Winter 40, 512 AV
The nuit had a dream, and that dream was to create life. Countless years of studying alchemy and life have left him various insights and untold amounts of knowledge revolving around the subjects of his interest. Though, the same thing could be said for any nuit with an interest in just about anything. To stave off boredom he would look into an art deeper and for longer than any living thing could. With enough patience one can achieve anything they want. Patience was something that Ray had with himself and his own practices, and today his patience and dedication to the art of alchemy, to the subject of change and transformation, will allow for his dream to come true.
If there was one thing he has learned about magic it is that nearly anything is possible with the right mindset and magical knowledge. It had taken quite some time, but Sahova had gathered resoruces for the wizard when he presented them with his plan. He was lucky that Qiao had such faith in him, his abilities, but when one had such a passion for the art like Rayage did, one that allowed him to truly understand Alchemy, then Qiao would be a fool to dismiss such skill and dedication. Besides, it wasn’t like that Ray failed to present the nuit with tangible work and evidence of his skill. No, he had been quite resourceful in that regard, and through it had gained respect… The respect of the right people here could take the wizard a long way. Really playing the game, playing wizard politics, was the one of the only ways to gain funding for the research. Especially dreadfully expensive projects such as this one.
Project Vinonen it was called, the project which outlined the process of which he would create his homunculus: a war machine for Sahova. It was promised that it would be deadly, the island seemed fond of dangerous things, and so he had taken that into account when he designed the creature. In the end though he had no idea HOW it would turn out exactly, but instead he could only mold it with alchemy and hope for the best following his plan.
The nuit had a dream, and that dream was to create life. Countless years of studying alchemy and life have left him various insights and untold amounts of knowledge revolving around the subjects of his interest. Though, the same thing could be said for any nuit with an interest in just about anything. To stave off boredom he would look into an art deeper and for longer than any living thing could. With enough patience one can achieve anything they want. Patience was something that Ray had with himself and his own practices, and today his patience and dedication to the art of alchemy, to the subject of change and transformation, will allow for his dream to come true.
If there was one thing he has learned about magic it is that nearly anything is possible with the right mindset and magical knowledge. It had taken quite some time, but Sahova had gathered resoruces for the wizard when he presented them with his plan. He was lucky that Qiao had such faith in him, his abilities, but when one had such a passion for the art like Rayage did, one that allowed him to truly understand Alchemy, then Qiao would be a fool to dismiss such skill and dedication. Besides, it wasn’t like that Ray failed to present the nuit with tangible work and evidence of his skill. No, he had been quite resourceful in that regard, and through it had gained respect… The respect of the right people here could take the wizard a long way. Really playing the game, playing wizard politics, was the one of the only ways to gain funding for the research. Especially dreadfully expensive projects such as this one.
Project Vinonen it was called, the project which outlined the process of which he would create his homunculus: a war machine for Sahova. It was promised that it would be deadly, the island seemed fond of dangerous things, and so he had taken that into account when he designed the creature. In the end though he had no idea HOW it would turn out exactly, but instead he could only mold it with alchemy and hope for the best following his plan.
ooc :
THE Plan laid out In the first Spoiler I quoted one of the first conversations of which you answered my question (through Panna Cotta) about alchemy. Quoted within are my original message, your reply, and then the numbers of the projected death rate laid out using the example given in my original message. In the second Spoiler is the same death rate, but with smaller numbers and an approximated sterile rate. After the Spoilers I lay out my plan as to how to create this homunculus, animals/things needed, growth through the generations and projected outcome following the plan. My hopes in showing you all this is so you can have a heads up of what I plan to do in the homunculus thread. Since I have never really done a modded alchemy thread before this I’m totally use to just coming up with a plan, asking if it’s possible, and then just doing it. So it’s showing you the direction I’m going in, giving me a road map to follow as I progress through the thread, and listing other important details. All approximations are again approximations. This world is not perfect like math makes it out to be, and quite frankly the math I’m using to approximate the upcoming numbers is highly simplistic and unjust to the entire concept/complexity of life. It is just easier, when guessing, to work with entire whole numbers instead of “I’m guessing 2-5”. In the math I’m always rounding up to estimate the maximum number of deaths (according the pattern set), and lowballing my successes. Also, one thing hasn’t changed I’m still willing to admit that I am wrong, and that the plan laid out isn’t possible if you deem it so. I also acknowledge the fact that not everything will turn out as envisioned, as you told me in the HD, but I can’t help but to try my best to make this as ‘logical’ (or as logical as magic can get) as possible. Without further to do then let’s get to the nitty gritty: Death Rate Laid Out- Example 1 :
Death Ratio Laid Out- Example 2 :
Rays Research Team- Project Vinonen Unsure if Im allowed to make specific members of Rays Research team to allow for some skills which I do not possess. Besides it is hard for one man to do –everything- and Sahova recognizes that things like this goes faster with an entire team working on the homunculus, all following/being directed by one plan/research leader. This thread is the thread which Ray gained Sahovas full support for the project. Experiment Groups The Experiment is going to be broken down into two main groups: A and B. Within each group will be ten Kelvics. The Kelivcs are there for breeding purposes since they always breed true. In the introduction of new traits to a species and eventually a new race altogether this quality of the kelvic will be quite helpful in the passing on of traits alchemically altered/added. Groups A and B are separate because each are representing a different gender within the population. Group A are going to be males who are going to be transmuted with alchemy. Group A therefor will be mated with female kelvics at the end of the trials. Group B would then logically represent the female side of the spectrum, females getting transmuted with alchemy and mating with male kelvics. Groups A and B and their offspring are going to be carefully tracked. At the end of the trials each product will be labeled with a wrist band specifying which group they are in, and after many attempts of breeding if they are sterile or not. The band will include their specific Group, number of order transmuted, Sterile or not, if they are offspring or not, what generation. An example of such a band would be A-01-YN-00, translated as Group A, first to be transmuted, yes he is sterile, not a child of the experiment, generation 0. Of course the dead don’t get labeled merely discarded elsewhere. So bands might skip numbers going from A-01-YN-00 to A-11-NN-00. A-11-NN-00 means Group A, eleventh to be transmuted, Not Sterile, Not a child of the experiment, Generation 0. Children are kept track of simply too and have their parents number added onto the end of their tag to indicate who is their parent, and what generation they are. If A-11-NN had a child its tag would look like A-01-Y-11-01. After the ‘Y’ the ‘11’ means the fathers transmutation number was 11, and 01 means the first generation. Together with that information one can precisely place who the father of the child was if need be. Just look for the transmutation number (11) and subtract a generation (01-1=00) and you have the fathers tag. Generation 2’s tag might look like A-01-Y-02-02 meaning Group A, first born (and subsequently first to be transmuted), Not Sterile, Father was 02 or generation 1, child is of generation 2. Groups are kept gender exclusive meaning if A had a girl child then the girl would be removed from the study. The children of both groups will then be subject to same treatment as their parents. The aim is to further augment the traits being magically bred into them. When traits are prominent enough then Groups A and B will be allowed to interbreed forming Group C. Group C will restart the generation count of both Groups A and B, so the first members from A & B allowed to mate will be called Generation C-0 once more. Their offspring will be Generation C-1 or GC1 for short. GC1’s offspring will be GC2, and GC2’s offspring will be GC3 and so on as long as the study goes on. Groups A and B won’t be the entire experiment. To achieve the favorable property of steel-like skin there also will be a Group SLS whose entire existence is just pumping life-force/living energy/people/things into steel. SLS will be applied to each generation until desired traits are shown. There also will be three different groups of mice. Groups MA, MB, and MC. Group MA will be the control, regular, ordinary mice allowed to live and breed as much as any animal would be. Group MB will have the alchemical reactions focus on the males only, leaving the females in that group well alone. Group MC will then, of course, focus the transmutations on females only, leaving the males only. Generations are marked with simple numbers starting from Generation 0 and going on from there. The mice in groups MB and MC will be introduced to SLS and then they will be bred. Generation 1 of both groups MB and MC will be introduced to more SLS, and the ‘misfits’ (those born in the groups gender wise) will be put into cycle of creation of SLS. The surviving mice from Generation 1 will be bred to create Generation 2 of SLS enhanced mice. Gen. 2 will then be introduced to SLS, bred, and so on. Each subsequent generation of mice will be enhanced further with SLS, and it is the hope that each generation will get more and more defined traits of that put into SLS. The logic behind that being that Generation 0 will pass just a little bit of the SLS in their system when they mate. Therefor Generation 1 will already have a bit of SLS within them as they begin life. Generation 1 will then be introduced to SLS further adding to the properties bred into them. Generation 1 will then breed and create Generation 2 which will have a bit more SLS as a part of the inherent traits as Generation 1. The misfit mice that go into further batches of SLS will only help to strengthen traits of SLS present there already in SbAxNStSa5. Of course, each generation getting stronger and more pronounce features of SLS or so that is the hope. Mice from group MA will be kept as extras serve as sort of a control to measure the progress of SLS throughout the generations. Though, some males and females from group MA will be put into groups MB and MC for breeding purposes. The Alchemical Process Desired Traits: Steel-like skin (SLS), Advanced Regenerative Properties (SLS), sharp quill-hair(A&B), Humanoid(A&B), Augmented Astral Body(A&B) Glyphs Used: Paths and Barriers to further direct, control, and define the alchemical flux. Entire glyphs used in junction with Custom Charger 1 (see below) Custom Chargers Used OOCIf you have time to help!: Charger 1 from modded/dangerous to use chargers. Planning to use it to aid in the distortion/growth of the Astral Body Philters: Augment Aging RateSo we can do multiple generations in a jiffy or at least faster. Side effect can be shortened life span., Hayuns PhilterThe Djed Resistant plant in potion form! Helps by making the subject more djed resistant therefor able to survive alchemical treatment better. Materials: Steel Bars, White dye (For quill-hair), Hayuns, Water Living Things: Humanoid Races (Whatever Sahovas got. Hopefully mainly humans), Kelvics (10 male for group B, 10 female for group A), Porcupines, Salamanders, StarfishOn the Wishlist, NewtYay regenerative abilities and toxin skin! Bonus, Axolotl, Mice! Symbol Key: Sb =Steel Bars, Wd =White Dye, Ha =Hayuns, Wa =Water, LH =Living Humanoid, Po =Porcupine, Sa =Salamander, St =Starfish, N =Newt, Ax =Axolotl, G#=Generation#, MPGC=Magical Projection Glyph Charger-thing, AL=Anything with life (Plants/animals/people/Those born in the wrong Group such as a boy being born in Group B), M(Group)=Mice from the group A,B, or C. Example of symbol: MB- Mice from group B The Process- Group SLS: Sb+ Ax+ Ha+ N+ St+ Sa=SbAxNStSa1 SbAxNStSa1+ Ax +Ha+ N+ St+ Sa=SbAxNStSa2 SbAxNStSa2+ Ax+ Ha+N+ St+ Sa=SbAxNStSa3 SbAxNStSa3+ Ax+ Ha+N+ St+ Sa=SbAxNStSa4 SbAxNStSa4+ Ax+ Ha+N+ St+ Sa=SbAxNStSa5 SbAxNStSa5+(AL*10)=SLS The Process- Groups MB&MC: MB/MC+SLS=MB1/MC1 MB1/MC1+SLS=MB2/MC2 MB2/MC2+SLS=MB3/MC3 MB3/MC3+SLS=MB4/MC4 MB4/MC4+SLS=MB5/MC5 The Process- Groups A&B: LH/G#+Wd+ Po-Wa-PoD(Dead and de-quilled Porcupine(Guided and contained to scalp/hair with glyphing runes to only effect marked area. Think of it like a paint bucket on the program Paint)=LHWd/G#Wd LHWd/G#Wd+MPGC+LH-Wa=P1 P1+Ha+LH+MPGC-Wa=P2 P2+Ha+LH+MPGC-Wa=P3 P3+Ha+LH+MPGC-Wa=P4 P4+SLS*+LH+MPGC-Wa=P5 *SLS is only added in part 5 and no other parts because that is when the death ratio is actually the lowest, and the alchemists won’t have to make as much SLS given the lower number of Subjects to expose to it. The Process- Group C: G0+SLS+MPGC=Z1 Z1+SLS+MPGC=Z2 Z3+SLS+MPGC=Z3 Z3+SLS+MPGC=ZF NOTE: Formulas are for only one trial (a series of alchemical rounds/reactions), one finished product. I’ve tried to keep it as simple as possible, because, well there is genius in simplicity and if I can’t really explain the homunculus simply and plainly then I need to go back to the drawing board! These equations might seem simple, but I tried to break everything up into ‘simple’ steps because it is easier to see where I’m going/keep track/wrap my mind around complex reactions and situations broken down into simple parts. Nonetheless this is very complex alchemy. It is not the length of the formula that makes it more advanced, but rather what the wizard is trying to achieve as we put everything together and see the big picture. What is Happening Here? The next part is a step by step breakdown of what I hope to happen following the formulas written above. Each Group is explained. What is happening in Group SLS: Round 1- The potential SLS product is introduced to all sorts of living things with regenerative properties. Everything about the animals is stripped from them for there are no filters. I want to get everything about them as much into the Target (Steel bar) as possible. The reaction will be highly inefficient. Round 2- A repeat of round one, but with the product of Round 1. Same types of creatures put into the now –ever so slightly living/organic steel- resulting in the still getting more and more pronounced qualities of the creatures put into it. Round 3- Yet again the circle of change is activated with the same animals put into the fount slots. Again the steel gets more pronounce characteristics of things put into it. Round 4- As you can see by now that this is a refining process with the goal of making the features of the things sacrificed with alchemy much more prominent within the steel, along with attaching life force to it (or at least the djed code that allows life). Round 5- Once more the circle is loaded and charged with more of the specific creatures mentioned. Round 6- The SLS-to-be is charged with the life force of ten different animals. Properties such as hair, fur, claws, skin, ect are to be filtered out appropriately unless the animals used come from Groups MB and MC, upon which a regular mouse from the control group is put in the filter, filtering out all the normal mice characteristics and leaving the slightly more empowered SLS. The mouse thing will happen as soon as Generation 1 is born from either MB or MC. This is to further improve the quality of the SLS put onto the mice/Groups A and B which will in turn improve the quality of the transmuted subjects. It’s going to be a self-sustaining cycle of sorts of progression and continuous change! NOTE- Misfit children born in the wrong group will be removed from the study and put into the further creation of SLS. Nothing will be wasted! What is happening in Groups MB&MC: Round 1: Mouse is introduced to SLS. Round 2: Mouse is exposed to more SLS. Round 3: SLS is transmuted into the Mouse once again. All the while properties of SLS become more apparent in the Mouse. Round 4: Once more the Mouse is Targeted with SLS Round 5: If mouse survives the last SLS treatment it is then allowed to breed. Generation 1 though X is then imposed to the same series of five transmutations before they are allowed to breed. The bred mouse will have the inherent traits of transmuted parent mice (or at least half their genetic code. Wonder what traits are dom and submissive) making the offspring already have SLS traits. Then more SLS (and perhaps more potent SLS) is introduced to the mice each generation. Basically the breeding in of desired traits.* *The Mice are for the further production of ‘purer’ and purer (more pronounce, perhaps?) SLS with each new generation. The SLS created from the mice will then be plugged into the equation with Groups A and B. What is happening in Groups A&B: Round 1: Subject is introduced to Porcupine quills and white dye, guided and confined in the scalp area. The initial reaction won’t be very impressive, and change of the hair’s features will be seen gradually over generations. The color chance, however, might be quite apparent, but the spiky, hook-like properties of the quills won’t be apparent till many generations of it bred into the creatures. Round 2: Subject is introduced to the special ‘’taking the properties of magic’’ charger, also known as charger 1. The charger/glyph-thing is charged with projection to grasp and stretch/distort the astral form. Human life/properties are also transferred to the subject. Water is filtered out. Round 3: The subject is introduced to a new substance, the Hayuns extract which serves to bolster immunity to djed. Magic glyph is introduced again to continue the distorting of astral body. Round 4: Round 3 is repeated in Round 4 to further enhance the prominence of the magic trying to change the subject. Round 5: Round 4 is repeated in Round 5 again for the same purpose. Round 6: SLS is introduced into the equation. The subjects that survive this trial will be allowed to breed. What is happening in Group C: When Group C is created this means the experiment is on its last and final part. Round 1: Homunculus is exposed to SLS and MPGC to further instill both properties into the final product. Round 2: Process is repeated. Round 3: Process is repeated. Round 4: Process is repeated. Finished products are allowed to breed. Process (rounds 1-4) continues until desired properties are observed. Last Notes As you can see my initial design has changed dramatically since I put in the HD ticket for the Race. Im still going for a distorted astral body though, but I now picture its form to be as unpredictable as a mutation, not having a set way that they are defined but differing between each homunculus. Again, I didn’t add any more ‘concrete’ details because I want to see what YOU and I come up with IC, basically how the alchemy itself plays out in the world of mizahar uninfluenced by OOC desires and wishes. The aging potion I requested will be given to the females who are pregnant to induce growth and therefor labor sooner. The same concoction will be given to the children so they can come to age which they are fit to breed sooner. |