[Verified by Siren] Jesslyn Skyglow

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Jesslyn Skyglow

Postby Jesslyn Skyglow on January 6th, 2013, 5:53 am

Jesslyn Skyglow


Basic Information:


Name: Jesslyn Skyglow
Race: Vantha (Human)
Age: 20
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 119lbs
DOB: Winter 5th, 492AV
POR: Avanthal
Mother- Nadia Whitevine
Father- Jacklin Whitevine
Fluent Language-
Basic Language- Vani
Poor Language- Common

Character Appearance:

Jesslyn stands very tall due to both her parents being in the upper 5ft to the lower 6ft in average height and is very fit because of an active life and fast metabolism. Jesslyn has high cheekbones and sunken cheeks making her face appear thin and long. Her jaw in all truth is actually not long and is set a little to the left by just a hair, very hard to actually tell in less you are told or you feel her jaw. She has a flat wide nose and small plump lips. Her forehead is a little longer than the usual human but doesn't make her look 'alien.' Her ears are on the smaller side but she has no insecurities about them. Her skin is a natural dark tan that has been lightened by the lack of sun she receives.

Jesslyn, like most Vantha, has eye's that change with her mood. But her's usually tend to stay a dark dull purple color. This is because Jesslyn is blind, her eyes naturally appear dull in color and when they shift it's usually close to gray. Her pupil its self is a silver color that will slightly color to the rest of her eye.

Jesslyn's hair is black but because red is the color that is shimmered in it, it can appear a dark brown. Her hair is exceptionally long, about 3 feet, and is usually very straight by nature.

Jesslyn wears the usual white cotton shirt, cotton pants, fur coat, and fur boots. But she has a cloak that is a little below her knee's that is a white silk out on the outside and on the inside, which goes a little below the white, is a baby snow blue. And on the white there is silver designs, like wind gusts and snowflakes.

Key to her eyes:

Dark Red= Heatedly angry, she will have warmth radiating from them.
Dull Purple= Usual Color, hardly changes from it.
Dull Dark Grey= Dead, when her cells can't produce a color.
Purple/Red= Pleased, usually found when she is overly happy.
Purple/Grey= Scared, usually paired with anger so deep red can be found lingering and flashing and is not always seen as her eye cells cannot reproduce fast enough to keep up changing color.
Green=Sad, hard to see as it blends with the natural dull but if really sad it's plane as day
Dirty pink= Swooning Pared with things or people who make her dizzy or flushed. Or even the dreamy sigh on the side.
Winter Creek= Playful Usually flashed when she is getting into mischief. Or making it.

Character Personality:

Jesslyn by nature is an alpha, but a situational one. If she has to she can take the lead or the dominance persona if need be. Though she tends to be very laid back and kind of 'go with the flow' type of person. What often makes Jesslyn a little on the 'weird' side of things is she doesn't have a brain the mouth filter, what comes with that is she is very opinionated and independent. So if someone wants to change her mind on something they better have some serious evidence and structure to get her to move.

To add to her, Jesslyn is also stubborn. If she sets her mind on something she isn't going to budge. Which also adds to the fact that she is head-strong, confident, and will pursue anything she wants. Many like the simplify Jesslyn's actions in more of a 'cave-man' way because she makes things seem simple to you by brute force or short small terms, even if they are very complicated.

Character Fears:

Being blind you would think that she wouldn't really have fears as she can't see but in fact, you are wrong. Jesslyn has a fear of silence, with out sound she doesn't know where she is and she cant see in a sense. She goes into a panic attack to the point where she will end up blacking out. And if, by the time she wakes, she isn't in an area with sound she goes into another attack.

She also fears being completely alone. She can be at her Hold alone because she knows there are other people in the same area but if she were to go outside of her Hold and into the wild she can't do it. Her body freezes up and she panics.

Character Dreams:

Jesslyn doesn't have a huge dream as he one that all Skyglow reaches for she doesn't have much faith of reaching because she is blind. She can only take others words for her art work.

One of her smaller dreams is to be the Mistress of a Kelvic. She has always loved the company of humans but it excites her to no end that if she was the mistress of a Kelvic she could have the companionship of an animal and humanoid.

Another small dream is to one day maybe meet Vannis Skyglow. She has always wondered what is would be like to meet the great artist who her Hold trusts as a leader. And she would like his input on her art work.

Her last small dream is to maybe one day talk to Morwen, The Goddess of Winter. She has heard tales of the divine beauty of Morwen, who charms all by her beauty. So Jesslyn being Jesslyn she wishes to have a actual conversation with the goddess and not be charmed. Jesslyn worries that the goddess has too many people fawning over her and not a lot of conversations with them.

Character Notes:

Jesslyn uses vibrations in sounds to see. She can get outlines of things with in a 5 foot radius of her but no details. She can get the shape of something or someone but nothing in which is on them. She cannot see the color of anything or the details of something. Simply the outline of the major shape.

Because she lacks sight her other four seances are enhanced a small bit, only to make up for the lack of sight. The human mind and body naturally does this to survive. She does not have super hearing or anything of such but her hearing, touch, taste, and smell are all a little more sensitive.

Jesslyn is a painter, her art is usually on black or white canvases though she can paint objects that don't have small details. It has taken year to be able to actually paint with out making major mistakes but Jesslyn has finally gotten to that point, though she is not a master as of yet.

Jesslyn caries around a walking stick that doubles as a weapon if she needs it. Though that is very rare it still helps to have it with her.

Jesslyn is also on a medication that has enough in it to last her a month, so three bottles a season. But every third of a season she must go visit her parents, or they send her a visit, to get a new supply. The price of the medication is about 15 silver a bottle. She needs only two drops in each eye once a day.

Starting the 90th of Winter:
Injuries: Jesslyn sustained moderate bruises on her torso and back that will last for 21 days, as well as light bruising on her arms and knees that will disappear after 14 days. She suffered two cracked ribs which will heal within 40 days with medical treatment. There is a small cut on her forehead which will not develop into a scar. Jesslyn will also feel the effects of mild concussion for 15 days.
Last edited by Jesslyn Skyglow on July 24th, 2013, 3:14 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Jesslyn Skyglow
Remember the good times, and never forget.
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Jesslyn Skyglow - Character History

Postby Jesslyn Skyglow on June 4th, 2013, 4:43 am


Born The Night: Winter 5th, 493AV

Jesslyn's mother's water broke just as the suns rays touched the sky last. Her mother was rushed to the hospital. Nadia had demanded she have a room in which she could see the sky. No one wanting to go against the pregnant woman in pain, they complied.
Six hours later a healthy baby girl was born while purple, blue, and gold lights light up the night sky. Well healthy as everything but her eyes. Jesslyn wouldn't open her eyes.

Fear The Light: Winter 17th, 493AV

Jesslyn's parents didn't know what was wrong with their little girl. They had gotten blessings, did everything right, and the birthing had been perfect. But Jesslyn's eyes still would not open.
In their panic Jesslyn's parents did everything they could. Took her to all these different healers but no one could come up with a reason.

Blessing Of The Blind: Spring 7th, 495AV

Even after a couple years Jesslyn had failed to open her eyes. But she could talk and hear just as she should at her age so her parents learned to adapt.
While the family was out visiting Nadia's parents Jesslyn had been playing with the other children when she had fallen and began to cry. Nadia had come running to her precious baby in a heartbeat. Only to come back to her husband crying with joy.
Nadia held in her arms an opened eye Jesslyn. Her dull purple and grey eye's a little red from crying.

Sad Hope: Spring 10th, 495AV

As soon as the family was able to they took Jesslyn to a revered healer and asked for their input.
The elder woman had looked Jesslyn in the eye, had asked her questions, and then had given her parents the best answer she could. The baby's eye's had not fully developed and to protect them her eye lids stayed shut. Their baby's eyes were the dull color because Jesslyn was blind. The eye's would never fully develop and they were lucky the baby's mind and body had kept her eyes closed until her eyes would be able to stand the outside environment.

Forever Supported: Spring 23th, 495AV

Nadia had started to notice that Jesslyn would not keep her eye's open as much and that they would get red with irritation from being open. Fearing that her baby's eyes were starting to die off, Nadia dragged her husband and Jesslyn back to the elder.
Again the elder helped the child. This time when the family left they left with a bottle of an herbal remedy for Jesslyn's eyes. Her eye's were not producing enough natural liquid to keep her eye's clean. Even when she blinked there was not enough. So the parents were left with no choice other than to supply two drops in each eye a day.

Young Life: 503-508AV

Jesslyn's life has always been a little harder than others because of her eye sight. And as she grew up she learned that everything she did she would have to practice and practice and practice. Nothing would come easily. She was never really teased for being blind as she could hold her own against the other children. It was because of how she grew up that she became the woman she is now.

Constant Reminder: 509-510AV

While a lot of her friends were getting married and moving Jesslyn had failed to capture the eye of any one. Maybe a fluttering crush when they were kids, but not now. No one wanted the possibility of having a corrupted child. So every time Jesslyn would go to visit an old friend she would have to be reminded that they had moved holds.

Lovely Icemaiden: 509-510AV

Jesslyn wasn't a lonely child, she did have a close friend. Sylvia WhiteVine (now Sylvia Skyglow). The two were inseparable and is hurt both girls when Sylvia moved. Before Sylvia left she and Jesslyn spent the day together. Jesslyn had cried very hard when her friend last hugged her but had smiled in joy when Sylvia called Jesslyn her Lovely Icemaiden. Later that same year Jesslyn convinced her parents to let her move the the Skyglow Hold. As she already had skill in painting and she would be with a close friend. Her parents were very reluctent but they knew their darling Jesslyn would never really be able to work on the human body, even with years of practice. Wearily they agreed, but only if Jesslyn was able to succeed in her art work.

New Hold: 510-512AV

Jesslyn has lived in the Skyglow Hold for two years now and has been doing fairly well. She is supported by her bestfriend and her parents, but also by selling some of her art work to those who will look at it. She has attempted to make new friends but it's hard when she doesn't know a lot of those already in Skyglow. She currently is thinking about opening a shop of her own, to sell her art work.


Winter 512AV

Jesslyn meets a lot of the other members of different Holds, get's lost a whole bunch, greets new people to the city, and gains a rival.

Spring 513AV

Jesslyn begins to fall for a Frostfawn and starts to gain a new best-friend in place of Sylvia, who is starting to become scarce in Jess' life. Jesslyn experiences a ghost and makes an odd companion out of a Frostfawn Deer. Then after the loss of her bestfriend and her love interest Jesslyn goes into a serious state of depression. Tending to leave herself in her home which after a particularly bad emotional brake down, is now a total mess and a health issue due to all the broken glass and splinters lying around. After being helped pulled together, only a little bit, by Lorelle Jesslyn starts to get better. But she still slips into days or weeks of anger.

Summer 513AV

Last edited by Jesslyn Skyglow on June 28th, 2013, 1:41 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Jesslyn Skyglow
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Jesslyn Skyglow - Character Skills

Postby Jesslyn Skyglow on June 4th, 2013, 4:44 am



Lore of Seeing Blind
Lore of Whitevine Calture

Lore of Noticing Things that are Out of Place
Lore of Sylvia’s Heirloom Necklace
Lore of Hiding from Robbers
Lore of Frustration with the Inability to Create Tears

Lore of Being Patient with a Suspicious Woman
Lore of Snapping Back at an Irritated Woman
Lore of Demonstrating How You See with Vibrations

Lore of Svasra Is A Fellow Icemaiden
Lore of Teaching Finger Painting To A Friend
Lore of Story: The Lights of Morwen
Lore of Story: The Tale of Colors
Lore of Sharing Fond Memories Through Stories

Lore of Depending on Sounds with the Lack of Vibrations

Lore of Embarrassment from Letting Your Mouth Slip
Lore of Frostfawn Men Are Thickheaded!
Lore of Breaking into Restricted Areas to Admire Sculptures
Lore of Looking at Artworks from Another Perspective
Lore of Enjoying Soren's Touches

Lore of Enjoying the Sensation of Another's Laughter
Lore of Blindness Is a Challenge Not All Are Blessed With

Lore of Entertaining an Awkward Visitor at Your Home
Lore of Sylvia Is More Important than Shopping

Lore of Bullied and Assaulted by Mindless Thugs
Lore of Assessing the Severity of Your Own Injuries
Lore of Fear at the Sudden Absence of Your 'Sight'
Lore of Reluctance to See Parents While in a Terrible State

Lore of Getting Ready For a Date
Lore of Getting the Jitters
Lore of Layout of Soren's Arvinta
Lore of Shape of a Snowflake



Name Acquired Amount Total Level
Painting SP & XP +10 +1 +4 15 /100 Novice
Balance SP +8 8 /100 Novice
Focusing SP +7 7 /100 Novice
Storytelling RB & XP +10 +2 +1 13 /100 Novice
Bargaining SP +5 5 /100 Novice
Cooking SP +5 5 /100 Novice
Singing SP &XP +5 +1 6 /100 Novice
Weapon:Staff SP +5 5 /100 Novice
Running SP &XP +5 +1 6 /100 Novice
Observation XP +3 +4 +1 +2 +1 +2 +1 14 /100 Novice
Persuasion XP +1 +1 2 /100 Novice
Interrogation XP +1 1 /100 Novice
Rhetoric XP +2 +1 3 /100 Novice
Teaching XP +2 2 /100 Novice
Seduction XP +1 1 /100 Novice
Socialization XP +4 +2 6 /100 Novice
Last edited by Jesslyn Skyglow on July 24th, 2013, 5:21 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Jesslyn Skyglow
Remember the good times, and never forget.
Posts: 338
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Joined roleplay: January 6th, 2013, 4:00 am
Race: Human, Vantha
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Jesslyn Skyglow - Character Items

Postby Jesslyn Skyglow on June 4th, 2013, 4:46 am



1 basic 20x20 Arvinta in a Hold with a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and a small table.


White undergarments, shirt, pants, fur coat, fur boots, walking stick,and silk cloak.


Backpack, balanced rations (1 week), flint & steel, waterskin, bone comb, bone brush, soap, razor, and eating knife.


Silk Cloak




Sylvia’s Heirloom Necklace
Necklance :


Quarter Staff

Name Amount Miza
Eye Medication 15 Silver
Quarterstaff 1 Gold
Artist ToolKit 25 Gold
Gold to Avis 2 Gold
Eye Medication (May/June) x2 30 Silver
Eye Medication (July/August) x2 30 Silver
Amount Left 71gm 25sm
Last edited by Jesslyn Skyglow on July 24th, 2013, 4:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Jesslyn Skyglow
Remember the good times, and never forget.
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Joined roleplay: January 6th, 2013, 4:00 am
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Jesslyn Skyglow - Character Threading

Postby Jesslyn Skyglow on June 4th, 2013, 4:48 am


means it has been graded
Imagemeans has been turned in

Summer 513AV

Avanthal- More Than Just A Frozen Sea In The Frozen Lands

[White Elk Stables] Sickness... not so fun (Jesslyn)

Picture This; Snow, Snow Everywhere. [Meville)

Show A Gal Around But Hold The Attitude (Tar)

Spring 513AV
Image 2nd-
Weighing the options

A night with a Skyglow (Jesslyn)

Frustration Leads To Friends [Lorelle]

Image 10th-
Sweet Vinegar. Bitter Honey. (Jesslyn, Soren)

Image 18th-
[Red Diamond] Speaking of Spelunking

From the Dead, Cries of a Love Long Lost [Jess & Sera]

The Blind Don't Want To See [Windward Boardwalk]

Breathe A Sigh

Lorelle Oh Lorelle

Painting The Sky

News From The OtherSide

These Tears Will Fall

Sold! But Missed

Winter 512AV
A Midnight Stroll

Employee of the night

Overcoming Suspicions [Jesslyn]

Lovely Icemaiden

Quest for a Chest

Image 54th-
Turning Stones

Walking the Streets (Open)

A relaxing evening of art [Jesslyn]

A Mess Of Us All. [Kalimalka]
Last edited by Jesslyn Skyglow on July 24th, 2013, 4:58 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Jesslyn Skyglow
Remember the good times, and never forget.
Posts: 338
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Joined roleplay: January 6th, 2013, 4:00 am
Race: Human, Vantha
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Jesslyn Skyglow Questionnaire!

Postby Jesslyn Skyglow on July 17th, 2013, 5:14 am

Sit with me, ask some questions, learn a little.


General Information :
1. What is your Name? Jesslyn Skyglow. Formally Jesslyn Whitevine
2. Do you go by a nickname or pet name? Jess, Jessi, Jessikins, Lynn, Slyn, Lovely Icemaidne. Or you know, ones people come up with. Though the last one is really just for Sylvia to use. And Jessi is Tars nickname for me.
3. How old are you? 20! WOO HOO!
4. What is your height? 5'9" and proud
5. What is your weight? An unhealthy 119lbs.

Aesthetics :
1. Describe yourself as you see yourself. Well I can't see.... pardon, that probably made you feel really bad didn't it? Well I see myself as a proud woman who is very open and friendly but doesn't know how to say no nor back down from a fight without mentally killing the person. Horrible I know but hey, it's better than actually doing it... right?
2. Describe yourself as others typically see you. I don't know how to answer this to be honest. I mean, different people see you differently. But I guess the major thing would be a face that is always welcoming and friendly. Oh and a sweet heart.
3. What is your favorite body feature? I don't want to make it awkward again but I cannot see... so this is actually a little hard. Um, I guess I could say I like my legs. There really long and from what I told they are a little toned and are dark skinned.
4. How physically fit are you? Not in the best condition as I'm skinnier than I should be but I'm healthy. It's mostly because I'm just lankey and not a lot of muscle anywhere.
5. How do you typically dress and what is your style? Well I've been told it's the color 'white'. And well, I dress in whatever I'm given or have gotten while shopping with friends. Can't trust myself to get good clothes. My style is my friends, can't say anything really for a style but that.

Family :
1. Who are your parents and what are they like? Nadia Whitevine is my mom. She's the worry wort of the family but also the supporter and the one who helped me through a lot of tough times. She's always been there and care for me.
Jacklin Whitevine is my dad. He's the pusher. He's always been there but he's really into his work and he doesn't see my as a weakness but I know he'd rather have me living with them than on my own. And to be honest I understand sometimes better than others.

2. Do you have any brothers or sisters? I wish, though I've been told it's the opposite when you actually have them.
3. What is your extended family like? Well, on moms side their like her, except her sister... lets just say she isn't in the city anymore and will never be coming back. And Dad's side is a little nicer than him. Very open and both sides like to hear from me as often as they can.
4. Do you consider close friends as important or more/less important than family? Just as important. I wouldn't have them around if they weren't.
5. Do you treat animals like family? Well, I've only had one companion, a Frostfawn Deer, and I don't treat him like family... more like an old friend.

Location :
1. Where were you born? The Whitevine hold.
2. Where do you live now? The Skyglow Hold.
3. If you could live anywhere in Mizahar where would that be? I think it would be to live with someone. I don't want to leave the city but I do wish to have a partner or some company every now and then.
4. Do you have a favorite place to vacation or spend leisure time? Well, I like the forest... though I always get lost.
5. Where do you fear to be? Somewhere where I can't hear or see. I can't 'see' as well when I can't hear anything. Of course I can see around me but it's like one big vibration is taking up my area of sight.

Traits :
1. Do you have any physical weaknesses (disease, scars, and missing limbs?) I'm blind but I don't consider it a weakness. It's simply a challenge not everyone is faced with.
2. Are you right handed or left handed? Left handed.
3. What languages do you speak? What do you sound like? Do you have an accent? Vani, Common, and I mean.. I have a symbol 'language' of my own that I understand.
4. Do you have any odd mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
5. Do you have (or want to get) any tattoos or piercing? Why do you have them (or will get them) ?

Occupations :
1. What is your occupation?
2. Do you like/dislike your work? Why?
3. If you could be anything you wanted to, what would you be?
4. What occupation do you admire the most? Why?
5. What occupation do you lest like? Why?

Childhood :
1. What sort of child were you?
2. What is your favorite memory from childhood?
3. What is your worst memory from childhood?
4. What sort of relationship did you have with your parents?
5. Who was your most influential rolemodel?

Education :
1. What sort of education do you have?
2. Do you like/dislike learning?
3. Where or how did you learn most of your skills/abilities?
4. How do you learn best?
5. What are your educational goals for the future?

Relationships :
1. Do you form close bonds with people? Why? Why not?
2. Do you trust people easily? If not, why not?
3. Do you consider yourself straight, gay, bi, or something else?
4. Have you ever been kissed? If so, describe the first time.
5. Have you ever had sex? If so, describe the first time.

Drugs and Alcohol :
1. Have you ever been drunk? If so, describe your first time.
2. Do you like to drink on a regular basis?
3. What sort of alcohol do you prefer?
4. Have you ever tried drugs (mood altering substances)? If so, which kinds and what did you think of them?
5. What do you think of drugs and alcohol? Be specific.

Likes and Dislikes :
1. What are your hobbies?
2. Do you like to read?
3. What annoys you more than anything else?
4. What do you find the most relaxing activity to do?
5. What kinds of things embarrass you? Why?

Favorites :
1. What is your favorite color or colors?
2. What is your favorite time of day?
3. What is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?
4. What do you like to eat? What do you hate to eat?
5. What is your favorite type of weather? Does any kind scare you?

Outlook :
1. Are you optimistic or pessimistic?
2. What are your religious views?
3. Would you be able to kill?
4. What are your views on sex?
5. What, in your opinion, makes a successful life?

Actions :
1. What is the worst and best thing you’ve ever done?
2. What is your greatest regret?
3. What is your best/worst memory?
4. If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be and why?
5. What are you the most proud of doing in your life?

Emotions :
1. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings with others?
2. Do you have any biases or prejudices?
3. What makes you happy?
4. Who or what, if anything, would you die for?
5. What makes you angry?

Relationships :
1. In general, how do you treat others?
2. Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
3. Who is the person you respect the most, and why?
4. Do you have a spouse or significant other? If not, describe an ideal lover.
5. Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why

Group Situations :
1. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?
2. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?
3. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?
4. Do you care what others think of you?
5. What do you think of others, in general?

Self Image :
1. What is your greatest strength as a person?
2. What is your greatest weakness?
3. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
4. Are you generally introverted or extroverted?
5. Are you generally organized or messy?

Beliefs :
1. What God or Goddess do you find most appealing, if any?
2. Which God or Goddess do you fear, if any?
3. Do you have any Gnosis Marks? If so, how did you receive them?
4. What lengths would you go to to please your deity?
5. Where do you draw the line at pleasing your deity? What is too much?

Life & Death :
1. What do you absolutely live for?
2. What is the best part of life?
3. What is the best part of death?
4. If you could choose, how would you want to die?
5. What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?
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Jesslyn Skyglow
Remember the good times, and never forget.
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Joined roleplay: January 6th, 2013, 4:00 am
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