Closed [Noric]~~ The Singer and The Thief

Aradia is situated on bench in a desolate street pondering her own self-worth, singing since she assumes she is alone..

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

[Noric]~~ The Singer and The Thief

Postby Aradia on January 4th, 2013, 3:12 am

17th of Winter 512AV

Aradia nestled herself on a bench overlooking the canal. She watched the small boats drift lazily across the calm water, and let out a heavy sigh. This place was romantic and beautiful, with a dark mysterious gleam to its atmosphere. It was definitely nothing like her quiet peaceful home. Aradia crossed her legs tightly, being mindful that she was wearing a dress, even though the length came down to her ankles, one can never be too careful. She wrapped her cloak around her small frame, just like she would a blanket, keeping the hood down to feel the warmth of the sun upon her face.

When Aradia set out on her adventure away from home, she was expecting something a little different than Ravok. She craved adventure, romance, and of course fame. But all she felt was utter loneliness buried deep within her soul. Aradia could not help but feel out of place in this city. It was full of illegal activity, death, anger, and of course intimidating people. Her soft personality just was not cut out for such a hard and rough place. She met a few people who were not as hard edged as some of the others, but they still carried an aura of danger about them that Aradia could not look past. All she wanted to do was spread love and happiness with her music, change the world for the better, find love and happiness in her life as well. She was feeling at a lost and somewhat like a failure.

The sun rays dance upon her bright red hair, making it shimmer into a dark pink color. She clasped her small, pale, cold hands together for warmth as she continued to gaze upon the mysterious canals. Aradia let out a heavy sigh as she began to sing. The song came out as a soft melody, sadness dripping on every word. The song was about a pirate losing the love of his life, to that which he held in utmost reverence, the sea. She gazed around her seeing that she was alone on the desolate street, and continued to sing louder. Music healed her soul in ways that most people would not understand. Music was her doctor, and she it’s patient.

OOCSorry it is short, feeling a little lacking on the creative juices at the moment. Hahaha.
Last edited by Aradia on January 7th, 2013, 4:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[Noric]~~ The Singer and The Thief

Postby Noric Sidhe on January 4th, 2013, 8:21 pm

Noric scratched the stubble on his neck for probably the tenth time in 15 chimes. His brother glanced over and gave him a none too gentle elbow in the ribs. "Would you quit that? It's distracting." Noric smiled and shrugged, rubbing his side gingerly. "It's a habit, you know that." Allinol glared then rolled his eyes back in the direction of their target. "Whatever, just hurry up. I have a date." A thick silence fell between them. "By date, you mean you're going to visit the brothel." There was no answer. That was a silent yes.

Noric looked at the old merchant they'd been tailing for the past bell and watching for three days. The man was a visitor in the city. When he'd asked around the market where the man had a stall for the past week, a few reliable sources told him the old man was from the far southern desert. Why he'd come such a long ways north was a mystery to him, but it was unimportant. He was after some of the copper jewelry the man was selling for ridiculous prices. If it was silver he could understand, but copper was a far cheaper metal. And yet this man was selling his wares for the price of finer metals. One matching set his of jewelry was near the price of a gold locket. No one in their right mind would pay that much, and yet he was getting steady business.

"I like the copper torc and armband. I'm going for those." Allinol motioned forward with his hands. "Go get them then. I'll provide a distraction if you end up needing one." Noric nodded and moved into the crowd to begin his work. He wore his cloak's hood down so he didn't stand out. On a fine winter day in the middle of a bustling market crowd, a man slinking around with his face hidden would draw more attention than if he acted casual. He also didn't make a straight path toward the foreign salesman's stall either. Instead, he stopped at a few stands along the way, browsing for several chimes and asking questions about wares. After nearly half a bell he was at his destination. Noric stood behind a small troop of women examining the finely crafted copper pieces as they were laid out. The merchant wasn't completely finished getting ready, as was his usual.

Every day the twins had been watching him he'd opened later than more than half of the other stands. The merchant looked around at the waiting customers with tired eyes. Noric smiled casually over the top of the women's heads. He had plenty of time to make his move, and so he waited patiently, examining the wares with the women as if he were another normal customer. He commented on the torc he was planning to snatch. "That's a rather nice piece. Looks well made." The armband was nowhere in sight at the moment. "It's from the finest jeweler in the south, I assure you," the man replied. And I'm a magical beast that flies through the air. Despite his skepticism Noric merely nodded and moved along the display, examining one of few silver wares. An intricate pair of earrings that were rather hideous in his opinion. They looped and spiraled like knots before ending in a single dangling pearl at each tip.

It ended up that the armband was not set out, though it seemed the merchant was done with his display. Perhaps someone bought it when I wasn't around. A very good possibility. But the torc had obviously been a matching piece that made a set. Why hadn't they bought that too? It would have brought more money to Noric if he'd been able to take both. Sets always sold for more. Now it would just be another random piece of jewelry, though a handsome piece. Each end of the rigid neck ring had a sculpted ornament in the shape of an eagle's head with its beak open as if about to cry out.

The dark skinned merchant was deep in conversation with two of the women in the small group, holding up a few brooches to allow closer examination. Noric watched for several short moments before he sidled back to the end of the stall with the torc. He glanced back to the busy foreigner, making sure his attention was elsewhere. Just as he was about to pluck the jewelry from where it lay, a strong hand grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the stand. His heart did a little skip and dance inside his chest until he whipped around and caught sight of the face of who had hold of him. It was a mirror image of his own face. Allinol. He let out a gusty breath and relaxed, recognizing his twin after the moment of shock. His surprise was replaced by quick anger. "You idiot, what do you think you're doing? I was just about to get it and you drag me off. What the petch has gotten in to you?"

His brother made a quiet gesture with his finger, instantly putting Noric on alert. He asked a silent question with his face to which Allinol answered by pointing across the partially thin crowd to a trio of men. Ebonstryfe were making a random patrol. He cursed silently to himself and followed his brother away from the failed attempt of thievery. "What are they doing here? Shouldn't they be worrying about the temple and Rising Dawn right now?" Allinol ran a hand through his hair, exasperated. "I have no idea why they're here. But the moment I saw them I went to retrieve you in case anyone saw you snatch anything. You didn't, did you?" Noric glared back at the stand but realized it was unimportant. Pieces of cheap copper being sold at high prices, nothing more. There were better things to steal in this city. Much better things.

"I think he'd sold the armband. You pulled me away before I could grab the torc. I guess I'm glad for that. I don't want thrown in the prison." Allinol nodded and led the way out of the merchant ring. "Let's get out of here." The two of them split up once they reached the docks. "I'll see you later tonight at the tavern. Fallin said he'd stop by too." Allinol left for the brothel, not to Noric's surprise. Left to his own devices, he walked down along a side road. It opened up onto one of the many canals, which he followed in the general direction of the Silver Sliver. A good drink and all would be well again. He slipped into an alley shortcut and just as he was about to come out the other side, a pleasant voice lit upon his ears. A familiar voice at that. He stepped out facing the canal and looked to the left. Aradia's hair was just as bright as last time, though looked more pink than red. Definitely one of her many unique features. The song she sung struck a cord in him; the lyrics touched something deep inside that he'd always missed out on. The Svefra father he'd never met, most likely out at sea right now if he was still alive.

Did he and Allinol look like their father or mother the most? Their uncle Fallin had always said they had their mother's hair and lips. Was everything else a mirror image of a swashbuckling father perhaps miles away in a far off sea? His chest felt a little tight as he made his way over to the bench she was perched on and sat down, stretching his legs out in front of him and lacing a long arm over her narrow shoulders. He smiled casually and raised his eyebrows. "Surprise, beautiful. Heard you singing and I had to come say hello. So, hello. Hope you aren't too startled."
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[Noric]~~ The Singer and The Thief

Postby Aradia on January 4th, 2013, 10:39 pm

Aradia sang the sad song of the seas, happy in her own little world. Every emotion and thought was stopped at a halt, as she let her melody flow out into the desolate canal. The calm canal resembled the calm with in her as she carried on the song of those who sail the seas.

Her voice came to a squeaking halt, the high not sounding like of a eagle's shriek, as a familiar voice came up from behind her. She almost fell off the bench from being startled, she assumed she was alone, left to her own thoughts and music. Aradia cleared her throat, and a light blush grew on her cheeks, as Noric sat down on the bench beside her. Did he just call her beautiful? Her purple eyes swirled into a flamingo pink color, as she looked over to Noric with a shy smile. She didn't think she was beautiful, he was obviously being charming. What a womanizer. Aradia said to herself, letting out a small laugh at her own thought.

Aradia could not help but look into his sea green eyes, they were still mesmerizing to her. Her own eyes changed into many different colors, which was frustrating to her. Sometimes a woman would like to hide what she was feeling, but once someone caught on to what color equals what, they could read her like a book. This always annoyed Aradia because she was a secretive person.

"Oh Noric you startled me, I thought I was alone! I like to come to this desolate calm spot, to sing for my own benefit when my mind is weighed down.
Aradia said with a frown and a sigh, but she just as quickly replaced it with a bright smile. "It is so good to see a familiar face. I would like to apologize again for the other night, I was a little tipsy." Aradia giggled at the memories of that night in the bar. She was giving Noric a lot of attention that night, maybe too much attention. She wondered if she stroked his ego a little too far that night. But she cast the thought aside for now, and continued to look into his sea green eyes with a warm smile on her face. He was such a handsome man, charming too, but she still wanted to keep a small distance between them. The last thing Aradia wanted to do is trust this man too much, she did not know his profession or who he really was, and she did not want to be hurt. Even one's best friend can kill you.. That is something she learned from this city.
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[Noric]~~ The Singer and The Thief

Postby Noric Sidhe on January 4th, 2013, 11:13 pm

"You don't have to apologize. It was the alcohol taking over your brain. I'm sure you learned your lesson and next time you won't go for the strong stuff so fast. Be about the same as drinking piss in the desert for as much good it'll do someone like you." Noric had never been a man for subtle, watered down words. He rubbed his jaw and smiled crookedly down at Aradia with a shrewd eye. Her cheeks were almost as pink as her hair was in the sun, and then so were her eyes at the moment. It was quite the sight. He'd always wondered what caused the Vantha to have such a trait. His uncle probably knew after traveling and reading so much, and so he may ask him tonight at the tavern.

Aradia was quite the show the other night at the Silver Sliver. And he couldn't help but smile again at the memory of her practically lying on top of him in a drunken stupor in front of the entire tavern, all flustered and flirtatious. Now she was once again the shy and subtle visitor to Ravok, like a lost lamb. Wolves were attracted to lambs just as he was, and she should be careful of what she got herself in to. Luckily he was no threat to her, only likely to cause some mischief and turmoil in her life. He liked new adventures, and she seemed like a fine little one to have stumbled upon. And yet he had to admit to himself that it wasn't just his flirtatious tendencies that drew him to her, but also her innocent and kindness. It was refreshing.

His uncle wasn't originally from Ravok, so he wasn't raised into thinking like those born here. Fallin had taught Noric and his brother that Ravok was not all that it seemed, and with their eyes not clouded like those birthed here, they understood quite a bit that went on that others did not. All was not rainbows and sunshine in Rhysol's city on the lake. But it was still home and a true ball of fun. Though really, a thief could find fun in just about every place but a prison. Maybe even there if one wasn't afraid of a good lashing or beating.

"What was that song you were singing just now? About the sea?" His tone was more serious now. "I don't think I've ever heard it before, but it makes me think of something. Have you been to the Suvan?"
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[Noric]~~ The Singer and The Thief

Postby Aradia on January 5th, 2013, 1:10 am

She was glad that Noric accepted her apology, although his use of words did make her frown a bit. Piss in the desert?..That was something new. She could not help the small chuckle at his words. They were a bit vulgar, but the humor was still there behind them. Her pink eyes swirled back to purple, the feeling of embarrassment disappearing. This man had a very welcoming personality, it was like he drew people towards them. Even with his pleasing disposition, danger lurked behind those sea green eyes and that cunning smile of his.

When Aradia left her home she was looking for adventure while traveling the lands singing. Why she chose Ravok as her destination, she will never know. Danger lurked deep with in the shadows here. Everyone here seemed to have a friendly facade, until they got you deep with in the shadows. A slight shiver shook Aradia at that thought and she could not help but wonder if this Noric was like all the rest.

She set her thoughts of Noric aside when he mentioned her song about the Sea. "No I have not been to the Suvan Sea, but my parents had the pleasure of going there before. The song is one my mother learned from a sailor there, and she taught it to me." Aradia seen that Noric became very serious when he asked her this question, the charming light disposition disappeared. Aradia looked up at him and frowned. "Why so curious? Are you from the Suvan?" Aradia asked this because she was confused as to why his playful personality disappeared.

This was why Aradia loved singing and spreading the joy of music around the world. People could relate to her music, whether it be sad or happy, it brought memories up. And one can always find a happy memory inside a sad one, if the right words are in the music. With the mark of Rhaus she would please Rhaus by spreading love and joy around the lands through her music. What better place to start doing that then Ravok? This place definitely needed some love and happiness spread across it's streets. She looked down at the underside of her wrist, stroking the harp there fondly as she awaited Noric to speak again.
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[Noric]~~ The Singer and The Thief

Postby Noric Sidhe on January 7th, 2013, 12:47 am

"I actually don't know where I'm from. I could be from the Suvan. It's a major possibility, since my father was, or still is if he's alive, a Svefra. Never met him and of course I've no idea where he's at." He scratched the stubble on his neck. "Only reason I know even that much is because my mother told my uncle when she left my brother and I here in Ravok. We were barely at walking age so I don't remember anything." But then he suddenly smiled. "Not meaning to give you my whole life story. Anyway, songs of the sea just remind me that he could be out and about somewhere."

"Where are you from? You and your parents. I have no idea why someone as innocent and naive as you would want to come all the way to Ravok. You have to be from pretty far away. Did you live with the Vantha?" A legitimate question, since she had the eyes. But that didn't explain her flaming hair; the Vantha were dark haired people.

Noric followed her eyes down toward her lap, but didn't see the gnosis marked on her wrist. He wouldn't have known what it was even if he had; it wouldn't been just another tattoo. He looked back to her face, examining the fine features. If she stayed here she could likely change for the worse. Corruptive people, a lot of slave trafficking, and on top of that a dislike for visitors weren't good for a young woman fresh from parental protection.

OOCVery lacking in creativeness for this post.
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[Noric]~~ The Singer and The Thief

Postby Aradia on January 7th, 2013, 1:22 am

Noric didn’t know where he was from? That must be a horrible thing, not knowing exactly who you are and where you were originally from. Svefra, she heard some mentioning of that race before, not much to know a lot, all she knew is that they loved the sea and traveling by boats, but that is as far as her intelligence went on that race. Then he said his mother left him and his brother here, why would she just push her kids off on someone else and leave them? How could a mother do that to little kids!? Aradia’s eyes swirled into pitch black, until one could not even see her pupils, her anger washing over her at the immoral woman. But she did not say anything; she did not want to talk bad about his mother.

”I apologize if my song brought up memories that hurt you. It was never my intentions.” Aradia gave a small smile, her eyes staying a black color at the thoughts of a mother giving up her child. Then he started asking questions about her. She was hesitant to answer; people here seemed to use things against others, so she was wary. Even of the kind faced man, looks are misleading.

She visibly hesitated looking at the man, her eyes swirled with black and yellow. She mulled the pros and cons of it over and over in here head. Pausing and just looking at the man for 3 chimes, before she answered him decided to take a leap of faith.

”I am from the Cyphrus region. My mother is Inarta, my father is Vantha. I did not intend to end up in Ravok, but here I am. I do not think it is such a bad thing, this place needs some.. peace, to say the least. But I am not as innocent and naïve as you may think..” Aradia said the beginning hesitantly, she wasn’t comfortable sharing personal information with anyone that lived in Ravok, but she said the last with stern confidence, staring Noric straight in the eye as she did so.

Sure she was a kind hearted individual; sure she wanted to spread happiness and loves to others and would do anything for anyone. Sure she was innocent in the sexual sense and talking with males. Maybe she was a little naive when it came to Ravok. But she was also strong and intelligent, confident, and she had an attitude when she had to show it. She could be like the people of Ravok if she wanted to, but she just chose not to be, because she had morals that she did not like to break.

OOCThat is alright, it happens :)!
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[Noric]~~ The Singer and The Thief

Postby Noric Sidhe on January 7th, 2013, 2:51 am

She obviously wasn't pleased with his childhood circumstances. He on the other hand was fine with it. You couldn't miss parents you'd either never met and/or didn't remember. Plus he'd had a great childhood. A brother that he was close to and an uncle that had been a better father than most. They'd never gone hungry, always had clothes, and their uncle's home had been clean and organized. Everything was always in good repair and nothing was ever lower than average quality. A better life than most could claim to have had. But then again his uncle was not a poor man. Though, not rich either. They'd never been close to ever living in the Noble District; a fact that had never bothered them once. Why be picky when you had what you needed plus a little bit more?

Aradia's irises were now as black as coals. They were like the night sky without a moon and stars. Not that he'd ever seen the sky like that, but it's what he imagined it would be like. The sky had actually been about that dark during the storm last spring. Not a time he liked to remember. Ravok was still healing from that chaos. Better to not think of that and stay in the here and now. "Don't you worry yourself. Your music didn't make me unhappy at all. I never knew the man. I admit it makes me wish a little that I had met him, but if I met him any time now I'd probably just break his teeth out." He chuckled loudly and smiled widely at her, hoping to lighten the mood.

At least they were off the subject of him. It was her turn to spill some information, though he could tell she was hesitant. And all very well that she should be nervous. Information in this city was about as powerful as money, if not more. You could ruin whole families with just a few words; families that had been around for years, who had power and wealth beyond imagination. But knowing where someone was from was no information that would give anyone a foothold.

Noric nodded as he mulled over her words. He understood now why she had the red hair on top of the eyes. But Ravok and peace? He almost wanted to laugh. On the inside it seemed peaceful, but from the outside everyone thought this city was full of brainwashed lunatics. He'd been to Syliras and heard plenty of their opinions. And really, it was. The Ebonstryfe and Black Sun ran the city under the guidance of the Voice and Rhysol. Four entities that were not to be messed with in any way unless you were the Syliran Knights or Rising Dawn. He was glad that he wasn't usually fooled by the going ons in the city, thanks to his uncle. Noric and his family prayed to other deities. They were no threat to Rhysol and his city, though. Just another trio of crooks.

"Aradia, I think you're going to have a hard time bringing peace to this city. You'd have to go all the way to the top, and there's no way you'd ever get there. When you're a citizen here, everything is hunky-dory. When you're visiting, you might as well be a speck on the street. People are going to appreciate your music for a while, but there are other entertainers as well. Ones that have been here all their lives that aren't strangers. And if music isn't someone's cup of tea, they go have some fun at the whore houses. Imagine a city filled with crooks, simpletons, spineless followers, some normal folk on the side, and then power hungry predators. Now give that city a name, and it's Ravok. Welcome to the worst vacation destination in Mizahar." He raised his eyebrows at her.

"By all means make it better for yourself and get yourself registered as a citizen. At least then people wouldn't categorize you lower than the slaves, and you could come and go as you please without worrying about that status changing."

OOCPoor Noric and his family! They pray to other Gods, but only Rhysol hears, and they don't even know it. Talk about a bummer.
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[Noric]~~ The Singer and The Thief

Postby Aradia on January 7th, 2013, 3:19 am

Aradia was happy to hear that her music did not bother him or make him unhappy. She made a vow to Rhaus to spread love and happiness in the world with her music, the mark of course will help her do that, whenever it became activated. Her eyes calmed down to a purple color, hearing that he did not really want to see his father anyways, since he wanted to knock his teeth out. Still though, parents should not be so careless with their children. Even if he had a guardian, there was no body that could replace your parents in life. It bothered her greatly, because she had two of the most wonderful loving parents, and hearing that he did not she felt bad about that fact. She supposed not everyone’s life can be rainbows though. There was that smile again, that smile that held humor, kindness, and a little deviousness. Aradia was becoming strangely happy to see that smile on his face.

After she explained to him that Ravok needed peace, he railed into her though. She did not like the fact that no one believed in her ability to do good, sure people may become tired of her music eventually, but climbing to the top was hard? Maybe, but she was determined and knew she could do it if she set her mind to it. Then he said that since she was not a resident she was viewed lower than a slave! What sad morals this city had. She was not lower than a slave; she got a job at the Silver Sliver as an entertainer, and was living at a pretty decent Inn at the time as well. She just had yet to register herself to the city because she did not know how long she was going to stay in Ravok just yet. She wanted to make sure it was where her deity wanted her to be first, he lead her life since he gave her the gift of a mark.

Aradia was a little upset at Noric, he did not believe in her ability it made her feel worthless. Sure he wasn’t really a friend yet, but to be beaten down when you are already down was horrible. Aradia’s purple eyes became black around the edges as she stood up swiftly from the bench, standing in front of Noric, with her finger pointing in her direction.

”Why do you not believe in me? I can do this I know I can; through Rhaus I can do this. Sure Ravok is a city full of people whom lack morals and sensibilities. But I can at least attempt to save a few souls from self-destruction and nefarious deeds! Music holds a power like no other. Power is not in your muscles, Aradia tapped his arms for emphasis as she continued her rant Power resides here and here! Aradia tapped her chest where her heart was as well as the temple of her head.One can only do so much with brawn. I am sure there is quite a few people in this city that only wants to feel love and happiness. Sure to someone like yourself it may be a laughing matter, I may sound a little strange, but to me it is the best gift I can give to the world, and by Rhaus I will be doing just that! Aradia crossed her arms staring down at him, glaring into his eyes.

She seemed like a sweet innocent naïve child, until it came to her passion. She was passionate about her music and her deity’s will. She would not let anyone stand in her way of accomplishing her goal. Nor was she going to let someone beat her down, when she was already feeling depressed about being in such a disgusting place. Aradia’s temper cooled down not too long after it started, the black disappearing and gray replacing the purple and black. She felt bad for jumping on Noric for him just explaining how the city was. She knew how it was, and she supposed she was a little angry at herself and took it out on a stranger. Aradia inhaled a deep breath letting it out.

”Noric I am sorry for exploding on you, it was uncalled for. You were only trying to tell me how the city is, I understand how the city is, but things and people can change! They just need a little shove to do so sometimes.” Aradia could not help the little pout of her lower lip; she was feeling really horrible at yelling at Noric, it was so out of character for her to explode like that. But he messed with the one thing she loved and cared for, she had no one except for her music, and she was protective of that.
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[Noric]~~ The Singer and The Thief

Postby Noric Sidhe on January 9th, 2013, 10:05 pm

His eyebrows climbed up his forehead as their conversation took an argumentative turn. He really never could have guessed that she'd defend herself so fiercely. But he was glad for it. If someone didn't have a backbone they weren't worth bothering with. It seemed Aradia did not have this problem. He leaned back against the bench, letting her give him the tongue lashing he probably deserved. But he couldn't help and be skeptical of it all. Sure, music was a great thing to have around, but she treated it like it was a magical power that could heal souls. It could make people feel things for a while, but then real life hit them in the face again and reality sunk back in. Noric crossed his arms over his chest and sighed silently to himself, letting her get it all out.

Finally she was back to her normal, sweet self. Who knew the kitten had claws? He smiled at the thought, but shook his head at her. "You don't have to apologize. It was called for. If you criticized my work I wouldn't care, but it's obvious you're very intense about music. While I'm going to have to say let's agree to disagree about music making such an enormous impact on this city, I still wish you the best of luck." Noric held his hands up with palms open to the sky, as if in defeat. "I just don't want you to be disappointed if it doesn't work out exactly as planned. I think you may have hooked a too big of a fish, and won't be able to reel it in."

This city was a lot more complicated than what she knew. How could a newcomer possibly understand the workings of a city she'd just come to, and hope to change it with entertainment? It was true he believed words were one of the most powerful forces at man's disposal, but hoping to make everyone happy with a few fluffy songs just didn't seem possible to him. One person couldn't please every other single person, let alone the Voice. This was hers and Rhysol's city. Every thread of every life floating on this lake was attached to them, and Aradia would find that out on her own. Which reminded him of something else she'd said. "What do you mean, 'by Rhaus'? The God of music?"
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Noric Sidhe
It'd be a shame if that necklace disappeared.
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Joined roleplay: December 31st, 2012, 8:27 pm
Location: Ravok
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