Anaius Vasilios Silcharion Limitless ambition
Basic Information
Name: Anaius Vasilios Silcharion Pronunciation: An-eye-uss Vah-sill-ee-ohs Sill-car-ee-on Race: Human Birthday & Age: 92nd of Winter 485 AV (27 years old.) Gender: Male
Physical Description
Anaius looks every bit the young lord he aspires to be. Tall, handsome and fit he makes for an appealing and impressive figure, keeping his appearance neat and presentable at all times. Smooth, pale skin and dark hair present a stark contrast to one another, with the sole piece of colour residing in the startling intensity of his unearthly cold, pale blue eyes. A very comely man by most standards, he possesses strong and refined features, with a powerful jaw and fine cheekbones, a dignified nose and somewhat thin lips. His shoulders are broad and powerful, his lean torso corded with taut muscle earned from years of hunting and combat, a myriad of small scars scattered across his body. Narrow of hip, he possesses long legs that make up a good deal of his height, and large yet well proportioned feet. He comports himself with that peculiar ease of motion and fluid grace belonging to both dancers and true swordsmen, his every step and movement smooth.
As far as attire goes, he favours dark colours, with almost all of his outfits comprised of a rich and deep blue with some other colour thrown in for contrast. At formal functions or in more civilised company he tends to wear finely tailored suits of exquisite quality, donning closely fitting coats and jackets over crisp white shirts and wearing polished black shoes.
Character Concept
At first glance, Anaius is a difficult man to see to the core of, his true nature wrapped in layers upon layers of charm, wit and stylish clothing. After a great number of encounters with him you may even have begun to peel back some of those layers to peer at what lays beneath. Even to those who do not spend such time and effort in getting to the soul of the man, it is clearly evident to all that Anaius is a man driven in no small way by ambition. There are a great many things in this world that he desires and there is little he will stop at to attain them. That isn’t to say he is reckless or foolish in pursuit of such desires, however; Far from it, for he possesses several key attributes that set him apart from other, perhaps less successful individuals with similar goals.
Among said attributes is his nigh limitless patience, which by itself is an impressive trait. Few have been the times when young Silcharion has lost his temper and fewer still a loss of patience when in the pursuit of an item or person he has set his sights on. This, coupled with his keen intellect and frankly ferocious hunger for knowledge of all kinds make for quite the formidable individual indeed. A trait that is not quite as evident that is no less of an important facet of his character is his ruthless streak. Several times he has committed ordered acts that have fallen rather decidedly upon the darker edge of the moral scale, and not a moment of sleep has he lost over them.
To be revealed!