, and give her some company outside. Those two probably were a good match, bout quite naïve and bout new to the city. However that didn't matter, she had the charming man back at her possession and now she could play some more. Amelia let herself shamelessly look the man’s body, which had been tortured by Aradia’s behavior, she wasn't trying to hide her do it, she was counting on him noticing. She wasn’t doing anything but studying, analyzing, but to a man that could brush their ego and that always helped. ”you look so tensed” she said in her so common, low and inviting voice as she let her half closed eyes travel back to Noric’s. Whit one soft movement she brushed all of her hair over her right shoulder, reveling her neck and shoulder to him, shortly before turning her whole body towards him. Someone was far more interested in you, if you looked interested in them and that was something she had picked up from living in this city. ”looks like you could use some help” she finished off with her crossing her legs to the other way, to show more of her skin than something else.

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