If anybody were to approach Rhy where she kneels beside the chicken run watching Vanator toy with a small red flame, she would tell them that no, it is not stalking, it is reconnaissance, and to please go away.
She's been watching Vanator since they had made their rendezvous plans two hours ago. Leaving only to fetch breakfast from Cadara, (a large, tough boar heart) before shadowing him as he goes about his morning chores and makes trips to the armoury and training centre. Its from there that he picks up weapons she's never used and various objects she can't even discern the purpose of and brings them to the space where the school is to be built. Like that giant padded pole he's leaning on. All she can decide about it is that she has an overwhelming desire to chew on it.
The nearly two weeks of lockdown in the Sanctuary wears on the Kelvic. Elem has his studies, Serrif and Iris have medical journals, Kavala does everything, and even Gianne has horses to keep her occupied. Rhy, on the other hand, has no scholarly pursuits other then an hour or two of reading practise with Gianne. And she can't do her usual hunting job. It is her one responsibility to Sanctuary and she can't even poke her nose outside. Leaving her feeling useless. Very, very useless.
She stalks Vanator both in an attempt to satiate her prey drive, which has been overactive lately, and because there is another reason why she wants to train with him today. All of this time inside the walls has opened her to a troubling fact in her life; she has very little rank with the Sanctuary's dogs. Ink, the male Imperial Watcher, is the alpha of the Sanctuary hounds. They all revolve around him. Including the Kelvic, who falls within the dog hierarchy. And she is determined to dethrone him. If she does, she can begin training the dogs to hunt in ernest. Maybe even teach them to be guard dogs and protectors, with Kavala's permission of course.
She chose Vanator as her model for alpha behaviour a week ago because the man not only oozes a strong sense of leadership and authority, he is powerfully built and projects an alpha-like masculinity. Something she desperately needs if she is to change her situation.
The Kelvic shifts her weight to her knees, holding her half-eaten heart in one hand and staring holes into the back of his head. The chicken coup is stone, just like everything else here, and keeps the chickens from making too much noise, thankfully. She gently rolls her knees forward with three limbs on the ground, straining her neck to peek farther around the corner. She has learned much from these forays of predatory tracking with the Armsmaster; how to hold yourself relaxed without looking any smaller, how to passively scan your surroundings, and showing authority towards animals with your voice... Its a start, but she plans to ask him questions later.
But right now she has a lesson to get to. She licks her lips and her eyes dilate to half again their size, giving into the the more active rumble of her drive. Her need to hunt totally eclipsing the small human voice in her head screaming of the stupidity of spooking large men who can set things on fire with their minds.
His back is to her, as he's facing the courtyard area, so she slowly unfolds herself from her crouch. There is nothing to hide behind from the coup to the pole besides some mismatched building materials, and she is sure his observational skills are better then her sneaking abilities, so she decides to rush him as softly as she can instead of the slower stalking rout. She lets her tounge loll as she eyes the gap between them, imagining the tall Drykras as a particularly large, distracted buck.
She wears full winter garb, but no shoes, so she has no problem rising to the balls of her feet to try and stay quiet. And with this half bent, wild eyed posture, she rushes him with as much stealth as she can muster. The footfalls are small, measured, but as fast as she dares. She counts out the steps in her mind: five more, four, three...
"Ha!" she barks, lips pulled back in a triumphant smile. In her minds eye it is not a fistful of leather pant leg she has in her claw like hand, but rather the down fur and skin of a buck between her teeth.