5th Of Fall 512 AV
The sun bore its gaze upon the fiery sands and Shyknyps found herself with her eyes closed sucking up the heat. She was sitting and her back and face was glued to stone, she would admit whole heartedly it was the warmth she did love the best. Wild green eyes hid behind veils of circular red glass.
Just a rapscallion on a meal mission patients was key.
She was a lurking predator lying in wait for her tastey morsel.
And in time, from her stoop.
She saw it flash its tail and scury off. And she to catapaulted herself off the side walk and pursued her victim with a level of utmost urgency. She could feel her stomach gurgling in a manner that seemed judging, like it bordered being upset but almost exclusively at her. She could almost envision the taste of fat juicey succulent rat. Repulsive? To most absolutely, but to a snake it was like exotic honey drop candies. She noticed her human pallat salivating at the prospect of true rodent flavor, enhanced in ways by sensitive taste in human form that most other races would envy.
THIS was going to be special.
Shyknyps was now in hot pursuit of some seriously fast food.